June 2014 bcyd fellowship news

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20411 Douglas Crescent, Langley, BC V3A 4B6 | p: 604-533-2232 | f: 604-533-5405 | e: office@bc.paoc.org | www.bc.paoc.org

Darwin & Barbara Pichette PAOC BCYD welcomes Darwin Pichette as the midterm appointed District Secretary Treasurer, commencing July 2, 2014. Darwin and Barb Pichette have pastored for 23 years within the AB/NWT and BC/Yukon Districts, along with their three children Brayden, Brooklyn and Brielle, who are now between 16 and 20 years of age. Darwin began ministry in 1991 as Assistant/Youth Pastor under Ken Bombay in Penticton, BC. Both Darwin and Barb enjoyed a diverse number of roles in youth, music, choir, administration, and visitation. In 1994 Darwin and Barb moved to Spruce Grove, AB to pastor under Ken Solobrekken at Community Church, working with youth and music. While in that tenure, Darwin filled the position of Co-Interim Pastor for 18 months as Community awaited a new lead pastor. In 1997 Darwin accepted the invitation to join the staff of West Edmonton Christian Assembly (WECA) as their Associate Pastor. Both he and Barb were again involved in many different roles of ministry. Initially starting with adult, assimilation, and worship ministries, Darwin soon moved into the Senior Associate/Executive Pastor role when the church began to grow very quickly and many new staff members were needed to join the team. In those eight & a half years, the core of the church grew from 400 to 1,500. This rapid growth created incredible excitement in the congregation, along with an instant need for leadership training among existing staff and the many additional volunteer leaders and workers. As the Senior Associate/ Executive Pastor, Darwin took on the leadership training, supervision, budgeting, and structuring of

the volunteers as well as the eventual pastoral and administrative/accounting staff of 22. While at WECA, two multi-million dollar building expansions were initiated, fundraised, and completed. The project expanded the campus to house 1,500, including over 400 children in Sunday school classrooms and open session settings. The facility acts today as one of West Edmonton’s valued community centers and has proven to be a very effective tool of evangelism. In 2005 Darwin and Barb felt prompted to leave their friends at WECA and come alongside Larry Larenz to once again reach the people of Penticton, BC in Bethel Church. In November of 2008 Darwin was invited to become the Lead Pastor of Penticton Bethel Church. Barb and their three children became very involved in the life and ministry of Bethel, as they saw the church move into a great season of spiritual revival. Key components to achieve this success included a healthy blend of music, sermons, Life groups, generational activity groups, missions, tithing, and volunteering enjoyed by all ages. Throughout the past six years the congregation has enjoyed many new changes, with several new families added as well as a complete facelift of the building. Their love for—and over 23 years of connection with Penticton Bethel Church now anxiously awaits the next season of pastoral leadership as God directs Bethel during this time of transition. In his new season of ministry as District Secretary Treasurer, Darwin follows Ron Davis, who so capably served us all well. It is Darwin’s desire to be stretched in every way possible to be of service to each of our places of ministry and to see God’s power among us as His Kingdom grows in British Columbia, even more than we’ve seen before.

this issue District Secretary Treasurer 1 BCYD Global Workers 2 Aboriginal and Cultural Ministries 3 Assistant Superintendent 3 Youth, Young Adults, Family 4 Children & Preteen Ministry 4 Marketplace/Chaplaincy Ministry 5 Director of Crisis Intervention 5 BC Campus Ministries 6 District Superintendent 6 Happenings Around the District 7 District Calendar 8 BCYD Events Promo 8

BC Yukon PAOC District @bcydist


BC/Yukon District and our Global Workers and Mission Canada WE ARE BETTER TOGETHER!

Kirsten Arding (Eurasia)

Sheldon & Anna Armitage (Europe)

Racheal & Kodo Komant-Ngabane (Rwanda)

Sergio & Nancy Bersaglio (Zambia)

Dan & Mardell MacTavish (Romania / Spain)

Phil & Judy Bowler (Senegal)

Bill & Linda Mercer (Mozambique)

Steve & Kathy Bowler (Malawi)

Rainer & Elizabeth Mittelstaedt (Sri Lanka)

Dave & Connie Buzikievich (Kenya)

Nelson & Lisa Monteiro (Brazil)

Peter & Cavelle D. (Thailand)

Brent & Carina Cantelon (Vancouver)

Peter & Arlene Paluch (Europe)

Dawn Ellwyn (Kenya)

Christo & Sarah Emmanuel (Indo-Asia)

Alexey & Tonia Pankov (Siberia)

Tom & Laura Fodor (Brazi)l

Joel & Avin Reimer (Cambodia)

Gerald & Pat Golbeck Kim Hodgkiss (Africa) (Honduras)

Mark & Kim Steinfield (Armenia)

Bapu Desai & Frank Juelich (Prem Sewa Shikshan Sanghsia)

Jonathan & Vera W.

Mission Canada

We also have restricted access workers that either consider BC their home district or are connected to the district, including 11 families that minister in unspecified nations. Jeremy & Candace Postal (Whistler)

Jamie Rauch (Vancouver)

Karen Reed (Vancouver)

District Missions Representative Doug Smith

The Best of All Worlds This past week I had the opportunity to meet with a Global Worker who really wants to know how they can best work with the local church. What does effective interaction look like – not too much, not too little? How might the stories from the field make it to the hearts and minds of church attendees who already help care for the responsibilities of the home church? How can a meaningful longlasting relationship be established over thousands of kilometers and amongst packed schedules?

Kimberly Hodgkiss (Kim) is the Director of The Mission of Truth and Life Ministry/Vocational Centre in Trujillo, Honduras. She runs the centre and oversees over 20 young women taking classes such as sewing, cooking (nutrition and hygiene), computer skills, English, Bible and Christian Life classes as well as dance, and arts & crafts. Kim loves the many opportunities to come alongside these young ones and point them to the Way, the Truth and the Life.

After considering these tough questions, my appreciation for the work of Global Workers increases exponentially. Not only must a Global Worker be concerned with the completion of the tasks God has given them, they must also be concerned with the funding of their work, which as it turns out, is about much more than just money. Among other things, Global Workers must be capable communicators, efficient in the world of social media, and have the ability to discern the needs of a variety of churches. They must have a tenacious spirit and be able to deal well with disappointments when the answer is no or maybe next year. In the best of all worlds such pressures would by far take second place to the work of seeing souls won to Jesus and lives changed and empowered by the Holy Spirit. In light of this ultimate goal, such concerns would be less burdensome as the weight of ministry would be shared by the local church. The Global Worker would be taken into consideration as an extension of its own call to the work of God, of its own vision to touch a lost planet. The Global Worker and the local church are made for one another. They are not separate entities in a distant relationship; rather they are a single unified answer to the Lord’s assignment of the Great Commission. The best of both worlds is our hope for the BCYD – it is good for the Global Worker, it is good for the church. Indeed, we’re much better together.

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Brent & Carina Cantelon will be based out of Langley and fulfilling the role of “Missionary/ Evangelists” across Canada and internationally with the PAOC International Missions. Jamie & Mandy Rauch will be serving with PAOC Mission Canada as homeland missionaries in Vancouver, focusing on ministry to those working in the film industry.


Punjabi Masihi Church: New Building Dedicated to the Glory of God

Aboriginal and Cultural Ministries Edgar Lapeciros

Punjabi Masihi Church (PMC) celebrated On April 26-27, 2014, the All Nations Pentecostal Church in Prince the Opening Ceremony of their new George commemorated the grand opening of their new facilities. church building at 14488 72nd Ave, Surrey, Pastors Larry and Sharon Pinchbeck are to be commended for their BC on Sunday, March 9, 2014. It is the first 10 years of dedicated and faithful service in giving leadership to this Punjabi Christian Church building wonderful congregation. The new and up-to-date facilities will serve constructed in Canada. this congregation well in the coming years. Pastor Jim Brown brought greetings from the BCYD on behalf of Rev. Ken Russell, our Many government officials and ministers of the Gospel were among District Superintendent who was at our PAOC General Conference. the distinguished guests. Rev Dr. Dave Wells, General Superintendent PAOC, dedicated the building for the Glory of the Lord. Rev. Ken Pastor Jim Brown challenged the Russell, PAOC District Superintendent, gave the inaugural message. Church to continue promoting love, unity, and forgiveness in order to see The building will also serve as a more growth and spiritual maturity. worship and training center for many Pastor Jim concluded the Sunday to take the Good News of Jesus Service by praying for Pastors Larry and Christ to the community and beyond Sharon Pinchbeck and the congregation. It was an exciting time for to the whole world. The second all in attendance and we thank God for His blessings. phase of the building project is pending. We solicit your prayerful support for completion of the project. For more info please call 604 590 2032 or visit us at www.punjabichurch.ca  Involved as a Partner: congregations serving in a supportive role by being fully engaged in strategic relationships with an existing church plant by providing resources, facilities or sending some congregational members to support these other people.

Assistant Superintendent, Dave Solmes @solmes_


During our PAOC General Conference in Saskatoon, a 2020 PAOC National Initiative was shared that invites us to consider the health and ongoing needs of PAOC ministry development across Canada. As District Officers and as a District Leadership Team it is in our interest to join other PAOC districts to see churches added, congregations grow, and Canadians coming to know the love and Gospel of Jesus Christ. The PAOC 2020 National Initiative focuses on adding 350 churches to increase our numbers from 1,150 to 1,500 churches across the country. Our District Superintendent, Ken Russell, suggests this means that would require at least 67 churches to be planted within our district in the next six years. We can do this! Our District Church Multipliers’ Guiding group would envision each of our 187 PAOC churches in BCYD be engaged in the district missional priority of “church multiplication”. It is of great importance that every church and ministry actively participate in a movement of multiplication leading to the planting of churches and the making of disciples in British Columbia and Yukon. Imagine a district where each pastor, leadership team, and congregation are committed to be:  Involved as a Planter: congregations calling forth entrepreneurial leaders as “sent ones” to neighborhoods and communities across our district to plant churches.  Involved as a Parent: congregations planting an offspring through multi-site , multi-campus status or simply by strategically releasing people to gather others for the purposes of evangelism and discipleship.

During our General Conference a few weeks ago I met a young couple in their 20’s who have been married for just a few years. They moved as a newlywed couple to a small town in Ontario. They felt that God had called them to live in this particular community and make themselves available to God. They found employment. They started inviting people into their home, began participating in activities in their community, and now just a few years later they rent the gym in the local school and gather with dozens of people each week. They are excited about what is happening. They are not surprised, as it is what God asked them to do. Another highlight during a conference plenary session is when I watched a video of two churches in small prairie towns who “replanted” by renovating their main sanctuaries into children’s play places. In each of these towns there was no place for families to play and gather (especially during the cold winter months). Families now come to the church to use the facility and are exposed to church ministry there. As I heard their story I was moved emotionally and stirred to believe that God is calling people to do similar things within BC and the Yukon. I have two questions for you: 1. Would you join in prayer as a district family and ask God, the Lord of the Harvest, to send His people to communities and neighborhoods across our district to live and serve for the advancement of the gospel and discipleship? 2. Would you make a commitment by the end of this year, 2014, to help create momentum by committing as a person, family, and congregation to being a planter, a parent, or a partner? We can do this. There has never been opportunity like there is now within the British Columbia and Yukon district of the PAOC.

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Youth, Young Adults & Family Ministries Ben Johnson www.benjaminjohnson.ca


Historymaker 2014 “THE CAUSE” Over 2,000 students and leaders gathered on the May Long Weekend in Chilliwack for Historymaker 2014, “ALIVE.” It was a very special weekend as we also commemorated and celebrated 50 years of Next Generation focused ministry here in our BC & Yukon PAOC district. Once again, Historymaker was a powerful and deeply impacting weekend for all who were in attendance. Each general session focused on our ALIVE theme from Ephesians 2:45: “But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ.” Banning Liebscher and Andy Moore were our keynote speakers. God used their messages powerfully as they were anointed, pertinent, and Holy Spirit sensitive to the needs of the teens and leaders. Other ministry guests included Dan Bremnes, Lefty Williams, Martin Smith, and City Harmonic. God moved powerfully, as the altars were flooded with hundreds of teens responding to the call to live their lives surrendered to Christ. On Saturday, 36 young people testified on the main stage after sensing God’s supernatural healing touch during the morning service. Also, we honored past district youth directors in a special 50th Anniversary commemorative video. Ken Russell and Dave Solmes were present to honor past directors in attendance, Andy & Annick Gabruch @andy_gabruch Thank you for praying with us during this season of transition for our new Director of Youth, Young Adult and Family Ministries. Following a comprehensive search process, over the past several months, our District Leadership Team is pleased to announce the appointment of Rev. Andy Gabruch for this leadership position. Pastor Andy will officially begin his new role July 15. He is looking forward to engaging our mission, along with the Next Generation Pastors and Leaders of our district. Please pray for the continued fruitfulness of ministry to youth, young adults, and families.

including Darcy and Leanne McAlister, and said farewell to Ben and Heather Johnson. At the 50th Anniversary reception that followed, Dave Wells prayed a special prayer of blessing over Ben and Heather Johnson. We also welcomed our new Youth and Young Adult and Families Ministry Director, Andy Gabruch, with his wife Annick. Andy spoke a faith-filled visionary challenge to conclude the HM 2014 weekend! We praise God for a powerful and transformational Historymaker weekend in which we honored the legacy and commitment in our district to keep our focus keenly upon reaching and discipling the next generation for Christ. Let’s keep pressing onward in renewed sense of faith for a harvest of young souls. Please pray with us as we begin to make plans for HM 2015, and all that God holds in store for the Youth, Young Adults and Families of our BC & Yukon district. Let’s believe together for an ever-increasing spiritual awakening to continue to grow and multiply for His glory. Farewell Heather and I would like to express our deepest heartfelt thanks to our district family. It’s been an amazing seven years, and an absolute honor and continual joy to come alongside you and your local church. We are very excited for all that God has in store for the future of the BCYD. We look forward to hearing great reports of spiritual breakthrough and provision in the BCYD, and for healthy churches, healthy leaders and multiplication. Please know we will be keeping you all in prayer. In Christ's love, Ben Pastor Andy and Annick have faithfully served as Pastors of Next Generations Ministries at Emmanuel Assembly in West Kelowna since September 2008, and as the Youth and Young Adults Pastors of Richmond Pentecostal Church from April 2003 to September 2008. Pastor Andy is a graduate of Summit Pacific College and completed the Emergent Arrow Leadership Program in 2010. He is currently working on his Masters of Arts Degree, in Leadership and Management through Briercrest College and Seminary. We invite you to pray for Pastor Andy and Annick and their four children as they conclude their ministry assignment in West Kelowna and make some important decisions regarding relocation to Langley. passion, experience and expertise with the leaders of our district. We are looking forward to more clinics in the Far North and Kootenay regions in the fall.

Children and Family Caroline Durocher-Bergeron www.carolinebergeron.ca

Children, Preteens and Family Ministries Clinics It has been a delight to travel to the Cariboo, Lower Mainland, North Island, and the Okanagan regions as we encouraged and equipped 130 pastors and lay leaders through our children, preteen and family ministries leadership clinics. This year’s theme is “Empower.” Our heart is to raise kids, preteens, and families who contribute to and advance the Kingdom of God. We are blessed to witness the momentum that these clinics have brought to the various regions and the lives that have been impacted by them. I want to especially thank our team of trainers: Evan Allnutt, Chris Luff, Andrew Evan, Ben McGillivray, Mike Brownlee, Kathy Zelman, Charmaine Findley, Chris Knudsen and Lisa Mitchell who travelled with me to one or several clinics and shared their

Spark 2014 Spark, our provincial preteen conference will take place at Abbotsford Pentecostal Assembly November 14-15. This year our theme is ALIVE, based on John 10:10: “I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of.” It is our deepest desire to see preteens walking into the purpose and destiny that God has for them. www.sparklive.ca Elevate 2015 Elevate, our children, preteen, and family ministries leadership conference, will take place at Christian Life Assembly in Langley April 10-11, 2015. We are thrilled to announce that David and Becky Wakerly, children’s pastors at Hillsong Church in Australia and Dr. Alan Nelson, founder of KidLead, will be our 2015 guest speakers. Save the date! This is an event you will not want to miss!

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Marketplace/Chaplaincy Ministry

involved in. What an encouragement to see such an incredible variety of ministries present at the luncheon.

Don Richmond

Highlights On Wednesday March 12, during our Conference on the Ministry in Abbotsford, our District Marketplace/Chaplaincy Director Don Richmond coordinated a “get to know each other” luncheon. The outing gave 17 marketplace chaplains an opportunity to meet new colleagues and re-acquaint with others whom they rarely get an opportunity to see. It was very exciting as each person around the table introduced themselves and explained the ministry they are Coordinator of Counseling and Director of Crisis Intervention Jim Caruso

Thank you for praying for our growing group of marketplace chaplains, who very often labour for the Lord alone. Some around the table rely on the support of donations while others don’t need to. Whatever situation our marketplace chaplains find themselves in, they greatly appreciate the support they receive in prayer and often also in finances.


The power of God comes through rest - for us and then to those we serve.


Sabbath rest is a restoration and a reordering of what is twisted in us. We allow ourselves to be loved. We allow ourselves to be human. We stop and allow ourselves to be healed by God.


Sabbath rest is resistance of the demonic powers. We prophetically disconnect from the powers and principalities of darkness on Sabbath.

Sit and Rest Awhile Over the past few years our BC/Yukon District Conference on the Ministry has focused on components of self-care for pastors and those in church leadership. In our world today, self-care is becoming a household word. We are encouraged to look after ourselves, eat properly, exercise, and rest. At our conference in March, Pete and Geri Scazzero introduced us to a journey of emotionally healthy spirituality. Pete and Geri provided a catalyst for change in our everyday journey with Christ. A few years ago Mark Buchanan spoke at our Conference on the Ministry about the need for Sabbath. He opened with a powerful statement that rang loud and clear to me and many others attending the conference. It went something like this “If I were to tell you that I just had an affair and my marriage was in serious trouble or that I just embezzled money from the church or I that I had just physically assaulted someone and need to appear in court in a couple of days or that last night before I came here I went to the bar and got wasted drunk, you would not allow me to continue talking to you this evening. But, if I were to tell you that I have been teaching and preaching for the last three weeks without a day off and that I am leaving this conference to go to Europe for two weeks to teach and preach, you would probably think ‘wow’ this guy is really doing well in his ministry.” The tragedy is when we determine that criminal and moral sins are unacceptable, but accept ourselves and others to be so busy doing our ministry that we neglect the Sabbath rest. Buchanan is right; we overlook the command to STOP, REST and REFRESH and according to the fourth commandment: "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no work.” Exodus 20:8. In a recent email, Pete sent an encouraging directive about Sabbath rest: “As Geri and I travel around the world, we marvel at the supernatural impact of inviting pastors, churches, and movements to slow down and engage the biblical truths of EHS. In particular, something breaks inside people when they are invited to practice Sabbath. The following are a few reasons I think this is true: 

Sabbath Rest is a revelation. We don’t just talk about the miraculous on Sabbath. We experience it. This enables us to give it away the other six days.

We declare we are not slaves in Egypt any longer being used by God to get his work done. We are sons and daughters who are loved simply for who we are. Sabbath rest is the most loving thing you can do for your church. It is not simply for you, it is for the sake of the larger church and the world. I want to encourage you this week that if you haven't already taken your Sabbath rest that you commit to it today. You, your family and your church will be better because of it.” - Pete This issue of Sabbath rest is a message I wish to encourage all believers to engage in, not from the standpoint of condemnation or conviction, but instead for each one of us to embrace Sabbath as a rhythm of life. I have shared the following thoughts before in other writings: “Celebrating freedom from bondage and slavery is rest. Moses says that God’s followers are not slaves driven by the whip to the point of exhaustion. Instead of the brutal work that consumes every moment of their lives, they can rest and enjoy God’s creation. God allows us one day a week to accomplish nothing, guilt free, knowing in silence that God’s Spirit infuses life into our souls, bodies, and spirits.” Believers need rest that extends beyond physical and mental rest and includes refreshment of our spirits. If we understand rest in Hebrews 4:11, “Let us, therefore, be diligent to enter that same rest, lest anyone fall through following the same example of disobedience?” as merely eschatological, it may hinder our ability to incorporate spiritual rest into our lives’ daily rhythms. Our embrace of spiritual rest refreshes and rejuvenates us and in turn enhances other forms of physical and emotional rest. Can I encourage you to grab a coffee, find a quiet place, preferably with a great view of His creation and then hang out with Him? Not because you have to, but because He wants to hang out with you. Sit yourself down and rest while you drink in the awesomeness of His creation with stillness; that reminds you that He is God.

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midst of a campus party scene, handing out water, freezies, and donuts. They provide an opportunity for students to step out from the party scene and drinking crowd and away from peer pressure. Red Frogs is a great vehicle to serve and bless the campuses.

John Engels www.bccampusministries.com

New partnership between the PAOC and campus ministries has been taking off on campuses in BC and the rest of Canada. Several of our students are now involved as positive influences in the party culture on campuses. Red Frogs is a support network of volunteers who position themselves on campuses building relationships with students to empower them to make positive life choices and become voices of change within their culture. Volunteer leaders fill a “gap” on campuses where the church must be. Red Frogs volunteers can be found in a variety of on-campus events, including running hydration stations in the

On April 25th, Global News Okanagan ran a story on the University of BC Okanagan’s response to the mass-murder of five students in Calgary at a year-end university party. The Student Union President suggested the reporter contact the Red Frogs program on campus. Our campus missionary, James Perreaux shares, “It was only eight months ago that we started bringing a presence to the party culture on campus. We sought to be an incarnational presence in a place of need and as a result we have developed a strong reputation and tremendous buy-in. The Student Union has now committed to contributing financially to our program next year.” Check out the Global News video beginning at the 5:43 mark.

holders, with respect to mood altering substances, as clear as possible; and to make a much needed distinction between “Moral/ Biblical Absolutes” among other expectations which reflect our “Corporate Convictions” about disputable matters which in fact fall into a category of the application of wisdom rather than moral absolutes.

District Superintendent, Ken Russell

The Opportunities and Uncertainties of “CHANGE” An Important “Family Conversation” during the PAOC General Conference in Saskatoon The 51st General Conference for the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada took place in the beautiful city of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan from April 28 to May 1, 2014. Brenda and I returned home to our district with a greater appreciation for our Pentecostal family, both here in Canada and internationally. Our General Superintendent Rev. David Wells presented the delegates with a clear and compelling vision leading up to the year 2020, which included a call to remain faithful and vital - Theologically, Spiritually and Missionally. Our General Executive is seeking the Lord for a fresh outpouring of His Holy Spirit to help us make 1% of the Canadian population (or a total of 350,000 people) Pentecostal Disciples by the year 2020. Currently our fellowship consists of approximately 240,000 followers of Jesus Christ. To reach this goal will require our fellowship to plant 350 new churches across Canada and make 110,000 additional disciples. The 2020 initiative also includes sending an additional 116 Global workers overseas (from 304 to 420 sent-ones) and adding 24 missionary partnerships for kingdom expansion. We are believing in the Lord to provide for an increase in giving to global missions from $28M to $40M. Our General Superintendent will be conducting a one-day conversation in our district regarding Theological and Spiritual Vitality on October 16, 2014 and another one-day conversation regarding Missional Vitality on February 19, 2015; to which you are all personally invited. More details to follow regarding how you can be involved. During the General Conference business sessions there were some important discussions regarding the use of alcohol by credential holders, (please note these deliberations did not pertain to the use of alcohol by members and adherents of our local PAOC assemblies). There has been a desire within the PAOC General Executive to make the expectations for credential

A discussion paper entitled “Alcohol and the Ministry” was presented to the delegates (available for download from the PAOC website at www.paoc.org which supported a clarifying resolution to add the word “alcohol” to our current reference in the sentence… “non-medical use of mood altering substances” in By-Law It was important for our PAOC family to engage this conversation and a number of speakers participated, with amendments proposed to allow for a practice of moderation. These amendments did not receive majority support and were defeated. In the end, the addition of these clarifying words “alcohol or other” did not receive the necessary 2/3-majority vote, which was necessary to amend the By-Law by addition. This left the original text in place: “the use of tobacco and the non-medical use of mood altering substances” and re-categorized By-Law within a new section that defines our corporate conviction on the matter. Therefore, the voluntary abstinence from alcohol remains our corporate conviction and continues to be an important value for credential holders who serve within the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. Please note: there was a significant change in By-Law The expectation of abstinence is no longer considered a moral absolute. Moderation in the consumption of alcohol is not defined as a moral failure. Now, along with other conduct, like a violation of the Ministerial Code of Ethics, a contentious or non-cooperative spirit, the moderate use of alcohol may be subject to discipline if it is determined that it violates the principle of redemptive love, brings harm to another, or breaches our corporate convictions. The amended section of this By-law is not an attempt to legislate morality; rather it clarifies that our corporate conviction for credential holders of the PAOC is still abstinence from the use of alcohol. It is also important to note, we have clarified that drunkenness is a moral absolute and shall be subject to discipline as moral failure. I’m grateful for unity within the diversity of our fellowship, around the time-honored corporate convictions, which has made the PAOC a leading voice in local, national and global transformation.

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Happenings Around the District Transitions:

 Bruce Brown: Concluded as Lead Pastor of Glad Tidings Pentecostal Church, Armstrong.

 Charles Coats: Concluded as Lead Pastor of Richmond Pentecostal Church.

 Pedro Luc Cutzal: Concluded as Lead Pastor of Iglesia Pentecostes: "Jesus, El Buen Pastor", Burnaby.

 Raymond Green, Sr.: Transitioned from Associate Pastor and accepted the Call as Lead Pastor of Kimberley Pentecostal Church.

 Sonny Green: Concluded as Lead Pastor of Kimberley Pentecostal Church.

 Monte Harrop: Transitioned from Youth Pastor and accepted the call as Lead Pastor of Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle, Quesnel. Appointed as Children's Pastor (UrbanKids) at UrbanRoad Church, Langley.  Cory & Melissa Hughes: Appointed as BCYD Church Planting Apprentices and Community Life Pastors at UrbanRoad, Langley.  Don Huston: Called as Lead Pastor of Summerland Pentecostal Church.  Jay McAlister: Concluded as Lead Pastor of First Avenue Christian Assembly, Chilliwack.  Addison Lacasse: Concluded as BCCM Campus Missionary (Director of Sunago) at the University of Victoria and is transitioning to serve at West Coast Christian Fellowship, Vancouver.  Jack McNeil: Called as Lead Pastor of Princeton Pentecostal Tabernacle.  Andrew Moore: Transitioned from Associate Pastor and accepted the Call as Lead Pastor of Glad Tidings Pentecostal Church, Victoria.  David Munk: Concluded as Interim Lead Pastor of Oceanside Community Church, Parksville.  Scott Peterson: Called as Lead Pastor of Central Pentecostal Assembly, Chilliwack.  Nathan Schoemaker: Concluded as Youth Pastor of Connaught Heights Pentecostal Assembly, New Westminster.

 Lia Heath:

BCYD Office Transitions:  Andy Gabruch: Will conclude as Next Generation Pastor of Emmanuel Church, West Kelowna and has been appointed as Director of Youth, Young Adults and Family Ministries .  Kelly Hsu: Concluded as Administrative Assistant.  Darwin Pichette: Concluded as Lead Pastor of Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle, Penticton and accepted the mid-term appointment as District Secretary-Treasurer.  Doug Smith: Appointed as BC/Yukon District Missions Representative. Summit Pacific College Transitions:

 Laura Hooper: Concluded as Assistant Director of Omega and Counselling instructor.

 Joanne Knight: Concluded as Dean of Women.  Dave Mosely: Retired from SPC as Business Administrator.

Churches in Pastoral Transition:

 Alert Bay, Glad Tidings Church (Aboriginal)  Armstrong, Glad Tidings Pentecostal Church  Atlin Christian Assembly  Burnaby, Christian Pentecostal Church (Cantonese)  Burnaby, Iglesia Pentecostes: "Jesus, El Buen Pastor" (Spanish)  Burns Lake Pentecostal Church  Chetwynd Gospel Tabernacle  Cherryville Gospel Church  Chilliwack, First Avenue Christian Assembly  Fernie, Trinity Pentecostal Church  Kitamaat Village, Haisla Pentecostal Church (Aboriginal)  Langley, Christian Life Assembly  Parksville, Oceanside Community Church  Penticton, Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle  Surrey, Revival Church (Korean)  Victoria, North Douglas Pentecostal Tabernacle Regional Pastorates:  Anahim Lake Chapel & Bella Coola Pentecostal Assembly (Aboriginal) visit our website for other opportunities (www.bc.paoc.org)


 Terry & Julia Burns are happy to announce the birth of their son, Jonathan Henry born May 17, 2014.  Brent & Nancy Gibson are happy to announce the birth of their son, Malachi John William, born April 18, 2014.  Gavin & Rebekah Brisco are happy to announce the birth of their son, Seth born May 28, 2014.


 John L. (Jack) York (born on December 4, 1920) passed into the presence of his Lord April 13, 2014. He attended BC Bible Institute and received his Licensed Minister credential in 1951 and was Ordained in 1954. He and his wife Mary Ann founded Evangel Pentecostal in Powell River (1950) and Squamish Pentecostal (1955). They pastored at Bethel (Victoria), Bethel Chapel (100 Mile House), Bethany Tabernacle (Whitehorse, Yukon) and Hiway Tabernacle (Fort Nelson); and also served as missionary evangelists at Pemberton Mission. Jack was a prison chaplain, the Managing Director at Camp Yukon, Director of Monashee Mountains Wilderness Camp & School and ran a Prayer & Missions Ministry at Hiway 20, BC. Jack received his 50 years in Ministry certificate in 2001 and retired in Anahim Lake until they moved to Lake Cowichan. Jack is survived by his wife, Mary Ann, their daughter, Nell Cartmell, grandsons, Todd (Laura), and Rod, and three great-grandsons. A Memorial service was held at Duncan Pentecostal Church on Monday, April 28.  Peggy Joyce Bonk (Edmonton, AB) passed into the presence of her Lord on Friday April 18, 2014. Norm and Peggy pastored many churches together: Beaubier Pentecostal Church, SK, Calvary Community in Edmonton, AB; co-founded Wolf Creek Circle Square Ranch, New Life Christian Centre in Wolseley, SK and Calvary Community, Edmonton, AB. Their present focus is Itinerant Ministries International with a mission’s focus of Bible training centres and seminaries in Ukraine as well as “Uncle Norm” children’s radio in Liberia, Rwanda and the Middle East. She is survived by her high school sweetheart and husband of 44 years, Dr. Norman Bonk, their daughter Keri Bonk-Dolynchuk (Jason) and son Chad (Paula) Bonk.

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District Calendar JUNE 2014 June 8

Empower 21 - Live Stream Event

JULY 2014 July 13-19

Kootenay Section: Kidsfest Conference

OCTOBER 2014 Oct 4 NGM: Children/Preteen/Family Leadership Clinic, Ft. St. John/Far North Oct 6-8 BCYD: Cluster Leadership Retreat Oct 27-29 BCYD: Licensed Ministers Network #3 NOVEMBER 2014 Nov 7-8 CYWC Regional Training, Kelowna Nov 14-15 NGM: Spark, PreTeen Conference, Abbotsford

AUGUST 2014 August 14-15 The Global Leadership Summit, Nanaimo & Vancouver August 18-22 BCYD: Pastors Camp, Okanagan Lake SEPTEMBER 2014 Sept 27 NGM: Children/Preteen/Family Leadership Clinic, Kootenay/Trail

2015 Jan 23-24 Apr 10-11 Apr 27-29

CYWC Regional Training, Abbotsford NGM: Elevate Conference, Langley BC/Yukon District Conference, Vancouver

2014 Summer Camps CHUBB LAKE BIBLE CAMP www.chubblake.ca Jun 13-16 Jul 6-11 Aug 1-4 Aug 10-16

50+ Camp Kids Camp Family Camp Teen Camp

LAKELSE PENTECOSTAL CAMP www.lakelsecamp.org Jun 30-Jul 12 Jul 13-18 Jul 21-26

NANOOSE BAY PENTECOSTAL CAMP www.nanoosebaycamp.ca

Skee Nass Camps Kids Camp Teen Camp

Jul 6-11 Jul 6-11 Jul 12-19 Jul 20-26

Kids Camp Pre-Teen Camp Teen Camp Family Camp


LEGACY 50+ CAMP Aug 11-14 | Nanoose Bay Camp Speaker: Andy Moore Worship: Dan & Norm Friesen p: 250-390-1306 | dougnrayne@shaw.ca

August 22-26| Nanoose Bay Camp Camp speaker: James Kallappa Adults/ Teens $150 | Elders $140 | Child $90 nanoosenativecamp@gmail.com

OKANAGAN FAMILY CAMP July 18-20 | Faith Mission Camp, Falkland contact Alexis Park Church, Vernon p: 250-542-4135

Thursday, June 12, 2014 | 10am (pt)

June 8, 2014 | 3:00pm (PT) Join the Pentecost 2014 Experience via live stream on Crossroads360.com www.empowered21.com

AUGUST 18-22, 2014 Green Bay Bible Camp, Kelowna

guest speakers: Dave & Sue Well | lodging options | activities for kids www.greenbay.bc.ca A week of relaxing and renewal for PAOC BC/Yukon District pastors, church staff, global workers, chaplains, college/seminary faculty, and their families.

Fellowship News 2014 Submission Deadline Dates: Aug 15 | Nov 15

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KOOTENAY www.kootenaycamps.com

Aug 24 -28

Kids camp

CAMP YUKON www.camp-yukon.com

Jun 6 – 8 Jun 13 – 15 Jun 29 – July 5 Jul 6 – 12 Jul 13 – 19 Aug1 – 3 Aug 29 – Sept 1

Women’s Retreat Men’s Retreat Kids Camp 1 Kids Camp 2 Teen Camp Kampo Filipino Retreat Family Camp

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