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Community News
HOME ENERGY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (HEAP) Have trouble paying your heating bill? The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) helps income eligible families pay their heating bills. The HEAP is a Primary Grant that is sent directly to your utility company or fuel provider, and it will be credited on your bill. You don’t need to have an unpaid bill, you can either rent or own your home, and must meet current gross income guidelines. Please call 732-4660, Ext. 175 for more information.
NARCONON Drug overdoses have become the leading cause of accidental death in the Unites States with heroin & other opiates being the largest contributor. If your loved one is struggling with drug abuse of any kind, now is the time to get them the help they need. If you believe one of your loved ones is abusing drugs, learn how you can make a difference by visiting
GENERAL NATHANAEL GREENE’S 280TH BIRTHDAY The Nathanael Greene Homestead Association invites you to join them on July 31 from 10AM-4PM to celebrate General Nathanael Greene’s 280th birthday & rededication of the cannon that has stood guard over the homestead for almost a century. Ceremony will be at 1PM. Enjoy a free self guided tour of Spell Hall and complimentary refreshments. The Museum is located at 50 Taft Street in Coventry.
AARP CHAPTER 2210 ATLANTIC CITY TRIP AARP Chapter 2210 has planned a trip to Resorts Casino Hotel in Atlantic City from October 16-18. The Tour includes 2 nights accommodations, $20 Casino Slot Play, $50 Food Credits & luxury Motorcoach Transportation by Silver Fox Coach. Depart from the I-95 Park & Ride at Exit 6A in Coventry at 7:30AM on October 16, with an approximate return time of 7:30PM on October 18. Cost is $299/person (double occupancy), $289/person (triple occupancy) or $399/person (single occupancy). $50 e osi d e a si fi al a me d e Se em er 16. For reservations or more information, call Maureen at 828-5188.
WEST WARWICK PUBLIC LIBRARY FARMER’S MARKET The West Warwick Public Library, 1043 Main Street, West Warwick will hold a Farmer’s Market in partnership with West Bay Farms on Tuesdays from 11AM-1PM through August 30. SNAP, WIC, Credit Cards & cash are accepted. Please call 828-3750 for more information.
YOUTH PROGRAMMING AT THE WEST WARWICK PUBLIC LIBRARY West Warwick Public Library is offering the following Programs: READY FOR SCHOOL on August 11 at 3:30PM. Kids entering Kindergarten can prepare for school! IMPOSSIBLE DREAM STORY TIME on August 16 at 10AM. A special story time at the Impossible Dream playground. FAIRY TEA PARTY on August 2 at 2PM. Meet a real life fairy, make a whimsical craft & play games. To register or for more information, please call 828-3750. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED AT
GEN. NATHANAEL GREENE HOMESTEAD The Gen. Nathanael Greene Homestead in Coventry is looking for individuals interested in becoming Tour Guides for the season. The Homestead, also known as “Spell Hall”, was built by Nathanael Greene in 1770 and has been authentically restored as a Museum dedicated to his memory. Tour Guides will learn about Gen. Greene, his family, and life in the 18th Century. Experience is not necessary. All information will be provided and scheduling is flexible. For more information, please email nathanaelgreenehmst@gmail.com Visit us
at nathanaelgreenehomestead.org
COVENTRY SENIOR CENTER WEDNESDAY BINGO The Coventry Senior Center, 50 Wood Street, Coventry, will once again hold Bingo on Wednesdays from 1:30-4PM. The cost is $6 for 8 games. Please note that prizes have gone up as well as adding an additional Special & Quickie. You must be 18 years or older to play. CHRONIC PAIN SELF-MANAGEMENT PROGRAM AT COVENTRY SENIOR CENTER The Coventry Senior Center, 50 Wood Street, Coventry, is offering a free 6-week Chronic Pain Self-Management Program beginning August 15 from 1-3:30PM. This Workshop is geared for people (18 years+) living with chronic pain. Participants will be provided with the tools to manage medications - including signs of addiction and other side effects, fatigue, frustration, proper nutrition, communication skills to address family, friends & healthcare professionals. For more information and/or to register, call Pat at 822-9175. BINGO AT KNOTTY OAK VILLAGE Knotty Oak Village Community Hall Bingo is back!! Bingo to be held at 14 Manchester Circle, Coventry on Saturdays at 4PM - doors open at 3PM. Snacks & beverages will be available for purchase. SATURDAY GRAB & GO WEEKLY MEALS Are you or is someone you know an elder in Coventry or West Warwick? St. Vincent de Paul Society is offering a warm meal from their Saturday Grab & Go weekly meals. To schedule a delivery or pick up of a warm meal, please call 828-3090 before 3PM on Wednesdays. If picking up your meal, please go to the OLC School Gym, 445 Washington Street in Coventry, between 11AM-12PM on Saturday
COVENTRY RESOURCE & SENIOR CENTER OFFERS FREE NOTARY SERVICE The Coventry Resource & Senior Center, 50 Wood Street, Coventry, offers free Notary Services to Coventry residents. Please call 822-9175 to ensure a Notary is available for you.
EXETER GRANGE “GO BANANAS CHALLENGE” Exeter Grange is working on a new challenge. The Grange is participating in the ìGo Bananas Challengeî for Project Saving Species in conjunction with the Cincinnati Zoo. They are asking for donations of used and broken cell phones, smart phones, IPAD/IPODS, tablets and charging accessories. Many of these items contain metals and materials that need to be recycled and o ossed i e la dfill o Call a o is ille ased om a ill rea do a d re le e i ems a d as a o la dfill policy. Donations can be left on the steps of Exeter Grange Hall, 469 Ten Rod Road (Rte. 102) in Exeter. If there are any questions or a donation is left, please feel free to call Amanda or Peggy at 401-397-8058 and leave a message.
VOLUNTEER TOUR GUIDES NEEDED The Paine House, 7 Station Street in Coventry is looking for volunteer Tour Guides to share this unique historical site with the general public. Can you spare a few hours once or twice a month? All training and materials will be provided, no special skills required. This opportunity is suitable for High School students to adults. Training classes for the 2022 season will begin soon. If interested, call Bob at 439-7513 or email info@ westernrihistory.org
SWEATIN’ TO THE MUSIC EXERCISE CLASS AT THE WEST WARWICK PUBLIC LIBRARY West Warwick Public Library, 1043 Main Street, West Warwick is offering a new exercise class on Thursdays at 12:30PM, hosted by Mind and Body Studios. You’ll move & groove to a playlist of greatest hits while laughing and having fun. This ro ram is o e o all fi ess le els a d all a es o si required. Call 828-3750 for more information.
YELLOW HORSE EQUINE ASSISTED ACTIVITIES & THERAPY PROGRAM SEEKS VOLUNTEERS In partnership with the unique attributes of the horse, Yellow Horse facilitates social, emotional and behavioral growth and learning to children, adults, families and the community through equine assisted activities and therapy programs. We are looking for volunteers to join our Yellow Horse family. Horse experience is not necessary; just a positive attitude and desire to participate! Free training provided. Ages 15 and Up. Located at 40 Collins Road in Ashaway. For more information visit www.
yellow-horse-equine.com or email volunteer@yellowhorseri.com
COVENTRY PUBLIC LIBRARY SERVICE SPOTLIGHT: METAL DETECTOR Find buried treasure with our metal detector! You can check out a metal detector from the Coventry Public Library or Greene Library. The metal detector checks out for 7 days with 2 renewals and no holds and a late fee of $1/day. For more information about checking out a metal detector, contact the Circulation Desk by calling 822-9100 and pressing 1.
COVENTRY PUBLIC LIBRARY’S SUMMER MOBILE LIBRARY The Coventry Mobile Library is back this summer! Coventry Public Library is excited to bring back our Mobile Library! Our Mobile Library van will bring books, library programs, and services to locations all over Coventry from June 28-August 4. The Mobile Library will primarily be visiting the Coventry Senior Center and Coventry Housing Authority properties. For a list of the Mobile Libraryís stops, visit www. coventrylibrary.org or call 822-9104.
COVENTRY PUBLIC LIBRARY PRESENTS... Coventry Public Library, 1672 Flat River Road, Coventry, presents: RI DEM Fly Tying Class on August 2 at 6PM. Have you mastered spincasting and are ready for a challenge? Learn e ar a d s ie e o fis i o res a er a d mari e environments. Registration is required as space is limited. To register, contact Kiki at kbutler@coventrylibrary.org or 822-9105.
FREE BREAKFAST & LUNCH AT THE WEST WARWICK PUBLIC LIBRARY West Warwick Public Library, 1043 Main Street, West Warwick, is offering free breakfast & lunch to kids 18 & under every Monday-Friday (except holidays)! Breakfast is served from 9:30-10:30AM & lunch from 12-1PM. Meals can be eaten in the Nash Room or outside in the courtyard. For more information, please call 828-3750. PROJECT FRIENDS Project Friends is a State of RI licensed community based day service program developed in 1992 for adults with developmental disabilities. Each individual has a plan that offers choices of activities which build independence, adult dail li i s ills so iali a io sel es eem a d o fide e Participants are supported by case aides. If you would like more information about Project Friends, please feel free to call Marlena or Lisa at 822-9144.
WEST WARWICK PUBLIC LIBRARY HOMEBOUND OUTREACH SERVICES The West Warwick Public Library offers free delivery of most Library materials to the homebound, free of charge. If you are either permanently or temporarily unable to come to the Library, and you are a resident of West Warwick, this program is for you. To sign up or for more information, contact Anne at 828-3750, Ext. 11 or email anne@wwlibrary.org BECOME AN AARP DRIVER SAFETY VOLUNTEER TODAY! Do you have a passion for teaching and helping people stay safe on the road? Are you a retired teacher, trainer, professional or individual that wants to be part of the charge to make your community safer? If yes, AARP Driver Safety needs dedicated volunteers, like you, to help grow their leading educational programs. Volunteering with AARP Driver Safety is fun, and training is easy! If you want to make a difference, sign up now. To learn more contact Lorna Oinonen at 401-254-2119 or email jl.oinonen@gmail.com or sign up now at: aarp.org/ volunteernow
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