BC/Yukon Dis tric t
The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada
20411 Douglas Crescent, Langley, BC V3A 4B6 p: 604-533-2232 │ e: office@bc.paoc.org │ www.bc.paoc.org
ARTS, JUSTICE AND MISSIONAL LIVING John Liira, Senior Pastor of Highway Christian Fellowship, Sidney
perspective with authority and confidence in our communities. If this element is lacking, we are not truly sharing the Gospel in its fullness! The prophetic proclamation issues a call to “spend ourselves on the hungry”. (Isaiah 58)
One in six people in our world does not have physical or economic access to adequate food to sustain health. We were recently honoured to have One in six people in the world is our District Superintendent, Rev. Ken overweight. Ironic statistics aren’t Russell visit us at Highway Christian they? Smacks of injustice doesn’t it? Fellowship and he requested I share There is more. Are you aware that how we in Sidney are responding in a 48% of food is wasted from field to creative way to this issue. During the fork along the food chain? Does it month of June we hosted an art ever disturb you that almost half of exhibition at a local gallery, which the world’s population lives on less promoted the message of God’s than $2 per day, or that 800 million justice in an inspiring way right in the people are malnourished, 200 million heart of our community. The exhibit being children. I know, I know, we was called, JUST FOOD. artwork: Jairo Alfonso Castellanos, Cuba are all numb to statistics because we see them all the time. Here is one more for good Eighteen international artists (six Canadians) were measure, 8.7 million people die from hunger every year. commissioned by the MCC (Mennonite Central Committee) to create artwork for this exhibition by Drought, cyclones, earthquakes, floods and now rising giving them six human rights declarative texts passed by food costs are causing millions of the world’s poorest the United Nations, coupled with some Old Testament people to not have enough to eat and the numbers are texts on the theme of God’s justice and hunger. rapidly growing. Presently, a food crisis is spreading Each artist was asked to create art inspired by those across the southern edge of the Sahara, from Mauritania texts. The result was a provocative and compelling on the Atlantic to Sudan on the Red Sea. The United collection of art illustrating contemporary perspectives Nations says the disaster threatens 15 million lives and on food issues and human rights which has been on may grow to affect several million more. These are exhibition in universities and art galleries across Canada. recurring issues and yet we in the west enjoy an It enhances the living Word of God in a dramatic way! abundance of not only food supply but also food selection. At an opening gala reception on June 2nd, mayors and council members were honoured publicly with the Doesn’t it make you want to get engaged to do presentation of a special edition bible published by the something? It ought to! The human rights to food and Canadian Bible Society that highlights all of the biblical other justice issues are resonating more and more texts on hunger, justice and poverty. Isn’t it cool how within our western culture. The renewed social and the Word holds relevance today and still finds its way political emphasis in food security and reducing hunger into the public square to once again issue a prophetic should encourage Kingdom initiatives to be taken to the call to action, to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk marketplace. It is time! The church must present the humbly with our God! message of mercy and justice from a Kingdom
this issue Arts, Justice & Missional Living 1 BCYD Global Workers 2 University Christian Ministries 3 Women 2 Women 3 Assistant Superintendent 4 Aboriginal and Cultural Ministries 4 BC Teen Challenge 5 7 Ways to be Missional 5 Next Generation Ministries 6 Children, Preteen and Family 6 District Clergy Care Coach 6 Happenings Around the District 7 District Calendar 8
BC Yukon PAOC District @bcydist
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BC/Yukon District and our Global Workers WE ARE BETTER TOGETHER!
Kirsten Arding (Europe)
Sheldon & Anna Armitage (Europe)
Dan & Mardell MacTavish (Romania / Spain)
Sergio & Nancy Bersaglio (Zambia)
Phil & Judy Bowler (Senegal)
Bill & Linda Mercer (Mozambique)
Steve & Kathy Bowler (Malawi)
Len & Marilyn Mittelstaedt (Tanzania)
Dave & Connie Buzikievich (East Africa)
Marty & Marjit Mittelstaedt (Tanzania)
Dawn Ellwyn (Tanzania)
Rainer & Elizabeth Mittelstaedt (Sri Lanka)
Imagine Thailand Working in Thailand for over ten years, the Dove’s founded Imagine Thailand, a Thairegistered foundation that motivates, trains and sends Thai young people, young professionals and university students to create a new future for communities in need. Their work shapes global citizens who partner to bring real benefit and change to local communities, the marketplace and the world. Together they help across the globe, bringing assistance to children at risk, victims of terror, survivors of natural disasters and refugees fleeing oppressive governments. In 2012, they relocated to work alongside people and communities which are experiencing radical and rapid change. They are learning a new way of life, language, custom and culture. Matthew Price Global Worker, serving in Poland Ever get that e-mail in ALL CAPS and you can’t decide whether the person is angry, excited or typing on a broken keyboard? Long-distance, digital communication can be a challenge. The health of the Global Worker/Partner relationship requires good communication. No one wants to be the nagging partner, but let's own the awkward elephant - communication involves everyone. We've heard it from both camps: Churches don't hear from Global Workers enough; and, Global Workers only hear from Churches when they want something (usually only the day before the video message is needed). There's no room for passive partnership when it comes to communication, so let us resolve to do it better. As Global Workers and Partners let us not both be sitting by the phone wishing the other would call. Here are some thoughts to consider about communication: 1. Clear Expectations are Essential As Churches and Partners we need to express what we’re looking for in communication. This is especially true when it comes to frequency of communication. This isn’t a list of demands, but rather a starting point to let those you’re in partnership with know what you are looking for. Let’s set one another up for success.
Christo & Sarah Emmanuel (Indo-Asia)
Tom & Laura Fodor (Brazi)l
Nelson & Lisa Monteiro (Brazil)
Marg Foreman (Africa)
Peter & Arlene Paluch (Europe)
Gerald & Pat Golbeck (Africa)
Matt & Amber Price (Poland)
Bapu Desai & Frank Juelich (Prem Sewa Shikshan Sanghsia)
Joel & Avin Reimer (Cambodia)
Racheal Komant (Rwanda)
Joel & Brandi Reimer (India)
Greg & Andrea Laing (Thailand)
George & Eileen Werner (Europe)
Greg & Andrea Laing We are thrilled to announce Greg and Andrea Laing will be joining Imagine Thailand for 11 months, leaving at the end of summer 2012. The Laing’s have served with distinction at Point Grey Community Church (PGCC) in Vancouver since 1995. They have agreed to work for one year to assist with specific and strategic roles that will help assess and further develop Imagine Thailand. Greg is a bridgebuilder, particularly strong in administration and organizational development, along with a great pastor's heart. He will bring pastoral stability to the team, and help them strategically think about the expansion for Imagine Thailand. Andrea is an amazing designer with an entrepreneur's zeal. They bring with them their two children, Parker (12) and Alicia (9).
2. Invite Communication Let each other know that you want to hear from them and how important it is to you. Prayer requests don’t have to be one way. Global Workers are praying for the Canadian Church. 3. Social Media In the vast social media sea, Global Workers often don’t know if our communications reach real people. Make the effort to acknowledge communications and find a way to pass the news along to others. Let the Global Worker know the whole Church is up to date. It’s empowering for Workers to know that out of sight is not out of mind. 4. Be Considerate of Time Allow enough time for your communication to be answered properly, but answer ASAP. It communicates respect and value. 5. Get Creative Technology has opened doors for us to connect despite distance. Global Worker / Church communication can be a healthy dialogue if we make it that. Start now.
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John Engels www.ucmonline.ca
University Ministry Sunday, October 21, 2012 This month, thousands of BC students are entering university or college life for the very first time. For most of them, the next four to five years will shape their whole adult life: how they think, how they love, and what they believe. During the first month of school many of these students will establish the social connections they will keep for the rest of their time on campus. Our campus missionaries are doing everything they can this month to get to know these students: to be the loving and welcoming face of Jesus right in the heart of the secular campus.
This month there are two ways you can help these campus missionaries as they reach out with Christ’s love to these new students: 1. If you know a university or college student, you can let them know about UCM. We are currently on nine BC university campuses. Information about all of our campus groups can be found on our website: www.ucmonline.ca. 2. October 21st is University Ministry Sunday; a day when we encourage our churches to celebrate what is happening at BC’s post secondary schools. Media downloads for the Sunday are available on our BCYD website: http://bc.paoc.org/ university-ministry-sunday/. Campus representatives are also available to share at one of your church services. God is moving on our campuses. How exciting to see tomorrow’s leaders transformed by the love of Jesus and the power of His Spirit.
Andrea Critchley @w2wonline
W2W is excited to see the women of our District gather together in every region across our province and territory this year! Each conference has been uniquely organized for their region but unified in heart and purpose for the women in our BC and Yukon District! Visit our website (www.w2wonline.ca) and Facebook page (www.facebook.com/w2wonline) to see a preview of what’s happening around our province and territory and our special guests for each conference. Many thanks to our Regional reps: Cynthia Knutson and Sandi-Jo Ayers for hosting our Wonder Women conferences this spring. We held excellent conferences with the women of Vancouver Island and the Kootenays. What a privilege to see our young girls attending this year and receiving an experience from God. There were so many impacting moments, but perhaps some of the more memorable ones were seeing our younger generation receive the infilling of the Holy Spirit and making first time commitments to Jesus Christ. Our theme of “Wonder Women” has been one of focusing on the Holy Spirit and experiencing His power. Join us for encouraging testimonies, impacting messages, life changing encounters with God as we learn how to walk in the power of Christbecoming a “Wonder Woman”. W2W conferences encourage women of all ages to come and be refreshed by the Holy Spirit. We look forward to connecting with you and experiencing God’s presence together. We encourage you to set aside this time to encounter God.
WONDER WOMEN CONFERENCES Early registration, hotel information and speaker bios are available on our website (www.w2wonline.ca)
Northern Region: September 21-23
Evangel Chapel, Fort St. John Speaker: Region Rep:
Leanne McAlister (Pastor and Life Coach) Noreen Philips
Far North/Yukon Region: September 28-29
Bethany Tabernacle, Whitehorse, Yukon Speaker: Region Rep:
Kim Moran (Founder of Tattered Tiaras) Sue Gibbs
Lower Mainland: October 26-27
Christian Life Assembly, Langley Speakers:
Beth Moore (simulcast) & Connie Smith Jakab (Author)
Interior/Okanagan Region: November 2-3
Calvary Community Church, Kamloops Speakers: Region Reps:
Anne Donkers (Teen Challenge Director) & Connie Smith Jakab Leanne DenBraber & Sandra Packer
other special guests include the reigning 2012 Miss World Canada, Tara Teng and many others!
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Assistant Superintendent, Dave Solmes @DaveSolmes
I Must
Jesus asked a question as a young teenager in Luke 2:49 (NKJ): “Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?” At the age of 12, Jesus understood His calling as He exclaimed: “I must”. He understood the foundation of His identity as He acknowledged this was, “His Father’s Business”. Finally, we see the chosen strategy was His Incarnation. As we personalize this, it becomes quite invitational. Invitation #1: Know OUR CALLING What must we be doing? The Word of God appeals to me that:
I must, humble myself and pray and turn from my wicked ways (2 Chron. 7:14).
I must, learn to love the people God has called me to serve. I must, address barriers to growth within churches and within my ministry. I must, pray to our Lord of the Harvest to send forth labourers into the harvest field. (Matthew 9:38)
Invitation #2: Know OUR IDENTITY Jesus said it was His Father’s Business. For many of us, we can recall the events leading up to Bible College and how during College/University we so sincerely prayed with complete abandonment and availability to do whatever the Lord would ask of us. Our lives were His for the taking and directing. It was all that mattered. I pray we rediscover the freedom for those living this type of surrendered life. How important it is to find long term contentment in doing what He has asked of us.
Invitation #3: Know A CHOSEN STRATEGY Jeremiah 29:4-7 (NLT) encourages us to: “Build homes, and plan to stay. Plant gardens, and eat the food they produce. Marry and have children. Then find spouses for them so that you may have many grandchildren. Multiply! Do not dwindle away! And work for the peace and prosperity of the city where I sent you into exile. Pray to the LORD for it, for its welfare will determine your welfare.” The instruction given to us is to live among and love the people we have been called to. I pray we would “discover beautiful BC” again. I pray the same heart that you followed to say “yes” to serving in this District would lead you again and again to engage in conversation and ministry to the people living around you. I pray you would not just live in your community, but you would love your community! There are 4,400,057 people living in British Columbia and the Yukon District. There are wonderful people living in villages (8%), towns (11%) and many in cities and urban centers (81%). Many come from different countries of origin, speak multiple languages, and are excited about their customs and culture. Many live among us with a variety of religious backgrounds and present orientations, a myriad of interests and passions. As a new season of ministry begins, may your curiosity and imagination be stirred. How critical is it that all of us awaken to the great need to serve and share the gospel in our villages, towns, and cities. Let us live strategically while addressing barriers to church and ministerial growth. Question: Jesus said, “I must be about My Father’s business”. What is your must? What must you do: today; this month; before the end of 2012; before the end of 2013?
Aboriginal and Cultural Ministries
Church Multipliers’ Retreat
Edgar Lapeciros Special thanks to our guest speaker, Alan Hirsch of Forgotten Ways, and all those who attended our first District Church Multiplier’s Retreat, at Summit Pacific College in Abbotsford, on June 1-2, 2012. God continues to stir many people’s imagination as to the value and potential of church multiplication.
Native Pastors/Leaders Summit September 27-29, 2012 Our annual Native Pastors/Leaders Summit is a gathering of our Native church pastors, church leaders, congregations, and anyone else who is interested in Aboriginal ministry. Each year the summit alternates locations, being held in the north and south of our province. This year’s summit will be held at Bethel International Church, 739 East 33 Avenue, Vancouver on September 27-29. The theme of our 2012 summit is “Abundant Life – John 10:10”. The summit will start with a “Concert of Prayer” from 3-5pm on the 27th. Everyone is welcome to attend and pray for our summit, churches, and leadership. That evening at 6pm, will be our first Worship Service with guest speaker, Rev. Ken Russell, Superintendent of BC/Yukon District, PAOC.
Revitalization / Replanting Of Existing Churches
Planting Brand New Churches
District Church Multiplication Host Culture │ International │ First Nation
Church Multi-Campus
Church Multi-Site
On both the 28th and 29th, we will be holding three workshops each day. On the 28th, the workshops will be Church Planting, Leadership Development, Love Corp, and Youth Leadership Development. On the 29th, the workshops will be Crisis Management, Emerging Leaders, and a special Reconciliation Document Presentation (the Reconciliation Document was presented at our General PAOC Conference in Ottawa this past May). Rev. George Kallappa, Director of the AOG American Indian Fellowship will be our guest speaker during both evening worship services, starting at 6pm. We would like to encourage anyone who has an interest in Aboriginal Ministry to attend the summit, or just come and enjoy the evening services. There is no charge to attend the summit, but a free-will offering will be taken during the evening services. If you wish to receive a copy of our flyer with more details about the summit, please contact Randy Fisher at rfisher@bc.paoc.org.
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BC Teen Challenge Welcomes New Executive Director Hailing from the Canadian badlands of Drumheller after many years of ministry in Alberta, Blaine McDonald, with his wife Kimberly and their family have made their journey to come out WEST! Blaine, a man of compassion and consideration for those in need, is committed to the reality that God cares for all people, including “the least of these” and desires to be the voice of the voiceless in accepting the role of Executive Director of BC Teen Challenge. BC Teen Challenge is a faith-based residential program for young men and women, ages 19 and older, trapped in life-controlling addictions. Teen Challenge was founded in 1958 in Brooklyn, NY, by David Wilkerson. This ministry recognizes that addiction can take numerous forms, and is not just limited to drug and alcohol abuse. Addictive behaviour, resulting from various tumultuous life events, is the root of the problem. Addiction itself may the fruit, but addictive behaviour is overcome by the miraculous power of the Spirit of God and lives are transformed as they are touched by the love and power of God that is stronger than any addiction that has held them in bondage. Holistic in approach, BC Teen Challenge helps the total person in spiritual, emotional, physical, social, and educational perspectives, initiating a change of values in the lives of students.
7 Ways to be Missional by Brett Donald, Pastor of CityLights Church Plant, Burnaby When we started the journey of church planting, I sensed God speak to me, “Don’t invite people to go to church, call people to be the church”. I cannot forget that. It is branded into my heart. What does it look like to be the church? Well, the church is Jesus-centered. The church is a body, a family. The church is a people who are sent on missions. What would it look like to be a Jesus-centered sent family? We have given ourselves to discover that, to live that, to be that - to be the church. It had to start with Natalie and I. We started to live, think, and pray like missionaries. Living this way has changed our lives. We have learned a few lessons and here are a few thoughts to consider to further engage in Jesus’ mission. 1. Join a club We encourage everyone who is part of CityLights to be connected into the life of the community and surround themselves with non-Christians. I personally joined Toastmasters and I would encourage every pastor to do the same. 2. Meet your neighbors Meeting neighbors is a process. We started by a brief introduction and a small gift. It can progress to an invitation over for dinner and then build on those initial connections to throw a block or floor party. Natalie and I got involved with strata and this week we help host an outdoor movie and bbq for the entire strata (330 units). This also leads to many surprising relationships. We met one guy in the elevator and it was elevator chats for months. Then six months ago he hit a roadblock in life and he started talking to me. This led to a growing friendship and many opportunities to share the gospel with him. In fact, he had never heard the good news of Jesus before. He didn’t know Jesus died for his sins. He didn’t know Easter was about Jesus. These are our neighbors. This is Vancouver. This is our calling! 3. Pray everyday I pray for the same people everyday. I pray that God will save them.
For over 50 years, Teen Challenge has given young people who struggle with life-controlling addictions a second chance at life. BC Teen Challenge initially began in 1965 in downtown Vancouver, but was re-launched in 2001 in Chilliwack with a one-year residential program. Today, there are over 1,000 Teen Challenge ministries in 82 countries around the world, with 15 Centers across Canada, including four locations across British Columbia, three Men Centres located in Chilliwack, Okanagan, and Vancouver Island, and our Women’s Centre located in Abbotsford. Addiction takes numerous forms, affecting countless people regardless of gender, age, education, or economic class. Daily lives are broken because of an endless cycle of drug use, alcoholism, pornography, gang involvement, sexual abuse, or by dysfunctional up-bringing. Celebration can only be complete when the recovery is based in transformative healing of the Spirit of God. But the story doesn’t end here. Every day the ministries of Teen Challenge see lives overcoming addiction, changed forever by the healing power of Jesus Christ, and bringing freedom and new direction to their lives. As a fellow PAOC minister, Blaine looks forward to partnering with you, knowing that when you look into the eyes of a Teen Challenge student, you will indeed see a spark of renewed hope and purpose. For more information visit www.bcteenchallenge.com or call Blaine 604-575-3930 (ext. 106) to welcome him to the BC/Yukon District! 4. Go to the same places If you buy coffee, go to the same place. If you eat sushi, go to the same place. If you get your hair cut, go to the same stylist. We never know how God will use the little things for His purposes. 5. Learn people’s stories When we want to share Jesus, it is beneficial to know the story of the person we are talking with. Ask questions. Where did they grow up? Do they have family? What do they do for fun? Which movies do they like best? Through simple discussion we learn their values, needs, hurts, backgrounds, and heroes. This helps so we can share Jesus in a way that makes sense. It also helps because we may learn of needs and then we can show Jesus in a way that makes sense. 6. Celebrate well and often Take any excuse to celebrate and invite people. We throw a lot of parties, dinners, and barbecues, and it is awesome. One of the men being baptized next week was a Starbucks employee whom we invited to our New Year’s party and that was the start of our friendship. Parties are a perfect opportunity for non-Christians to be loved, accepted, and served by the church. 7. Don’t do it alone Almost every time Natalie and I have neighbours over or meet new friends, we try to involve others from the church. This accomplishes a few things. One, we are discipling Christians so they can learn to host others and share Jesus. Two, we are introducing our friends to the Christian community. Jesus said, “Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples” (Jn. 13:35). The way that Christians love one another makes a statement to the world. We have found great joy and benefit in working with others. Consider throwing a dinner party for neighbours, but invite a couple of Christian friends over to help prepare and host. We celebrated the first baptisms of CityLights at the end of August. We want to thank everyone who has prayed for us! Special thanks to the BCYD District Office, Living Waters Assembly (Fort Langley), The CrossCurrent (Mission), Ladner Christian Fellowship (Delta), and Bethel International Church (Vancouver). We would love for your church to consider partnering with us in some way. Please consider how your church can assist in church multiplication.
CityLights currently gathers every Sunday evening and is looking for more launch team members. Please pray for CityLights. You can connect with CityLights www.citylightschurch.ca or Brett via email: brettd@citylightschurch.ca, blog: www.brettdonald.com, or twitter: @brettgd or @citylightsvan.
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Next Generation Ministries, Ben Johnson @nextgenbc
We are excited to bring back Leeland for another incredible night of worship, with their Great Awakening Concert to be hosted at Chandos Pattison Auditorium in Surrey, Friday, October 12, 2012, featuring local worship musician Andrew Marcus. Gather a group together and plan to make it a youth night out. For more information and to purchase tickets for this concert, go to www.leelandlive.com. We believe in bringing you events of excellence, that support Historymakers, and serve as an outreach to those in need.
NGM Dessert Night/Auction Fundraiser: November 22, 2012 We would be so honoured to have you attend our Annual Dessert Night / Auction Fundraiser as our guests. Please mark your calendar for November 22, 2012 at Surrey Pentecostal Assembly. We hope to see you there
District Clergy Care Coach, Jim Caruso
A few years ago, the sister of my best friend when I was an early teen went to visit my mom (who was in her early 80’s). While they were reminiscing about life in our small town and all of the funny stories about her brother and me, she told my mom about a car we had bought when we were only 14 years old. My mom had never heard that story before. Shortly after her visit, mom called me. She opened with the question, “I did not know that you had bought a car from the local car lot when you were only 14”. Mom had been well briefed on the details about how we could not pick the car up until late that night. Of course, being underage, we had to do it by cover of darkness because neither of us had a drivers licence, insurance or licence plates for the car. My mom asked the question, “Why didn’t you tell me this?” I responded, “Well, you never asked.” Of course, I knew what I had done was illegal and if I were to tell her at the time, it would have meant another trip to the local RCMP Detachment (which, during those years of my life, was a weekly occurrence). Therefore, I chose not to say anything. Our lives are full of things we never tell anyone.
IS THERE SOMETHING? There is an interesting slogan used by one of the destination cities in the USA. Advertisers have coined a phrase to promote this city and the unlimited freedoms offered within its limits, “WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS...STAYS IN VEGAS”. This is another way of saying, come to our city, you can do whatever you wish, and no one will be the wiser. Las Vegas has a reputation as a wild and exciting place where you can indulge in whatever you desire. The trouble is, although everything that happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas, you eventually come home. In addition, you know, what happened in Vegas. Secrets are things that we have hidden in the dark. These secrets are now packaged tightly in the dark wrappings of fear, guilt and shame. These dark wrappings exclude all light. David in his Psalm of repentance says this of hidden sin and pain, “Surely you desire truth in the inner parts; you teach me wisdom in the inmost place” (Psalm 51:6). In an earlier Psalm, he takes it a bit further, “When I kept silent, my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long” (Psalm 32:3). Things hidden can directly affect one’s physical and emotional health. Things that happen in Vegas are currency for blackmail. You see, if someone in Vegas knows what you did, they have something over you. They may or may not use that against you, but it is
Children, Preteen and Family Specialist Caroline Durocher-Bergeron
We hope you have had a blessed summer ministry filled with camps, Vacation Bible Schools and hot summer fun. Join us November 9-10, 2012 at Abbotsford Pentecostal Church for an impactful SPARK Preteen Conference. This year, our theme is GLOW. In Matthew 5:14, Jesus declares His purpose for our lives, “You are the light of the world, glowing in the dark for all to see”. We are called to glow, not by our own strength, but by being transformed by the glorious presence of God so we can shine His light in the world. With guest speaker Gregg Johnson from J12 ministries, and Revolution Band leading worship, your students will be challenged by our Missions Hub to GLOW and be given an opportunity to participate in local and international initiatives to help those in need. We are also very excited to have Mike Brownlee and Kim Moran leading our Boys & Girls Hubs. For more details, accommodation information or to register, visit www.sparklive.ca. not “hidden” to them. What if...they revealed this to someone of significance? The devil knows the power of this type of blackmail and constantly taunts you with the threat that someone is going to find out and reveal it to the people in your world. The hidden things are not always a result of your own choices, but you may be the victim of damaging choices that someone has made involving you. Again, because of the wrappings of fear, guilt and shame, you have never felt safe to share anything with anyone. Jesus spoke into the darkness and created the light. Spiritually, we were once darkness, and now we are light. “For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth)” (Ephesians 5:8,9). Jesus said, “If you know the truth, it will set you free” (John 8:32), free from the bondage and fear of darkness. In Genesis 2, Adam and Eve were “naked and unashamed”. That was more than just physical nakedness, it was also emotional and spiritual nakedness and there was no shame, fear or hidden emotional damage to obscure their lives before one another and God. When we are not free, we are not whole.
WHOM DO WE TELL? The church has struggled with the “ministry of counseling”; some suggesting that psychology is a demonic tool that the enemy has used to infiltrate the church, destroying believer’s lives because it is not based in Scripture. Others accept counseling, but it must be limited to Scripture verses and prayer. I admit that I wrestled with these different viewpoints in my early years of ministry. My conclusion is that counseling is a God designed gift with the purpose of bringing the broken to wholeness and the prisoners to freedom (Isaiah 61). For the counselor, it is not the person, the model or the method, but instead, it is a willingness to become a conduit for the Holy Spirit, (Who, Jesus sent as the Counselor for all mankind). “But I tell you the truth: It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you” (John 16:7). For the counselee, it is a willingness to allow someone we trust to take us into God’s presence to receive healing, freedom and wholeness. Whom will you allow to become that conduit for the work of the Holy Spirit, bringing light and freedom into the darkness of your personal “Vegas”? God is asking, “Do you have something you need to tell Me?” I encourage you to talk to someone you trust. In doing so, you will break the power of darkness, disarming the enemy, rendering him unable to take away your joy, freedom and wholeness for another moment.
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Happenings Around the District Transitions
Jillian Anonby:
Churches in Pastoral Transition Alert Bay-Glad Tidings Church (Aboriginal) Anahim Lake Chapel Bella Coola Pentecostal Assembly Cache Creek Pentecostal Church Coquitlam Christian Centre New Denver-Gospel Light Chapel 100 Mile House, Bethel Chapel Port Alice, Ocean View Christian Assembly Port Clements, Cedarview Community Church Surrey, Revival Church (Korean)
Appointed as Children’s/Youth Pastor of Full Gospel
Tabernacle, Vernon.
Mesake Baleivatu: Concluded as Assistant Pastor of Nanaimo Native Victory Chapel.
Joseph Booth:
Concluded as Church Ministries Pastor of Abbotsford Pentecostal Assembly and has been called as Lead Pastor of Seaview Pentecostal Assembly, White Rock. John Cho: Appointed as Associate Pastor of Nanaimo Native Victory Chapel. Deborah Dergousoff: Concluded as Associate Pastor of Victoria Chinese Pentecostal Church.
Rod Fair: Concluded as Lead Pastor of Lifeway Church, Surrey. Wayne Finstad: Appointed as Family Life Pastor of Five Corners Pentecostal Church, Salmon Arm. Irene Goertz: Concluded as Children’s Director of Colwood Pentecostal Church, Victoria. Luc Hebert: Appointed as Pastor of Worship & Community of Delta Pentecostal Tabernacle. Jonathan Knudsen: Appointed as Assistant Pastor of Christian Life Fellowship, Campbell River. Per Knudsen: Appointed as Interim Lead Pastor of Nanaimo Native Victory Chapel. Christopher Kong: Appointed as Youth & Kids Leader of North Douglas Pentecostal Church, Victoria. Chris-Ann Lake: Concluded as Director of University Christian Ministries of Vancouver Island University, Nanaimo. Edgar Lapeciros: Appointed as Interim Lead Pastor of both, Templo Betesda, Abbotsford and Vancouver Celebration Christian Fellowship. Irene Lihaven (nee Waldack): Resigned as Administrative Assistant of Women2Women. Mark Moody: Appointed as Assistant Pastor of First Avenue Christian Assembly, Chilliwack.
Sherri Moore: Appointed as Administrative Assistant of Women2Women. Paul Moores: Concluded as Assistant Pastor of Delta Pentecostal
Tabernacle and appointed as Church Life Pastor of Broadway Pentecostal Church, Vancouver. Efren Operiano: Concluded as Lead Pastor of Vancouver Celebration Christian Fellowship. Melody Rekker: Concluded as Children’s Director of Evangel Pentecostal Church, Powell River. Ashleigh Schanke: Appointed as Children's Leader at Evangel Pentecostal Church, Powell River. Chad Schellenberg: Appointed as Lead Pastor of Dawson City Christian Fellowship. Stephen Schneider: Concluded as Family Ministries Pastor of Gateway Christian Life Centre, Trail. Jone Senibici: Concluded as Interim Lead Pastor of Nanaimo Native Victory Chapel. Amanda Skarra: Appointed as Children’s Ministry Director of Calvary Pentecostal Tabernacle, Williams Lake. Adam Somerville: Appointed as Youth Director of Christian Life Fellowship, Campbell River. Kevin Smith: Appointed as Assistant Pastor of Colwood Pentecostal Church, Victoria. Bart Thomas: Called as Lead Pastor of Park Drive Pentecostal Assembly, Oliver. Caleb Zylstra: Appointed as Interim Director of University Christian Ministries of Vancouver Island University, Nanaimo.
visit our website for other ministry opportunities (www.bc.paoc.org)
Nick & Tara Astle are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Adelaide Faith Rita, born June 4.
Jason & Kelsey Eliason are happy to announce the birth of their son, Jude William Jay, born August 29.
Simon & Ashlee Gau are happy to announce the birth of their son, Sawyer Clifford, born May 20.
Daniel and Bliss Gilmore are happy to announce the birth of their son, Theo David, born May 16.
Joel and Brandi Reimer are happy to announce the birth of their son, Lyric Jair born July 5.
Johnny & Chelsea Sugrue are happy to announce the birth of their son, Cohen Thomas, born June 17.
Jesse & Desiree van der Meulen are happy to announce the birth of their son, Éamom David, born June 28.
Zachary & Megan Wylie are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Eleanor Catherine Grace, born June 2.
Rob & Amalie Young are happy to announce the birth of their daughter Vivian Mabel, born June 15.
Winton Engels (John Engels’ father) went home into the presence of his
Lord on August 17. A memorial service was held at Hillcrest Chapel, Bellingham, WA on September 8. Please pray for John and Nancy Engels and their family as they grieve the loss of John’s father. John is the Director for the BC Campus Ministries, BC/Yukon District.
Anne Lake (Chris-Ann Lake’s mother) passed away June 28. A memorial
service was held July 4 at Serenity Funeral Service in Edmonton, AB. Please pray for Chris-Anne as she grieves the loss of her mother. Chris-Ann was the Director of University Christian Ministries of Vancouver Island University, Nanaimo.
Rev. Reg Solmes (David Solmes’ father) passed into the presence of the
Lord July 10 at the age of 92. Brother Solmes was first credentialed with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada in 1960 and served in churches and ministries across the former Eastern Ontario and Quebec District, including Peterborough and Kingston, ON and Gaspe and Brownsburg, QC. Thank you for remembering Doris, their daughter Ruth (Bruce) Mill and family and their son Dave (Julie) and their family. Dave currently serves as Assistant Superintendent in the BC and Yukon District. A Celebration Service was held Saturday, July 14 at Northview Pentecostal Church, Peterborough, Ontario.
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District Calendar SEPTEMBER 2012 14 bcyd: Webinar - Unreached People Groups in the BC/Yukon 21-23 Women 2 Women Conference, Fort St. John 21-22 All Nations Pentecostal Church of Prince George: Women’s Conference 21-22 CampusFire Conference (hosted by Peace Portal Alliance Church), Surrey 24 Marketplace/Chaplaincy Cluster, Langley 27-29 Native Pastors/Leaders Summit, Vancouver 28-29 Women 2 Women Conference, Whitehorse, Yukon OCTOBER 2012 1-3 Cluster Leadership Retreat, Stillwood Conference & Camp Centre 12 NGM: Leeland The Great Awakening Concert, Surrey 12-14 Adore Conference, hosted by Glad Tidings Church, Victoria 18-19 Global Leadership Summit, hosted by Broadway Pentecostal Church 21 University Ministry Sunday, District-Wide 22-24 Licensed Ministers Network #1, Stillwood Retreat Centre 26-27 Women 2 Women Conference, Lower Mainland 27 Summit Pacific College: Dinner & Auction Fundraiser
JANUARY 2013 18-20 UCM: Emerge, Hope MARCH 2013 15-16 Summit Pacific College: Discovery Days, Abbotsford APRIL 2013 5-6 NGM: Elevate Conference, Langley 26 Summit Pacific College: Graduation Ceremony 27-29 NGM: TimeOut, Victoria 29-May 1 BC/Yukon District Conference, Victoria MAY 2013 17-19 NGM: HistoryMaker (Youth & Young Adults Conference), Chilliwack
NOVEMBER 2012 2-3 Women 2 Women Conference, Kamloops 9-10 NGM: Spark “Glow”, Abbotsford 22 NGM: Dessert Night, Surrey 24 All Nations College Foundation Graduation, Surrey 26-28 District Leadership Team Meeting, Langley DECEMBER 2012 5 Summit Pacific College: Christmas Banquet (by invitation only)
webin Leading forward
health and wisdom
Live in the BCYD “Elephant Room”
Unreached People Groups in BCYD September 14, 2012 @ 11am (PDT) hosts: Ben Johnson & Dave Solmes
WORLD CHRISTIANITY IN THE 19th & 20th CENTURIES (TWU/ACTS) October 22-26, 2012
course instructor: Dr. Allan Anderson
guests: Jaz Ghag │ Faisal Malick │ Jeff Wong
course instructor: Brent Gibson
professor of Global Pentecostal Studies University of Birmingham, UK
This free webinar will consider how to foster healthy relationship and ministry across a district that serves a diverse group of people click here to register
for more information or to register visit: http://twu.ca/sites/cme/partners/ worshipleadershippaoc.html
for more information or to register visit: http://acts.twu.ca/courses/his.html (course: HIS 692A)
www.paoc.org @Lead_Forward