Fresh Start 2020

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FRESH START Tips for achieving your goals and forming healthy habits in 2020



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A Special Advertising Section of the Bangor Daily News • Friday, January 17, 2020


FRESH START • Bangor Daily News Special Advertising Section • January 17, 2020


anuary is a great time to set professional and personal

for people aiming to live healthier lives. Relying on others for

goals. Setting goals can have a greater impact than peo-

support, insight and motivation can be a great way to achieve

ple may know. Studies examining the importance of

your goals, no matter what those goals are.

setting goals are few and far between, and some have even been revealed as fallacies after being accepted as authentic for


years. But a 1979 study that asked newly minted Harvard MBA

No goal is too small, and no big goal should be considered

graduates about setting goals found that 13 percent had set

beyond reach. In fact, achieving small goals can provide

goals. When interviewers followed up with survey partici-

motivation and inspiration along the way to realizing your

pants a decade later, they found that the 13 percent who had

larger goals. Devise a one-month plan, a six-month plan and a

set goals were earning, on average, twice as much as the 84

12-month plan for the year ahead. The one-year plan can serve

percent of participants who had set no specific goals at all.

as your big goal, while the one- and six-month plans can serve

While there’s no universal formula for success, successful people often cite the importance of setting goals and how doing so was integral to their success. The following are some strategies that may help people achieve their goals in the years ahead.



3 STRATEGIES that can help you achieve your goals in the year ahead

as small motivators and great ways to track your progress en route to achieving your larger goal.

3. WRITE DOWN WHY YOU'RE SETTING GOALS. People set goals for various reasons, and writing down the reasons they’re pursuing their goals can serve as inspiration

A 2013 study from a University of Connecticut researcher

when challenges arise. For example, if you aspire to change

found that there is a high level of correlation between users’

careers to spend more time with your family, writing that

A new year is a great time to set goals. A handful of strategies

exercise activities and their participation in digital health

down can provide motivation to keep looking for opportunities

can help people set their goals and keep them on track toward

communities. Such communities served as motivating factors

when a job search stalls or feels fruitless.

achieving them.

Finding balance in a tech-driven world


or all of its many attributes, like better communication and access to educational resources, technology has its drawbacks as well. One of the notable detriments is the “always on” real-

ity of tech, as well as the ability to become addicted to such instant gratification. Few adults and children can spend more than a few minutes without checking their devices. Technology also has blurred the lines that distinguish work and personal time. Gone are the days of leaving the office behind when the workday ends in early evening. Today’s workers can take work home and even check work emails or put in some hours while on vacation. These tips may help adults and children regain control and find balance in a tech-driven world.

SET STRICT USAGE TIMES. According to Net Nanny, a technology and internet watchdog site,

PUT DEVICES ON SILENT. If you or your children cannot resist the lure of devices, set them on silent or put them out of sight and out of reach at key times during the day. BEEF UP IN-PERSON SOCIALIZATION. Instead of texting or emailing, speak with friends, family and coworkers in person. FIND ALTERNATIVE SOLUTIONS. Rather than running an internet search every time you have a question, look up answers in a book, travel to learn about new things, experience new hobbies, and immerse yourself in the physical world with renewed vigor.


being plugged into devices, on an almost continual basis, directly affects the brain by keeping it in a state of constant stimulation. This can make it difficult for the brain to get the downtime it needs to recharge. Limit hours of screen time, and wind down at least an hour or so before bed.


FRESH START • Bangor Daily News Special Advertising Section • January 17, 2020

DIET TRENDS & HEALTHY EATING Tips for exploring healthy eating and dieting trends to help reach your New Year goals. BY MOLLY MAYO ith the New Year upon us, we often


“Some small ways to implement healthy

find that the resolution to lose

eating habits is to tackle the dietary habits

“Diet trends come and go,” says Dearborn.

fruits, vegetables, fish, and organic, non-

weight and eat healthier ranks

that you are ready to change,” Dearborn says.

“A common problem with most diets that

GMO foods. One possible drawback to this

pretty high on the list. Often, these well-

“Most people don’t have success with change

result in rapid weight loss is weight gain.

plan is the absence of dairy products, whole

meaning resolutions fade into oblivion as the

in lifestyle by someone else telling them to

Healthy long-term dietary habits typically

grains, and legumes which typically make up

wintry months of the new year dissolve. For-

make it. Essentially, there needs to be internal

yield long-term weight loss and maintenance.”

a healthy meal.

tunately, Sue Dearborn, certified clinical ex-

motivation to change.”

ercise physiologist at Northern Light EMMC, has some helpful tips to keep you slim and


trim past the opening weeks of January.

If you’ve stuck with the article thus far,

work for you might take some trial and error.

diets our ancestors ate which consisted of

So what’s the best way to decide which diet

Intermittent fasting is another interesting

to choose? “Whatever helps motivate a person

diet trend many people are exploring. It can

to stay on track with their healthy habits is

be an effective weight-loss strategy, where

what they should use,” Dearborn says.

you switch between fasting and eating for

“The first thing to look at when getting

then you’ve probably got this weight loss

ready to make any lifestyle changes, including

motivation thing in the bag. The next step in


dietary changes or exercise, is where a person

the journey is setting goals.

Let’s dive into some of the different diet plans

set periods of time. Again, this is another diet plan that could be a challenge to stick with long term.

is and where he/she wants to be,” Dearborn

“The first place to start is by setting SMART

says. “For many people, this includes weight

goals: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Re-

loss. In most cases, it simply is a matter of

alistic and Time-based. For example: I’m go-

First on the list: The Ketogenic diet. Keto

DASH diet or a Mediterranean-style diet.

calories in and calories out. We look at goals

ing to eat a piece of fruit for dessert in place

focuses on removing most carbohydrates

“These types of nutritional habits include

and determine what a realistic goal is and

of sweets after supper,” Dearborn says. “It’s

from your meals and adding in more protein

7-9 servings of fruits and vegetables per day,

‘chip away’ at reaching that goal through

wise to set small goals that will lead to long-

and natural fats, causing your body to

fish and chicken, and are low in sodium and

healthy and manageable daily habits.”

term goal achievement, such as a 20 pound

transition into rapidly burning calories. You

saturated fat.”

weight loss.” These small steps then form the

can virtually eat as much bacon as you want

foundation for your success.

on this diet, so if you’re a meat lover — this is

Whatever you choose on your path to health

the diet for you. However, large amounts of fat

and wellness, Dearborn reminds us that

and protein can have other negative effects on

“habits take time to form. At first, you may

With a world of information surrounding us on the latest diet trends, fads, and weight loss techniques, sometimes it is hard to stay

out there to explore and help you with your nutritional goals.

If you’re looking for a more balanced diet approach, Dearborn recommends the

focused. I mean, let’s face it, not all of us have


celebrity trainers to keep us accountable

Once your SMART goals are set, it’s time to

your health, like increasing your risk of heart

feel awkward with new habits because they

and on track. Furthermore, losing weight

implement them. Want to try a diet plan? There

disease. In the long-term, extreme diets like

are different than your usual, however, over

and eating better is so much more than just

are dozens of different plans to choose from,

this can also be hard to maintain.

time they become natural and the benefits

scratching out a new year’s resolution on a

such as Keto, Mediterranean style, or Paleo.

piece of paper.

Deciding which trends are healthy and could







adventurous Paleo diet, inspired by the raw

that you reap will be the fuel and incentive to keep you going in the right direction.”

FRESH START • Bangor Daily News Special Advertising Section • January 17, 2020 PHOTO: ©SHUTTER2U/ADOBE STOCK



Maine fitness instructors share tips on how to get in shape this year.



ere we are: It’s 2020 and getting

“Set a realistic goal for where you are at in

after a long day at work or you become tired

— you can follow her for efficient and

healthy and exercising always make

life right now,” says Jarrett. “Anything on top

as the day drags on, it’s a good idea to get

effective workout options.

our resolution list. We all know the

of that is a bonus.”

your workout in early and out of the way.

Skillings adds you should start small. “The

It’s worth it to wake up early or hit the

Thanks to a few Maine-based fitness experts,

most important part of your fitness routine

gym during your lunch hour. Getting in a


we have some easy and fun tips to make this

is consistency. Doing 5 minutes of exercise

workout always feels better than missing

Jarratt recommends 30–60 minutes a day,

the year you incorporate fitness and exercise

may not seem like much, but it adds up. Start

yet another day.

three times a week. In as little as an hour and

into your routine, and stick with it.

there and continue to build adding more time

hard part is getting up and actually doing it.

Kendra Jarratt is a fitness and nutrition coach who received her certification from the

with each workout.”


a half each week (we all have that kind of time) you can meet your goals and feel empowered

“Exercise shouldn’t be punishment; it’s a

you are doing something that’s good for your

celebration of what your body can do,” says

body and your mind.

National Academy of Sports Medicine and has


over 20 years of experience helping her clients

Make exercising a big priority in your life.

Skillings. Pick activities you love and change

Skillings says try setting a timer for 10

with weight management, strength building,

You wouldn’t normally cancel a doctor’s visit

those activities. If you are a dancer, try a

minutes and doing sets of 10 squats, 10 lunges,

and coaching them on how to live a fit lifestyle.

or hair appointment so don’t cancel this date

Zumba class. If you want to feel stronger, lift

and 10 “wall pushups” — see how many

She’s also the strength and conditioning coach

with yourself.

weights, he says.

rounds you can get in during that time. This

for Waynflete School and the featured fitness

“Get it in your calendar,” says Jarratt. “Al-

This keeps you from being bored and

expert for the News Center Maine show “207.”

most under no circumstances should something

dreading your workout. “When you look

come between you and this appointment.”

forward to exercising, you will stick with

Jameson Skillings, CPT has been teaching, coaching, and getting people in better shape since 2003. He’s trained all kinds of clients — from newbies to All-Star and Olympic athletes.


is a great way to get in a quick workout if you are short on time.

it — and don’t forget the good music,” says



“Look for ways to add more movement

Jarratt adds with so many free online

into your life by parking further away at

There’s no reason to wait until you are in

classes, you can access almost anything right

work, taking the stairs, or going for a walk

better shape to visit a gym or sign up for that

from your phone. There’s no reason to not set

during your break,” says Skillings. Again,

Jarratt says the most important piece of

spin class you’ve been wanting to try. This

your timer for 20 or 30 minutes and get sweaty.

prioritizing is key and is the secret that will

advice she can offer to anyone is: “Start now.

only prolongs your progress and your goals,

“And never underestimate the power of

Don’t wait.”

says Jarratt.


Too many people waste mental energy they have to do is get up and head out for a


walk or get to the gym.

If you are someone who isn’t motivated

thinking they will start tomorrow when all

make this life-change possible.

friends or a trainer who wants to work out

Make this the year you invest in yourself

with you and hold you accountable, even if it’s

and start your fitness routine. With a little

online,” says Jarratt.

planning and prioritizing getting a workout

Jarratt also offers lots of tips and workout tutorials on her Instagram @kendra.jarratt

in on a regular basis can soon become a way of life.


FRESH START • Bangor Daily News Special Advertising Section • January 17, 2020

KETTLE BELL SWING This is a full body movement. Using explosive power through the hips, bend at the hips holding the kettle bell with straight arms. Use your hips to power the kettle bell up to shoulder level. Keep arms straight the whole time, swing up and back down using leg and hip strength.

SQUATS Legs are shoulder width apart and arms out straight to keep you from bending over. Squat down as if sitting in a chair. Keep your weight in your heels and be sure knees do not go over toes.

THE BALANCE BALL A core (ab) exercise engaging arms and legs as well. Lying on back with legs and arms up, hold balance ball in both hands. Lower balance ball back and legs down at the same time. Using your core, lift legs to arms and pass the balance ball back to your legs. Lower your legs and arms and bring them back together and pass the balance ball to your arms. Repeat.

Katie Smith demonstrates 3 different exercises to get you started on your fitness journey.



FRESH START • Bangor Daily News Special Advertising Section • January 17, 2020

How to get out of debt...



and stay that way

ebt can quickly sneak up on a person. However, it can take much longer — sometimes decades — to get out of debt. PHOTO: ©TREENABEENA/ADOBE STOCK

And that’s a big concern when considering just how much debt the average person can incur. Northwestern Mutual’s 2018 Planning & Progress Study says the average American has about $38,000 in personal debt, excluding home mortgages. A survey from the insolvency firm MNP Ltd. found that 31 percent of Canadians do not make enough to cover their bills and 46 percent are a mere $200 or less away from failing to pay debts at month’s end. The following tips can make it easier to get rid of debt.

STOP THE FLOOD Avoid new debt at all costs. Stop using credit cards, cease taking loans, do not buy any

the most effective strategy. It tends to have the most powerful effect on people’s sense of progress because they gain momentum by watching debts disappear.

BACK to SCHOOL Resolve to further your education in 2020


he National Center for Education Statistics says that one in five Americans enrolled in undergraduate higher education is at least 30 years old. The changing face of higher education should be a comfort to adults who may have been appre-

hensive about heading back to school. Adults considering a return to school should not

big-ticket items, and scale back on general



Cut back nonessential spending, such as cable

while others return to school to study subjects they did not study during their first go-

subscriptions, for the time being. Repurpose

rounds as college students.

LEARN ABOUT AVALANCHES AND SNOWBALLS The avalanche method is a way to pay off

that extra money to pay off existing debt.

allow age to deter them from enrolling. Many people now complete degrees later in life,

Finding the right fit in regard to a college is different for adults than it is students right out of high school. Responsibilities to family and employers complicate the decision about

debt. According to NerdWallet, a popular


online financial resource, the debt avalanche

Customers can call customer service centers

approach encourages debtors to pay off debts

to see if they can lower debt by negotiating a

with the highest interest rates first. That seems

better interest rate, says Since

CHOOSE A SCHOOL THAT MEETS YOUR NEEDS. Look for schools that can accommodate

like an effective way to get out of debt quickly.

much of a credit card payment goes toward

priorities other than academics, such as family and work. Many schools now offer flexible

However, in a 2016 investigation for the

monthly interest charges and not toward

schedules and online classes. Check out schools with strong reputations for working with

Harvard Business Review, researchers found

the actual balance, this can be a way to get a

adult learners.

that the snowball method, which prioritizes

handle on debt. Some people prefer to use a

paying off the smallest debt balance first and

balance transfer to get a lower rate on another


then moving on as debt amounts increase, is

card and try to pay off the balance before the

transcripts and bring any information about coursework, credits and life experience. This

promotional rate expires.

way you can be credited for what you have already accomplished. Counselors can serve as


where to go to school. The following tips can help adults as they decide where to continue their educations.

If you’ve been in college before, pull your

invaluable resources as you navigate a return to the classroom.

When debt is so substantial that debtors cannot


see the light at the end of the tunnel, they might

school for awhile, brush up on your study skills, note-taking, annotating, and other skills

ask a creditor to accept a one-time, lump sum

that can serve you well in an academic environment.

payment to satisfy the debt. Debt consolidation companies also can help by negotiating with

SPEAK WITH YOUR EMPLOYER. Many employers support employees who want to return

creditors and streamlining debt into one

to school, especially when employees will be gaining skills that are applicable to their

payment per month instead of many.

existing careers. Some employees may even help their employers finance their educations. According to Matthew Reed, the vice president for learning at Brookdale Community

With an effective plan in place, people

College in Lincroft, N.J., roughly 90 percent of midsize or large employers offer some kind

in debt often can dig themselves out of

of tuition reimbursement. Even when that’s not available, some employers may have an

financial peril.

arrangement with certain schools that provide discounts to their workers, says Reed.

FRESH START • Bangor Daily News Special Advertising Section • January 17, 2020


Change jobs without burning bridges T

he employment recruiting and networking


resource The Balance: Careers indicates

thing, and some times are better for leaving

that the average person now changes jobs 10

a job than others. Project Management, a con-

to 15 times in their professional lives. The

sultant group, says to wait until important

Bureau of Labor Statistics says that most

projects are finished, rather than bailing out

people now spend 4.2 years in a current job,

in the middle of crucial work.

which is down from 4.6 years in 2014.

Timing is every-

Although some people may be tempted to

KEEP AN OPEN MIND. Some employers may be

leave a job with a bang, they should exit with

blindsided by an employee’s desire to leave,

class and professionalism. No one knows what

particularly in cases when said employee

the future brings, and it’s best to leave a job on

never communicated with a supervisor about

solid terms. With this in mind, here’s how a

the desire for more responsibility or to discuss

person can change jobs successfully.

something that may not be working. A boss


who respects your work and values you as an Clearly

communicate your decision to leave the organization. Follow the proper chain of command

asset may make a counter-offer. Hear him or her out and weigh your options.

and show respect by addressing the person to

GIVE PLENTY OF NOTICE. While two weeks’ no-

whom you directly report. Clearly communi-

tice is the norm, leaving more time for an em-

cate your intent and future plans, highlighting

ployer to find your replacement, and helping to

when changes are expected to take place.

train this individual, is a sure sign of respect.


ew Year’s resolutions are made every January, and many people use this tradition as a chance to declare their intention to change jobs in the year ahead. The reasons why people change jobs vary, but the most popular reason to do so

might surprise you. According to a LinkedIn survey of more than 10,000 people who recently changed jobs, 45 percent of respondents indicated they changed jobs due to a lack of opportunities for advancement with their previous employers. The next most popular reason to switch jobs was dissatisfaction with the leadership of senior management. Employers may be surprised to learn that dissatisfaction with compensation was relatively low on the list of why people changed jobs, as just 34 percent of respondents listed that among the top reasons why they left their old jobs. While that may encourage employers to find ways other than pay increases to keep their employees happy, it’s also important to note that the LinkedIn survey found that money was the second most popular reason job switchers, 74 percent of whom received higher salaries at their new jobs, chose their new positions.


Time for a



FRESH START • Bangor Daily News Special Advertising Section • January 17, 2020

7 WAYS to get organized B

ecoming more organized is a popular

function. Others may be interested in the



resolution each new year. However,

aesthetics of a neat-looking space. Once you



like many resolutions, people’s com-

have a handle on what being organized entails


to you, you can get to work.

procrastination. Deadlines may

mitment to being more organized tends to wane as February draws near.






provide motivation.

Being unorganized can adversely affect


productivity, state of mind, motivation, and

Perhaps this is a room in the home that has


even happiness. A Huffington Post survey

become overrun with clutter. Or maybe it’s

to remove as many distractions

determined worrying a home isn’t clean

getting finances organized so you can save for

as possible. When working on a

enough or organized enough is the fifth most

a vacation. When you accomplish your biggest

chore, hire a babysitter to look

common stress trigger for Americans.

goal, the smaller ones may seem less difficult.

after the children or step away

Getting and staying organized requires


from social media so you can

commitment. Having some handy tips at the

3. DECLUTTER YOUR MIND. Think of a busy

ready to facilitate the process can make things

mind as a computer that has that turning

go more smoothly.

hourglass or spinning wheel icon when it’s


stuck on a process. Every application stalls

organized you may have challenges fitting

help getting organized can mean delegating

because it cannot do everything at once. Sit

new items into the mix. If you’re getting

certain tasks or enlisting someone to check in

down and make a to-do list of what’s on your

ready to purchase something new, carefully

with you to see if you’re on target.

thing to you and something else entirely to

mind. Then start prioritizing tasks. This will

consider its usefulnesss and where it will go,

someone else. Some may put form before

do wonders to clear your head.

and whether or not you have the space.

1. DETERMINE WHAT ORGANIZATION MEANS TO YOU. Being organized might mean one

focus on the task at hand.



Getting organized is a process, but once you get the hang of it, it can be easy to stay organized.

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