Simple & Quick Mindfulness Practices
Simple & Quick Mindfulness Practices
Why Practice Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is a simple form of meditation. It allows the practicer to enter a mental state of self reflection. Mindfulness doesn’t require years of practice, an oath of silence, or a garden oasis. All you need to practice mindfulness is a couple minutes and patience. Life tends to feel like its going faster and faster with no time or brakes to stop. Well guess what. YOU ARE ALLOWED TO SLOW DOWN. I hear you say, “But I dont’t have time to slow down, I have to complete and achieve and accomplish befoer time runs out.” Well do you have less than 5 minutes? If you don’t than thats even more of a reason to practice mindfulness. As you practice these exerceises, have an open mind, patience, and root yourself in the presence. -Bekah Tingey, Booklet Author
Simple & Quick Mindfulness Practices
Simple & Quick Mindfulness Practices
The RAIN Acronym
Recognize that you are feeling anxious/depressed/etc. Allow these feeling to exist. You don’t need to fight or stop them, and they don’t need to stop or fight you.
Ition.nvestigate why you are feeling this way. What situations in your life are causing this emoIs it worth spending time and energy on this? Are you focusing on the past or future rather than living in the now? How can you shift yout attention to the present?
Npoweron-Identify with what you are feeling. What you feel does not define you. Have have over your emotions and how you tackle the obstacles in your life. How will you go forward no that you have taken these steps?
Miracle Morning Affirmations
FIRST: I am just as worthy, deserving, and capable of achieving extraordinary levels of success and all of my goals as any other person on earth, and that the only thing that separates me from those at the top is my level of commitment. So, from this moment on, I am 100% committed to becoming the person I need to be—through daily personal development and living with daily discipline—to easily attract, create and sustain the levels of success that I truly want—and deserve—in my life. SECOND: I know that to do this, I must be willing to stay committed to my goals and doing what’s “right” (as opposed to what’s easy) at a level that I have never been committed before. I commit to reviewing these AFFIRMATIONS at least once per day—in the morning when I wake up (during my Miracle Morning) and ideally again before I go to bed at night, then immediately taking the actions necessary TODAY to take me where I want to go. THIRD: I will no longer settle for less than the levels of success and fulfillment that I am truly capable of, and deserve. In fact, I have a responsibility to live my life to the fullest and achieve my goals in order to set an example for those around me. To create the life I want, I can’t wait for someday—or some year in the future. NOW is my time. FOURTH: I fully realize that I can sustain no success unless it is founded in truth and integrity; therefore, I will always keep the well being of others in mind and engage in no activity that is selfish or that does not benefit all whom it affects. In doing so, I will inspire others to help me because of my willingness to help others. I will eliminate hatred, envy, jealousy, selfishness, and
Simple & Quick Mindfulness Practices and cynicism, by developing love for all humanity, because I know that a negative attitude toward others can never bring me success. I will cause others to believe in me because I will believe in them and in myself. FIFTH: I will repeat these affirmations aloud once a day, with full faith that it will gradually influence my thoughts and actions so that I will become the self-reliant, successful person that I know I can be. Today and everyday, I choose to create the best day of my life. -Hal Elrod, Author and Creator of The Miracle Morning
Mindfulness Walk
Give yourself 5-15 minutes to go on a walk. I can be outdoors if can get some Vitamin D, or it can be indoors. As you walk, feel your feet along the ground. Are they in shoes? Socks? Where does your foot first touch the floor? Feel the solidness of the ground, they way it pushes against your feet. This walk is also a great oppritunity to practice the Senses practice from page 13.
Simple & Quick Mindfulness Practices
Breathing Techniques
1. Breathe in for 4 seconds, hold for 2, breathe out for 6 seconds. 2. As you breathe in, count in your head. As you breath out, imagine the word REST. Once you reach 10, start counting down. 3. The Wim Hof Method Take 30 quick, deep breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Then, take a deep breath and exhale and hold until you need to breathe in. Inhale again, as deep as possible, and hold it for 10 seconds. I enjoy taking a cold shower afterwards! This technique is very energizing.
Simple & Quick Mindfulness Practices
Simple & Quick Mindfulness Practices
The Senses
Sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Close your eyes. This exercise focuses on the senses that are often neglected. The focus on exercises like this are to ground you to the present Start with your hearing. What can you hear? Are there queiter sounds that take effort to hear? Where are the sounds coming from? What can you smell? Maybe you can’t smell anything, and thats ok. What can you feel? Are you sittin on a chair? Is is soft or firm? Can you feel where you body connects with the chair or bed. Can you taste anything? Are their any lingering tastes from an earlier meal? When you are ready, open your eyes. What do you see? Now return to your routine with a new connection with your surrondings.
Body Scan
Sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Close your eyes. This scan allows you to ground your body to the present by feeling the sensations in your body. Often stress can reside in our bodies. By practicing this scan, you can find where your stress is sitting and relax that area. When scaning your body, start at your toes and move your attention upwards slowly until your reach the tip ofyour head.
Simple & Quick Mindfulness Practices
Simple & Quick Mindfulness Practices