8 minute read
‘Intervention’ needed for those who leave behind their dog-poop bags
‘Spring’ from Page 6 by their friends carrying fecal material out in the open an instant longer than necessary, they can place it in a public garbage receptacle.
What can we, the innocent, do when spotting these malefactors at work?
Well, in a different time and place, I would have suggested confrontation and public admonishment in a loud, braying voice, perhaps even picking up the offending bag and, running after the perp shouting, “I think you dropped something!”
However, this remedy may no longer be safe to perform.
After all, someone who cares so little about the state of civilization to boldly litter the streets with dog poop is capable of anything.
Certainly, if you are personally famil- iar with someone who habitually dumps his/her/their doggie’s leavings on the innocent public, an intervention of friends and relatives may be in order.
Who knows, perhaps there are even rehab centres for this type of behaviour ?
Oh yes, you can also complain through the Toronto 311 site. I’m sure they’ll get right on it, riding a jet-propelled scooter.
Bruce Dodds
APRIL: the month of S�����, A����
Community Calendar
APRIL 20: Sole Alternative Open House at Monarch Park CI, 1 Hanson St., 5:30-6:30 p.m. Offering a small, supportive, student-centred environment for students aged 16-21. Info and registration: debbie.andrew-murphy@tdsb. on.ca, 416-393-0756. More info: www.solealternative.ca
APRIL 22: Free screening of “What You Won’t Do for Love” at the Fox Theatre, 2236 Queen St. E., 10 a.m. This love story examines our relationship with earth and reveals the deep love that Environmentalists David Suzuki and partner Tara Cullis share. Hosted by Beaches-East York MPP Mary-Margaret McMahon. Register for tickets https://mmmbey.com/earthdayfilm/
APRIL 22: “All The World’s A Stage” Community Cleanup at Taylor Creek Park, 2-4 p.m. Hosted by Riot King, a Tkaronto based arts hub that connects art lovers with the natural world. Meet at Victoria Park TTC station at 1:30 p.m. Free and all materials will be provided.
APRIL 23: Glen Stewart Ravine Spring Clean Up, 10 a.m.-12 noon. Meet at the Beech Ave. ravine entrance. Please bring your own gloves. Bags and treats will be provided. Info: friendsofglenstewartravine@gmail.com
APRIL 26: Feast Day of Our Lady of Good Counsel, patroness of the Catholic Women’s League of Canada (CWL). Morning Mass at St. John’s Catholic Church, 794 Kingston Rd., invites all CWL members to attend the 8:15 am Mass on this day.
APRIL 28: Folk, Rock, Show Tunes and Folk Music Fundraiser in support of The Beach Cares at St. Aidan’s Church, 2423 Queen E., 7:30 p.m. Featuring Boardwalk Cowboys, Graduates of Humber’s Theatre Arts Program and St. Aidan’s Regrets. There is no cost for the concert, but the event is to raise funds for the refugee families. The Beach Cares is a coalition of St. Aidan’s, Beach United and the Beach Community.
APRIL 29: Acoustic Harvest presents April Verch & Cody Walters (https://aprilverch.com/) at St. Paul’s United Church, 200 McIntosh St., 8 p.m. Tickets $30 advance or $35 at the door. Tickets and info: www.acousticharvest.ca
APRIL 29: East of the Don Chorus presents “Lift Off” at Toronto United Mennonite Church, 1774 Queen St. E., 6:30 p.m. first concert, 8 p.m. second concert, and a Bake Sale between performances. PWYC tickets available at www.eventbrite.com. Tickets also available at door. Info: www.eastofthedonchorus.ca
APRIL 29: Try Rowing Day at Hanlan Boat Club, 6 Regatta Road. Get your first taste of the sport of rowing. Learn the parts of the rowing stroke and the basic body movements of rowing on a rowing machine and then try rowing on the water in this fun and easy 90-minute session. Hanlan’s certified coaches and experienced volunteers will usher you through the process. No rowing experience or swimming experience required. Sign up here: www.hanlanboatclub.ca/try-rowing
APRIL 30: Sunday Funday at RCL Branch 11, Clubroom, 9 Dawes Rd., 1-7 p.m. Entertainment: Malcolm Edwards 2-6 p.m. Dinner 4 p.m. Menu: chicken shish-ke-bob, tzatziki sauce, steamed rice, roll/butter, dessert. Dinner tickets $15 pp (cut off April 27). Dinner tickets sold at the Bar or Susan Squires 647-657-8817. No cover charge. All welcome.
MAY 6: EcoFair at Beach United Church, 140 Wineva Ave., 10 a.m.-2 p.m. 35+ exhibitors/vendors: solar panel co-ops, vegetarian food vendor and cooking demo, info on green grants and how to access them, recycling experts, bike repair tent, a beekeeper, butterfly and pollinator gardeners, energy advisors and more. Free. All welcome! Info: beachunitedchurch.com
MAY 6: Jazz & Reflection (Theme: Time) at Beach United Church, 140 Wineva Ave., 4:30 p.m. We are excited to welcome young jazz singer John Amato (vocals), Jesse Whiteley (piano) and Matt Savard (bass) to our Main Hall. Donations are welcome and proceeds support the Beach United food programs. Info: beachunitedchurch.com
MAY 13: Historical Walk with Beach Metro News history columnist, Gene Domagala, 1 p.m. Starting at Corpus Christi Catholic Church at Queen St. E. and Lockwood Rd., this walk travels along Queen Street to finish at Beach United Church at Wineva Ave.
MAY 13: Malvern Collegiate Institute 120th Anniversary Celebration, 55 Malvern Ave. An Open House will be held from 1-4 p.m. at the school, and a pub night will be held at several different venues. Info and tickets: malverncollegiate.com/events/reunions/mci-120/
MAY 13: Nisbet Lodge McClintock Manor Foundation Mothers Day Walkathon, 10 a.m. (registration starts at 9 a.m.) This in-person 5K and 1Km walk starts at 740 Pape and wends through the neighbourhood, and includes a post walk BBQ and prizes. Our fundraising goal is to raise $40,000 to upgrade our resident’s activity room. Registration is required. Contact Gwen at foundation@nisberlodge.com
MAY 20: Organ Recital (rescheduled!) with Stefani Bedin at Beach United Church, 140 Wineva Ave., 4:30pm. Organ Stops - Beach United welcomes back accomplished pianist and organist Stefani Bedin as she presents a beautiful, varied program from Bach & more. Donations are welcome and proceeds support the Beach United food programs. Info: beachunitedchurch.com
JUNE 6: Community Centre 55 Annual General Meeting for members at 97 Main St., 7 p.m. for the purpose of considering and taking action with respect to the following: to approve the financial statements of Community Centre 55 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022; to receive our Program report; and to fill 1 vacancy on the Board of Management. Additional info: Reza Khoshdel, Executive Director, Community Centre 55 at 416-691-1113 ext. 225 VENDORS WANTED for St. Luke’s Spring Outdoor Sale, 904 Coxwell Ave., May 13 from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. (rain date June 3). Tables are $45. To reserve and arrange payment, call the church office: 416-421-6878 ext 21 BEACH INTERFAITH OUTREACH LUNCHES, 11 a.m. •Mondays at Corpus Christi Church (16 Lockwood
Rd.). Sit in. Bag lunch. Chair lift. •Tuesdays – alternating locations: St. Nicholas Anglican Church (1512 Kingston Rd.), April 25, May 9. Hot meal. Wheelchair accessible.; St. Aidan’s Anglican Church, (2423 Queen St. E), April 18, May 2, 16. Bag lunch. Wheelchair accessible. Coffee available. •Wednesdays at Beaches Hebrew Institute (109 Kenilworth Ave.). Bag lunch. •Thursdays at Beach United Church (140 Wineva Ave.). Hot meal. Wheelchair accessible. •Fridays at Kingston Road United Church (975 Kingston Rd.). Hot meal. Wheelchair accessible. Please note: Lunch format may vary site to site. Last lunch is May 19. Info: 416-691-6869 BEACH PHOTO CLUB offers a range of activities including guest speakers, mentorship, opportunities to share your work, photo excursions, competitions, practical seminars and more! We meet the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month from September to June, 7-9:30 p.m., at Beach United Church, 140 Wineva Ave. (unless specified in program). Info: beachphotoclub.com or email beachphotoclub@gmail.com
ABYC CAMPS, 30 Ashbridge’s Bay Park Rd. •Girls’ Regatta, Aug 26/27 •Girls’ Sailing Camp, Aug. 23-Sept. 1. A camp for those who identify as female who have had some sailing experience. Info: communityprograms@abyc.ca
SENIORS LUNCHEON at Royal Canadian Legion, 243 Coxwell Ave., April 18, May 2, 16, 30, and June 13. Doors open at 12 noon to a swing band with luncheon served shortly after. $5 for lunch, free for seniors 65 and over, and veterans.
ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION, 243 Coxwell Ave. •April 29: Live Band – No Where Men, 8 p.m. No cover charge. • Bingo every Sunday 2-5 p.m. in Club Room. Info: 416-465-0120
RCL TODMORDEN BR. 10, 1083 Pape Ave. •Wednesdays: “Buddy Check” Program, 11 a.m.-12 p.m. Meet fellow Veterans in a safe, non-judgemental atmosphere of Comradeship. This is open to Veterans and families. You do not have to be a Legion member to attend. •April 21: Bingo, 6:30 p.m., with Lenny Graff Orchestra at 8 p.m. •April 28: Bingo, 6:30 p.m. with DJ Derek at 8 p.m. •April 30: Drop In Cribbage, 1 p.m. $10 per person. Prizes determined on the amount of participants. •May 5: Celebrating “Cinqo De Mayo”. Build your own Taco - 2 tacos for $7, served at 5 p.m while quantities last. Entertainment: DJ Jose at 8 p.m. •May 12: Bingo, 6:30 p.m and Entertainment by Al Jordan, 8 p.m. GERRARD ASHDALE LIBRARY, 1432 Gerrard St. E. •May 4: So you want to be a Crime Writer?, 7-8 p.m. A panel of writers from The Mesdames and Messieurs of Mayhem collective will share their secrets of success. Info: 416-393-7717, www.tpl.ca
ST. JOHN’S CATHOLIC CHURCH, 794 Kingston Rd. Weekend Masses: Sat. Vigil at 4:30 pm, Sun. 9 & 11 am. Weekday Masses with Rosary: Tue. - Fri. Doors open and Rosary begins at 7:45 am followed by Mass at 8:15 am. Confessions every Sat 3:45 to 4:15 pm or by appt. Info: stjohnsto.archtoronto.org, 416-698-1105
WAVERLEY ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH, 129 Waverley Rd. We invite you to join us either In-Person or On-Line for our Sunday Morning Worship Services (twitch.tv/ waverleyroadbaptist or Instagram Live) beginning at 11 am every Sunday! Also, mark Friday, May 5th down in your calendar for the start of The Marriage Course. Info: waverleyroad.ca, 416-694-3054, info@waverleyroadbaptist.ca. Follow us on Facebook & Instagram, also. And, let us know how we may pray for you. (Just click the PRAYER button on our website.) We look forward to seeing you here!
BEACH UNITED CHURCH, 140 Wineva Ave. Join us in person every Sunday, 10:30 a.m., for our worship service led by minister Rev. Greg Daly and our music director Steven Webb. We will have Sunday School available on May 7, and June 4. Please join us for a special outdoor Blessing of the Pets service May 7 at 10:30 a.m. - all pets are welcome! Info: beachunitedchurch.com
GRANT AME CHURCH, 2029 Gerrard St. E. All are welcome Sundays from 11 am to worship service inperson, Facebook, ZOOM, or YouTube livestream with Pastor Kenesha Blake-Newell. Join us on our prayer line every Wednesday from 11 am-12 noon. Bible study on ZOOM every Wednesday at 7 pm. We provide nonperishable food, fresh fruits and vegetables on Fridays from 3:30-6:00 pm at our food bank. Registration is required. New clients must present identification for each household member. Links and info: www.grantame. com, grantamechurch@yahoo.ca, 416-690-5169
ST. AIDAN’S ANGLICAN CHURCH, 2423 Queen St. E., welcomes you to join us for Sunday worship at 8:30 am in person, or at 10:30 am (with children & youth programs) in person or on Zoom. Mondays: Out of the Cold, doors open at 5:30 pm, hot dinner at 6 pm. Tuesdays: Euchre at 7 pm. Wednesdays: Mid-week service, 10:30 am. Supper at St. Aidans – Join us April 20 at 5:45pm. It’s free and all are welcome! Our energetic, active church offers varied opportunities for spiritual growth, vibrant Children’s and Music programs, Youth activities, and a strong commitment to action on social justice and environmental issues. Info: www.staidansinthebeach.com, 416-691-2222 BEACHES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 65 Glen Manor Drive. (S of Queen). We are an inclusive and affirming congregation in the heart of the Beach. BPC has strong commitments to community service and social justice issues. We provide non-perishable food for those in need through our Free Food Pantry. Our Refugee Commitee has been in operation for many years helping families and individuals arrive and start a new life in Canada. On the 2nd Wednesday of every month we host a Coffee Outreach from 1-3 p.m. A special Jazz Service will be held on April 30 at 10 a.m. Links and info: www.beacheschurch.org, 416699-5871. Minister: The Reverend Katherine McCloskey
Toronto Beaches Lions Easter Parade celebrated along Queen Street East