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Setting Project Performance Goals
Browning Day knows that sustainability needs to be integral to the design process to provide the best results. The firm’s goal is to educate each client on all sustainable certifications available for their project. This means hosting eco-charrettes that bring all stakeholders, designers and consultants to the table early in the planning stages and continually reassessing our goals throughout each project phase.
Browning Day has created an internal process to measure current projects to evaluate the impact of project design on energy performance. This data is tracked regardless of if the project is seeking a sustainability certification or not.
Based on this information, the firm seeks to work with project stakeholders to establish performance baselines and goals. When feasible, the project team will engage project stakeholders to review post-occupancy project performance data annually and help the client identify what areas can be improved.
Browning Day has also committed to share predicted and actual performance data with the American Institute of Architects (AIA) through their AIA 2030 Design Data Exchange (DDx). Browning Day intends to pursue the proposed energy reduction goals as outlined in the 2030 Challenge. With help from clients, it can be expected that energy and water use, air quality, material life cycle impacts and end users’ comfort can be optimized.
For more information, visit aia.org/resources/202041-the-2030-commitment