3 minute read

People drain you of energy and emotion

every year.

Rhythm helps us. It can make us more efficient by automating


certain tasks (like brushing your teeth) and by hard-wiring helpful habits like daily devotions. Consistent rhythms actually offer a sense of security and well-being.

The introvert in me rejoiced when Dr. Bonnie Henry told us in

her reassuring and calm manner that we were going to be not-so

voluntarily isolating in our homes. The “get ‘er done” side of me

began to dream about all the things I would accomplish: finish my first grad course in record time, exercise daily, read books, write articles, finish projects –the list was endless. If Sir Isaac Newton could invent calculus and discover gravity while isolated during the bubonic plague, surely I would be able to reorganize a closet or two!

After a few days of blissful productivity, I began to lose steam.

Soon lethargy set in and the only thing I was accomplishing after

work was crossing a few shows off my Netflix watch list because I binge-watched them until late in the evening. Before long, I was 30lbs away from my goal of losing 20lbs.

I’ve discovered my experience isn’t unique. Why have we

struggled with lethargy, depression (mild and clinical) and anxiety during the pandemic? There are a myriad of reasons, but I think the disruption of our daily and weekly rhythms have really messed us up. The subtle signals of getting ready for work, swinging by Starbucks for an over-priced coffee, interacting with people at church, going to small group, and worshipping with others on Sunday have been eliminated. We have lost our intuition about how our lives ought to flow (can you remember what day it is today?) and without that, we feel untethered.

I probably need consistent rhythms more than most people,

so I have thought quite a bit about how to regain my personal

rhythms when the rest of the world is out of tune. If you’re

feeling discombobulated as well, these thoughts might help you:

Stay anchored in good habits –Daily prayer and Bible

readings remain a cornerstone rhythm, and getting enough

sleep is truly a gift. Decide which rhythms must always play in the background of your life.

Give yourself some grace –I have given myself permission to let go of many of the aspirations I first had when we started

isolating. I finished all my grad course assignments… but just

on time; I haven’t slacked off at work, but I haven’t cranked

out a ton of extra content either; my brand-new running even her gentle voice can send you into a tailspin if you hear it too often. Get the news you need, then stop watching, scrolling, searching and obsessing –they’ve really just been

repeating the same thing over and over again anyway.

• Recognize what season you’re in –Ecclesiastes 3 makes it

clear that there is a season for everything. I assumed this was

a season for work, but I’m becoming more convinced that my

Heavenly Father is inviting me into a season of rest.

Perhaps feeling off-kilter is due to the fact that I’m striving

against the purposes of the Father, not with them.

• Find new rhythms –the last week or so has been more

life-giving because I am finding a new rhythm. When 5:00pm

arrives, Leanne and I have been enjoying “appie hour” where

we just take some time to connect. I’ve started cooking a few

times a week (which is a totally new thing for me), but Fresh Prep has made it easy (sort of) and fun (kind of). Because I

haven’t been travelling and gas is currently cheap, weekends

have become an opportunity to go for a long drive to

somewhere new. Replace the rhythms you’ve lost with new,

life-giving patterns.

Eventually, things will get back to some sort of “normal” –and I

can’t wait. I miss seeing my kids and grandkids in person, and I

am looking forward to visiting you at your church in your

community. In the meantime, Jesus words are so a proposfor this season:

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