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Message from the Principal crAnston high school eAst

We have gathered to celebrate the 128th Cranston High School Commencement and the 64th Commencement of Cranston High School East. We honor the graduates of the Class of 2023 and their multitude of achievements.

First, I wish to congratulate the parents, family and friends of the 375 graduates. Your years of unconditional love, support, guidance have paid off. Congratulations to all of the student’s loved ones in the audience that have participated in our graduate’s success.

Next, I would like to pay respect to our CHSE teachers and staff. They are the educational thread for academic and social greatness. They are a cohesive faculty that is fully inclusive, collaborative with all aspects of the educational community and most importantly our teachers support students so that they can be successful. Please stand and be recognized.

At this time, I wish to recognize the members of the Cranston East faculty that are retiring at the conclusion of this school year. Mrs Marty Russel Art Teacher, Mr Al Casali Special Education Teacher, Mr Chris Ougletree social studies teacher, Mr Donato Russo ELA Teacher, Mr Joe Giorno CTE Plumbing Teacher, Mrs Deb Turcotte Chief secretary at Cranston High School East. They have been an integral part of our staff and culture at Cranston High School East. They will all be sorely missed. We wish them all the best in their retirement.

I would now like to turn my attention to our graduating seniors. Every year, I reflect on the school year; Now I get we missed a few years due to something called Covid but you certainly made it up this past year. Though I wasn’t your principal for all 4 years, I am honored to be your principal for your best year….And I must say – BOLTS this last year you made our school come alive again! I’ve had the honor of greeting you in the morning, visiting your classes, eating with you in the lunchroom, attending productions, special events, award nights, dances, proms, team nights, and athletic games and yes, even seeing you in our neighborhood. But right Now is the time Cranston Schools needs to let you go.

You see, letting go is a good thing – remember when you were younger and your parents held your hand as you began to take your first steps – eventually we let you go - most of you fell a few times, a few bumps and bruises, some crying but you got back up and walked. Now the same way we let you go from taking the bus to the first day of kindergarten, we let you go from elementary school to middle school, as you were let go from middle school to high school, today’s graduation symbolizes that we are letting you go from Cranston Public Schools, from Cranston East, from the Emerald City to enter the world. Your spirit, your pride, your strong work ethic and unparalleled leadership skills, repeatedly demonstrated that you are a special class. You are genuine, humble and kind. You are a family of exceptional scholars, athletes, and talented individuals. You have served as role models for our underclassmen and our community. You are ready to be let go.

The following are the impressive statistics set by this class – 45% of you qualified for RI Honor Society, 75% of you will be attending post-secondary institutions/military in the fall. You have collectively garnered over $9 million dollars in college merit money. Members of this class have received 139 individual college acceptances and been accepted to 62 different post-secondary institutions nationwide. Indeed, you have set the benchmark high for others to follow. You are an amazing group.

Bolts I ask you to do the following three things: 1 st , kiss your parents and family members – tell them you love them today and every day; 2 nd, thank a teacher for they gave you a gift that no one can ever take away from you, and 3 rd, be selfless; come back and give back to your community and to your ThunderBolt family, as we will always be here for you. You are always a Bolt. You have been a wonderful class; one that I will remember fondly and never forget. Continue to strive for greatness and never, ever accept anything less. Thank you for letting me into your lives and for being such a significant part of mine. Thank you.

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