Fehmarnbelt Days 2014 Handbook

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About Fehmarnbelt Days




Networking Village


Promotion Partners


Practical information

Creating Connections The Fehmarnbelt Region Fehmarnbelt Region in Figures September 30 October 1 October 2

Venues Registration Transport Wifi Translation Press Info



From 2021 the Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link - Northern Europe’s biggest infrastructure project - will connect Denmark and Germany along the shortest possible route. The Fehmarnbelt region – a region stretching from northern Germany across Denmark into southern Sweden – will be exceedingly interconnected by the tunnel. This way, new opportunities for living, working and leisure will emerge for its nine million inhabitants. New jobs will be created, new businesses will be founded, existing companies will have strong incentives to move to the region, and scientific collaboration will become easier. As the cities of the region – big and small– are tied closer together, cultural exchange between the inhabitants of the three countries will increase. The tourism industry will also profit from the ability to create new and innovative offers and attract new visitors to the region. The Fehmarnbelt Days are about exploring all of these opportunities. In line with the vision behind the Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link, this year’s Fehmarnbelt Days event has been themed Creating Connections. For three days, industry experts, politicians and citizens from Germany, Denmark and Sweden will come together in Copenhagen to explore the opportunities that lie within an interconnected Fehmarnbelt Region. A number of conferences and events are dedicated to key topics such as infrastructure, tourism, and business as well as the labour market, transportation, education and research. Existing cooperation will be strengthened and new initiatives will be formed to fully harvest the benefits of an interconnected region after 2021.


HANDBOOK | Fehmarnbelt Days 2014


The organising partners of the Fehmarnbelt Days believe that the wide range of conferences, seminars and events will offer all participants ample opportunities for engaging talks, exchange of ideas and networking. Our hope is for you to create the professional and personal connections that will form the basis for a strong and prosperous Fehmarnbelt Region of the future. The organizing partners welcome you to Copenhagen and wish you three successful days at the Fehmarnbelt Days 2014!


CARSTEN HANSEN Minister for Housing, Urban and Rural Affairs, and Minister of Nordic Co-Operation

NICOLAUS LANGE Chairman of the Fehmarnbelt Business Council

LENE ESPERSEN Chairman of Baltic Development Forum

REINHARD SAGER Chairman of the Fehmarnbelt Committee


HANDBOOK | Fehmarnbelt Days 2014



HANDBOOK | Fehmarnbelt Days 2014



ORGANISERS FEHMARNBELT BUSINESS COUNCIL As an international consortium the FBBC plays a coordinating role and serves as a platform on which all interested in the project can coordinate their respective projects and participate in joint activities. Representing about 400,000 companies through its members, the FBBC is truly “the voice of business” and is therefore the natural contact point for government and administration in cross border issues on the axis Hamburg-Lübeck-Copenhagen-Malmö. www.en.fbbc.eu

MINISTRY OF HOUSING, URBAN AND RURAL AFFAIRS OF DENMARK The Ministry of Housing, Urban and Rural Affairs was established in 2011. The ministry is responsible for housing, including the real property data administration, urban development and of development in sparsely populated rural areas. The Ministry has since 2012 through the establishment of an interministerial Femern Belt Forum been the entrance point to the Danish Government in regards to the development of the Femern Region with the exception of construction and infrastructure. www.mbbl.dk

FEMERN A/S STRING STRING promotes regional development and green growth in the corridor stretching from the Öresund Region to Hamburg. The STRING partners are Region Skåne, The Capital Region of Denmark, The City of Copenhagen, Region Zealand, Schleswig-Holstein and City of Hamburg. In 2011 the partners agreed on establishing a permanent STRING secretariat to coordinate and promote the joint agenda of the partners, and implement the political decisions. The work shall build on the politics and initiatives that are already part of the partner´s political agendas, priorities and activities. What STRING adds to this is a joint political goal, emerging when the common objectives and actions of Northern Europe´s strongest economies are put forward and placed on the political agenda. www.stringnetwork.org

Femern A/S is tasked with designing and planning of a fixed link between Denmark and Germany across the Fehmarnbelt. Femern A/S is a subsidiary of the Danish, state-owned Sund & Bælt Holding A/S, which has experience from the construction of the fixed links across the Great Belt and the Øresund. www.femern.com

FEHMARNBELT COMMITTEE The Fehmarnbelt Committee is a cross-border Danish-German work- and coordination cooperation in the Fehmarnbelt region. The committee is composed of Danish and German politicians and representatives from municipalities and county authorities as well as representatives from organisations and associations. The goal of the Fehmarnbelt Committee


is to position the Fehmarnbelt region as a destination on the axis of development between Copenhagen/ Malmø and Hamburg and to ensure an integration process through recommendations and support ofcross-border activities. www.fehmarnbelt-portal.de/fehmarnbelt-komitee

BALTIC DEVELOPMENT FORUM Baltic Development Forum is the leading think-tank and network for high level decision-makers from business, politics, academia and media in the Baltic Sea Region.Baltic Development Forum’s network comprises more than 8000 individual from private/ public sectors, academia and media from and outside the Baltic Sea Region. Baltic Development Forum provides platforms that bring together actors from diverse sectors and from across the Baltic Sea Region, ensuring better cooperation, coordination and coherence. We influence regional policy and facilitate collaboration across regions, sectors and levels of decision making. BDF hosts the Secretariat for the Fehmarnbelt Days 2014. www.bdforum.org


The focus of Fehmarnbelt Days 2014 is “Creating Connections�. Key areas to be addressed include infrastructure, tourism, business, the labour market, transport and logistics, and education and research. The Fehmarnbelt Days will also host a variety of social and cultural events in the heart of Copenhagen.

THE FEHMARNBELT REGION The Fehmarnbelt Region spans a diverse geographical area. Not only does the region reach through three different national states, it also encompasses many different sub-regions, each one with its own hallmark. The Fehmarnbelt Region stretches from northern Germany via Denmark to southern Sweden, and is home to 8.5 million inhabitants.

8.5 MILLION PEOPLE CONNECTED A direct fixed link will connect millions of people and offer opportunities for people, business, and culture. The Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link is the key to a prosperous and transnational region. Visiting your neighbours will become easier: Danes, Swedes and Germans will be able to interact more easily and more frequently. With the realization of the Fehmarnbelt tunnel, Scandinavia and Europe will grow closer together; in business, culture, infrastructure, tourism, green energy, research and development, through a 8

HANDBOOK | Fehmarnbelt Days 2014

common labour market, and many more fields.

TRADE AND TOURISM The Fehmarnbelt tunnel is about job creation; better interconnectedness strengthens the whole region and stimulates job creation. With a high-speed rail connection the Fehmarnbelt tunnel will make rail freight more attractive, leading to more companies transporting their goods by rail something which will benefit the environment. Thus, the Fehmarnbelt fixed link will be the green corridor into central Europe/into Scandinavia. The Fehmarnbelt region offers great potential for new tourism from both international and regional markets. Tourism in the Fehmranbelt region is already increasing and will become even more international once access is made even easier by the Fehmarnbelt fixed link.


THE FEHMARNBELT REGION IN FIGURES Fixed Link Construction costs:

EUR 5,5 bn Repayment period:

39 years Travel time Hamburg-Copenhagen (2021):

3h Number of inhabitants (2013):

8,462,000 Actively employed part of the population (2013):

4,512,000 The Region’s GDP (2011, in EUR million):


The Region’s GDP per inhabitant (2011, in EUR):


(EU 28 average in EUR: 25,100)

Unemployment (2013):


(EU 28 average: 10.8%)


56 universities 18 research institutions 325,000 students 70,000 scientific staff


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SEP 30


SPETEMBER 30 | OVERVIEW 16.00 16.30 17.00 17.30

16.00 to 17.00 Panel discussion: Scientific cooperation around large-scale research infrastructures and their regional development

18.00 18.30 19.00 19.30

18.00 to 19.30 Early Arrival Reception

SEPTEMBER 30 | SESSION DESCRIPTIONS 16:00-17:00 Scientific cooperation around large-scale research infrastructures and their regional development Venue: Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel, Amager Boulevard 70 Organisers: Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Science Link Network, Röntgen-Ångström Cluster

Existing and newly constructed research infrastructures such as the European X-Ray Free Electron Laser in Hamburg and the European Spallation Source (ESS) in Lund are unique knowledge hubs to foster scientific cooperation, education and innovation in the Fehmarnbelt region and the whole Baltic Sea area. Transnational cooperation platforms such as the Röntgen-Ångström Cluster or the Science Link Network are strong indicators that the region is growing together. This panel of high-level science and innovation experts will discuss how the region has already developed and will continue to be further shaped - through scientific infrastructures, related research projects and local innovation.


HANDBOOK | Fehmarnbelt Days 2014

Speakers: Pia Kinhult, Governor of Skåne Region, Malmö Dorothee Stapelfeldt, Second Mayoress of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg and Senator for Science and Research Helmut Dosch, Chairman of the DESY Board of Directors, Hamburg Ulf Karlsson, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Lutz Kipp, President of the Kiel University Robert Feidenhans’l, Head of the Niels Borh Institute, Copenhagen

18:00 to 19:30 Early Arrival Reception Venue: German-Danish Chamber of Commerce, Kongens Nytorv 26, 3rd Floor Organisers: European Commission, German-Danish Chamber of Commerce, Baltic Development Forum

An informal event with opportunities to mingle, enjoy a buffet and warm up for the events of the coming days.



OCTOBER 1 | OVERVIEW 9.00 9.30 10.00 10.30 11.00 11.30 12.00 12.30 13.00 13.30 14.00 14.30 15.00 15.30 16.00 16.30 17.00 17.30 18.00 18.30 19.00 19.30 20.00 20.30

09.00 to 12.45

09.00 to 10.00

Green Growth-Region in Motion

New Growth and New Possibilities

09.45 to 12.45 Øresund Bus Excursion

12.30 to 13.30 Networking lunch

13.30 to 17.00

13.30 to 16.30

Fehmarnbelt Business Council Business Day ’’Knowing Fehmarnbelt’’

How do we attract young tourists to the Fehmarnbelt Region?

13.30 to 14.30 Fehmarnbelt Growth Center

14.00 to 19.00 Fehmarnbelt comes to Rådhuspladsen

16.45 to 17.00 Bus shuttle from Tivoli Congress Center to Rådhuspladsen

18.30 to 20.30

17.15 to 17.30 Bus shuttle from Tivoli Congress Center to Rådhuspladsen

Lord Mayor’s Reception

HANDBOOK | Fehmarnbelt Days 2014




OCTOBER 1 | SESSION DESCRIPTIONS 9:00 – 12:45 Green Growth-Region in Motion Venue: Tivoli Congress Center. Room: Congress Hall Organiser: STRING

A Fehmarnbelt Days Political Conference, organized by STRING: The event will address the potential for economic prosperity after the new infrastructure between Copenhagen and Hamburg, and the collaboration between forward - thinking societies where environmental concerns are a priority. Leading politicians from the EU, Sweden, Denmark, Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein will give different perspectives on the strengths and opportunities of the corridor specifically, the new quality of eco-friendly mobility, renewable energy, and future-orientated workplaces. Speakers: Lene Espersen, Chairman of Baltic Development Forum Torsten Albig, Minister President, Schleswig-Holstein Anke Spoorendonk, Minister of Justice, Cultural and European Affairs, Schleswig-Holstein Magnus Heunicke, Minister for Transport, Denmark Carsten Hansen, Minister for Housing, Urban and Rural Affairs, Denmark Dorothee Stapelfeldt, Second Mayoress and Senator for Science and Research of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg And other speakers and representatives from Denmark, Germany and Sweden.

9.00 - 10.00, followed by a closed session 10.00 - 12.30 New Growth and New Possibilities Venue: House of Industry, City Hall Square in Copenhagen Organiser: Dansk Industri – Confederation of Danish Industry


HANDBOOK | Fehmarnbelt Days 2014

Come and hear about the possibilities for your company in the construction of the Fehmarn Belt Fixed Link. Come and hear other companies share their experiences from similar mega-projects. Come and gain insight into the technical standards and possibilities to become a supplier. Come to a strong industry event in the House of Industry, City Hall Square in Copenhagen. The event consists of an open part (in English) 09.00 – 10.00, and a closed part (in Danish and for members of DI only) 10.00 – 12.30. Speakers: Bo Stæremose, CEO of Juliana A/S and Chairman of the Manufacturing Industry of Denmark Ajs Dam, Communications director, Femern A/S Steen Bobach, Bobach Staalentreprise A/S Steen Lykke, Technical Director, Femern A/S Jesper Nordby, Vice President, MT Højgaard A/S

09.45 - 12.45 Øresund Bus Excursion Venue: Meeting place: Tivoli Congress Center, registration desk Organiser: Fehmarnbelt Business Council (FBBC)

In addition to the FBBC Business Conference “Knowing Fehmarnbelt” the FBBC and its members offer a bus excursion in the context of the “FBBC Business Day” that is free for all participants of the Fehmarnbelt Days 2014. The Øresund Bus Excursion starts at 09.45 at the foyer of the Tivoli Congress Center and participants will return at 12.45. Participants of the DI Event “New Growth and New Possibilities” 09.00 - 10.00 have the option to board the bus at 10.00 in front of Industriens Hus.

OCT 1 During the Øresund bus excursion participants will learn interesting facts about technical aspects of the Fehmarnbelt project, the commercial success of the Øresund bridge as well as the environmental aspects, during a short stop at the island of Peberholm. 12.30 - 13.30 Networking lunch Venue: Tivoli Congress Center, Networking Village

Meet, greet and network with the participants of the Fehmarnbelt Days 2014. The Networking Lunch will take place jointly with the Networking Village activities, where companies from around the Fehmarnbelt Region will showcase their initiatives of cross-border cooperation. During the lunch you will have the opportunity to meet participants from international businesses, high level professionals and government officials representing the Fehmarnbelt and Baltic Sea Region countries. European Union projects and other regional initiatives will also be present and will help fuel multi-level partnership development. 13.30 - 17.00 FBBC Business Conference „Knowing Fehmarnbelt“ Venue: Tivoli Congress Center. Room: Congress Hall Organiser: Fehmarnbelt Business Council

This year’s FBBC Business Conference “Knowing Fehmarnbelt” is focusing on the benefits and opportunities that the Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link provides for businesses in the entire Fehmarnbelt region and beyond. High-level business representatives will speak about their experiences and activities concerning cross-border cooperation as well as strategic


decisions taken in regard to the future Fehmarnbelt Fixed link and the aspects that make the region between Hamburg/Lübeck and Copenhagen/Malmö such a unique business region. In addition to the overall business opportunities and other interesting topics a focus of the conference will be on logistics, approaching new markets and cross-border apprenticeships/education. Speakers: Nicolaus Lange, FBBC Chairman Jesper Bremholm, Vice President, Production & Logistics PostNord Danmark Ajs Dam, Director, Corporate Communications & Regional Development, Femern AS Alexandra von Oven-Batsch, Hotel Manager Maibritt Errebro Sørensen, Trainee Chef, Seehus GmBH Jens-Henrik Stillhoff Nicolaisen, Executive Board Member, Züblin A/S Henrik Wegener, Executive Vice President and Chief Academic Officer, Technical University of Denmark Michael Svane, FBBC Vice Chairman

13.30 – 14.30 Fehmarn Belt Growth Center Venue: Tivoli Congress Center, Networking Village Stage Organisers: Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation; Transport Innovation Network (TINV); InnoBYG; Region Sjælland

The Fehmarn Belt Growth Center is a national initiative to exploit the potential for growth related to the construction of the fixed link under Fehmarn Belt. How can we successfully create lasting growth and jobs through innovation activities before, during and after the construction of the fixed link under the Fehmarnbelt? The two Danish innovation Networks

HANDBOOK | Fehmarnbelt Days 2014




InnoBYG and the Transport Innovation Network invite companies, knowledge- and educational institutions, organizations and other interested to discuss this matter in general and with a special focus on construction and transportation. The purpose is to inspire the future national efforts to support the Fehmarn Belt Growth Center, which will create activities for 3 – 400 companies with an international focus. Speakers from: The Transport Innovation Network; InnoBYG; Danish Innovation; Network of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Construction; Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation; Region Sjælland

13.30 – 16.30 How do we attract young tourists to the Fehmarn Belt Region? Venue: Tivoli Congress Center, Room: Harlekin Organiser: Fehmarnbelt Committee

There is a need for developing new opportunities, activities and events that are attractive to young adults, both for those living in and outside the region. Young adults are key for the tourism and recreational sectors of the Fehmarnbelt Region – but it requires both the local governments and the operators to think in new ways. What are the mega trends of tomorrow’s tourism and how can the region prepare for that? What role can digital media play in developing the tourist sector with young adults in mind? Speakers: Oliver Puhe, Trend researcher and innovation advisor, Hamburg Esben Danielsen, Director of Roskilde Festival “Orange Innovation” 16

HANDBOOK | Fehmarnbelt Days 2014

Lars H. Olsen, Director of Danish national center for Coastal Tourism Juliane König, Ostsee-Holstein-Tourismus e.V. Amir Ghomi, Creative director, Nordic Urban Challenge Bossi Güven, Kailua Lodge, Surfevents and Surfclasses Moderator: Marc-Christoph Wagner, Correspondent for Scandinavia for German TV (ARD) Session hosts: Reinhard Sager, Landrat, Kreis Ostholstein and chair of the Fehmarnbelt Committee Jens Stenbæk, Chairman of Region Sjælland and vice chair of the Fehmarnbelt Committee

14.00-19.00 Fehmarnbelt comes to Rådhuspladsen Venue: Town Hall Square (Rådhuspladsen), Copenhagen Organisers: Femern A/S, TIM Fehmarnbelt Project (Interreg), Ostsee-Holstein-Tourismus, Visit East Denmark, City of Copenhagen, Wonderful Copenhagen and STRING

Discover the Fehmarnbelt region on Rådhuspladsen. Visit information tents and learn more about the Fehmarnbelt tunnel - Northern Europe’s biggest infrastructure project. Children are invited to discover the tunnel by ‘jumping under the Fehmarnbelt’ in a giant bouncing castle. Grownups can taste regional gourmet specialities, watch Swedish, Danish and German students compete in a human table soccer-tournament or experience a green vision for transportation in the Fehmarnbelt region - an exhibition of a wide range of electric cars. Join us, and start creating connections that will build our common region. Events:

The Fehmarnbelt Tunnel is coming to Copenhagen The planning company of the Fehmarnbelt tunnel,

OCT 1 Femern A/S, invites you to discover Northern Europe’s biggest infrastructure project. Information tents showcase the planning, construction and future operation of the link. Look at tunnel models, check out computer animations, take a brochure with you or have a chat with our experts. Children can take a tour of the tunnel by jumping on a giant bouncy castle in the shape of the Fehmarnbelt tunnel. Extensive information on all aspects of the tunnel will be presented and handed out. Special information materials for children will also be available. This activity is presented by Femern A/S. Human Table Soccer Tournament: Who will be regional champion? 14.45-17.00 Danish, Swedish and German students meet in an interregional human table soccer battle. Experience a fun, untraditional and fast paced tournament where quick feet, teamwork and high spirits are necessary to take home the trophy. Between games you can even try the table soccer field yourself, or you can listen to the duo Urban Beach playing catchy tunes. Are you the next Fehmarnbelt champion in human table soccer? This activity is presented by TIM Fehmarnbelt Project (Interreg), Ostsee-Holstein-Tourismus and Visit East Denmark. Free regional specialities to try. 14.00-17.30 Ever tasted a real North German Fischbrötchen? Or set your teeth in local gourmet produce from rural Zealand? Now is your chance to try some free regional specialties. A real fishing boat from North Germany will be serving Fischbrötchen on Rådhuspladsen while local producers from Zealand will offer samples of their culinary products. Give it a try – you might find a new favourite dish. This activity is presented by TIM Fehmarnbelt Project (Interreg), Ostsee-Holstein-Tourismus and Visit East Denmark.


17.00 - 17.30 Femern A/S ceremony warm up: Welcome drinks and light snacks will be served. 17.45 - 18.15 Official opening ceremony, Femern A/S Free shuttle busses: 16.45 17.15

Tivoli Congress Center Rådhuspladsen/Town Hall Square Tivoli Congress Center Rådhuspladsen/Town Hall Square

18.30 - 20.30 Lord Mayor’s Reception Venue: Copenhagen City Hall, Festsalen Organiser: City of Copenhagen

Copenhagen is the host of Fehmarnbelt Days 2014, and succeeds Schleswig-Holstein as the chair of the STRING collaboration. To celebrate this occasion, Copenhagen’s Lord Mayor Frank Jensen invites the participants of Fehmarnbelt Days to a reception at the City Hall. Henrik Appel, member of City Council and Chairman of SRING 2015, will outline Copenhagen’s priorities for the STRING collaboration 2014-2015. Resigning STRING Chairman, Minister for European Affairs Anke Spoorendonk, SchleswigHolstein, will present an international short film competition with the heading “Tales of a Region”. The reception will offer refreshments in the form of a buffet, as well as excellent opportunities for networking. There will also be musical entertainment from one of Scandinavia’s best harpists Tine Rehling, and Mikkel Nordsø, one of Denmark’s most well known guitarists.

HANDBOOK | Fehmarnbelt Days 2014




OCTOBER 2 | OVERVIEW 9.00 9.30 10.00 10.30 11.00 11.30 12.00 12.30 13.00 13.30 14.00 14.30 15.00 15.30 16.00 16.30 17.00


09.00 to 13.00 Öresund - Hamburg - new opportunities for accessibility and regional development in the Green STRING Corridor

10.00 to 17.00 Fehmarnbelt comes to Rådhuspladsen

14.00 to 15.30 The Scandinavian 8 Million City

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OCTOBER 2 | SESSION DESCRIPTIONS 9.00-13.00 Öresund - Hamburg - new opportunities for accessibility and regional development in the Green STRING Corridor Venue: Tivoli Congress Center, Room: Lumbye Organiser: Green STRING Corridor

The aim of the Green STRING Corridor project is to promote the potential of innovative transport and logistics solutions for developing a green transport corridor between the Öresund Region and Hamburg, and capitalize on the benefits of the fixed Femern Belt link for the cities and regions along the corridor. The project will be finalized in November 2014., and this event serves as the closing conference for the project. As such this conference will communicate the project’s most important findings, and hand-over the key-messages and recommendations to the STRING Network, the political cooperation of regions along the corridor Öresund-Hamburg. Speakers: Jens Stenbæk, Chairman of the Regional Council in Region Sjælland Connie Hedegaard, European Commissioner for Climate Action, The European Commission Sten Wandel, Professor, LU Open Innovation Centre, Lund University Dirk Rompf, Member of Board, DB Netz AG Jens Ole Kaslund, Project Director, Rail Net Denmark Leif Gjesing Hansen, Project Manager, Green STRING Corridor Henrik Appel Esbensen, Member of the City Council of Copenhagen and Chairman of STRING in Autumn 2014

10.00-17.00 Fehmarnbelt comes to Rådhuspladsen Venue: Town Hall Square (Rådhuspladsen), Copenhagen

Bouncing castle and information tent are open. 14.00 - 15.30 The Scandinavian 8 Million City Venue: Tivoli Congress Center, Room: Lumbye Organiser: The Scandinavian 8 Million City

The Scandinavian 8 Million City is about connecting Scandinavia’s most important metropolitan areas and knowledge environments, turning them into one collective and strong innovation and labour market area. The aim of this conference is to showcase the key findings from a wide range of feasibility studies and discuss future collaboration possibilities. The conference is organised back to back with the Green STRING Corridor project morning event, and the 8 Million City session will start with a common lunch. We encourage participants to join for the full day. Speakers: Henrik Skovby, Executive Chairman, Dalberg Group Floire Nathanael Daub, Project Manager, The Scandinavian 8 Million City Sten Hansen, Infrastructure advisor, Region Skåne Birgitta Hellgren, Head of transport planning in the City of Gothenburg Lennart Serder, Work package leader for High Speed Rail

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Bandholm Hotel (1886), newly renovated in 2010-2013, is situated in a beautiful harbour town, only 20 minutes from Rødby, with old romantic houses, and is Lolland/Falster’s only 4 star hotel. In 2014 it was rated Denmarks 7th most popular hotel at trivago.com. We offer standard and luxury accommodation, spa & wellness and the most beautiful conference facilities in old English style. Our saying is “Bandholm Hotel – A nice place to stay – Every guest is special to us and we look forward to serving you”.



The Tourism Innovation Management Fehmarnbelt (TIM Fehmarnbelt) is a cross-border business-to-business tourism co-operation. The aim of the project is to inspire the tourism sector to develop innovative business ideas, structures, and cross-border co-operations, so that we can strengthen the Fehmarn Belt Region from a tourism perspective. The project is financed by the EU Interreg programme, and is led by Ostsee-Holstein Tourismus e. V. and Østdansk Turisme.



Baltic Development Forum (BDF) is the leading thinktank and network for high-level decision-makers from business, politics, academia and media in the Baltic Sea Region. BDF provides platforms that bring together actors from diverse sectors and from across the Baltic Sea Region, ensuring better cooperation, coordination and coherence. BDF influences regional policy and facilitates collaboration across regions, sectors and levels of decision-making. BDF connects expertise and researchers on current global and strategic affairs by identifying and engaging key stakeholders, publishing the latest thinking, and facilitating region wide knowledge dissemination.



Philips Lighting is a worldwide supplier of lighting solutions for the professional market. We have a strong position in all outdoor lighting segments covering road and area lighting, tunnel lighting and city beautification. Philips Lighting manufactures own LED’s and electrical equipment as well as control systems. For years, Philips Lighting has delivered complex lighting solutions across the world. Our Total Tunnel system covers best in class LED luminaires in high quality stainless steel, and reliable and easy to commission control system. HANDBOOK | Fehmarnbelt Days 2014






CELF – Centre for Vocational Education Lolland Falster – is a large, broad-spectrum educational institution offering upper secondary education, higher education and continuing education and training programmes. CELF has departments in three towns on Lolland-Falster and has a large number of buildings and facilities at its disposal. It has 3063 students annually.




Femern Service Partners

FESPA is a professional network comprising 45 local and regional firms that are cooperating in order to be able to deliver a large range of service functions and products needed by the main contractors, subsidiary suppliers and other participants involved in the construction of the Femern Belt tunnel, as well as other major building projects planned for the Zealand region.



The Trade and Investment Promotion Section of Polish Embassy helps Polish businesses and assists foreign businesses looking to buy goods and services in Poland or locate their activity in our country. West Pomerania is the region located at a distance of only 281 km from Denmark. There you can find everything you need to start doing business - good location, easy access, well-educated workers and regional specializations such as metal-machine industry, maritime and logistic, bio economy, services.


HANDBOOK | Fehmarnbelt Days 2014


The Danish Business Authority is an agency under the Ministry for Business and Growth and offers services to both Danish and foreign companies. The Internal Market Centre (Indre Markeds Center) offers free guidance to Danish companies that want to export goods or services to other EU-countries. The centre helps clarify relevant national rules and requirements. Business in Denmark assists foreign companies that are interested in operating in Denmark.



Seventeen European nations are cooperating in the construction of Europe’s largest planned Research Infrastructure to be built in Lund, Sweden; the most powerful neutron source that enables new unique research. Around 2500 researchers will use ESS each year when the facility is fully operational in 2025. esss.se



Femern A/S is the project company of the 18 km long Fehmarnbelt Tunnel, connecting Rødbyhavn in Denmark and Puttgarden in Germany. Construction works for the world’s longest immersed tunnel are set to begin in 2015. Femern A/S is a subsidiary of the Danish, state-owned Sund & Bælt Holding A/S, the owner of the companies responsible for the realisation of the fixed links across the Great Belt and the Øresund.


11, 12



The EU successfully facilitates territorial cooperation by launching the EU Interreg funding programmes, tied to special geographic areas such as cross-border, trans-regional and interregional regions. The programme regions do not automatically correlate to functional areas of regional dynamics. Consequently, the Interreg working group of STRING organises an “Interreg Programme Cooperation Booth” at the Fehmarnbelt Days Networking Village. Information about all relevant Interreg programmes will be provided jointly in order to lead to future synergies and to get the best impact out of all programs for the entire region from Hamburg via Schleswig-Holstein and 1. Fehmarnbelt region 2. EU Region Zealand to the Øresund Region. i ntelligentEnergyRegion


i ntelligentEnergyRegion INTELLIGENT ENERGY REGION


i ntelligentEnergyRegion

Intelligent Energy Region is a project supported by the EU programme INTERREG 5A. The project aims to provide an improvement of energy efficiency in the private and public sector in the Fehmarnbelt region. It is based on transnational involvement of partners’ employees who will act as initiators and multipliers with the mission to promote, plan and execute projects to enhance energy efficiency in their organisations. With the implementation of the initiative-partner projects, the companies further qualify to compete for the annual “Fehmarnbelt-Energy Award” (FEA).


AutoCentro is an car dealership and workshop with over 30 years of experience in both passenger car and commercial vehicles. We have locations on Lolland, Falster and Zealand. Our competent staff and high standards is your guarantee of a fast and reliable service, and we have a large fleet of rental cars and LCV’s available. You will find us 1 km from the construction site right by Exit 50.



Founded in Switzerland over 100 years ago, Sika has developed into a successful global company with a leading position in the development and production of systems and products for bonding, sealing, damping, reinforcing and protecting in the building sector and the motor vehicle industry. The future success of Sika is not only dependent on pursuing the right strategy, but is just as much based on the trust and dedication of all employees.



Roskilde University (RUC) is a state university founded in 1972 with the objective of setting new standards in educational principles by breaking with traditional university practice and embracing student involvement. Still today, the characteristic educational principles of Roskilde University are interdisciplinarity, problem-based approaches and group work; it is known for its different approach to education and research, and for educating graduates who are highly demanded by employers for their unique competences. HANDBOOK | Fehmarnbelt Days 2014




MAQS Law Firm is with its seven offices in five countries a strong independent Baltic Sea law firm. All of our offices work closely together in order to meet all of our clients’ need for legal advice in this region. Our German Nordic Legal team in Copenhagen consists of six lawyers who are educated and have worked in both Denmark and Germany and have great knowledge of both Danish and German law and business.



As a global specialist in energy management with operations in more than 100 countries, Schneider Electric offers integrated solutions across multiple market segments, including leadership positions in Utilities & Infrastructure, Industries & Machines Manufacturers, Non-residential Building, Data Centres & Networks and in Residential. Focused on making energy safe, reliable, efficient, productive and green, the Group’s 140,000 plus employees achieved sales of 24 billion euros in 2013.



Netværket SYD is a dynamic networking, sales and marketing platform, which helps small and medium-sized contractors to improve their chances of winning future public and private tenders. The consultancy services consist of facilitating a fast growing network of subcontractors with supply monitoring, network and relation based sales and marketing assistance in order to improve their job opportunities. 26

HANDBOOK | Fehmarnbelt Days 2014



PROMOTION PARTNERS DANSK INDUSTRI – CONFEDERATION OF DANISH INDUSTRY The Confederation of Danish Industry (DI) is the strong voice of corporate Denmark. DI works to provide the best conditions for Danish businesses in order to improve the opportunities for growth and overall competitiveness. DI is a private organization - funded, owned and managed entirely by its more than 10,000 member companies. Membership of DI is voluntary and members cover virtually all sub-sectors of the economy.

DESY DESY is one of the world’s leading accelerator centres. More than 3000 guest researchers from 40 countries are attracted to DESY each year to explore the microcosm in all its variety. DESY cooperates with industry and business to promote new technologies that will benefit society and encourage innovations. This also benefits the metropolitan regions of the two DESY locations, Hamburg and Zeuthen near Berlin.

EMBASSY OF LOLLAND-FALSTER Embassy of Lolland-Falster main purpose is to brand the region of Lolland-Falster as an attractive tourist destination and as an attractive place to live and/ or establish a business. The embassy is a part of Business LF which is the region’s business promotion agency. The embassy is a part of Business LF which is the region’s business promotion agency, established to provide one point of contact to the municipalities of Lolland and Guldborgsund. www.embassylolland-falster.dk

EUROPEAN COMMISSION REPRESENTATION The European Commission Representation is the Commission’s official voice in Denmark. We are charged with communicating on EU affairs at both national and local levels, to the media as well as to organisations and the general public. We also gather information of various political, social and economic developments in Denmark, in order to keep the Commission headquarters in Brussels appraised. www.ec.europa.eu/danmark

EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT INFORMATION OFFICE The European Parliament Information Office is located in the Europe House in Copenhagen. We aim at enhancing the visibility of the legislative role of the European Parliament and its members. Visit our webpage: www.europarl.dk


HANDBOOK | Fehmarnbelt Days 2014


GERMAN-DANISH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE The German-Danish Chamber of Commerce promotes and strengthens the bilateral economic relations between Germany and Denmark. A team of experts assists particularly small and medium-sized companies with all questions surrounding export activities in both countries. The Chamber is the largest German-Danish networking platform for more than 600 members firms. www.handelskammer.dk

GREEN STRING CORRIDOR The Green STRING Corridor project was launched in December 2011 and is financed by the Interreg IVA Öresund Programme and brings together 12 partners from the Öresund region. The aim of the project is to promote the potential of innovative transport and logistics solutions for developing a green transport corridor between the Öresund Region and Hamburg. The project sets out to facilitate cooperation between the business sector, research institutions and public authorities in the STRING corridor.

INNOBYG InnoBYG is the Danish innovation network of sustainable building and construction co-funded by The Ministry of Higher Education and Science. InnoBYG brings the industry together across professional competency and facilitates the development of the building and construction industry by addressing a number of societal and technical challenges. www.innobyg.dk

MEP BALTIC SEA REGION PROGRAM The MEP Baltic Sea Region Program is a non-partisan leadership program for youth in Estonia, Denmark, Iceland, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Norway, Russia and Sweden. The aim of the MEP Baltic Sea Region program is to develop interest and skills in addressing high-level international issues jointly among highschool students in the 10 countries around the Baltic Sea/North Atlantic. The program is a training ground for future leaders and politicians. www.mepbsr.org

OSTSEE-HOLSTEINTOURISMUS Ostsee-Holstein-Tourismus e.V. is the regional tourism organisation for Kreis Ost-Holstein, Plön, Rendsburg-Eckernförde and Schleiswig-Flensburg. The aim of OHT is to strengthen and promote tourism in the area, and in co-operation with its members to carry out and support development activities. www.ostsee-schleswig-holstein.de

PONTIFEX-CROSS BORDER The Pontifex-cross border project focuses on employee trans-border mobility. The project exposes the factors obstructing free movement for employees in Region Sønderjylland-Schleswig, highlighting both legal and practical implications for mobility across the Danish-German border. The barriers which trans-border employees face are in general differential taxation and social security structures for the two regions. The project is domiciled in the regional office in Padborg under Region Sønderjylland-Schleswig. HANDBOOK | Fehmarnbelt Days 2014



REGION ZEALAND Region Zealand is a political organization enabling welfare benefits and development. Region Zealand plays a central role in a network of cooperating partners, who work for a dynamic and coordinated development throughout the region; for business, education, urban development, public transport and the environment.

THE DANISH AGENCY FOR SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION The Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation is a part of the Ministry of Higher Education and Science. The agency is responsible for ensuring that Denmark continues to be one of the world’s leading research nations. This implies in particular an efficient use of public investment in research, technology and innovation.

THE SCANDINAVIAN 8 MILLION CITY 3 countries, 4 metropolitan cities, including 2 capitals; this is The Scandinavian 8 Million City. The partners are the majority of the local and regional authorities as well as three government agencies in the corridor between Oslo, Gothenburg and Copenhagen. The Vision for 2030 is a high speed rail link that will physically connect the 8 million inhabitants and contribute to making this mega-region one of the world’s most competitive. The Scandinavian 8 Million City is co-funded by the EU.


HANDBOOK | Fehmarnbelt Days 2014

TOURISM INNOVATION MANAGEMENT FEHMARNBELT PROJECT The Tourism Innovation Management Fehmarnbelt Project, TIM Fehmarnbelt, is a cross-border business-to-business tourism co-operation under Interreg IV A. The aim of the project is to inspire the tourism sector to develop innovative business ideas, structures, and cross-border co-operations, so that we can strengthen the Fehmarn Belt Region from a tourism perspectiv

TRANSPORT INNOVATION NETWORK (TINV) The Transport Innovation Network helps to strengthen the Danish transport and logistics business competitiveness and technological leadership in order to increase growth and overall job creation in Denmark. We support general efficiency and green transformation of the Danish logistics and transport sector and facilitate knowledge exchange between sectors. We work across the industry and thus represent all modes of transport.

VISIT EASTDENMARK Østdansk Turisme (Visit EastDenmark) is the regional tourism development organisation working for creating financial growth and employment in the tourism sector in Zealand, Møn and Lolland-Falster through value chain co-operation, initiation and facilitation of innovative product development, transfer of knowledge and marketing. www.visiteastdenmark.com


WONDERFUL COPENHAGEN Wonderful Copenhagen is the official tourism-, event- and convention organization for the Copenhagen capital region. We communicate, market and develop Copenhagen as an attractive and liveable destination 365 days a year through events, conventions, business networks and marketing campaigns, in close collaboration with more than 300 private and public partners in the region.Â

HANDBOOK | Fehmarnbelt Days 2014



HANDBOOK | Fehmarnbelt Days 2014





The main conference venue for Fehmarnbelt Days 2014 is


On-site registration at the Tivoli Congress Center is open October 1st 08.00 - 17.00 and October 2nd 08.30-12.00.

Address: Arni Magnussons Gade 2, DK-1577 Copenhagen V.




SEPTEMBER 30 Scientific cooperation around large-scale research infrastructures and their regional development Radisson Blu Scandinavia, Amager Boulevard 70, DK-2300 Copenhagen Early Arrival Reception German-Danish Chamber of Commerce, Kongens Nytorv 26, 3. Floor, DK-1050 Copenhagen

1 OCTOBER New Growth and New Possibilities Industriens Hus, Town Hall Square, DK-1599 Copenhagen Lord Mayor’s Reception Copenhagen City Hall, Rådhuset (Town Hall), DK-1599 Copenhagen

1-2 OCTOBER Fehmarnbelt comes to Rådhuspladsen Rådhuspladsen (City Hall Square), DK-1599 Copenhagen.

The Tivoli Congress Center is situated only 1.2 km from Copenhagen Central Station (København H) and only 1.6 km from the City Hall Square. Walking is the easiest way to get around the city center.


A taxi ride from the conference venue to Copenhagen Airport costs approximately DKK 280. Duration: 15 minutes and up, depending on traffic. DanTaxi Taxa 4 x 35 TaxiNord Amager-Øbro Taxi

+45 70 25 25 25 +45 35 35 35 35 +45 48 48 48 48 +45 27 27 27 27


You can plan your trip with bus, metro, or train online on: www.journeyplanner.dk




tivolihotel Password: tivolihotel

A press room providing journalists a quiet place to work is available in room Bazaren, Tivoli Congress Center.

SIMULTANEOUS TRANSLATION Three conferences are offering simultaneous translation. Participants that want to take advantage of this should collect earplugs when entering the conference hall, and hand them back when leaving it again. Translation is offered during the following conferences:

Green-Growth Region in Motion (English-German, German-English)

Press photos, video content, info on press event as well as press releases will be made available on www.fehmarnbeltdays.com. For press enquiries, contact Lovisa Selander, ls@bdforum.org.

JOIN IN ON SOCIAL MEDIA! The Twitter hashtag for the event is


Fehmarnbelt Business Council Business Day “Knowing Fehmarnbelt� (English-German, German-English) How do we attract young tourists to the Fehmarn Belt Region? (Danish-German, German-Danish)

HANDBOOK | Fehmarnbelt Days 2014


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