Celebration Newsletter - Winter 08-09

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Volume 7 Number 1

Celebration The Newsletter of Breakthrough Collaborative Winter 2008–2009



In This Issue: Celebrating Three Decades With 30 Top Alumni • Looking Back Over A Banner Year • Thanking Our Donors

message from the


Chief Executive Officer

Mialisa T. Bonta

As I celebrate my first anniversary with Breakthrough Collaborative, I am taking the opportunity to reflect on how much we have accomplished over the past year. With the addition of our first growth cluster affiliate in Miami and our continued efforts to expand Breakthrough nationally, we are set to transform the lives of more students and aspiring educators across the country. Thinking back, I am also struck by all the good work that preceded me at Breakthrough Collaborative and how a strong mission, coupled by extraordinary commitment and perseverance over the years, has enabled Breakthrough to have the potential to become one of the national leaders in innovative and quality out-of-school time learning for middle school students likely to be lost in the achievement gap. This year marks a significant milestone for Breakthrough: our 30th anniversary, launched with our first site at University High School in San Francisco. It is thus fitting that the focus of this newsletter is on our three decades of successful efforts to inspire and cultivate generations of educational leaders to come.

In this “30 Years, 30 Leaders” issue, we profile 30 individuals who have not only made a mark at Breakthrough Collaborative, but whose experiences with us have informed their future successes and propelled them to serve their communities in meaningful ways. Some are former Breakthrough students; others, former teachers. Some have been both, while others worked as staff or administrators in our national or site offices around the country. But no matter their affiliation with Breakthrough, what they—and thousands of other Breakthrough alumni—have in common is an experience that has touched them indelibly and led them to touch others for the better. As classroom teachers, founders of charter schools and educational not-forprofits, research and policy analysts, professors, administrators, and student leaders, these 30 demonstrate time and again that Breakthrough Collaborative has been at the forefront of positive change and innovation in education. Given this unique moment in our nation’s political and economic history, there couldn’t be a better time to celebrate Breakthrough’s continued investment in leadership. There is, of course, so much more cause for celebration. You will also see in this issue our annual roll of donors—friends whose generosity has been invaluable to us—as well as highlights from our Breaking Bread for Breakthrough event in September at which Mayor Cory Booker of Newark, N.J., served as keynote speaker and Mayor Gavin Newsom of San Francisco acknowledged our 30 years of “breakthroughs” on behalf of children and youth across the country. I look forward to even more opportunities to celebrate Breakthrough in the time to come.

Breakthrough Collaborative Board of Trustees Marshall C. Milligan Chair Santa Barbara, Calif. Stu McLaughlin Treasurer San Francisco Carl W. Vogt Secretary San Francisco Mark Atkinson San Francisco Melissa Buckley San Francisco John Flickinger Miami Susan Sachs Goldman Washington, D.C. Elizabeth “Betsy” A. Hannaford Wayzata, Minn. Sheila Larsen San Francisco Esan Looper San Francisco Robert Macrae Cincinnati William Matthes San Francisco

Polly Merrill New York Scott Pearson Tiburon, Calif. Billy Peebles Atlanta Sarah E. Stein San Francisco Nadine Terman San Francisco Grace Voorhis San Francisco Trevor Watt San Francisco Joan Wattles Denver Kathe Williamson Washington, D.C. David Winton San Francisco Rhea Wong New York Mialisa T. Bonta Ex Officio San Francisco

Kate Mehr Annapolis, Md.

Mission Statement Breakthrough is a collaborative of programs that increases educational opportunity for motivated middle school students and encourages talented high school and college students to pursue careers in education. Breakthrough Collaborative establishes and promotes high standards, ensures the success of all programs, and acts as the national voice of the Collaborative.

Cover (from left to right): Nadja Shaw, Jason Freeman, Bryan Wagner, Destiny Peery, Ebele Okobi-Harris, Ben Jackson, Quinn Rallins, Dana Lehman, Jabali Sawicki and Carolina Martín


Celebration Winter 2008-2009

Highlights e h t m fro


Mialisa T. Bonta joined Breakthrough Collaborative in the fall of 2007 as the new Chief Executive Officer and led the launch of a multiyear growth strategy. She has led implementation of Breakthrough’s Strategic Plan, strengthening academic rigor, teacher excellence and sustainability of local sites across the Collaborative while moving forward with the first multi-site expansion in Miami. Ms. Bonta, who holds undergraduate and law degrees from Yale, also received a master’s degree in education from Harvard. Prior to coming aboard the Collaborative, she was Associate Director of Strategic Initiatives and Legacy Development at the Stupski Foundation, which supports educational reform efforts at the district level, and was a Program Resource Officer at the San Francisco Foundation. For several years, she served as City Director of Leadership, Education and Athletics and Partnership (LEAP) in Connecticut, a community-based academic and social enrichment program for youth. In October 2007, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation awarded Breakthrough Collaborative a fiveyear grant of $3.25 million to support the expansion of Breakthrough Miami. This first major gift from a regional funder is a powerful endorsement of the national strategy to convert local sites to regional clusters and better serve communities. Securing this gift marked the successful completion of the first benchmark of the growth plan developed with the Bridgespan Group in 2007 and funded by Atlantic Philanthropies. In June 2008, Breakthrough Miami launched an expansion site

at Doctors Charter School in North Miami. While the Doctors site is in its first year, it launched with a solid site-based leadership team, a strong commitment from the host school’s administrative and board leadership, and a successful summer program for 47 incoming sixth graders taught by 15 high school and college-aged teaching interns. While continuing its flagship site at

Breakthrough’s positive ripple effect, 11 percent of the teachers were themselves former Breakthrough students, and almost 30 percent were returning to Breakthrough following previous summers of teaching. More than 93 percent indicated interest in participating in Breakthrough again. About 75 percent were college students from top institutions across the country, including Harvard, Yale, Stanford, the University of Chicago, Berkeley, Brown, Howard, Washington University, Spelman, Swarthmore and Columbia. With their commitment to their students, passion for learning and desire to lead, these diverse future teachers and educational leaders inspired their students, themselves the next generation of young leaders in their communities. Breakthrough provided more than $500,000 in pass-through funds from Atlantic Philanthropies to support affiliates in developing multi-year strategic and development plans. By the end of 2008, 26 affiliates will have completed strategic planning, and 28 will have finished development planning, fortifying foundations for long-term

Approximately 770 outstanding college and high school student interns taught full-time for six weeks during the 2008 summer sessions at 35 Breakthrough sites, representing a 10 percent increase over the number who taught in 2007. Ransom Everglades School, as well as the first site at FS Tucker Elementary School, Breakthrough Miami will continue to add expansion sites annually, growing from 200 students a year to a regional cluster serving more than 1,000. Approximately 2,700 motivated middle-school students participated in academically rigorous six-week summer sessions and school-year tutoring and enrichment across the Collaborative. More than 80 percent of Breakthrough ninth-grade students enter rigorous college-preparatory high schools, taking the next step on the road to college. Approximately 770 outstanding college and high school student interns taught full-time for six weeks during the 2008 summer sessions at 35 Breakthrough sites across the country, representing a 10 percent increase over the number who taught in 2007. Reflecting

success and sustainability and ensuring that Breakthrough will remain strong in each community for future generations of eager students and aspiring teachers. During the 2008 summer session, the third cohort of Breakthrough Fellows completed a 10-week summer internship at Breakthrough sites across the country. These six talented future leaders, selected from a large applicant pool, participated in the annual Breakthrough Leadership Institute, visited different Breakthrough sites and spent their summers working closely with site directors in Denver, Fort Lauderdale, Miami, New Haven, Sacramento and San Francisco. In addition to providing leadership and support during the 2008 summer session, Breakthrough Fellows gained the skills and knowledge necessary to serve as future Breakthrough program directors, building the pipeline of leaders within the Collaborative. (continued on page 4)

Celebration Winter 2008-2009


Breakthrough launched a massive data and evaluation effort. The Research and Evaluation Team expanded and customized the online tracking database to allow affiliate sites to track students’ course enrollment, grades and individual Success Plans to ensure all students succeed in college-preparatory high schools. Every Breakthrough site in this country tracked student outcomes through this tool, representing a significant leap forward in the use of data to ensure high-quality programming. The national Growth Team completed the due diligence process to target future communities for growth. In 2009, Breakthrough sites, such as New York and Atlanta, will begin a process to transition from single sites to multi-site regional affiliates, serving an annually increasing number of sites and students at multiple local sites. After a successful launch in 2007, Breakthrough DC welcomed a second class of 40 students to Chavez Public Charter School in 2008. All of the students in Breakthrough DC live east of the Anacostia River, where it is estimated that only one in 20 ninth graders will eventually achieve a post-secondary degree. In 2008, Breakthrough Kent Denver expanded to a second site at Manual High School. With students from five new partner schools, the total number of schools served in Denver is now 12. Breakthrough Kent Denver at Manual High School will expand to serve more than 120 students by 2010. Four Breakthrough Collaborative students are among the 75 students nationwide who were named Young Scholars this year by the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation. This highly coveted honor provides scholarships to exceptionally gifted eighth graders so that they may continue pursuing their academic passions. In most cases, the funding endures through their college careers. The four—Trevon Alred and PaChia Thao of Breakthrough Saint Paul, Avery Martinez of Breakthrough New York, and Kao Ye Thao of Breakthrough Sacramento—were selected from approximately 1,000 applicants.


Celebration Winter 2008-2009

new members

of the

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Breakthrough Collaborative Kate Mehr has welcomed to our national Ms. Mehr is the executive director of the national network for Citizen Schools. A former Board of Trustees six new teacher, she has worked in the not-for-profit members over the past year. and public sectors for more than two deWe are pleased to introduce cades. Ms. Mehr is an alumna of Amherst Colthem here and recognize them lege and of Harvard, where she received her for all that they and our other master’s degree in public administration from highly valued Board members the John F. Kennedy School of Government. are doing on behalf of Breakthrough around the country. Nadine Terman Mark Atkinson The founder and Chief Executive Officer of Teachscape, Inc., a national organization that assists educators in introducing 21st-century teaching practices into their classrooms, Mr. Atkinson is an award-winning journalist who previously worked for both ABC and CBS News. Mr. Atkinson graduated from Yale.

Sheila Larsen Long involved in Bay Area civic affairs, Ms. Larsen has been affiliated with San Francisco School Volunteers, the Northern California chapter of Achievement Rewards for College Scientists, the San Francisco Educational Fund and the Children’s Theatre Association of San Francisco. A graduate of Stanford, Ms. Larsen earned a master’s degree from Northwestern’s Medill School of Journalism and an MBA from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business. A professional actor, she also worked as the director of operations for Levi Strauss and director of volunteer activities for the San Francisco Symphony.

An investment Partner with Blum Capital, Ms. Terman was previously affiliated with Behrman Capital, Merrill Lynch and Goldman Sachs. Ms. Terman graduated from Stanford, where she earned a B.A. with honors and distinction and an MBA.

Trevor Watt Mr. Watt is a director at Hellman and Friedman private equity firm. He previously worked at Morgan Stanley. A graduate of Princeton, he received his MBA from Stanford.

Joan Wattles Ms. Wattles has been a longstanding volunteer and dedicated board and committee member at many not-for-profit organizations around the country and, in particular, in Denver, where her family is based. She earned her B.A. from Stanford.



Fiscal Year Review

July 1, 2007 - June 30, 2008




REVENUES Foundations Corporations Individuals Trustees Events Earned Income Government Release of Prior Years' Net Assets

1,648,439. 161,850. 362,259. 171,075. 351,363. 244,024. 42,000. 252,945.

51% 5% 11% 5% 11% 8% 1% 8%



Foundations Corporations Individuals Trustees Events Earned Income Government Release of Prior Years' Net Assets

EXPENSES Academic Excellence Teacher Recruitment & Training Site Support & Training Research, Evaluation & Policy New Site Development Administrative Fundraising & Communications

267,430. 201,371. 1,449,726. 319,491. 347,982. 222,842. 444,943.

8% 6% 45% 10% 11% 7% 14%



Academic Excellence Teacher Recruitment & Training Site Support & Training

For the fiscal year ended June 30, 2008, the organization changed its primary method of accounting from cash-basis to accrualbasis. As a result, current year expenses of approximately $250,000 are covered by restricted revenues recognized in previous fiscal period(s).

Research, Evaluation & Policy New Site Development Administrative Fundraising & Communications

Celebration Winter 2008-2009


Breakthrough Collaborative has a great deal to celebrate. Chief among our achievements and milestones is our 30th anniversary, which we have been celebrating this past year. Since our founding at University High School in San Francisco in 1978, we have enjoyed dramatic growth as well as significant success. Through our summer, weekend and afterschool programs, we have excelled, over the past 30 years, in preparing tens of thousands of high-potential, underserved middle school students for the rigors of college-preparatory high schools and of higher education. Likewise, we have inspired thousands of bright and committed high school and college students across the country to embark on rewarding careers in the field of education. So profoundly transformed have they been as Breakthrough teachers, role models and mentors to our middle school students that many have embraced the opportunity to make a positive difference as educational leaders and agents of change. Today, alumni of our program—teachers and students alike—are in the forefront of educational reform in this nation. Classroom teachers, administrators, academics, research and policy analysts, founders of innovative public schools and not-for-profits, they carry with them their Breakthrough experiences, which continue to inform the meaningful and groundbreaking work in which they are engaged. As we acknowledge our three decades of positive impact on the community, we salute the educational leaders whom we have touched. We are proud to highlight in this issue 30 of these individuals, who recount how Breakthrough has shaped their lives and their careers.


Veronica A

Veronica Alvarez Director of Operations at High Tech High Schools, a consortium of charter schools in San Diego County. Formerly with KIPP in San Francisco and New Visions for Public Schools in New York. Hometown: Washington, D.C. Education: B.A., Barnard; MPA, Columbia Breakthrough experience: Teacher in San Francisco in 1998 and program coordinator in San Francisco from 2001 to 2003

“I have chosen to work in places with objectives similar to Breakthrough’s. My own aspirations were shaped by my experiences at Breakthrough, where students’ talents, equality and commitment are truly valued. I attribute my first summer at Breakthrough to my going into urban education. The kids were smart and funny, and their parents were amazing. “High Tech High is project-based learning. It’s very interactive, a carryover from my Breakthrough years. Just like Breakthrough, it is a total team effort, and everyone is committed to the same end.”

Eric Anderson Educational research analyst for the Long Beach (Calif.) Unified School District. Formerly a research and evaluation consultant with the Los Angeles Unified School District. Hometown: San Francisco Education: B.A., University of California, Davis; Ph.D., Stanford


Celebration Winter 2008-2009

“Without a doubt, the program was my first taste for teaching—and I was hooked. I taught American government and history. My students formed cities in each of my classes, and they elected public officials. I was blown away by the ideas the students came up with, how bright and capable they were. “Breakthrough got me into contact with urban education, and it demonstrated how much you can accomplish with a well-supported staff. Breakthrough draws to teaching people who might otherwise not go down that road. It definitely drew me.

“More than any of the academic work I did in college, Breakthrough prepared me for the classroom. I saw myself as a change agent. I was 17; my mentors were 19. I was so inspired by the energy and talents of the students, as well as my peers, that I knew that I wanted to be an educator after Breakthrough.

“Like Breakthrough, Spark is geared toward middle-school students. Breakthrough Collaborative continues to be supportive of my efforts to reach my students and to provide expertise to me as we help Spark’s kids develop their own learning skills.”

Eric Anderson

Breakthrough experience: Student in San Francisco in 1978 and 1979 and teacher in San Francisco from 1980 to 1983

“Breakthrough convinced me that we need to get kids exposed to really smart teachers. For this nation to compete, we need to build from the bottom up and develop systems where mediocrity is not the default system. I would not have ended up where I am without the experience of Breakthrough. It’s a template by which great work can get done: a think-out-of-thebox program, followed up with commitment and leadership.”

Komal Bhasin Principal of Excel Academy, a “no excuses” public charter school in Boston that prepares middle school students for college preparatory high schools. Former teacher at a KIPP school in New Orleans, former assistant principal at KIPP schools in New Orleans and Houston, and a corps member of Teach for America in New Orleans. Helped found a public school in Houston for kids displaced by Hurricane Katrina. Hometown: Palos Verdes, Calif., a suburb of Los Angeles Education: B.A., Harvard Breakthrough experience: Teacher in Manchester in 2000 and 2001 and member of the Cambridge leadership in 2002 and 2003

“Breakthrough was a very important first step in my decision to enter teaching. I had been on the pre-med track at Harvard as a neurobiology major.


Christopher B

Christopher Balme Co-founder and executive director of Spark, a San Francisco-based not-for-profit that inspires middle school students to pursue their education and career interests through hands-on apprenticeships in local workplaces. Hometown: Boston Education: B.A., Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania Breakthrough experience: Teacher at San Francisco in 2002

Rhonda Brou


“There is a sense of creating new opportunities for students and a context for connecting with people. I saw first-hand the gains that all students make when they’re engaged and the importance of building celebratory cultures of learning. Breakthrough puts complete trust and faith in young people, the teachers as well as students. It says, ‘Everyone can!’”

Cynthia Brown

“I saw right away that being a teacher at Breakthrough wasn’t about showmanship. Neither was it about being a camp counselor. You had to connect with the students, and they had to connect to you. It felt like we were getting our hands dirty and delivering material in a real way.

Nurse practitioner, Odessa Brown Children’s Clinic, Seattle.

“Breakthrough got me thinking about inequality and civil rights and made me believe that success is very possible. I don’t think I’d be in education if I hadn’t had that experience.”

“Breakthrough made me love San Francisco—I was a shy little kid from North Carolina—and it made me excited about school. More than that, it created pathways and opened doors, making it okay to pursue education. The academics were tough, but they were absolutely fantastic, and I met a lot of people who became role models. I was the first in my family to graduate from college…In my practice, I get to watch a lot of kids grow up. I try to be a role model to them, encouraging them to pursue an education.”

Rhonda Broussard Executive Director of St. Louis Language Immersion Schools, Inc., a network of language immersion elementary charter schools in St. Louis. Formerly a public school teacher in Queens and Brooklyn, N.Y.; West Hartford, Conn.; Long Beach, Calif; and St. Louis, Mo.

Hometown: San Francisco Education: B.A., Wesleyan; M.A., Yale Breakthrough experience: Student in San Francisco in 1986 and 1987, teacher in San Francisco in 1988, 1989 and 1992, and teacher in New Haven in 1995

Hometown: Lafayette, La. Education: B.A., Washington University; M.A., NYU Breakthrough experience: Teacher in New Orleans in 1992 and 1993 and in Kansas City in 1994 and 1995

(continued on page 8)

Celebration Winter 2008-2009


that determine how they achieve—began at the program. Of all the public service programs with which I’m familiar, it has been one of the few that actually works. We were successful in demonstrating that younger kids could learn from older kids. It was an unbelievable experience that brings out the best in people.”

(continued from page 7)

also be dynamic and assume leadership…I still love teaching. A lot of the energy and style I bring to teaching were shaped by my experiences at Breakthrough.”

Natalie Gray Managing Director of Learning and Development, Teach for America. Hometown: Van Horn, Texas Education: B.A., University of Texas, Austin; M.Ed., Harvard Breakthrough experience: Laid the groundwork for Fort Worth site in 1992, master teacher in Cincinnati in 1993, co-director of Manchester from 1994 to 2000, program officer in national office from 2000 to 2002, program director in Austin from 2002 to 2004, strategy and development associate from 2004 to 2008



banks D Aimee Eu

Aimée Eubanks Davis Chief People Officer at Teach for America, where formerly she served as Vice President of New Site Development and Managing Director of Regional Operations. Hometown: Chicago Education: B.A., Mount Holyoke

Sarah Feldman

Breakthrough experience: Mentor teacher in New Orleans in 1996. Director in New Orleans from 1997 through 2000. Program officer for the national office from 2000 to 2002

Senior Research Associate at WestEd, a national not-for-profit organization promoting educational excellence. The author of six Department of Education books that focus on best practices for charter schools and effective ways to close achievement gaps. A former leadership coach and deputy director of curriculum and instruction with News Leaders for New Schools. A former assistant principal and teacher at several Bay Area public schools.

“It was because of the success I had in New Orleans that I had the leadership and credibility to enter a senior-level role at Teach For America. With Breakthrough, I had an opportunity to put a program on a different trajectory. I saw that if you have a vision for your team, set ambitious yet realistic goals and relentlessly pursue these goals, you can absolutely change the lives of many children. Without a doubt, you can put kids on the path to college and inspire high school and college-aged students to consider becoming teachers.”

Angela Duckworth Assistant Professor of Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania. Formerly a teacher at the Learning Project, a small charter school in New York, as a well as a math teacher at Lowell High School in San Francisco. Also worked for McKinsey & Company and as Chief Operating Officer at Greatschools.net. Hometown: Cherry Hill, N.J., a Philadelphia suburb Education: A.B., Harvard; MS.c., Oxford; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania Breakthrough experience: Teacher in New Orleans in 1990 and co-founder and director of Cambridge program from 1990 to 1992

“It was my first real experience in the classroom as a teacher, and it was a very sustaining one. Had it not been for Breakthrough, I would not be doing what I do today. My main research interests—in young people and in the non-intellectual capacities


Sarah Feldman

Celebration Winter 2008-2009

Hometown: Newton, Mass. Education: B.A., Brown; M.A., San Francisco State; Ed.M., Harvard; Ed.D., Mills Breakthrough experience: Teacher in San Francisco in 1988 and director in Cambridge from 1993 to 1996

“It changed the trajectory of my life. The experience was pretty amazing and somewhat magical: The program turned over a lot of autonomy and responsibility to young people. It made me realize that I wanted to have an impact on students and to become a teacher. It also helped me make the transition from teacher to principal.”

Jason Freeman Assistant Professor of Music, Georgia Institute of Technology. Hometown: Miami Education: B.A., Yale; M.A., D.M.A., Columbia Breakthrough experience: Teacher in Miami in 1993 and in Pittsburgh in 1994

“I discovered very quickly through the program that I really enjoyed teaching. I found out that I could be useful and productive. I had been quiet and studious, but I learned in the classroom setting that I could

“I was a first-year teacher at Fort Worth Country Day School when my principal approached me and said, ‘I have a summer job for you that will change your life.’ That was my introduction to Breakthrough. I immediately fell in love with the program and the way it challenged and empowered young people to do what they wanted to do. It was clear to me that there was a power to the Breakthrough model. It’s about people taking the time to care about other people’s lives and to mentor them. And it’s about grooming young teachers to reach their potential. It definitely set me on a course.”

Ben Jackson Teacher at Denver’s Bruce Randolph School, which in four years has gone from one of the lowest performing statewide to one outpacing the Denver school district’s overall gains. Hometown: Colorado Springs, Colo. Education: B.A., University of Colorado at Boulder Breakthrough experience: Teacher in Denver in 2004 through 2006

“Breakthrough changed my life. I fell in love with urban education, not only from a teaching standpoint, but also from a public policy perspective. Having grown up in a lowincome, single-parent home—we lived off of food stamps and in public housing—I knew that education could be a great equalizer. I saw how much I could do in six weeks with passion and high expectations. After my first Breakthrough summer, I went back to Boulder and changed my focus from business to education…I learned more about teaching through my experience at Breakthrough than I ever could have in a classroom.”

Dana Lehman Co-Director of Roxbury Preparatory Charter School (Boston), the highest-performing urban middle school in Massachusetts that was founded by Breakthrough alumnus Evan Rudall. Hometown: Philadelphia Education: B.A, Swarthmore; M.Ed, Tufts Breakthrough experience: Teacher in Fort Worth in 1996 and 1997 and director of that program from 1998 to 2001

“I fell in love with the program immediately. The level of responsibility that Breakthrough gives to high school and college students is unparalleled. Breakthrough made me really passionate about urban education, about the need to do something to equalize the opportunities for students from some of the poorest schools. Roxbury Prep’s mission parallels Breakthrough’s. Our curriculum is quite rigorous, and our students, all of whom are students of color and two-thirds of whom qualify for free lunch, do exceedingly well and are on their way to college graduation.”

Edward Liu Assistant Professor, Rutgers Graduate School of Education. Hometown: Seattle Education: B.A., Yale; A.M., MBA, Stanford; Ed.D., Harvard Breakthrough experience: Teacher and administrator in San Francisco from 1990 to 1992 and co-founder and co-director in Portland (Ore.) from 1992 to 1995

“I was a pre-med at Yale. It’s easy to get swept up with what your peers are doing and seduced by certain careers. This program showed me that education could be a challenging and rewarding experience. It was quite amazing: It drew me out of myself—I was a pretty shy kid—and showed me that learning should involve high expectations for everyone.”

still is—that if you have high standards and you don’t back down from them, you can do anything. I also honestly believe that our kids can do whatever they want to do. You have to believe in the kids wholeheartedly and in a passionate way. If you don’t, they won’t achieve. During the early years of the program, we followed our kids tenaciously. If we saw a weakness in our program, we isolated and addressed it. I have the most amazing kids. I got so much from them. I absolutely believe every kid in Breakthrough is precious. I am as cranky today about mediocrity as I was 30 years ago, and I am as passionate today as I was 30 years ago. The kids say to me, ‘It’s all because of you, Lois.’ I say, ‘No, it’s all because of you.’”

Lois Loofbourrow Middle School Academics Specialist at Breakthrough Collaborative. Hometown: Healdsburg, Calif. Education: B.A., University of the Pacific Breakthrough experience: Founder and founding director of Summerbridge, now known as Breakthrough Collaborative



“My move into San Francisco so that my kids could take part in busing was the dawning of my understanding of inequality. I saw that while the freshman classes at the best high schools were diverse, there was a lot of attrition after the first year. I wanted to address that problem. My belief was—and

Lois Loofbourrow (continued on page 10)

A Focus on Research A recent study, High Achieving Students in the Era of No Child Left Behind (Tom Loveless, The Thomas B. Fordham Institute, June 2008), makes a strong case for the need for programs like Breakthrough Collaborative, which increase the numbers of high-achieving, college-bound lowincome and minority students. The Fordham study analyzed the demographic makeup of high-achieving students and found that students in the top 90th percentile on the National Assessment of Educational Progress are overwhelmingly white (82 percent) and non-poor (90 percent) and that African-American and Hispanic eighth grad-

ers make up only “one-fifth to one-fourth of the expected proportion of high achievers.” By providing rigorous academics and comprehensive support to high-potential low-income and minority students during middle school (65 percent of Breakthrough students qualify for free or reduced lunch; 92 percent are students of color; and 58 percent are the first in their family to attend college) and ensuring these students go on to college preparatory high school programs and four-year colleges, Breakthrough Collaborative remedies the huge disparities highlighted in the Fordham study. The study also found that high-potential, low-income and minority students—Breakthrough’s target population—are the students whom teachers are most concerned about “falling through the cracks.” Sixty

percent of teachers said that “academically talented youngsters from low socioeconomic backgrounds are often overlooked—they fall through the cracks because no one advocates for them.” Without Breakthrough, these students may indeed fall through the cracks. However, one of the most important tenets for Breakthrough staff and teachers is to know their students. Breakthrough students have committed advocates and mentors in their Breakthrough teachers and staff. Although the Fordham study presents a discouraging picture of the status of high-achieving students in general—and high-achieving, low-income and minority students in particular—the study also provides a strong rationale for Breakthrough in today’s educational landscape.

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Carolina Martín Executive Director of DonorsChoose.org (Northwest region). Formerly Vice President of Hispanic Initiatives at Sallie Mae (California and Pacific Northwest regions), Director of Community and Scholar Relations at Hispanic Scholarship Fund, teacher at a Catholic school in San Diego and public school teacher in Los Angeles. Hometown: San Diego Education: B.A., M.Ed., University of San Diego Breakthrough experience: Teacher in Manchester in 1994 and director in San Francisco from 1999 to 2003

“Breakthrough was an incredibly powerful experience. I learned a great deal about inequities in education. Beyond that, it was amazing to see middle school students committed to their futures and high school and college students inspired to make change. Breakthrough creates an energy that follows you throughout your life. It empowers you. You feel that you can be successful, that there are no obstacles that you can’t work through.”

see myself as an educator has its roots in Breakthrough. I believe, as Breakthrough, that if you have high expectations that kids can succeed and give them the support they need to succeed, they will succeed—no matter their circumstances.”

Quinn Rallins

Ebele Okobi-Harris

“I’ve had a lot of great work opportunities during my student years—at Amnesty International in Malaysia, with the RAND Corporation, in Sierra Leone—but Breakthrough is the internship I value most. Nothing has impacted me as much as Breakthrough. If I could do it over, I would have started with Breakthrough after my freshman year. I got so involved with my students and my fellow teachers, whether it was playing chess, preparing lessons or listening to their stories. These are the people I want to work with for the rest of my life. Since fall, I have been attending Oxford University. I want to dedicate part of my life to serving children and dealing with social inequalities and injustice, and I’d love to bring a program similar to Breakthrough’s to Chicago someday.”

Director of Business and Human Rights at Yahoo. Previously worked for a number of not-for-profit organizations on women’s and human rights issues in the United States, Europe and West Africa; as an attorney in New York, London and Paris; and in marketing and business development for Nike. Hometown: San Francisco Education: B.A., University of Southern California; J.D., Columbia Breakthrough experience: Student in San Francisco in 1985 and 1986

“Public speaking has always been a huge part of my work, and I can thank Lois Loofbourrow, the founder of Breakthrough, for giving me my voice. I was always bookish, but very shy. When I won a writing competition as a student, I didn’t want to read my essay, but Lois said, ‘You will.’ It was the first time in my childhood that someone pushed me out of my shell. So I read it. It was a seminal, pivotal moment. Lois never coddled me. She was a second mom…Of all the institutions I’ve been involved with, Breakthrough has had the most determining impact on me.”

Destiny Peery Graduate student in Northwestern University’s JD/Ph.D. joint degree program, pursuing a Ph.D. in social psychology and a law degree. Research focuses on various aspects of multiracialism and multiculturalism, particularly perceptions of multiracial individuals, and stereotyping and prejudice.

Steve Morris

Steve Morris Head of School, The San Francisco School. Formerly assistant head at the school, as well as an English teacher and Dean of Multicultural Programs at San Francisco’s University High School. Hometown: Pittsburgh Education: B.A., College of Wooster, M.Ed., Stanford Breakthrough experience: Founding co-director of Pittsburgh from 1994 to 1998 and program officer in national office in 1998 and 1999

“If it weren’t for Breakthrough, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I found my career path through Breakthrough. It gives young people opportunities to enter the field of education, and it gave me a good glimpse of what it takes to run a school. As the head of an independent school, I am passionate about developing educators…So much of how I


Celebration Winter 2008-2009

Hometown: Minneapolis Education: B.A., University of Minnesota Breakthrough experience: Teacher in Minneapolis program the summer of 2002 and in the schoolyear program from 2002 through 2004. Student Services Director of Minneapolis program from 2004 to 2006

“Breakthrough has made me really passionate about public education issues, particularly how class, race, gender, inequality and discrimination play out on the institutional level. It also made me want to stay involved in mentoring and teaching. I plan to go into academia, and teaching will be an important part of my career. It’s a great idea to focus, as Breakthrough does, on highachieving, high-potential students. It’s important to grab them before they get lost and provide them with a community where being smart is acknowledged and rewarded.”

Graduate student. Hometown: Chicago Education: B.A., Morehouse College Breakthrough experience: Teacher in Miami in 2008

Christine Ranney English teacher at MATCH, a new charter middle school in Boston. Hometown: Manchester, N.H. Education: B.A., St. Lawrence University; M.Ed., University of Nevada Breakthrough experience: Student in Manchester in 1996 and 1997. Teacher in Manchester from 1998 to 2001 and in 2003. Teacher in New Orleans in 2002. Breakthrough San Francisco Director 2007-2008

“Raised in a family that persevered despite poverty and lack of education, I saw early on the absolute urgency of an education. While my parents didn’t have the educational opportunities I was afforded, they encouraged me to test the bounds that inhibited their own success. As a graduate of Breakthough Collaborative, I saw how my pursuit of education helped me transcend a culture of poverty that perpetuates a cycle of poor education for many families.  “Breakthrough has been, in many ways, a second family for me. It offered me a chance to challenge myself intellectually, to climb the academic ladder and to build lifelong relationships with my mentors. It also instilled in me a level of curiosity and creativity that I carry to this day. Breakthrough is idealism put to practice. It provides a foundation of what teachers should aspire to as mentors and role models.”

Tyler Rodriguez Freshman at Brown University. Pursuing pre-med studies and a major in human biology. Hometown: New York Breakthrough experience: Student in New York in 2002 and 2003 (continued on page 12)

At September’s Breaking Bread for Breakthrough event, Mayor Cory Booker of Newark, N.J., inspired hundreds of Breakthrough Collaborative friends with an address about the importance of positive collaboration. He touched directly on the work in which Breakthrough Collaborative excels: collaboration among teachers, staff, site directors, parents, students and community partners to bring about lasting, tangible changes for middle school students around the country. Attendees also heard from dozens of Breakthrough students from the Sacramento, San Jose and San Francisco sites, who led guests in rousing Breakthrough cheers.


bread for


This year’s annual Breaking Bread for Breakthrough raised $342,000 to support Breakthrough Collaborative’s work to prepare thousands of high-achieving middle school students, most of whom are of color and from low-income-families, to enter into college-preparatory high schools and beyond through a students-teaching-students model that matches them with bright and motivated high school and college students who serve as their teachers, mentors and role models. Breakthrough Collaborative is grateful to our many friends across the country whose generosity is enabling us to serve more students and recruit more teachers. Breakthrough also appreciates the tremendous efforts of event chairs Sheila and Tom Larsen, Leigh and Bill Matthes, Susan and Bill Oberndorf and Susy and Jack Wadsworth.

Above: (left to right) Breakthrough Collaborative Chief Executive Officer Mialisa T. Bonta, Breaking Bread for Breakthrough emcee Dana King of Channel 5 News in San Francisco and keynote speaker Mayor Cory Booker of Newark, N.J. Top: Breakthrough students from Sacramento, San Jose and San Francisco leading a cheer. Left: Melange Matthews and Dwayne Jones from San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom’s office.

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(continued from page 10)

“Before Breakthrough, I had little confidence. I was a shy, quiet, studious kid. Breakthrough helped me break out of my shell and become the person I am today. I was encouraged to participate in a lot of activities and read my essays aloud. My interest in biology was nurtured through a human physiology class I took at Breakthrough. Breakthrough prepared me for the rigors of boarding school, particularly with time management and study skills. The friends I made through Breakthrough I will have for the rest of my life.”

Breakthrough experience: Student at Breakthrough in San Francisco from 1988 to 1991 and teacher in New Orleans in 1995 and 1996 and in Louisville (Ky.) in 1999 and 2000

“The greatest influence Breakthrough has had on me is helping me to understand the power and potential of both education and individuals to change lives. As a young African-American male, I could have gone either way. There were a lot of temptations, distractions, forces that might have pulled me in a wrong direction….The program addressed me on all these levels and bridged the gap between what I thought I wanted and needed in life and what I truly needed in life. “What I take from Breakthrough is the belief that if you create a safe environment for all children; recruit energetic, passionate, committed teachers; and develop rigorous systems, you can get all students to achieve on the highest levels.”

Nadja Shaw Freshman at Bowdoin College. Will double major in Spanish and Government and Legal Studies as a pre-law student. Hometown: New York Breakthrough experience: Student in New York in 2002 and 2003

“Breakthrough opened me to a whole new world. I became more intellectually inclined and fully engaged. It gave me the hope that I could go farther than what I’d been told. I loved being in a small community of scholars who received recognition for our achievements. We’re all in college now—at Brown, Fordham, Connecticut College, Harvard—but we’re all still in touch with each other. We’re joined at the hip now.”

Adam Tucker Senior Program Officer for the U.S. Program Education Initiative of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Formerly affiliated with the communications and advocacy division of Edison Schools; LearnNow, Inc., where he served as vice president; the engagement and advocacy division of the Coalition of Essential Schools; and the research and evaluation division of Children Now. Hometown: Hopewell, N.J. Education: B.A., Brown University Breakthrough experience: Directed in New Orleans in 1993 and co-directed at Concord Academy (Mass.) from 1994 through 1997

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Andrew Romanoff Speaker of the Colorado House of Representatives and teacher at the Community College of Aurora. Hometown: Columbus, Ohio Education: B.A., Yale; M.P.P., Harvard. Completing law degree at the University of Denver

Lamar Sham


Breakthrough experience: Taught in San Francisco in 1986 and 1987

“I think it was my first time being part of an experience where every kid has a chance to fulfill his or her potential. It certainly sharpened my public policy positions and my philosophy. Because I find it agonizing and unacceptable when students are not given opportunities to realize their potential, much of the legislation I’ve sponsored and supported deals with this concern, whether it’s an early childhood education or a housing bill. “Breakthrough also strengthened my affection for teaching, which is something I still do. Over the last 10 years, I have taught at a number of community colleges in Colorado.”

Jabali Sawicki Founding principal of Excellence Charter School in Brooklyn, N.Y., New York State’s first all-boys and one of its highest-performing public elementary schools. Formerly a teacher at Roxbury Preparatory Charter School in Boston. Hometown: San Francisco Education: B.A., Oberlin; M.Ed., Columbia


Celebration Winter 2008-2009

Lamar Shambley Junior at the College of William and Mary. Hispanic studies major and linguistics minor. Aspiring translator and teacher. Hometown: Brooklyn, N.Y., and Norfolk, Va. Breakthrough experience: Student in Norfolk from 2001 through 2003. Teacher in Miami in 2007 and 2008

“Breakthrough more than solidified my thought about going to college. It planted the seed. I loved that my teachers were only a few years older. I could talk to them about anything. I felt that I was being mentored by them. One of my teachers went to William and Mary, so that’s why I’m here today. “I owe so much to the program that I came back as a teacher. I wanted to help kids like myself. I hadn’t thought about teaching until I went through Breakthrough…For me, Breakthrough is the epitome of a family.”

“My experience at Breakthrough was absolutely formative. It was a grounding experience. It helped me see in tangible terms what’s possible when you put smart, committed, empathetic people together. You can deploy young people in ways that most individuals wouldn’t imagine and see them serve as agents of change. A case in point: I had a student from the program who went on to Concord Academy and then to Pomona College. Her family was unable to travel with her to the campus in California to help her get settled in, so I flew out to help her. It was an incredibly poignant moment for me. I consider it a blessing. Today that student is a teacher herself.

Joel Vargas Program Director at the Boston-based not-forprofit, Jobs for the Future. Hometown: San Francisco Education: B.S., Boston University, Ed.M., and Ed.D., Harvard Graduate School of Education Breakthrough experience: Student in the San Francisco program in 1979 and 1980. Teacher in the San Francisco program from 1981 through 1984. Co-director of the Manchester program from 1991 to 1996. Advisory Board of Cambridge Program 1992-1994

“The program had an incredible effect on my academics when I was a middle school student. It showed me how much work I had to do, how inequitable my access to education had been. It was an eye-opener. But it also showed me that someone personally

There was a power to the Breakthrough model. It’s about people taking the time to care about other people’s lives and to mentor them. And it’s about grooming young teachers to reach their potential. -Natalie Gray took an interest in my education, saw potential in me and had a belief in my ability.

Rhea Wong

“As a teacher, I wanted to give back to a program that had given so much to me. I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to go to University High School in San Francisco without the experiences I had in the program. Throughout my career, Breakthrough has instilled in me the belief that it is possible to break through injustice and inequitable systems, and it has led me to the work I do today: looking at how we improve state policies so as to improve educational access for young people who have been underserved.”

Hometown: San Francisco Education: B.A., McGill University

Bryan Wagner Assistant Professor of English, UC Berkeley. Research and teaching focus on American literature since 1900, with a concentration in African-American literature. Hometown: New Orleans Education: B.A., Carleton College, M.A. and Ph.D., University of Virginia

Executive Director at Breakthrough New York

Breakthrough experience: Student in San Francisco from 1990 to 1993. Teacher in Honolulu in 1996, Hong Kong in 1997 and New York in 1999. Teacher recruitment manager in the national office from 2002 to 2005

“As a student, I found this place where I could drop my armor and let my love of learning show. That was transformative for me. There was this community that was very uncynical, where there was a spirit of being vulnerable and taking risks and expressing joy and enthusiasm. This is an organization that has given a lot to me and helped me prioritize what’s important in life. At Breakthrough, there’s a sense of righting wrongs and addressing inequalities and injustice. You get to see what’s possible when people put their hearts and souls into helping each other: magic.”

Breakthrough experience: Taught in New Orleans in 1992 and 1993 and in Cincinnati in 1994. Also served as dean of faculty in Cincinnati

“I first developed a serious interest in teaching when I was at Breakthrough. I feel very fortunate that my first experiences as a teacher occurred under such rosy conditions—smart and motivated students, small classes, engaged and engaging colleagues. Without a doubt, my teaching today is informed by lessons I learned there.”

Rhea Wong

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Making Breakthroughs Possible:

Angels $100,000 +

It is only through the generosity of our supporters that Breakthrough achieves its mission to increase educational opportunity for motivated, underserved middle school students and encourage talented high school and college students to pursue careers in education.

Rainmakers $50,000 +

Fiscal Year 2008 Donors

Breakthrough Collaborative establishes and promotes high standards for the nationwide collaborative of programs, ensures the success of all programs and acts as the national voice of the Collaborative. With sincere gratitude, we recognize the following individuals and organizations that have made breakthroughs possible in the past year. While many individuals nationwide also make contributions to local affiliates, this list recognizes support provided to national initiatives and to the local sites whose fiscal sponsor is Breakthrough Collaborative.

*Donors who are current members of the Board of Trustees or served during the 2008 fiscal year


Celebration Celebration Winter Winter 2008-2009 2008-2009

John A. and Cynthia Fry Gunn Jack Kent Cooke Foundation John S. and James L. Knight Foundation The Atlantic Philanthropies W.L.S. Spencer Foundation

Berman, Devalerio, Pease, Tobacco, P.C. Gap Foundation Leslie* and George Hume Susan* and Bill Oberndorf The Sato Foundation The William H. Donner Foundation, Inc. Grace* and Steven Voorhis

Shakers $25,000 + Corporation for National Service Leigh and William Matthes* Yahoo! for Good

Movers $10,000 + Anonymous Applied Materials, Inc. The Bank of New York and The George Link, Jr. Foundation DC Children’s Youth Investment Trust Corporation Doris and Donald Fisher Google, Inc. Grousbeck Family Foundation Betsy* and Jule Hannaford Anne D.* and John Herrmann Doug Jamieson The Katherine John Murphy Foundation Sheila* and Tom* Larsen Stu* and Meg McLaughlin Polly* and Newton Merrill Marshall* and Gretchen Milligan Michael and Ann Parker

Liebe and Bill Patterson Diana Farrell and Scott Pearson* Philip L. Graham Fund Eve Niquette and Charles Pohl John* and Lee Pritchard Laura and Greg Spivy Diana and Steve Strandberg Hugh and Carol Underwood ValueAct Capital Teri and Trevor Watt* Joanie* and Tom Wattles Jon and Tania Wilcox

Doers $5,000 +

Partners $1,000 +

Nicola Miner and Robert Mailer Anderson Anonymous BEA Systems Melissa Buckley* and Raj Atluru Stephanie DiMarco and Jim Harleen Dana and Bob Emery The F.A.O. Schwarz Family Foundation First Republic Bank Laura and John Fisher Fleishhacker Foundation Susan Sachs Goldman Lynda Greene Linda and Jon Gruber Mimi and Peter Haas Fund Hattie M. Strong Foundation Richard Holmstrom Kate Ridgway Mrs. Jaquelin H. Hume Laura and Michael Lazarus Betsy and Ed McDermott Carrick and Andy McLaughlin Phoebe Snow Foundation Missie Rennie* Klingbeil Family Foundation Laura and Jim Schlueter John A. Sellon Charitable Residual Trust Dian G. and Robert S. Smith Ms. Sarah E. Stein* and Dr. Michael Cohn Tom Steyer and Kat Taylor The Children’s Fund of Metropolitan Washington Carl* and Margrit Vogt William and Charlene Glikbarg Foundation John B. Williams Kathe G. Williamson* Mrs. Alfred S. Wilsey Charlotte and David Winton*

The Abbey Family Mr. Gabriel Adiv Alliance Bernstein Anonymous Anonymous John C. Atwater and Diana L. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Ballard Grant and Shelley Behrman Janine Behrman Lily and Thomas Beischer Shelby and Carol Bonnie Ms. Virginia Boyd Orlando Bravo Bob and Kathy Burke Leslie and Walter Burlock Carolyn and Preston Butcher Stacey B. Case Richard M. and Elizabeth S. Cashin The Charles Schwab Corporation Foundation Pete Chung and Andrea Higgins Carolyn Klebanoff and Fred Cohen Ms. Nancy Cole Edward and Nancy Conner and the East Bay Community Foundation Penny and James Coulter David and Carla Crane Katherine August and David deWilde Len and Jennifer Dulski Anonymous Pauline Elkin Alex and Christy Estrovitz Ferris Foundation, Inc. Joseph J. Filipek, Jr. Courtney Benoist and Jason M. Fish Randi and Bob Fisher Global Fund for Children Lisa and Douglas Goldman Fund Marcia and John Goldman Lulie and Gordon Gund Kathryn Hall and Tom Knutsen Doug and Susan Hendrickson

Susan Hirsch and Susan Leal Glenn W. Holsclaw* and Donna Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Hopkins Ms. Kristin Horne Anne and Jeffrey Howson Ms. Liz Hume and Mr. Jay Jacobs Ms. Kristine Johnson and Mr. Tim Dattels Lindsay and Peter Joost Patricia and Robin Klaus Eve and David S. Kleger Koret Foundation Raymonde and Douglas Kramlich Eric S. Kravetz Phil Kurjan Mr. Edward Levin and Ms. Nancy Miller Marie and Barry Lipman Mr. and Mrs. Stuart D. Lum Mr. Cornell Maier Professor Jack and Melody McDonald Deborah McManus

Burt and Deedee McMurtry Linda and Tony Meier Ronay and Richard Menschel Steven L. Merrill Marla Miller and David Kremer Kurt and Tammy Mobley Hollie Moore* John and Marissa Moran

Will and Julia Parish Fund Payne Family Foundation Billy* and Mary Peebles Tom and JaMel Perkins Mary and Patric Powell B.T. Rocca, Jr. Foundation Mr. Jeff Rose Dr. Barbara Rosenberg and Mr. Richard Rosenberg Douglas and Lydia Shorenstein Michael Simmons Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP Mary and Paul Slawson Mr. and Mrs. Bob Smelick Madeline and Isaac Stein Roselyne C. Swig Derek and Roberta Taner Angie and Seth Taube Nadine* and Alex Terman

The San Francisco Foundation Ms. Brittney Tribble Laurie and Jeff Ubben Marie and Eugene Washington Mr. Adam Wegel Jessica W. Wheeler and John B. Witchel Ms. Cynthia Wilcox Mr. Robert C. Winters

Friends $1 + 740 Sound Design

A-B Mr. and Ms. Herbert Abell Ms. Allison Abramson Kim Abramson Ms. Amy Ackerman and Mr. Rob Wexler Ms. Bonnie Adams Eric and Suzanne Adler Sundeep Ahuja Elsie and Bernard Aidinoff Mr. Peter Albers and Ms. Cassia Holstein Jean Albert Ms. Haydee Alfonso Mr. Peter Alsop Karen Anselmo Lewis W. Butler and Catherine Armsden Mr. Mark Aronica and Ms. Natasha Lavine Ms. Elizabeth Ascher Dr. Michael Bader Ms. Fredrika Baer Ms. Carolyn Bailey Ms. Deborah Bain and Mr. Joel Young Ms. Pamela Bandyopaphyay Adam and Jill Barkin

Mr. Galen Barnes Mr. Jim Barnett Thomas and Pat Barry Mr. Jason Bates Edward W. Beal M.D. and Kathleen Beal Ms. Sahana Behera Ms. Mari Beltran Victor and Susan Benson Mr. Michael Bergan Charles and Rachel Bernheim Mr. James Bewley Ben and Karen Binswanger Mr. Michael Bishop Katherine H. Black

Michael and Aviva Black Jeanne Blamey and Rob Fram Jeff and Becky Bleich Mr. Guillermo Bleichmar Ms. Pamela Bloch Ms. Kristina Block Bloom Painting Mr. Steve Bloom Mr. Tomas Boatwright Nelson and Alice Bolen Mr. Daniel Bomze Mialisa and Robert Bonta Mr. Samuel Book Joan and Barry Boothe Karen and Kent Borowick Michael and Chris Boskin Stacy Brackeen Ms. Sarah F. Brittman Bebe Broadwater Jennifer Brokaw and Alan Fry Mr. James Brooks Cabot Brown and Mollie Ward Brown Dr. James Brown and Mrs. Letitia Upton Brown Ms. Letty Brown Su Moon Paik and Robert Brown Mr. Omar Brownson Ms. Deborah Broyles Ms. Clara Brutto Mr. Casey Budesilich and Mr. Steven Murphy Edward D. and Sherri Bullard Linda Burch and Rajen Dalal Mr. Robert A. Burgoyne, Esq. Linda and Tom Burns

C-D Ms. Rima Calderon Mr. Andrew Cambria Mr. Chris Campbell Maria and Woodrow Campbell Ms. Clarice Campbell-Mason James E. Canales Robin Candler Mairead Carney Mr. Patrick Carney Mr. Henry Carpenter Brian and Amy Carr Mr. Eric Casher Antonio and Rita Castellucci

Walt and Margaret Caughlin Ms. Margaret Cerniglia Al and Bettye Chambers Dolly and George Chammas Mr. Bertram Chan Dr. and Mrs. Paul D. Chapman Mr. Robert F. Chase Ms. Alicia Chazen Mr. Brian Cheu Ms. Jennifer Chicon Ms. Anne R. Childs Ms. Carrie Ching Ms. Claire Choo John and Maureen Clancy Mr. Andrew Clark Linda and John Clarke Ty and Leigh Cobb Mr. Michael Coffey Linda and Norman Cohen Michiko Conklin Brian and Neeta Connally Ms. Katie Connon Ms. Willa Conway Mr. Aaron Cook Mr. Ben Cook Mr. Noah Cookdabs Heather Corcoran and Jay O’Connor Dr. Scott S. Corvin Brook Cosby Mr. Jon Cosby Morgan Cosby The Charles Piper Cost Foundation Ms. Susan Cox and Mr. Frank O’Barsky William and Ellen Coyne Mr. and Mrs. Robert Craft Mr. Winfield Crigler and Mr. Timothy Harr Mr. Brian Crockford Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Crosby Mr. Tim Cunningham Robert and Kathleen Cupp Mr. Ryan Darmody and Ms. Kristen Caponi Ms. Lauren Davis Mr. Tommy J. Davis Ms. Shana Declercq and Ms. Deborah Farrell Ms. Sara Deseran Ms. Alexis Detwiler Ann Dey Patricia S. Dinner

Direct Electric Harold and Judith Dittmer Mr. Robert Dolinko James and Suzie Donohue Scott and Amory Donohue John and Linda Donovan Mr. Michael Doyle Mr. Laurent Dubois and Ms. Kathleen M. Bolen Angela Lee Duckworth Mr. Tyler Duni Richard and Kathleen Dunlap

E-F Lindsey and Terry Eakin Rob and Lora Easley Ronald and Diane Eichner Elizabeth and Emil Roy Eisenhardt Stephen and Diana Elkin Ms. Jennifer Englander Ms. Alicia Engstrom and Mr. Hossain Rahman Jacqueline & Christian Erdman Ms. Kathy Ericksen Chris Ertel Ms. Anna Escobar Ms. Ascia Eskin Peter and Athalia Esty Ms. Jasara Evangelist Justin and Sandra Faggioli Cameron and Tracy Falconer Mr. Matthew Farron David and Debra Ferranti Sean Ferry Mr. Jonathan Fichter Ashley Fieglein Mr. Adam Finkin David and Vicki Fleishhacker Mr. Gabriel Fleming John Flickinger* and Angela Maria Parra Mr. Sean Foley Ms. Kathryn Ford Ms. Karen Forrester Erica and Gregory Fortescue Mr. Tim Fortescue Ms. Nicole Fosco Bud and Nancy Foster Ms. Cynthia Foster Mr. David M. Foster, Esq. Mr. Robert T. Francis II

Celebration Winter 2008-2009


Charles L. Frankel Dale C. Freeman Nicholas and Samantha French Robert C. Friese Ms. Sally Fryer Mr. Jason Fults Stephen and Elizabeth Funk

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Green Ms. Julie Greenfield Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Gregory Mr. Michael Greicius Dr. Martha Gross and Mr. Robert Tracy Mr. and Mrs. Norton Grubb Mr. Dennis Guikema Ms. Laura Guillen-Sheets


Mr. Paul Haahr and Ms. Susan Karp Andrea Hackett and Brad Kraetzer Ms. Jessie Hale Mr. William Hale Mr. Michael Hallerud Ms. Elizabeth Hallock Ms. Gina Harps Mr. Casey Harrell Michael J. Harrington Alyssa and Jonathan Harris Ghita Harris-Newton Mrs. Molly Hauser William and Jane Havemeyer Alison and John Hawkins Peter and Dianne Healey Mr. Michael Healy Ms. Jessica Heard Karl and Michele Heisler Mr. John Heisse and Ms. Karin Scholz Anjali Helferty Theodore and Janice Hellman Mr. Patrick Henahan Sara and John Hendrickson Mr. Brian Hennessey

Mr. James C. Gaither Ms. Liz Gaither Yoav and Robin Gal Ms. Jennifer Galvin Ms. Diane Gardner Dr. Wendy Gasch Ms. Anne Gaughan Ms. Angela Geissman Ms. Jessica Gelber Kelly Gerstbacher Mrs. Evelina Giler and Mr. Pedro Giler Ms. Nathalie Gilfoyle and Mr. Christopher Ma David Gilson Mr. William Godwin Ms. Jacqueline Goeldner Mr. Robert Goeldner Catherine J. Goldenheim GoodSearch Mr. Dave Goodspeed Mr. David Goodstein Ayia Gospodinova Jacob and Hillary Gramlich Mr. Peter Grandmaison Miss Devin Grayson Mr. Francis A. Grecius, M.D. and Mrs. Maureen Grecius


Celebration Winter 2008-2009

Ms. Margaret Hennessey Ms. Leslie Hewitt Ms. Karen Hibbitt Mr. Alan Hickley and Ms. Margery Salter Ms. Elizabeth Hinson Mr. Jason Hoag Ms. Elizabeth Hobgood Mr. Erich Hoeber Ms. Cyndi Hoelzle Mr. Ryan Hoercler Mr. Steven Hoffman Mr. Jim Hollingsworth Mr. Paul Hollman Paul and Linda Holt Louis and Catherine Honig Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Hoopes Jr. Mr. James Hormel Todd and Jane Horn Mr. Joel Hornstein Ms. Shelley Horwitz Ms. Diana Howansky Ms. Caroline Howe Larry and Linda Howell Rusty Howson Mr. and Mrs. L. Hudson Mr. Peter Hudson Gisele Huff Mr. John Hughes Ms. Meghan Hughes Mr. Von Hughes Ms. Susan Huhta Jacqueline and John Hullar Jeffrey and Ellen Huvelle

I-J Mr. Don Iglesias Angel Inokon Mr. Borna Jabbarpour The James Irvine Foundation Mr. David G. L. Jay Coleman and Lola Jennings Todd and Lucy Johns Ms. Kimberly Johnson Mr. Mark F. Johnson Minerva A. Johnson and Teresa A. Johnson Ms. Gloria Joo Ms. Andra B. Jurist and Mr. Bruce B. Stewart

K-L Ms. Melanie Kaleinikas Nancy and William Kales Mr. Jonathan Kart David and Laure Kastanis

Michael Katz, The Gloria F. Ross Foundation Hamilton and Edie Kean Kevin and Vicki Kelly Mr. Bain Kennedy Ms. Dorothy J. Kennedy Ms. Candy Khanna Mr. Rakesh Khanna Khurshid Khoja Ms. Kimberly Kiefer John and Candace Kilbane Mary Kilbane Mr. Timothy Kime Jane and Charles Klein Ms. Jennifer Knies Kathryn Nyrop & Stephen Koch Ms. Justine Kragen Ms. Sarah Kruttschnitt Mr. Steve Kubick Daniel and Sharon Kuh Robin Kurtzner Ms. Winnie Kwong Mr. Hung Lam Land Resource Investments, Inc. Hut Landon and Joy Zimmerman Rudolf Bergmans and Ann Lane Ms. Barbara Larson Mr. Thomas Larson and Ms. Pamela Mead Lasecke Weil Wealth Advisory Group, LLC Mr. Roy Latka Mr. Lon Lazar Ms. Judy Lee Ms. Steffany Lee Mr. Michael Legacki Kathleen Leonard Ms. Cassandra Lewis Mr. Hugh Lewis Ms. Katherine R. Lewis Ronald and Sandra Linder Ms. Jennie Lindstrom Mr. Robert K. Lintern Norman and Mo Livermore Mary Ann Livingston Esan Looper* Lopez Low Foundation Ms. Clarissa Louie Ms. Judith Lucier James J. and Patricia Ludwig Mr. and Mrs. Jack Luikart Ms. Heather Lynch Mr. Josh Lynch

David and Alexandra Lyon

M-N Ms. Sara Maamouri Robert and Patricia Maclean Scott MacLeod Robert Macrae* Ms. Elizabeth Macro Mr. Andrew Madden Bruce and Margie Madding Kareem and Virgann Maddison Ms. Kilkina M. Mahi Blane Mall and Deirdre P. Mooney Mr. Sebastian Mallaby and Ms. Zannie Minton-Beddoes Mr. Shawn Malone Mr. Jason Mandell Mr. Brad Mangin Connie and Haig Mardikian Jan and Lois Mares Mr. Mark Marino Ms. Heidi Martin Mr. Stuart Matthews Mr. Charlie McBrearty Jon and Mimi McBride Ms. Megan McCall Ms. Nancy McClenahan Ms. Courtney McClogan Mr. Michael McCormick Mr. Matthew McFaden Mark and Allison McKee Ms. Vanessa McLean Mr. Joseph McNamara and Ms. Nora Evans Anthony and Celeste Meier Kenneth and Vera Meislin Ms. Margot Melcon Richard and Judith Meltzer Richard and Barbara Mendelsohn Eliot and Ia Merrill Mr. Raffaele Migliore Thomas and Raquel Miller Jim and Jennifer Mills Ms. Susan Milmoe Ms. Yolanda Molette Mr. and Mrs. Peter Moller Laura Steele Monahan and Brian Monahan Ms. Angela Moody Ms. Jen Moon Joanna Moore Ryan L. Moore

Ms. Ariel Morris Mr. Stephen Morse Mr. Michael Moses Ms. Abrielle Moskowitz Ms. Carolyn Moss Frederick and Suzanne Moullen Shaun Mullarky Mr. Glenn Mulvaney Justin P. Murphy Ms. Nancy Murray and Mr. Jim Feuille Ms. Samantha Murray Mr. Edward Nachtrieb George Nachtrieb Mr. Peter Nachtrieb Mr. Todd T. Neece Page Nelson Ms. Sue Nelson Mr. Mark Netter Ms. Cassie Neumann Nancy and John Hargraves Don and Glory Newman Mr. Brent Newton Ms. Emily Neye John and Heidi Niblack Ms. Alicia Nieva-Woodgate Ms. Janet Nogara Ms. Jennifer Norris Mr. Andy D. Northrop and Ms. Laura M. Fontana Kari and Jack Novatney Eleanor and Robert November Ms. Charlotte Nugent Lawrence and Melanie Nussdorf

O-P Mr. Frank F. O’Barski Mrs. Edward Obrien Mr. Hal Offen Ms. Marianne O’Grady Ms. Monica Oliva Ms. Kristian Ongoco Ms. Rebecca Otto Sofia Pablo Hoshino Ms. Katie Pakenham Ms. Ellen Papadakis Sanjai N. Pardanani David and Jumee Park Elena and Michael Patterson Mr. Justin Pauls Mr. Aden Pavkov John and Jane Pearce Rosa Lung Peir and Jay Peir Penn Charitable Fund Mr. Brian Perkins

Mr. Mark Perutz Fred and Alexandra Peters The Pfizer Foundation, Inc. Matt and Deirdre Pharr Joseph and Anne Pici Mr. Michael Pincus Mrs. Marsha Pinson Mike and Debra Pleasants Ms. Kathy Poettcker Ms. Florence D. Polikoff Ms. Andrea Pomerance Beth and Mark Porter Ms. Lisa Porter William Prescott Edward Preston Ms. Kara Price

R-S Ms. Erin Rakow Brenda Rambeau Rob Ramsey Ms. Christine Regino Mr. Mark Reibel Laurialan B. Reitzammer Ms. Meredith Rianda Mr. Robert C. Ricketts and Mrs. Jutta A. Ricketts Ms. Lyra Rider Kim L. Roberts Ms. Anne Robin and Mr. Steve Grushcow Steven and Christine Robinson Ms. Tess Roering John Rogers Ms. Maryanna Rogers Thomas and Shelagh Rohlen Mr. David Rooney Kimberly and Seth Rosen Sally and Toby Rosenblatt Mr. Martin Rossetti Ms. Christa Roth Mr. Jim Roth Wayne and Vanessa Rowland Gordon Rubenstein and Krista Ramonas Ki and Matthew Rubin Ms. Marissa Rusek Mr. Alan Russell and Ms. Jina Park Thomas and Jean Rutherfoord Ms. Sue Ryan Ms. Elaine N. Rybak John and Lynn Sachs Sain Luke’s Parish School

Mr. James Sanchez Sandfair Foundation Mr. John Sanger Mr. Alvaro Sauceda Allison Saxe Mr. David Scavullo Josh Schaffer Randy and Mollie Schaffer Mr. Michael Scheper Julia C. Schieffelin Mr. Eric Schlackman Mr. Paul Schmidt Abby and Gene Schnair Mr. Eric Schniewind Daniel and Lisbeth Schorr Ms. Susan Schullstrom Frederick A.O. Schwarz, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Schwarz Douglas and Anita Scribner Braxton Sealy Ms. Catherine Segurson Mr. Christian Seiffert Ms. Hannah Seigel Seventh Avenue Presbyterian Church Mitchell and Lisa Sewell Anish Shah Mr. David Shahan Ms. Clarissa Shen Lee Sher Mr. Spencer Sherman Ms. Emma Sherwood-Forbes Mr. Russell Sims Ms. Meredyth Skemp Ms. Sharon Skettini Derek and Nigel Smith Ms. Precious Smith Glenn Solomon and Lisa Kay Sharon Solomon Ms. Dina Sorensen Ms. Ariel Sosna Steve and Ann Sparkes Stephen and Greer Spencer Mr. Jeremy Spiegel Jane A. Spray Ellen and David Stein Rob and Joan Stein Scott and Cathy Sterling Straathof Family Fund Gordon and Tina Strause Carter and Eloise Stroud Mr. Pierre Stroud

Duke and Mary Anne Stroud Ttee Ms. Leslee Subak and Ms. Linda McAllister Ms. Maria Sullivan Mr. Sidharth Suri Ms. Michelle Sutorik Steven and Mary Swig Patrick Swillinger

T-V Mr. Wesley Tanaka Ms. Lyn Tanner Mr. Jason Targoff and Ms. Marcella Anderson Phyllis Taylor The Community Foundation for the National Capital Region The Fremont Group Foundation The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation The Hill Snowdon Foundation The Rose Foundation Richard and Carolyn Thornell Peter Thorp and Donna Williamson Ms. Emily Tilles Robert and Barbara Towle Mr. John Tripp Mr. Arthur Trueger Mr. David Tsang Ms. Helena Tubis Mr. Michael Turner Mr. Zachary Unger and Ms. Shona Armstrong Ms. Emily Van Duyne Robert and Deborah Van Nest Mr. Brian Veprek Mr. Marc Vogl and Ms. Megara Doorly Mr. John Voight Sukey Voskamp

Mr. Benjamin Weinberger Mr. Jared Weinstein Vera Weintraub Ms. Laila Weir Ms. Susanne Wellford Mr. Yakov Wiegmann Ms. Barbara P. Williams Ms. Emily Williams John E. Williams Ms. Lois Williams Mr. Will Winkelstein Mr. Joshua Winsor Jon C. Wolanske Alex and Helen Wong Rhea Wong* Ms. Lauren Wood Mr. Michael J. Woodis Gilda and Cecil Wray Gary and Rena Yalen Lesley Yalen Mr. John Yin and Ms. Jennifer Lu Ms. Katherine Young Mr. Benjamin Yuman-Glaser Ms. Laura S. Zahn Ms. Hilda Zaidi Ms. Shafia Zaloom and Mr. Brian Neece Ms. Nicolette Zarday Mr. Misha Zatsman Mr. Mike Zurer

In Kind Donors FY08 Amherst College Citizen Summer Program Bryan and Stephanie Mazzarello CRMfusion, Inc. Google, Inc. Ms. Liz Potter Murphy Goode National Public Radio Pillsbury Winthrop Russell Howson Design Salesforce.com Foundation Santa Fe Preparatory Academy Sieg-Callister Photographics The Fairmont San Francisco The Morehead-Cain Scholars Program The Robertson Scholars Program The San Francisco Business Times Thelen LLP Tres Agaves Mexican Kitchen and Tequila Lounge VerticalResponse

W-Z W.K. Kellogg Foundation Dana Wagner Mr. Hunter E. Walk Ms. Katherine Walsh Ms. Ivy Wang Ms. Maria Waters and Mr. George Waters Mrs. Susan Swig Watkins Ms. Kara Watson Hon. Seth Waxman and Ms. Debra Goldberg Mark and Gale Weber Mr. Matt Weber Ms. Christina Webster Betsey and Robert Webster

Celebration Winter 2008-2009


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Celebration Winter 2008-2009

Breakthrough Collaborative Staff

Breakthrough Sites

Carlos Alvarado

Atlanta Austin Boca Raton, Fla. Cambridge, Mass. Cincinnati Denver (2) Fort Lauderdale Fort Worth Hong Kong (2) Houston Long Island, N.Y. Manchester, N.H. Miami (3) Minneapolis New Haven, Conn. New Orleans New York Norfolk, Va. Philadelphia (3) Pittsburgh Providence Sacramento Saint Paul San Francisco (2) San Jose San Juan Capistrano, Calif. Santa Fe, N.M. Washington, D.C.

Research and Evaluation Specialist calvarado@breakthroughcollaborative.org

Lois Loofbourrow Middle School Academic Specialist lloofbourrow@breakthroughcollaborative.org

Mialisa T. Bonta Chief Executive Officer mbonta@breakthroughcollaborative.org

Ieesha McKinzie Development and Communications Associate imckinzie@breakthroughcollaborative.org

Casey Budesilich National Growth Director cbudesilich@breakthroughcollaborative.org

Ben Martinez National Program Director bmartinez@breakthroughcollaborative.org

Bobby Cupp Teacher Excellence Specialist bcupp@breakthroughcollaborative.org

Jennifer Mayer-Sandoval Academic Excellence Specialist jmayer-sandoval@breakthroughcollaborative.org

Elisabeth Cutler Research and Policy Specialist ecutler@breakthroughcollaborative.org

Janet Ferraiolo Research and Evaluation Specialist jferraiolo@breakthroughcollaborative.org

Nancy Mowery HR/Operations Specialist nmowery@breakthroughcollaborative.org

Beth Porter National Executive Director bporter@breakthroughcollaborative.org

Eric Fischer Director of Finance efischer@breakthroughcollaborative.org

Randy Richardson Northeast Sustainability Specialist rrichardson@breakthroughcollaborative.org

Erica Fortescue Director of Development efortescue@breakthroughcollaborative.org

Christa Roth Chief Operating Officer croth@breakthroughcollaborative.org

Isabel French Development Associate ifrench@breakthroughcollaborative.org

Tonya Swearingen Executive Liaison tswearingen@breakthroughcollaborative.org

Laura Gonzalez National Growth Manager lgonzales@breakthroughcollaborative.org

Michael Turner Midwest Sustainability Specialist mturner@breakthroughcollaborative.org

C. Randy Humphrey Southeast Sustainability Specialist rhumphrey@breakthroughcollaborative.org

Lydia Johnson

Laura Zahn Grants Manager lzahn@breakthroughcollaborative.org

Phone: (415) 442-0600 Fax: (415) 442-0609 www.breakthroughcollaborative.org To submit story ideas or questions about Celebration, contact us at: newsletter@breakthroughcollaborative.org

Credits Robert Miller Writer/Editor

Laura Zahn & Elisabeth CutlerC Contributing Writers

Mazzarello Media and Arts Design/Layout www.mazzarello.com

Printer A. Maciel Printers www.amacielprinting.com

Director of Strategic Partnerships ljohnson@breakthroughcollaborative.org

Celebration Celebration Winter Winter 2008-2009 2008-2009


Opportunity of a


Meet twins Adriana and Briana Stephens of—you guessed it—the Twin Cities. They are two of the best reasons for supporting Breakthrough Collaborative today. Eighth graders at Highland Park Junior High School in St. Paul, both say that Breakthrough St. Paul has been the opportunity of a lifetime. “Breakthrough is the greatest experience,” says Ariana. “The classes are creative, and the people come from a lot of different cultures. Breakthrough prepares you for your next school. They help you one-on-one.” Chimes in Briana: “You gain so much. It’s all about fun and learning and getting to know people. It’s changed me a lot. I now know myself a lot better. I know that I can be fun and that I’m a very smart girl. Now I want to go to college. Almost no one in our family has been to college.” The twins love math, science, world geography, reading and dancing. They have many career aspirations, choreography among them. Learn how you can help Adriana, Briana and thousands of other Breakthrough kids across the country leap to new academic heights. Contact your local Breakthrough site today or contact Isabel French at (415) 442-0600, ext. 104, or ifrench@breakthroughcollaborative.org.



[ 1978 2008 ]

Years of Students Years of Teachers Years of Celebration

545 Sansome St., Suite 700 San Francisco, CA 94111


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