UNDP COVID19 Response Coverage Report

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UNDP COVID19 Response Coverage Report 21 May 2020 Key Highlights:

The following information reflects the summary of COVID response of different projects of UNDP as of 21 May, 2020. The report contains the progress of the following projects: HRP, PTIB, a2i, EALG, SFLP, DRRF, SID-CHT, NUPRP, ICBAAR, SWAPNO, LOGIC and Cox’s Sub-office.

Beneficiary Coverage:

A total of 10.06 million people already reached with different support initiatives e.g. awareness, hygiene kits and facilities. The beneficiary coverage is almost 98% of the target. The beneficiary coverage includes more than 66 thousand persons with disability.

District Coverage:

While a2i and PTIB’s covers nationwide; ten other projects have the coverage in 19 districts.

Support to Subsistence/ Livelihoods:

HRP, SWAPNO and NUPRP have provided food baskets as part of the emergency support. A total of 23,693 (i.e. around 19% of the target) food baskets have been distributed among the most vulnerable people including dalits, ethnic minorities, trans-gender, and other vulnerable and marginal communities. In-cash support has been provided to 14,112 beneficiaries by SWAPNO, SFLP, ICBAAR and COX’s Bazar Sub-office project- the coverage is only 13% of the total targeted beneficiary.

Support through disseminating Preventive Materials: Many preventive materials, as given in the following table, have been distributed by a2i, EALG, Cox’s Sub-office, DRRF, SWAPNO, NUPRP and DRRF. Number of Preventive materials Provided

Number of Soap Distributed

Number of Sanitizer Distributed

Number of Masks Distributed

Number of PPE (package) Distributed

Number of Gloves Distributed

Target: 2771004 Achievement : 2591638

Target: 2806516 Achievement : 2525793

Target: 156998 Achievement : 140378

Target: 34194 Achievement : 23111

Target: 17,009 Achievement : 16,122

Target: 14,859 Achievement : 13,994

Moreover, a total of 7,972 hand washing facility/corner (including Tipi-tap) has been installed/constructed by NUPRP and Cox’s Sub-office projects.

Support for Raising Awareness: Development and sharing of contents by different projects (e.g. a2i, PTIB, SWAPNO, LOGIC, Cox’s Sub-office, EALG etc.) for awareness raising are given below:

Number of Awareness Content Developed: 1,191

Number of Awareness Raising Materials Distributed: 208,667

Number of Posts shared to Social Media: 1017

Number of Citizens reached/ Covered: 116,529,209

Service Provided by Web portal: 4,206 Doctors 4,206 volunteer Doctors mobilized in the Doctors Pool Mobile App who are responding to the calls coming from citizens on nCOVID-19

1.83 million calls 6.9 million citizens reached out for public services through www.corona.gov.bd

1.83 million calls received from citizen regarding COVID-19 related inquiries through 333 Call Center

Online courses Around 0.33 million learners enrolled in the Online Courses on nCOVID-19 through the support of a2i and LOGIC project

675 online classes taken for the class VI- X engaging 3.9 million students and 481 teachers through the support of a2i project

Other Support:

DRRF and other projects are providing necessary support to Government for policy directives and planning for nCOVID19 response. DRRF is providing support in dead body management of COVID deceased.

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