Life Beyond COVID-19 Navigating the Post-COVID Workplace
Q What new considerations related to employee health should I be aware of when leasing commercial real estate?
After concerns over infectious disease have catapulted employee health and safety to the forefront of commercial real estate, new criteria must be considered before signing a lease.
HVAC filtration Controlled entries Elevator capacity Accessible hand hygiene Proper cleaning protocol Touchless technology Access to outdoor space Social distancing modifications Virtual tours
HVAC Filtration
Ensure the building’s HVAC system is operating at a level conducive to reducing airborne aerosol transmission per ASHRAE standards.10 • Find out if the building has operable windows for increased fresh air flow19 • Verify outdoor air ventilation has been increased to as much as the building’s HVAC system can handle19 • Confirm demand-controlled ventilation (DCV) has been disabled11 • Determine if outdoor air dampers have been opened, as high as 100%, to eliminate recirculation11 • Find out the type of filter utilized. Filters with a MERV13 rating or greater are recommended10 • Find out the duration of HVAC operation. During a pandemic, HVAC systems should run for extended periods, 24/7 if possible.11
Click here to view ASHRAE standards
SUPPORTING EVIDENCE Ventilation and filtration provided by heating, ventilating, and airconditioning systems can reduce the airborne concentration of SARS-CoV-2.20
Controlled Entries
Elevator Capacity
Determine how entry points are regulated to reduce the opportunity for person to person contact during a pandemic.
Verify elevator capacity will be reduced when necessary to maintain social distancing guidelines.
• Door entry systems, such as FOB access, control access and provide information helpful for contact tracing • Determine if the building will be providing visitor health screenings • Verify installation of a video doorbell system so deliveries can continue when suites are unoccupied • Designated tenant and visitor entrances reduce transmission risk
• Reduced elevator capacities should be posted in elevator lobbies • Floor markings should be used to reinforce social distancing in elevator cabs and lobbies • Evaluate how reduced elevator capacity will affect your employees’ travel time to your suite along with alternate travel methods such as stairs
Accessible Hand Hygiene
Proper Cleaning Protocol
Verify hand hygiene stations are accessible throughout the building to combat viruses that are viable on skin hours after contact.16
Confirm common areas and amenities are disinfected regularly due to different viruses’ ability to live up to 72 hours on surfaces.17
• Contactless hygiene stations should be accessible at building entries in addition to elevator lobbies and amenity spaces • Hand hygiene dispensers can be tied to automatic door openers requiring use before the door will open
• High-touch surfaces such as door knobs, light switches, elevator buttons and furniture should be disinfected multiple times daily using EPA-approved disinfectants • Click here for a list of EPA-approved disinfectants8 • Electronic signs effectively communicate the last time spaces were cleaned
Touchless Technology
Access to Outdoor Space
Confirm the building is equipped with touchless technology, eliminating contact with high-touch surfaces.
Find out if the building contains access to outdoor amenity space conducive for working.
• Evaluate installation of the following: – Motion sensor lights – Automatic faucets, door openers and flush valves – Voice activated directories and elevators
• Outdoor space provides the opportunity to work in a low risk environment and enhances mental health • Confirm WiFi is accessible outside • Verify outdoor amenity space is flexible so it can be easily reconfigured for social distancing when necessary
Social Distancing Modifications
Virtual Tours
Verify the building’s common areas and amenities can easily adapt to reduced capacity and social distancing.
Request a virtual tour to streamline the leasing process.
• Furniture in common areas should be modified or removed to ensure six feet of distance between occupants • Signage promoting social distancing and mask adherence should be placed in prominent locations • High traffic areas, security desks, and elevator lobbies should be marked with floor designations indicating six feet of spacing
• Virtual tours created with advanced computer modeling offer a contactless option to accurately view suites, common areas, and amenities • Virtual tours enhance convenience by cutting travel time, expenses and scheduling logistics • Click here for more benefits of using visualization tools in your commercial real estate search
SUPPORTING EVIDENCE The calming sounds found in nature can lower blood pressure and levels of the stress hormone cortisol.18
Furniture Reduction
Automatic Door Opener Disinfected Daily
Click here to view a virtual tour example
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