R.I.’S FIRST WEEKLY SHOPPING GUIDE REMINDER The SINCE 1954 A BEACON COMMUNICATIONS PUBLICATION 5 Coventry Shoppers Park, Coventry, Rhode Island 02816 • (401)821-2216 • www.rireminder.com September 20-26, 2022 • Volume 68 • Issue 20 PRESORTSTANDARD U.S.POSTAGEPAID BRIDGEPORT,CT06602-9644 PERMITNO.15 + ����� � � � @n 001 2433 Scituate Ave, Hope, RI ����� Friday, September 23 1 PM-7pm Saturday & Sunday September 24 & 25 11 AM-7RM Koshari F� & Beverages Come and cheer for the Patriots BAL vs NE Kofta Coffee&TFalafel Experience Counts! Call In An Auto Accident? 1500 Nooseneck Hill Rd., Coventry, RI 02816 • Phone (401)823-9200 We’ve faithfully served the Coventry Community for over 31 years! Call us for a FREE Consultation! INMAN & ATTORNEYSTOURGEEATLAW At Your Service 29 Automart 19 Classifieds 4 Community News 18 Entertainment 31 Home Improvement 9-14 Job Market 8 Puzzle Page 6 Reader Ad Form 4 Real Estate 19 Spotlight on Business 7 Yard Sales 31 Prime Time... pages 21 28 ChineseRestaurantFoodtoTake Out China Star 1028 Tiogue Avenue, Route 3, Coventry, RI 02816 (401)828-3127 / (401)828-8899 Mon., Wed., Thurs., 11:30am to 9:00pm, Tuesday Closed, Fri. & Sat. 11:30am to 10:30pm, Sunday 12 noon to 9:00pm FREE Egg Roll or Pint Roast Pork Fried Rice with Purchase of Over $30.00 Now - 10-18-2022.*with this coupon* not to be combined with any other offers FREE Quart Roast Pork Fried Rice or Chicken Finger with Purchase of Over $40.00 Now - 10 18-2022.*with this coupon* not to be combined with any other offers
Tomato soup, baked mac & cheese, roasted zucchini with carrots. Option: Chicken sandwich.
Lentil soup, veal cutlet with marinara sauce, seasoned whole grain ziti, Italian blend vegetables, Italian bread, frosted brownie. Sandwich: Salami with provolone and mustard on RedItalian.chowder, seafood salad, chick pea salad, coleslaw, multigrain bread, fresh fruit. Sandwich: Chicken salad on multi-grain.
Chicken soup, beef casserole over cheesy noodles, sliced carrots, dessert. Option: Veggie burger with roll.
Pasta and bean soup,stuffed pepper with sauce, brown rice, baby carrots, wheat bread,, Mandarin oranges. Sandwich: Turkey and cheese on wheat bread.
Minestrone soup, ham steak & pineapple, sweet potato, dessert. Option: Spinach salad.
1. GEOGRAPHY: Which European country has the largest population? 2. HISTORY: The storming of the Bastille took place in which country in3.1789?ASTRONOMY: What is the brightest star in any constellation called?4.MYTHOLOGY: Who is Thor’s father in Norse mythology? 5. COMICS: Where is the superhero Aquaman from? 6. MOVIES: How many characters does Mike Myers play in the “Gold member” movie? 7. LITERATURE: How many lines does a haiku poem have? 8. TELEVISION: What was the name of the ranch on the 1960s west ern “Bonanza”? 9. U.S. STATES: Which state’s offi cial animal is the raccoon? 10. BUSINESS: What is the Ford Mustang automobile named after? Answers 1. Russia. 2. France. It is celebrated on July 14. 3. Alpha. 4. Odin. 5. Atlantis. 6. Four (Austin Powers, Dr. Evil, Fat Bastard and Goldmember). 7. Three, with a total of 17 syllables. 8. The Ponderosa. 9. 10.Tennessee.AWWIIfighter plane. © 2022 King Features Synd., Inc. FROM KING FEATURES WEEKLY SERVICE, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803 CUSTOMER SERVICE: 800-708-7311 EXT. 257 TRIVIA TEST #12345_20220912 FOR RELEASE SEPT. 12, 2022 By Fifi Rodriguez
P r i n c i p l e s o f A d u l t L e a r n i n g G o a l S e t t n g a n d C a s e S t u d y L a n g u a g e L e a r n i n g A c t i v i t i e s T e a c h i n g T e c h n i q u e s a n d L e s s o n P l a n n i n g A w a r e n e s s f o r C u l t u r a l D i f f e r e n c e s
Y o u w i l l b e c e r t i f i e d a s a t u t o r w t h o u r p r o g r a m
W e a r e a n o n p r o f i t L i t e r a c y o r g a n i z a t o n c o m m i t t e d t o e m p o w e r n g a d u l t s t h r o u g h l i t e r a c y b y t r a i n i n g v o l u n t e e r s t o t u t o r a d u l t s O u r p r o g r a m o f f e r s f r e e o n e t o o n e t u t o r i n g t o a d u l t s w h o s e l i m i t e d E n g l i s h l i t e r a c y s k i l l s p r e v e n t t h e m f r o m f u n c t o n i n g e f f e c t i v e l y i n t h e i r h o m e s , w o r k p l a c e s , a n d c o m m u n i t i e s
Greek cuke salad, sausage & pepper sandwich, potato chips, dessert. Option: Chef salad.
Vegetable soup, beef taco, lettuce & tomato, Spanish rice, dessert. Option: Chef salad.
Wed. Tues.Mon.Fri.Thurs.9/219/229/239/269/27
Vegetable soup, Italian chicken cutlet, wild rice, stewed tomatoes, oatmeal bread, apricot halves. Sandwich: Seafood salad on oatmeal.
T E S T I M O N I A L " B e i n g a t u t o r g i v e s m e a n o p p o r t u n i t y t o m a k e a d f f
Chili soup, tuna salad, macaroni salad, beet salad, multi-grain bread, lemon pudding. Sandwich: Sliced chicken on multi-grain.
Page ......... e Reminder September 20-26, 2022 For E ective Advertising Call 821-22162 THE REMINDER, 5 Coventry Shoppers Park, Coventry. Our business is making your business successful! Learn the Ins and Outs of Reverse Mortgages from a Local Expert Financing loans up to $4,000,000 n Establish a line of credit that grows* n Payoff your existing mortgage debt n Maximize your cash flow *If part of your loan is held in a line of credit upon which you may draw, then the unused portion of the line of credit will grow in size each month. The growth rate is equal to the sum of the interest rate plus the annual mortgage insurance premium rate being charged on your loan. This material has not been reviewed, approved or issued by HUD, FHA or any government agency. The company is not affiliated with or acting on behalf of or at the direction of HUD/FHA or any other government agency. © 2021 Reverse Mortgage Funding LLC, 1455 Broad St., 2nd Floor, Bloomfield, NJ 07003, 1-888-494-0882. Company NMLS ID # 1019941. For licensing information, go to: www.nmlsconsumeraccess.org. Not all products and options are available in all states. Terms subject to change without notice. Certain conditions and fees apply. This is not a loan commitment. All loans subject to approval. LXXXX-Exp062021 Branch NMLS #1371635. 8 Red Cross Ave., Newport, RI 02840. Massachusetts Mortgage Licensed Lender No. ML1019941; Rhode Island Licensed Lender #20132869LL CAROL MILLER Reverse Mortgage Specialist NMLS #595725 reversefunding.com/carol-millercmiller@reversefunding.com401.406.1247 Same-Day Pickup! Call or schedule before 10:00 AM ✓ Self Service Laundromat ✓ Professional Dry Cleaning ✓ Same Day Wash, Dry & Fold ✓ Pick-Up & Delivery Schedule Your Same-DayOnline!Pickup 560 Providence St., West Warwick • 401-826-7158 www.thorpeslaundry.com Sat 6:30 AM - 9PM; Sun 6:30 AM - 8PM OperatedOwnedFamilyandfor21+Years HiringWe’re ContactTodayUs Dial ServiceOil You’ll Be Glad, You Called “Dial” Fuel Assistance Vendor Automatic Delivery Contracts Available Family Owned & 821-4447CoventryOperated Pet. Lic. #30 For FriendlyPromptService Budget Plans Starting NOW! We Make it Easy to Stay Ahead. TUTOR TRAINING WORKSHOP
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The Reminder September 20-26, 2022..........PageSAY YOU SAW IT IN THE REMINDER 3 NEED QUICK CASH? Sell your no-longer-used items with a REMIND ER READER AD. Now it’s easier than ever. Call 821-2216 for informa tion. All Credit Cards accepted. Who will inherit your assets? Who would handle your nancial a airs and medical decisions if you were rendered unable to make them for yourself? toNothingLeaveChance • Wills • Trusts • Estates • Divorce • Custody • Visitation • Personal Injury • Landlord/Tenant • Bankruptcy with expert estate planning you can trust Call for a FREE Review Law O ce of Steven J. Hart 328 Cowesett Ave., Suite 3, West Warwick, RI Call 828-9030 www.hartlawri.com First Consultation at No Charge! WANTED ANY JUNK VEHICLE Highest Prices Paid! Paying $100-$500 cash Call 474-5723 anytime Tell Our Advertisers How You Found SAY-U-SAURUSThem…inTheReminderSAY-U SAURUS Helping Local Businesses Thrive & SurviveSINCE 1954 Call us at 821-2216 to advertise your businessfor your continued loyalty Thank You DAILY - WEEKLY - MONTHLY SERVICED & SANITIZED WEEKLY 946-0700 26 Green Hill Rd., Johnston Lic.#586 • Construction Sites • Special Events • Private & Public Functions • Handicap & Deluxe UnitsPORTABLERESTROOMSINC. S c ituate Thanksgiving 1621: Myths and Facts A presentation by the Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of Rhode Island 1:00 SeptemberSaturday,pm24th Free and open to the public Cranston PubliC library 140 Sockanossett Cross Rd Cranston, Rhode Island MEAT GROCERYPREPARED VealJumboParmesan $699ea. Grab N Go Beef Stroganoff $699ea. Tom's PotatoesBakedFamousStuffed $299ea. BourbonJumbo Glazed Pork Chops w/ Peaches $699lb. A Real ParmesanTreat Steak Fries $499lb. Three Citrus Grilled Chicken Breast $799lb. 11 oz. FruityPostor Cocoa Pebbles 2/$5 11.7-12.6 oz. Quaker Captain Crunch Cereal 2/$5 13 Quakeroz. Life Cereal 2/$5 32 oz. Excludes Bone and Organics BrothsSwanson 2/$5 28 Gatoradeoz. 4/$5 14 Successoz. Rice Boil in Bag 2/$5 2.6 oz. CreationsTuna/Chicken/SalmonStarkist 3/$5 24 PolandPack Spring Water $399 28 Hunt'soz. Tomatoes 2/$4 15 Classicooz. Pasta Sauce.2/$6 11-12 oz. Post Honey Bunches of 2/Oats$5 24 oz. Hunt's Pasta Sauce.......4/$5 DELI 16 oz. Cabot$QuartersButter3.99 10.3-16 oz Talenti Gelato or Layers...................$499 52 OrangeTropicanaoz.Juice $399 8 Cooloz. Whip 2/$4 All HungrymanVarieties Dinners 2/$7 13 J&Joz.Super Pretzel 2/$7 14 oz. Haagen Dazs Ice Cream Pints $499 Friendly's Ice Cream Bars, ConesSandwiches, 2/$9 7 Alessioz. Farro Mixes $299 6 Alessioz. Soup Mixes $259 8.5 oz. Excludes Reductions BalsamicAlessi Vinegar $279 SPECIALTYBAKERY Maple AppleDelightFritters $4594 Ct. Muffin of the Week! PumpkinHomestyle $5994 Pk. SEAFOOD 26 oz. Fresh Baked Pumpkin Pie $6.99 Fresh Sliced Virginia Ham $4.99lb. HealthyVegetablesGrilled$5.99 lb. 10.75 oz. Campbell's Tomato or Chicken4/SoupNoodle$5 For Your Soups or Salads Tom's Own Croutons.............$299bag PRODUCE 24 oz. All Varieties FreshHerbanSoup$5.99 Tom's Own Rare & Juicy Roast Beef $10.99lb. Tom's Apple & Chourico Stuffed Pork Roast $399lb. USDA Choice Top Round Roast $599lb. 24 oz. Shady Brook Marinated Turkey Tenderloins $799 Thick & CountryMeatyStyle Ribs $259lb. Kayem All Beef 14 oz. Fenway Franks $499 Tom's RubbedOwn Pork Steaks .$279lb. 24 oz. Simply Potatoes Simply Sides $399ea. FunPerdueNuggets & Patties 2/$5 1.3 lb. Shady Brook 93% Lean Ground Turkey $599 USDA CubeChoiceSteak or Stew Beef $579lb. Tom's Famous Ground Chuck...............................$399lb. Boar's Head Pouch Pepperoni...............$299 TOM’S MARKET Fresh . Local . Exceptional . COVENTRY 821 Tiogue Avenue, Coventry, RI 02816 WOW! DAIRY/FROZEN Sun.8am-7pm,Mon.-Sat.8am-6pm 401-826-0050 Prices in Septembereffect21st-27th Due to manufacturer’s supply issues, some items may be in limited supply. Sorry, No Rain Checks *Not Responsible for Typographic Errors. Some items may not be available in all locations. Tasty Green Almondine.....................Beans$599lb. USDA Choice SirloinSteaksStrip $12.99lb. Delicious Chicken $JambalayaSausageand5.99 lb. 18-20 StashCountTea $399 13 Bonneoz. PreservesMaman $599 24 oz. Seven Farms Pasta Sauce $379 Seven CannedFarmsBeans $179 WOW! WOW!WOW! Boar's TurkeyHoneyHeadMaple $1099lb. BeefDeutschmacherBologna $699lb. Boar's HamBlackHeadForest $799lb. Boar's Head Jar Pickles $499ea. LiverwurstDeutschmacher $499lb. Boar's ChickenEverRoastHeadBreast $995lb. Ore Ida Fries or Tots $3.99 4.4 oz Castella Blue$WedgesCheese3.99 WOW! Save $2! 3 lb. Bag Imported ClementinesSeedless $499ea. "Great for the Grill" Imported Sweet Onions $169lb. Ready to AvocadosEat 2/$3 Locally Grown Sugar Pumpkins 99¢lb. Bolthouse 15.2 oz. Protein Drinks 2/$6 Sweet GrapeCrunchyTomatoes 2/$5 Extra RedGreenLargeorPeppers $199lb. Fresh GardenExpressSalad Mix 2/$4 While it Lasts! 3 Pack Locally Grown Corn $249ea. Hot or Mild La Mexicana Salsa $399ea. Locally Grown Cortland or McIntosh Apples 2lbs./$3 Fresh Cut BroccoliMaineCrowns2 lbs./$3 5 lb. Bag Red RussetYukonBliss,Gold,orEastern Potatoes $399ea. WOW! WOW! Fresh From Maine!! Last Taste of SteamersSummer $699lb. Wild Caught North Pacific Scrod $1099lb. 1 lb. Can CrabLumpJumboMeat.......$1499 Dinner for 2!! Shrimp & CasseroleScallop $10.99ea. Tom's Center Cut Pork Chops $2.99lb. WOW! PRICE BREAK! SAVE $2.00 SAVE $1.00
3. George Harrison, as a tribute to slain fellow Beatle John Lennon.
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1. “In Sixteen Tons” by Tennessee Ernie Ford, what does the reference to owing your soul to the company store mean?2.Who released the 1981 version of “Bette Davis Eyes”?
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© 2022 King Features Syndicate FROM KING FEATURES WEEKLY SERVICE, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803 CUSTOMER SERVICE: (800) 708-7311 EXT. FLASHBACK257 #12345_20220912 FOR RELEASE SEPT. 12, 2022 By Mick Harper
FIREWOOD FOR SALE: JW Studley & Sons. Cut & split sea soned wood. $250/cord. Est. 1982. Not a fly by night!
1. The song is about coalminers. They were paid in scrip, not cash, and that scrip was only good at the com pany store. This kept the miners from saving cash and leaving.
COINS! Local Coin Collector looking to buy some coins, or call me and I can tell you what your coins are worth. 60-Year Coventry res ident. My house, your house or Library. Call Mark, TRASH556-4703.REMOVAL:
WANTED:641-0212.Antiques and collectibles. Mov ing or just cleaning out? We pay more for your old jewelry, glass ware, furniture, pot tery, clocks, paintings, military items, crocks, post cards, cameras, photos, old coins, etc. For prompt and cour teous service call Bill, 821-0381.
5. “Hello Mary Lou,” by Ricky Nel son, in 1961. There was a plagiarism problem when the record label was sued by a Catholic priest who’d for merly been in a band when he wrote “Merry, Merry Lou.” The settlement included giving the priest co-writing credits and royalties.
Home, office, yard. Let us remove that unwant ed junk! 714-1065. 2655266.
Page .........The Reminder September 20-26, 2022 For Effective Advertising Call 821-22164 Classifieds ❑ ❑ Mail or bring your ad to: The RemindeR 5 Coventry Shoppers Park, Coventry, RI 02816 E-Mail: mail@rireminder.com Website: www.rireminder.com 24 Hour Answering Available… Call 821-2216 Anytime Please print clearly. One word per box. Phone number equals one word. Not responsible for words we cannot read. ❑ COLOR BACKGROUND ❑ BOLD TYPE ❑ BORDER $1.50 per week extra for each. 10 words TownAddressName Phone Price Per Week # of Weeks _____ Amount Paid OFFICE USE ❑ Check/Money Order Enclosed – Payable to: BEACON COMMUNICATIONS Account # Security Code Expiration Date Circle One: Fax 821-0397It! (Photocopy before Faxing) CLASSIFIED AD FORM How to Place a Novena. Please indicate the prayer that you would like published, include your initials, and mail or bring to: The RemindeR 5 Coventry Shoppers Park, Coventry, RI 02816 You may place your Novena by phone if you are using a credit card. Deadline is Friday at 5pm for publication in the following Tuesdays edition of The Reminder ❑ Prayer to the Blessed Virgin ❑ Prayer to St. Jude ❑ St. Jude Novena ❑ Thanksgiving Novena to St. Jude ❑ Novena to the Sacred Heart ❑ Other (indicate below or send a photo copy) Don’t Forget Your Initials! Indicate Initials Here REMINDER 1049 M S t C y Rh d I l d 02816 401) 821 2216 i d Free! The R h d I d F i t B y G d Established 1954 Published by Beacon Communications John Howell Publisher Richard Fleischer General Manager Donna Zarrella Advertising Director Dawn Donnelly Front Desk THE REMINDER is published every Tuesday. We are not responsible for typographical errors, or the content of ads paid for in The Reminder. We do, however, reserve the right to edit. We will be responsible for errors appearing in ads only to the extent of correcting the same in the next issue. Opinions expressed in articles and advertisements are not necessarily those of the editor. Political ads and/or advertisements expressing an opinion of any type must be submitted at least one week before desired publication date. All copy for this type of ad is subject to the approval of the publisher. Advertisers are asked not to encourage other papers to copy ads from The Reminder. The RemindeR 5 Coventry Shoppers Park, Coventry, RI 02816 (401) 821-2216 • FAX: 821-0397 DISPLAY ADVERTISING Linda Nadeau, Melissa Miller ART DEPARTMENT Liz DeVonis ❑ ADD COLOR PHOTO $8.00 per week extra for each. $12 per Novena Please enclose payment Checks Payable to: Beacon Communications DEADLINE FOR ALL READER ADS IS MONDAY AT 10AM (If there is a Monday Holiday, Deadline is Friday at 10am) When mailing in classified ads & checkspleasenovenas,makepayable to: BEACON COMMUNICATIONS Thank you, The RemindeR$8.00 FOR 10 WORDS. 25¢ EACH ADDITIONAL WORD • Miscellaneous • Automart • Real Estate • Job Market • ImprovementHome • Entertainment • Yard Sale ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 946-1070.SilverIndianOLDMONDAYDEADLINECLASSIFIEDISAT10AMCOINSWANTED:$.01&Buffalo$.05,Dollars.Highprices!
SHELTER has many pets available for adoption that need good homes. Call 822-9106 for more information.
Medical Alert System: Most advanced medical alert product on the market. Voiceactivated! No wi-fi needed! Special offer with Code CARE20 for $20 off Mobile Companion. 1-855-341-5862.
!!OLD GUITARS WANTED!! Gibson, Fender, Martin, etc. 1930’s-1980’s. TOP DOLLAR PAID. Call toll free, 1-866433-8277.PHONE
MENT: Phones, shelves, cabinets, computers, re frigerator, tables, register, safe, showcases. All must go. Reasonable prices. Make best offer. Contact Lynn Holston, 230-8288. Photos available upon rhodeislandparanormal.comNoorganizationsforyearsINVESTIGATORPARANORMAL256-4636.red,BICYCLE:“ROCKHOPPER”SPECIALIZEDrequest.26”Men’s,black/withcarrier.$150OBO.with19experience,availablepresentationstoandgroups.charge.Contactthrough
2. Kim Carnes. The song netted Grammy awards for Song of the Year and Record of the Year.
4. Janis Ian and Billy Preston, on Oct. 11, 1975.
4. Who were the musical guests on the first “Saturday Night Live”?
men’s sportwatches! Rolex, Breitling, Omega, Patek Philippe, Heuer, Daytona, GMT, Submariner and Speedmaster. Call 1-833ALOE603-3236.CARE HEALTH
5. Name the song that contains these lyrics: “I saw your lips, I heard your voice. Believe me, I just had no choice. Wild horses couldn’t make me stay away.”
Compared with commercially frozen burritos, these taste better and are far healthier. Just look at the ingredients on frozen burrito packaging if you need further con vincing.You’ll find that these belly-filling burritos are easy, inexpensive and delicious, and you get to choose exactly what to put in them.
1 (8 ounce) can tomato sauce
Total Time: 40 minutes
8 burrito size flour tortillas
Cool Solution for Quick and Easy Lunches
You’ll need burrito-size (10-inch) flour tortillas for this purpose. They come in packages of eight, so that’s the quantity used for this recipe. If we’re going to the effort of making burritos to freeze, might as well make a whole bunch, as this recipe easily multiplies.Theburrito rule of thumb is one generous cup filling for each 10-inch tortilla. If you’re making eight burri tos, you’ll need eight cups filling.
2 pounds (85/15) hamburger
2 cups cooked rice
The easiest way is to assembly-line the process, with extra hands if possible.Usually, when life is complicated, I’d suggest taking something off your plate. Instead, I’m suggesting putting something on your plate that’s delec tably easy. Buen provecho!***
How to fold a burrito: Warm the tortillas for easier handling, either individually in the microwave for 10 seconds each, or heat the whole package in the oven by wrapping the tortillas in foil and heating for 10 min utes at 350 F. Spoon fillings onto each tortilla just below the center. First, fold in the sides that are perpendicular to the lines of ingredients. Pull the bottom edge over the top, squeezing the filling toward you as you roll the burrito away from you. Continue roll ing, leaving the seam at the bottom.
Preheat a large skillet to medium-high; cook the hamburger until no longer pink. Drain excess fat and add the tomato sauce and taco seasoning, stirring to com bine. Add the defrosted pepper and onions, squeezing most of the liquid out before adding, and cook thoroughly. Let cool.
Life is complicated, right? So let’s make one thing very uncompli cated. Why not put lunch on auto pilot?Here’s the plan: We’re going to make a bunch of delicious heatand-eat burritos to stash in your freezer for a quick on-demand lunch, snack or dinner.
Meanwhile, gather the rest of the ingredients and warm your torti llas. It’s unnecessary to heat any of the other ingredients because we’re freezing these. Evenly divide ingredients between the tortillas, and fold and freeze as directed above.
e Reminder September 20-26, 2022..........PageSAY YOU SAW IT IN THE REMINDER 5 SHOPSAVELOCALLOCAL thrivingyourthatbusinessessupportkeepcommunity Krafty Sisters Country Gifts & Crafts 15www.kraftysisters.comCRAFTERSOVER100SandyBottomRd.Cov.401-827-0188 Get Your free roof evaluation 401-737-7881 www.roofdoctor-ri.com A+ Rating by BBB • GAF Certified RI Reg. #23366 - Licensed & Insured TIRES $15 UP ? RHYDA TIRE CO. “My Father’s Business” W. 199WARWICKProvidence St. 822-0014 1307WARWICKPostRd. 270-1655 Brakes $85 up labor only. per axle. NEW & USED Find out how YOU can be part of The Reminder’s SHOP LOCAL community! Contact your LOCAL sales rep. lindan@rhodybeat.commelissam@rhodybeat.com 699 Airport Road, Warwick, RI Mon-Sat 8am-4:30pm • Sun 8am-3:30pm With coupon. Coupon cannot be combined with any other offer. Expires 12/31/22. AIRPORT Car Wash $1 OFF WE TOWEL DRY www.thebathwitch.com Join the Soap of the ClubMonth 1044 Main Street, CoventrytoBar401-954-1028ofsoapdeliveredyourdooreachmonth WANTED ANY JUNK VEHICLE Highest Prices Paid! Paying $100-$500 cash Call 474-5723 anytime BACK TO SCHOOL EYE EXAMS •80% of what is learned is Visual Visual Skills Needed for Successful Learning, Reading and Sports • Clear Vision -Distance and Near • Good Eye Movement and Control • Depth Perception • Peripheral Vision CoventryEyeCare.com EyeCare AssociatesOptical Center & COVENTRY EyeCare AssociatesOptical Center & CHARIHO 860 Tiogue Avenue, 828-2020Coventry 1171 Main Street, 539-7900Wyoming “Trusted Eyecare Since 1964” Look to Someone You Can Trust With years of experience to provide you with prompt, courteous and professional service. WE PAY MORE FOR YOUR Military Items, Jewelry, Coins, Post Cards, Toys, Photos, Pottery, Furniture and More! posted Antiques Also Looking to Purchase Estates ATTIC & CELLAR CLEANOUTS OUR SPECIALTY 821-0381Call Bill Call Today To Reserve Your Space 821-2216 lindan@rhodybeat.com • melissam@rhodybeat.com get on the page . . . ask us how! melissam@rhodybeat.comlindan@rhodybeat.com get on the page . . . ask us how! melissam@rhodybeat.comlindan@rhodybeat.com
1/2 cups filling, and using less makes folding even easier.
Lifestyle expert Patti Diamond is the penny-pinching, party-planning, recipe developer and content creator of the website Divas On A Dime — Where Frugal, Meets Fabulous! Visit Patti at www.divasonadime.com and join the conversation on Facebook at DivasOnADimeDotCom. Email Patti at divapatti@divasonadime.com © 2022 King Features Synd., Inc.
Taco seasoning, purchased or home made, to taste
quick and easy burritos make a delicious on-demand meal or snack. www.JasonCoblentz.com FROM KING FEATURES WEEKLY SERVICE, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803 CUSTOMER SERVICE: (800) 708-7311 EXT. 257 DIVAS ON A DIME #12345_20220912 FOR RELEASE SEPT. 12, 2022 By Patti Diamond PHOTO CREDIT: www.JasonCoblentz.com PHOTO CAPTION: These quick and easy burritos make a delicious on-demand meal or snack
One issue people have with making burritos at home is folding them so they don’t burst and make a mess. My tip: Don’t overfill them! A 10-inch tortilla can handle no more than 1
How to heat a burrito: Take a burrito from the freezer, remove the foil and wrap in a damp paper towel. Place the wrapped burrito on a plate and microwave on high for 2 to 3 min utes, until heated through. You also can heat foil-wrapped burritos in the oven at 350 F for 20 minutes. That’s best for heating several at once.
Yield: 8 burritos
1 (16 ounce) bag frozen pepper and onion blend, defrosted
How to freeze a burrito: Place burritos seam side down on individ ual pieces of foil. Wrap tightly in the same manner as you folded the torti llas. Use a permanent marker to date and label them. Place in a freezer-safe bag and freeze for up to three months.
1 (15.5 ounce) can refried beans
1 cup shredded cheese
Page .........The Reminder September 20-26, 20226 Puzzle Page R I Emergency (401)821 9213 R I Lic MP 001740 Ct Lic #266037 EASYFLOW PLUMBING New Homes, Renovations, Additions, Repairs, Water Filtration Systems, etc Custom quality workmanship for homeowner satisfaction Ray (Chip) Hinkson K. Wilcox Landscaping Inc. Landscape Lighting Outdoor Living Areas • Landscape Design • Lawn Installations • Masonry – Walks • Lawn Sprinklers • Backhoe • Retaining Walls • Excavating • Hydroseeding Call 392-3136 Ask for Kurt Email:kwilcoxlandscaping.comwilcoxlandscaping86@verizon.net Visit Our Nursery at 73 Hopkins Hill Rd., West Greenwich Member of RINLA Fully Insured Lic. #6442 PATRIST SIL CS.S S S 24 Hour Burner Service Automatic Delivery Discount Fuel Oil Heating Assistance Vendor Residential & Commercial Oil & Kerosene Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel License #16 • MP #7897 • Master E-#1101 823-9291 Peters’ Pool Service In-Ground and Above Ground POOL CLOSINGS In-Grounds Starting at $200 Above Grounds Starting at $180 With 30 years experience the Peters’ brothers will provide their customers exceptional service at a fair price. Please Call Richard Peters (401)573-6511 Insured Rick & Greg Nunes 649-0670 Riverpoint Disposal Rolloff Container Service Same Day Service • Competitive Pricing Multiple Sizes Available Family Owned & Operated Roofing Connection QUALITY work done QUICK All residential roof types and repairs www.RoofingConnectionRI.com Call John for frEE EstimatE Call: 401.749.1315 offiCE: 401.397.8729 Chimney Repairs, Gutter Cleaning and Gutter Guard Installations Valley Warwick Oil Lic.#345 Lic.#444 FUEL INC. 24 HOUR SERVICE • CALL FOR DAILY PRICES R.I. LIHEAP Vendor – Radio Dispatched BULK ULTRA LOW SULFUR DIESEL Quality Home Heating Oil at Discount Prices! Family Owned & OperatedNo Extra Credit Card 1343401-823-8113ChargesMainSt.,WestWarwick,RIPaulPetrozzi,owner • Removal • Pruning • Stump Grinding • Land Clearing • House Lots • Subdivisions • Firewood Available • Free Estimates • Insured • Licensed Arborist • Mulch • Commercial • Residential • 24 Hr Everyday Service 397-3942 Let Verrier Tree Service care for your trees the Proper way Verrier Tree Service Since 1974 verriertree com OIL OIL Richard’s Oil 2 Station Street, Coventry 822-1543 YOUR #1 OIL DEALER 24 Hour Burner Service Radio Dispatch • Automatic Delivery Fuel Assistance Vendor • RI License #95. MPF #8357 WINTER IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER Have your boiler cleaned NOW! Talk Person to Person 24/7 Will Match any Local Oil Companies’ Current Oil Prices Wet Leaky Basement? • PumPs Installed • under Floor draInage • FoundatIon & Bulkhead rePaIrs • mold remedIatIon Let a ProfessionaL soLve Your Basement Water ProBLems (401) 516-3641 www.divConservices.com diversified services rI reg. #9386 Advertise Your Business Here! 821-2216$30*
e Reminder September 20-26, 2022..........PageSAY YOU SAW IT IN THE REMINDER 7
If you are ever fortunate enough to pass through the doors of the Chapel of St. Therese of Lisieux, there are a few things you should expect:
Two, you should expect to see others just like you ~ gay, straight, or any other way you identify. No one is excluded here.
The Chapel of St. Therese of Lisieux is an independent Catholic Community that functions outside the jurisdiction of Rome. As Father Charles Vohs, the congregation’s Priest explains, this is a faith community whose mission it is to reclaim those whose experiences have left them feeling marginalized by the traditional Catholic Church. The church is a haven for those whose abiding faith in the teachings of Jesus Christ have not always been in alignment with their lifestyles, leaving them feeling estranged, con icted, and often unwanted. Father Chuck
Please come to “Saint T’s”, located at 1500 Main Street in West Warwick. Services are every Sunday at 10:30, either in person or via Zoom. Feel free to call 401-680-9076 or email stocc1500@gmail.com for more information. The website is also a great resource, visit them at www. go1500.org.
Six, you should expect a welcoming hand, an outstretched arm, an embrace, and an invitation to return.
All are welcome at The Chapel of St. Therese of Lisieux in West Warwick. On October 1st, the church will be hosting a dinner to celebrate the Feast Day of St. Therese of Lisieux in the community room (or, if rainy, at Father Chuck’s home).
Our church stands as a beacon of hope in West Warwick. We are a place of acceptance, peace, and joy to all who are moved to join us. Our church family is richly diverse, with people of di erent ages and backgrounds coming together to worship and serve together.”
Three, you should expect to see a volunteer clergy who receive no compensation for their dedication, service, and commitment to their congregation.
A quick peruse of the chapel’s website best sums up the church’s mission: “The Chapel of St. Therese of Lisieux welcomes all individuals seeking God’s love; we keep our doors open to every soul seeking to welcome Jesus into their hearts. We invite you to open your heart and allow His grace to penetrate your soul.
BUSINESSSpotlight Come as you are to this Independent Catholic Church
Four, you should expect to see women serving alongside their male counterparts as ordained Deacons, Ministers and even married Priests.
Recently, the chapel underwent some major renovations including a new roof and paint job. Like so many of us, it needed a long overdue “makeover.” Constructed in 1902, the building, which was a former Methodist Church, was purchased in 2014. Today, it is a magni cent and historic structure with tall arching beams, exquisite stained-glass windows, gracious statues, and familiar emblems of the faith and worship.
One, you should expect to feel completely at home ~ man, woman, child. You are home when you are here.
Five, you should expect to see divorcees partaking in all the rituals and blessings that their married and single friends enjoy.
Phone: 401-823 0488 Fax: 401 823 0486 Edward C. Roy, Jr., Esquire edward_roy@hotmail.com Geralyn M. Cook, Esquire geri_cook@hotmail.com 577 Tiogue Avenue, 2nd Floor Coventry, RI 02816 R COY OOKAttorneys& at Law Edward C. Roy, Jr., geri_cook@hotmail.comGeralynedward_roy@hotmail.comEsquireM.Cook,Esquire 577 Tiogue Avenue, 2nd Floor, Coventry, RI 02816 Phone: 401-823-0488 Fax: 401-823-0486 DO YOU HAVE A WILL? Don’t let the state of RI control what happens to your assets. Contact Roy & Cook, Attorneys at Law Today! Your Target Audience is Reading BUSINESSSpotlight Make Sure They’re Reading about You. 10-Week Commitment. Includes Print, Web and 1 Feature Story & Photo of Your Business. $45/perweek Call Today To Reserve Your Space 821-2216 cherylp@rhodybeat.com melissam@rhodybeat.com Cutting Edge Hair Designs 295 South Main Street, Coventry • 401-821-1181 MUST PRESENT COUPON AT TIME OF SERVICE. COUPONS GOOD THROUGH 9/30/2022 COLOR/CUT$55 PERM/CUT$55 WOMENCUT$27 The Chapel of St. Therese of Lisieux 1500 Main Street, West Warwick, RI 02893 A Different Kind of Catholic Sunday Schedule: Rosary at 9:45 am and Mass at I0:30 am No matter where you are on life’s journey, where you’ve been or where you’re going; No matter with whom you’re on that journey; No matter how long it’s been; All Are Welcome! stocc I 500@gmail.com www.saintthereseocc.org (401) 680-9076
would say to those who feel left on the fringes of their faith ~ come, you are a Child of God and you are welcome here. Come to be replenished, edi ed, supported, and uplifted.
Reclaiming control
• e-mail: mraso@jaypack.com Packers-1st & 2nd Material Handlers Thermoforming Operator Press Feeders-off shifts Maintenance Mechanic2nd shift 1st & 2nd Pressmanoff shifts Die-Cutting Operator Help Wanted JobsChildcareWanted
Remote work has grown According to the career resource Zippia, 27 percent of United States employees work remotely as of 2021. There are expected to be 36.2 million American employees working remotely by 2025. In its 2020 Household Pulse Survey, the U.S. Census Bureau found that more than one-third of U.S. households reported working from home more frequently than before the pandemic.
Successful applicant will:
Applicants should send a resume and cover letter outlining how they meet the specific requirements of the position to HR@coventryri.org
As home o ces have become a more common feature, workers admit to taking shorter lunch breaks, working through sickness, and being “available” during times that would normally be devoted to leisure or family. Technology has made it possible to get alerts on mobile phones even when workers have seemingly logged o for the day.
Industrial Drive,
*Signing Bonus is available to new employees for the successful completion of their new position as a packer or material handler.
Switching to remote working certainly may have improved exibility for many workers, but it also has led to them putting in longer hours — something that may a ect home life. According to a survey of 2,800 workers by the Los Angeles-based sta ng rm Robert Half, 45 percent of respondents said they regularly work more hours during the week than they did before transitioning to remote work. Also, 70 percent of professionals reported working on weekends.
Mastering control of one’s time can take some trial and error. However, there are some tips that can make it easier to
Job Market
Help Wanted
Contact Esteban Gomez, HR Administration. 401-4610400 Ext. 232 or esteban@ fieldingmfg.com
Americans are not alone in this phenomenon. The business support company NordVPN Teams says the average length of time an employee working from home in the U.K., Canada, Austria, and U.S. is logged on at their computer has increased by more than two hours a day since the coronavirus crisis.
JobsChildcareWantedDIE CAST TECH: Fielding Manufacturing, located in Cranston, RI, manufactures high precision miniature zinc die cast custom OEM components for a variety of industries. We have immediate openings for setup and process technicians. Careerminded individuals with strong mechanical aptitude. Experience is a plus; willing to train the right motivated individuals. Fast-paced teamoriented environment focused on results. Competitive starting wages, generous benefits and growth opportunities. Celebrating 60 successful years in business! Apply today!
(and stick to them). Don’t overschedule yourself. Figure out what you can handle in terms of work and home responsibilities and limit those actions.
• Schedule fun times with the family. Make it a priority to ll the calendar with plenty of activities to enjoy in your leisure time, which can help to o set the demands of work.
The ability to work remotely has opened up di erent opportunities for the millions of people who work 9 to 5 each day. While the advantages to remote work are too numerous to count, logging hours from the sofa is not necessarily a panacea for all working ills. In fact, many remote workers often lament how much their work-life balance has been adversely a ected by their decision to avoid the o ce.
Remote work bene ts many people. But to bene t fully from such situations, professionals may need to make a concerted e ort to achieve a greater work-life balance.
Position is performed outside and is subject to exposure to the elements: heat, cold, and wet conditions and walking and standing for long periods of
• Must be able to work patiently and effectively with children, parents, and school employees.
Help Wanted JobsChildcareWanted
• Prioritize and assess frequently. Everyone has di erent priorities. Remote work may help you realize those priorities more easily, such as working speci c hours to be able to care for an elderly parent or an infant. Don’t feel the need to compensate by taking on more work.
• Stops traffic with hand signals, then verbally directs children to cross the street.
a High School Diploma or equivalent or any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school.
Must be 18 years of age or older.
CLEANER: Part-time. 1st Shift, 20-25 PaulLicenseMustMonday-Saturday.hours/week,$13/Hour.havevalidDriver’sandcleanBCI.Callat301-1162.
Home and work life blurred
Located in Warwick, RI, we are a leader in the printing and packag ing industry, providing our customers with packaging solutions that stretch the limits of technology while delivering products in a timely, consistent and cost-competitive manner. Our customer base is grow ing and we need motivated individuals to join our team and help to create innovative visual display packaging. These positions are full time and not seasonal positions. Warwick Warwick, RI 02886 Fax: 401.244.1398
We offer a competitive benefit package including Blue Cross Blue Shield and Dental, VSP eye care, company-paid life insurance, 401(k), savings plan, vacation/holidays, and employee recognition programs in addition to a safe, clean working environment. Mena Raso, Senior Human Resources 100
• Escort students at school crossings before and at school closing;
Must successfully pass a thorough criminal history and background check.
Reliable, skilled custodian to perform cleaning, essential upkeep tasks and to provide setup and clean-up for events at Temple Sinai. Responsible for cleaning, facility maintenance, minor repairs and grounds maintenance. Must be reliable, self-motivated, able to lift 50 pounds, and pass National Background check. 15-20 hours/week. Flexible, but regular work schedule. Call 942-8350.
CARETAKER/ HOMEMAKER NEEDED: Morning hours, minimum 20 hours. Light housekeeping, appointments, personal care assistance. Must have valid Driver’s License & vehicle. Call 615-2227.
TIRE SHOP WORKER: Some experience, parttime. Rhyda Tire Co., 401-447-3405.
CLEANING: 18+ Years of experience. Thorough, reliable, with excellent references upon request. Call 248-3839. **I’m fully vaccinated**
Position involves the supervision of Coventry School Children as they cross the street to and from school.
• Detach from work. Try to keep work equipment in a separate area from the living room or kitchen. This way you can turn o the computer and call it a day. Turn o alerts on your phone when the work day ends.
• Encourage safe behavior by students and other pedestrians at school crossings;
• Must have the ability to communicate clearly.
• Responsible for the use of discretion and independent judgement in the safe crossing of children;
Page ......... e Reminder September 20-26, 2022 For E ective Advertising Call 821-22168
• Regular and Prompt attendance is essential.
Putting in longer hours
(Cranston, RI/ Part-Time):
Work Environment -
How to Apply
The Reminder September 20-26, 2022..........PageSAY YOU SAW IT IN THE REMINDER 9 Improvement 855.938.5274 I Free Quotes American made I Award winning I Family owned NEW CABINETS • CABINET REFACING • COUNTERTOPS • BACKSPLASHES ON YOUR FULL KITCHEN REMODEL* SAVE 10% *Discount applies to purchase of new cabinets or cabinet refacing with a countertop. Does not apply to countertop only projects. May not combine with other offers or prior purchases. NP-263. RILicense#29144 Could your kitchen use a lit tle magic? TRUST CONSTRUCTION CORP Vinyl Siding Remodeling Additions Garages Sheds Decks Roofs Replacement Windows & Doors Flooring Snowplowing Free Estimates Ryan 265-6927Reg 23872 Licensed Insured Free Estimates David R. Laferriere • 378-4487 Finish Carpenter • Quality Finish Work Since 1980 • New Finish Trim in New or Older Houses • New Kitchens • Built in Units • Wainscoting • Crown Moldings • Fireplace Surrounds • Interior & Exterior Doors COVENTRY, RI • REG. #22280 • INSURED Brilliant Waterproofing,BasementLLC HIC. 0653192 • RI Lic. #43473 CALL US 401-541-5985 ❂ ❂ ❂ ❂ DRYWALL&PLASTER ADDITIONSHOUSESREPAIRS ONE DAY CEILINGS Call Cory595-8703 Insured. Reg. #33185 RI#5840Reg. 40 Years in Business!Residential Specialist R&R401-823-1330Roofing Roof Specials on Complete Jobs All Work Guaranteed! Richard Rossi, owner www.randrroofirrossi57@gmail.comngri.com Free Estimates! NOW ACCEPTING CREDIT CARDS Super Service Award Winner 2013, ’14, ’15,’16, ‘17, ‘18, ‘21 THE GUTTER GODS, INC. 241-8838 William J. Muller Jr. • Coventry • RI Reg. #12882 • Seamless Gutters • Aluminum Trim • Roofing • Gutter Cleaning • Siding • Painting • Seamless Gutters • Aluminum Trim • Roofing • Gutter Cleaning • Gutter Guards • Painting Bill’s ACONSTRUCTIONSPHALTPAVING INC. Residential & Commercial - Guaranteed Driveways & Parking Lots Serving Rhode Island since 1980 FREE ESTIMATES • Brian Johnson 255-2184 info@billsconstructioninc.comwww.billsconstructioninc.com Reg. #344 Services Include: Complete Site Work • Septic Sewer Lines • Land Clearing Brush Cutting • Demolition Trucking • FencingRIReg#- GC- 47601 H.D. Excavation & Septic LLC Call John Today! 401-569-2104 • KITCHENS • BASEMENTS • CEILINGS • BATHROOMS • GAME ROOMS • FLOORS We Handle Your Project from Start to Finish. No Project too Small! Matola Remodeling & Painting Services, LLC 821-8411 or facebook.com/MatolaRemodeling Give Your Home a Whole New Look Insured RI Reg #21649 INTERIOR & EXTERIOR PAINTING & REMODELING Call Today for a Free Estimate LSmith@smithreglazing.comsmithreglazing.com Licensed and Insured #45582
• Floating vanity: Add an airy feeling to the room by creating space between the vanity and the floor. A floating vanity can be a counter with a vessel sink or even have cab inets, as long as the vanity doesn’t extend to the floor.•Freestanding traditional sink or tub: There’s something elegant about a freestand ing tub or pedestal sink. Such features can lend a classic vibe to a space. However, free standing fixtures also come in modern or eclectic forms, so there are options for any de sign style.
• Install a window: Natural light and air flow can reduce the risk for mold and mildew growth, and windows add some aesthetic ap peal to a space. Just be sure to choose frosted privacy
• Frameless showers: Switch to a walkin shower option, which improves aesthet ics and makes it easier to “age in place” in a home. Pair that frameless shower with clear glass shower doors so sightline in the space remains unencumbered.
• Special shower heads: Invest in show er heads that can run the gamut from creating steam showers to rainfall effects. Some show ers will have multiple shower jets to offer an invigorating experience.
considerations for a bath remodel include heated floors, well-placed and attractive storage options and a toilet en closure (water closet) for added privacy. These and other bathroom renovation ideas can add value and improve the appeal of the room.
Page .........The Reminder September 20-26, 2022 For Effective Advertising Call 821-221610 Improvement "When Quality Counts" CALL KEN TURGEON Reg. #15828 K.T. PLASTERING, INC. We Create Your Walls & Ceilings from Start to Finish ESTIMATESFREE Interior Specialists • REPAIRS • REMODELING • NEW CONSTRUCTION • CEILINGS & WALLS Over 40 Years Experience 4018231871 Ceramic Tile & Marble Bathrooms Remodeled,CompletelyRepairedorRegrouted30YearsExperience 401-215-0152 Reg. #19205 Precision Tile ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ROOF! ROOF! RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL ROOFING SPECIALISTS CALL FOR SPECIALS! Quality Work • All Phases of Roofing No Job Too Small Call John 573 9328 FREE ESTIMATES INSURED REG #22850 DePietro Roofing, Inc. ■ ■ Bucket Truck Work ■ Pruning/Trimming ■ Stump Grinding ■ Full Line of Mulch Products ■ House lots ■ Land HurricaneclearingSeason is here Letustrimyourtrees ! Established 1982 • Licensed Arborist on Staff Free Estimates • Lic. #29307 • Insured J.W. Studley & Sons for all your Tree removal Needs 641-0212 Firewood!Stockupon Don’t be Cold this Winter.
Veteran homeowners recognize the value of remodeling their kitchens and bath rooms. Kitchens and baths tend to appear dated more quickly than other spaces, such as living rooms and bedrooms, which can always be revamped with some fresh paint and new furnishings.The home improvement pricing re source Home Guide indicates an average bathroom remodel costs anywhere from $5,500 to $15,000 depending on the size and scope of the renovation. However, a bath redo can increase a home’s resale value and can re turn as much as 68 percent of homeowners’ investments. As homeowners plan their bath room renovations, it’s a good time to consider improvements that will improve function and add design appeal for years to come.
• Natural textures: Create a calm and serene sanctuary in the bathroom with light, natural hues and materials. Nature-inspired colors on tiles, walls and vanities can add to the spa
• Small textured tile on shower floors: Small textures are appealing and add safe ty. The added texture and grouting will keep feet from slipping on wet floors. Also, opt for mold-resistant grout to make cleanup even easier.
•vibe.Dual sinks and vanities: With a dou ble vanity, two people can share the space and easily use the bathroom without getting in each other’s way. One vanity with two sinks works, but homeowners can create even more personal space by dividing vanities and mir rors.
• Improve drainage: Increase the diam eter of the drain pipe in the bathroom from
Must-have features in your bathroom remodel
the standard to a two-inch drain pipe. This will reduce the risk of clogs and overflow leaks.
A:Drexel Furniture Co. began making moderately priced oak furniture in North Carolina in 1903. In the 1950s, Drexel began buying oth er companies, including the Heritage Furniture Co. After changes in owner ship, Drexel became part of Authentic Brands Group in 2020. Drexel’s Dec laration line was designed in the late 1950s and was made of walnut with a choice of white porcelain or brass pulls on drawers. The line has the spare look of Danish modern, but the dining chairs are inspired by Shaker
Q:We bought a Drexel dining -room table and six chairs in the 1960s. The style is midcen tury modern, but the chairs have unusual backs with spindles that are flattened about two-thirds of the way up. The table is 60 inches by 29 inches by 40 inches and has two leaves. It’s stamped underneath with “Drexel Declaration, 850-33037, 2/61.” I’ve heard midcentury modern furniture is popular again. What is this set worth?
Centennial Exhibition
Looking to declutter, downsize or settle an estate? Kovels’ Antiques & Collectibles Price Guide 2022 by Ter ry and Kim Kovel has the resources you’re looking for.
* * * TIP: Keep humidity levels between 45% and 55%. Over 65% encourages mold, fungus and mildew. Too dry an environment encourages wood crack ing, color change, flaking paint, yel lowing of
Many items, like this red cloth ban danna, had pictures of presidents Washington and Grant, images of some of the exhibition buildings and of course, the official name of the event. This bandanna souvenir sold at Conestoga Auction Co. for $71. It can be stitched to a piece of unbleached muslin and framed as a picture (the stitching can be removed leaving it in nearly perfect shape), or it can be dry mounted and framed.***
Nations, like people, have special parties and observances to celebrate birthdays and other successes. In 1876, the United States celebrated its 100th birthday with the Centennial Exhibition of 1876 in Philadelphia.
furniture. The numbers stamped on your table include the model number and indicate it was made in February 1961. Midcentury modern furniture is popular again, and pieces sell for high prices. A Drexel Declaration table and six chairs are worth about $1,000 to $1,500.
* Advertising, soda fountain tumbler, 7 UP, green glass, cylindrical with pinched sides, white, UP logo with bubbles on each side, 1940s-1950s, 5 1/4 x 2 7/8 inches, $35. Paperweight, scarab, blue matte glaze, impressed Grueby mark, 1 1/2 x 2 3/4 inches, $625.
There have been many other exhi bitions and fairs, and some collectors specialize in souvenirs, posters and even pieces of buildings or exhibits from these important national events. Medals, photographs, postcards, even sugar packets and other special food-related items have been saved, as well as toys, books and clothing from the fairs, and they sell easily today.
This Centennial Exhibition handker chief with portraits of Washington and Grant and
© 2022 King Features Synd., Inc.
pictures of exhibition build ings is 22 inches by 28 inches and sold at Conestoga Auction Co. for $71.WashingtonSERVICE,257Exhibitionbuildat
paper and destroys fabrics.
e Reminder September 20-26, 2022..........PageSAY YOU SAW IT IN THE REMINDER 11 Improvement Need Well Service?Water NO WATER? PUMPS TANKS WATER FILTRATION WELL DRILLING JOHN LEMME formerly of DS Lorenson Well Drilling Insured • Licensed in RI #40683 & CT PLM 0288911-J1Call 401-385-3330 24 Hour Phone Line 401.302.8396 FREE PROFESSIONALESTIMATES LAWN CLEANUPS & SMALL LAWN DEBRIS REMOVAL SEPTEMBER SPECIALS John’s Construction � 942-1729 15% Off next project w/ad • PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT ROOFING •No Up Front $ or Deposits • You Pay When Work is Complete •No Salesmen! • No Gimmicks •Free Estimates • Insured • Residential Roofing Specialists •Senior Citizen’s Discount Discount Home Improvement - 401-737-8622 “The Roofing Specialists” By farthe Best Work atthe Best Price RI Reg. #5939 401-736-0600 (401)397-7662 M&M Paving ❑ Driveways ❑ Parking Lots ❑ Pavers ❑ Sidewalks ❑ Patios Reg. #33777 Fully Licensed and Insured Free paving@mmri.proEstimates TSU Construction Expert Tile Installation Kitchen & Bath Remodels Charlie 556-8134Mischler FreeReg.Estimates#8795 PlasteringPlastering FREE ESTIMATES 392-3319 PATCHES REPAIRS NEW OR RESURFACED CEILINGS & WALLS Plastering RI Reg #2139 FREE 320-7276ESTIMATES FORMERLYRESURFACEDPATCHES392-3319REPAIRSNEWORCEILINGS&WALLSFREE 578-1365ESTIMATES RESURFACEDPATCHESREPAIRSNEWORCEILINGS&WALLSemergency service • fully licensed/insured 401-206-9616 Mike Difranco LICENSED ABORISTTreeRhodyLittleService A & A CONSTRUCTIONSIMONE KITCHENS & BATHS Completely Remodeled 40 years experience Free estimates 275-2222 Reg #4508 HANDYMAN WORK SMALL REPLACEMENTREPAIRSWINDOWS
Radio, Sparton Bluebird, round, blue mirror with painted wooden case, black ball feet, Walter Dorwin Teague for Sparks-Withington Co., 1934, 14 1/2 inches diameter, $1,875.
Page .........The Reminder September 20-26, 2022 For Effective Advertising Call 821-221612 Improvement RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL | CALL (401)256-7820 or visit us at www.ellinwoodlandscaping.com EllinwooDLANDSCAPING&LAWNCARE Full Service Maintenance and Installations Fall is a Great Time for Lawn Restoration & Installation. FALL CLEAN-UPS Backhoe / Tractor Work / Tree & Brush Removal Land & Brush Clearing • Overseeding Shrub & Hedge Trimming Mulching • Pruning • Gardening • Clearing Planting • Aeration • Dethatching Seeding & More! FREE ESTIMATES L & L ROOFING 1527 Main Street • West Warwick, RI 02893 RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL All Types of Shingle Roofs • Plywood Replacement • Tear-O s In Business 25 Years • Reg. #135 (401)823-0490 LLroofing@hotmail.com Call N f a FREE ESTIMATE TREELEAVITT’SSERVICECOMPLETETREESERVICE Tree Removal and Trimming Land Clearing ■ Bucket Truck Stump Grinding Licensed Arborist - Insured Tom Leavitt 397-7022 or 392-3133 MIKE RAPOSA PAINTING Ceiling & Wall Repair Interior & Exterior Paint & Stain Wallpapering Organized Clean Affordable Dependable All Work Guaranteed No Job Too Small Quality Workmanship 954 3686 Reg #14105 Member BBB Free EstimatesReg.#14105 • Free Estimates • Insured Paul ConstructionSantos General Contracting Windows • Doors • Roofing • Etc. VINYLROOFINGSIDING Senior Discount 10% Off Insured • Free Estimates 255-6647 RI Reg. #22318 PETE’SOwner:PAINTINGPete Interior - Exterior 30 Years Experience Free RegisteredEstimatesandInsured 401-401-825-7973996-7216 RI Reg. #7634 CUSTOM 6404.Freepatios.ways,CONCRETE:STAMPEDWalkpoolaprons&Nojobtoosmall.estimates.Pat206-Don623-1237. JUNK REMOVAL, Dump Runs & Proper ty Clean-outs. Call Pat, ELECTRICIAN:206-6404. No job too small. Free estimates. RI #A4602. Insured. Jay, 8262826. MAKE YOUR CLAS SIFIED POP with a splash of color! For only $1.50 extra, you can draw more attention to your ad. Yankee Tree Service, Inc. Robert Choiniere, Licensed Aborist #785 24/7 Em E rg E ncy S E rvicE *Residential and Commercial* Tree Removal & Pruning – Stump Grinding Brush Removal – Bobcat Work 401-439-6028 Fully Insured / Fee Estimates celebrating 15 years in business
BATH & SHOWER UPDATES in as little as ONE DAY! Affordable prices - No payments for 18 months! Lifetime warranty & professional installs. Senior & Military Discounts available. Call 1-855-7611725.
“Do Revenge” (TV-MA) — High school students Drea and Eleanor couldn’t be more different. Drea (Camila Mendes) built an ideal life for herself, which — in a teenager’s
As his announcement incites great panic, NASA steps in and begins working side-by-side with K.C. and Brian to save the world from incom ing disaster. Halle Berry also stars in this sci-fi action film as NASA deputy director Jocinda Fowler. (HBO Max) Hawke
NOW DOING Small moving jobs & small dump runs. I wear a mask and am fully vaccinated. Steve 401-823-9215 or email steve.ri@live.com
JMD LANDSCAPING LLC.: Yard cleanups, shrub trimming, aerat ing, dethatching, grad ing, yard waste, debris & junk removal, shed & garage cleanouts. Free estimates. Insured. RI Reg. #001732056. Call 688-4242.
“Firebird” (R) — This critically acclaimed war film follows Sergey (Tom Prior), a private in Estonia’s air force under the Soviet regime. Sergey gets assigned to serve under an offi cer named Roman (Oleg Zagorodnii), and Roman and Sergey feel an unde niable attraction toward each other. They pursue their romantic feelings, all while knowing that they could be imprisoned in a labor camp because of their actions. Sergey and Roman attempt to keep their romance under wraps, but a secret like theirs could only be kept quiet for so long, espe cially as their feelings continue to build for each other over time. Pre mieres Sept. 16. (Prime Video)
HANDYMAN: Small odd jobs, painting & much more. Reasonable. Rich, 206-6252. Call before the next power 1-855-
© 2022 King Features Synd., CourtesyInc.of Netflix Camila Mendes and Maya
SAFE STEP: North America’s #1 walk-in tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. Top-of-the-line installation and service. Now featuring our free shower package & $1600 off - limited time! Financing available. 1-855-417-1306.
SUMMER CLEANUP: Yards raked, lawns mowed, shrubs trimmed, trees cut down, brush hauled away, debris hauled away. Quality work. Excellent rates. Doug, 826-3444.
language — means having the perfect boyfriend, the perfect friend group and the perfect look. Meanwhile, Eleanor (Maya Hawke) is quirky and eccentric, as well as a bit of a misfit after a malicious rumor about her gets spread over the entire school. When Drea gets outcast after her boyfriend leaks a nude video of her, she con vinces Eleanor to team up and exact revenge from the people who’ve bullied and alienated them. For fans of shows like “Stranger Things,” “Riverdale,” “13 Reasons Why” and “Euphoria,” you’ll enjoy seeing a lot of familiar, favorite faces in this com edy out on Sept. 16. (Netflix)
KEVIN’S HOME REPAIR: RI #22931. Insured. Quality - ProfessionalAffordable. 823-3572. windows, storms, vents, railings, steps, vinyl gutter guards, chimney caps. REPAIRS INCLUDE: Roof repair, siding repairs, deck repairs, screens, painting, minor chimney repairs, wood, rot. POWERWASHING (no chemicals). SEASONAL: Gutter cleaning, professional quality shrub/hedge trimming. 823-3572. Transfer switches installed. Master Electrician. RI #A4602. Insured. Call Jay, 826-2826.
“Moonfall” (PG-13) — A conspir acy theorist named K.C. Houseman (John Bradley, “Game of Thrones”) discovers that the Moon has been knocked out of its orbit around Earth. He shares his findings with Brian Harper (Patrick Wilson), an astro naut who was fired from NASA after his mission to the moon went wrong. Being disgraced, Brian initially can’t provide much help, so K.C. has no other choice but to announce on social media the impending collision that the Moon will make with the Earth.
948-6176.ELIMINATE GUTTER CLEANING FOREVER! LeafFilter, the most Callwalkways,MASONRYCallSenior15%LeafFilterprotection.debris-blockingadvancedgutterSchedulefreeestimatetoday.Offentirepurchase.10%&MilitaryDiscounts.1-833-610-1936.WORK:Stairs,fireplaces,plus.Eddie,578-6796.
Over 30 LicensedExperienceYears&InsuredFreeEstimates Call William 401-450-5699 billflamand@gmail.com
PREPARE FOR POWER OUTAGES today with a GENERAC home standby generator: $0 Down + low monthly payment. Request a free quote.
The Reminder September 20-26, 2022..........PageSAY YOU SAW IT IN THE REMINDER 13 Improvement Reilly Fence Inc. Professional installations of Vinyl • Wood • Aluminum Chainlink Fences Insured • Free Estimates Call & book an appt. today! 228-3647 Reg. #40392 Rick Rivers, President FreeEstimates RI Reg #24335 HARDWOOD FLOOR INSTALLATION AND REFINISHING FreeReg.Insured#26293Estimates Laminates • Tile • Stair Renovations 598-7641 www.falconflooringri.com
“Thor: Love and Thunder” (PG13) — The fourth film about Mar vel’s much-beloved god of thunder is now out on streaming. Taika Waititi returned after directing the previous sequel (“Ragnarok”), which became the most successful film of the series so far. With the vision of making this a more romantic journey for Thor’s (Chris Hemsworth) character, Waiti ti brought back Thor’s ex-girlfriend, Jane Foster (Natalie Portman), who gains her own powers and can now wield Thor’s old hammer. Funny enough, Christian Bale (“The Dark Knight” trilogy) decided to dip his toes into yet another superhero uni verse but, this time, as a villain! He plays the angry, god-killing Gorr, who Thor, Jane and Valkyrie all must team up to defeat. (Disney+)
star in “Do Revenge.” FROM KING FEATURES WEEKLY SERVICE, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803 CUSTOMER SERVICE: 800-708-7311 EXT. 257 COUCH THEATER #12345_20220912 FOR RELEASE SEPT. 12, 2022 By Demi Taveras Photo Credit: Courtesy of Netflix Photo Caption: Camila Mendes and Maya Hawke star in “Do Revenge.” 374-2443.prices.workKitchens,HOMEBUILDER:SEMI-RETIREDbaths,finish&muchmore.LowReg.#18331.Bob, FIREWOOD SEASONED $280 $160 $140 401-464-1286 StackingAvailableServices
Page ......... e Reminder September 20-26, 2022 For E ective Advertising Call 821-221614
• Poor lighting: Task lighting is essential in a kitchen, but older homes may not be equipped with lighting where it’s most needed. A carefully designed remodel can improve lighting with under-cabinet lights, pendants, overhead lighting, and even natural light to make the space attractive and more functional.
• Frequent run-ins: The notion that you can have too many cooks in the kitchen refers to having too many people trying to pitch in or o er their opinions. However, it also can apply to when too many people are gathering in a small space. Redesigning a kitchen can improve the e ciency of a space and make the room feel larger.
• Aesthetic appeal: Many kitchen remodels have been inspired by unsightly kitchens. Cosmetic changes can lead to big improve-
Signs it is time to overhaul your kitchen
renovations can add instant appeal and help address issues that tend to plague outdated rooms.
pected to last around 10 to 15 years. If appliances have become unsafe or energy hogs, it could be time for a remodel.
• Family is expanding (or shrinking): Kitchens often are the heart of a home. They need to meet the needs of the family that resides in that home. A remodel can add space as needed. On the ip side, when a couple becomes empty nesters, kitchens can be redesigned and downsized to re ect their new needs and desires, such as the addition of a wine chiller or espresso station.
• Outdated appliances: Even if your appliances are not avocado green or mustard yellow relics of the 1970s, they might still need to be replaced. According to CRD Design, appliances are only ex-
RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL All Phases of Pest Control Call bugoutpestcontrolne.comask397-9160forJohnFREEESTIMATES Get the “Bugs Out”! with Bug Out Pest Control STUMP GRINDING CALL JOE 474-8839 Insured Residential & Commercial-Free Estimates-Licensed & Insured Call Today! 929-543-8896ServicesOffered:•CleanOuts•FallCleanUps•PowerWashing•JunkRemoval•SnowPlowing information.brary.orgteer.aYouTrainingBasicguagetolookingofofcommunityyouByforProceeds$4/childtoast,cakes,8-11AM.HarvestMainCornerstonegmail.com.0414contactanddanceexhibitors,(rear).24FestivalCranstonstmarkswarwick.org.tion,Road,churchp.m.Wednesday9untilbeginPumpkinspainting.pumpkins,games,TheSaturday,Apponaug,Warwick
Remodeling a kitchen adds value to a home. Remodeling Magazine’s “Cost vs. Value Report” indicates mid-range kitchen remodels cost about $66,000, and homeowners can expect to recover about 60 to 80 percent of that cost at Homeownersresale.may wonder if remodeling their kitchens is worth the investment. But homeowners should not just consider cost, but also the current conditions of their kitchens when deciding if a renovation project is the right move to make. These signs indicate it may be time to renovate a •kitchen.Breakers are triggered: If the lights go dark from a tripped circuit breaker every time you try to microwave and run the toaster oven at the same time, your wiring is likely not up to the task of handling the workload and could be out of date. A kitchen remodel will assess wiring load needs and an electric overhaul may be nec•essary.Lackof storage: One of the biggest hassles homeowners encounter in their kitchens is a lack of storage space. If making a meal involves a Jenga-like stacking and rearranging of kitchen tools, or if an avalanche occurs whenever you search for an item, you might need more storage. A carefully planned redesign can achieve this, even in a smaller kitchen.
Cranston Police will host its Harvest Festival 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sept. 24 at 100 Sockanosset Cross Road (rear). Food trucks, crafts, vendors, exhibitors, K-9 demonstration, dance and karate demonstration and more. For vendor information, contact Debbie Wood at 401-5270414 or at webejamminevents@ gmail.com.
Harvest Breakfast
Join Jared the magician and mentalist on Oct. 28 at 7 p.m. at Sprague Mansion for the Cranston Historical Society’s annual Charlie the Butler Ghost Party fundraising event. Costumes optional – no Halloween masks. Tickets $20 for nonmembers and $17 for Cranston Historical Society members. Have your tarot or psychic future read. Light refreshments. Checks can be sent to the historical society (1353 Cranston St., Cranston 02920) by Oct. 24. After Oct. 24, call 401944-9226.
Fall festival at Warwick Central Warwick Central Baptist Church. in Apponaug, will hold their fall festival Saturday, Sept. 24, noon to 4 p.m. The free festival features live music, games, food and crafts including pumpkins, mask masking and face painting. The rain date Oct. 1.
fall events
Cornerstone of Faith UMC, 1081 Main Street, Coventry, will hold a Harvest Breakfast on October 1, 8-11AM. Menu includes eggs, pancakes, sausage, bacon, home fries, toast, juice coffee! Cost is $8/adult, $4/child (ages 5-10), under 5 free. Proceeds to benefit UMW & UMM for local community service.
Harvest Breakfast Harvest Breakfast at Little Rhody Vasa Park, located at 10 Boswell Trail, Foster, RI (right off Rte. 6) on Oct. 1, 8 a.m. to noon. There will be several styles of pancakes: Swedish pancakes, blueberry, Almond Joy, strawberry, banana, chocolate chip and banana/chocolate chip, glutenfree varieties upon request, fruit salad, sausage, scrambled eggs, orange juice, apple juice, coffee and tea. This all-you-can-eat breakfast is $12 for adults and $8 for children ages 5-12. Children under 5 are free. Checks may be made out to RI District #3 and sent to Jim Ladouceur, 59 Oak Hill Drive, Cranston, RI 02920. Please reserve by Sept. 24 (phone-in reservation to Jim by Sept. 24 at 401-688-0855).
Harvest Festival
Fall Literacy Tutor Training
Oktoberfest at Little Rhody Vasa Park Oktoberfest at Little Rhody Vasa Park, 10 Boswell Trail in Foster, RI on Oct. 16. Dinner served from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. with an accordion player (Dan Mackowiak) from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. and German dancers at 2:30 p.m. The dinner ($18 for adults and $7 for children) is choice of Pork Schnitzel or Bratwurst and Knockwurst, German potato salad, Spaetzle, red cabbage, Sauerkraut, and apple cake. Warm pretzel bites with beer cheese can be ordered separately for $7. Paid advanced reservations are required by Oct. 10. Checks made payable to Pioneer Lodge #506 VOA. Checks sent to: Linda Nelson, 950 Main Ave., Warwick, RI, 02886. Please call Linda with questions (401-737-0813).
Ghost Party
The Reminder September 20-26, 2022..........PageSAY YOU SAW IT IN THE REMINDER 15 kamco junk removal.com(401) 442-2562 demolition prep work for kitchen & bathroom remodeling and home improvement are you in need of Junk removal. let kamco do the job inside or out. Declutter for the holidays, they will be here before you know it! let us take care of your clutter or unwanted items. We would be happy to evaluate your property and give you a quote. Don’t be a Party Pooper this Holiday Season! If you have a FULL HOUSE this year make sure you have an EMPTY TANK! www.FriendlySeptic.com732-3234 Schedule your septic pump out before your guests start flushing! • Service Contracts Available • We Provide Complete Air Conditioning, Gas Heating and Heat Pump RESIDENTIAL Service & Installation COMMERCIAL Keeping you comfortable since 1934! A Full In-House Design Installation & Service Company RI Reg. #1561 CallHEATING401-351-3900SPECIALISTS!• Heating • Heat Pumps • Roof Top Systems Generator Installations • Complete Electrical Services All our technicians are drug tested, must pass a thorough motor vehicle check & are fully bonded Want Comfort? The Feeling is“Mutual!” CONVERTWEOILTOGAS MUTUAL HVAC SERVICE & INSTALLATION Mutual Engineering I� y��� h��� �ea�� f�� ��� h��id�y�? Booking Fall GutterThatching/Aerating,CleanupsLoam&SeedHedgeTrimming/BrushRemovalCleaning,JunkRemoval&More! NOW ACCEPTING NEW WEEKLY MAINTENANCE CUSTOMERS Fresh Perspective Landscaping 639-7214 Paving • Seal Coating Line Striping • Asphalt Repair Residential & Commercial 401-640-6799 actionasphaltservice@gmail.comwww.actionasphaltservices.comMelvin Aquino 401-340-6049 Aquino Tree Service & Landscaping • Lawn Care • Mulching • Planting/Transplanting • Trimming & More • Now Offering Patios & Concrete Work FULLY INSURED 537 Pontiac thetimecapsule@mail.com(401)781-5017Cranston,AvenueRI Open 7 Days - 11am to 7pm $$ Looking to BUY Your Collectibles $$ We are actively purchasing COMIC BOOKS TOYS • RECORDS We are looking for collections large & small. Call to let us know what you have. FALL All About
By giving just a little of your time, you can help develop a stronger community while improving the life of a neighbor. Literacy Volunteers of Kent County has adult students looking for a tutor, who are excited to learn English as a Second Language or looking to improve their Basic Literacy skills. The next Tutor Training Session begins October 4. You must be over 18 years old and a resident of Kent County to volunteer. Please email lvkc@coventrylibrary.org or call 822-9103 for more information.
30 Years Experience EXISTING HOMES • NEW CONSTRUCTION •RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Serving all of RI Blown-In or Blanket Fiberglass Cellulose Fully Insured Winter is Coming AFRAID OF THE HIGHEST ENERGY COST IN HISTORY? Call for FREE estimate on your home’s insulation needs Save up to 30% on heating bills 24/7 Police and Fire Monitoring Lowest monthly GUARANTEED!monitoring (401) 424-5388
Cornerstone of Faith UMC
Pumpkins at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church Pumpkins arrive Oct. 8, and sales begin 9 a.m. , Oct. 9 and continue until Oct. 31. Saturday and Sundays 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Monday through Wednesday and Friday noon to 6 p.m. Thursdays 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. The church is located at 111 West Shore Road, Warwick. For more information, call 737-3127 or visit www. stmarkswarwick.org.
• On Sept. 29, 1954, Willie Mays, center fielder for the New York Giants, makes an amazing over-the-shoulder catch of a fly ball hit by Cleveland Indians first baseman Vic Wertz to rob Wertz of extra bases in game 1 of the 1954 World Series. The catch has gone down as one of the greatest in the his tory of baseball.
• On Oct. 1, 1920, Scientific Amer ican magazine reports that the rapidly developing medium of radio would soon be used to broadcast music. Experimental concerts were being conducted from the Radio Laboratory of the Bureau of Standards with local radio operators being used to see if the transmissions could be heard hun dreds of miles away.
• On Sept. 27, 1930, Atlanta golfer Bobby Jones wins his fourth major tournament of the year, making him the first person ever to win the Grand Slam of golf. Jones had the picture-perfect swing of every golfer’s dreams, despite never having taken a lesson.•On Sept. 26, 1945, Lt. Col. Peter Dewey, a U.S. Army officer with the Office of Strategic Services in Viet nam, is shot and killed in Saigon. Dewey was the head of a seven-man team sent to Vietnam to search for missing American pilots.
• On Sept. 28, 1901, Ed Sullivan, who will become the host of the long-running TV variety program “The Ed Sullivan Show,” is born in New York City. During the peak of its popularity in the 1950s and 1960s, Sullivan’s program showcased a wide range of entertainers.
• On Sept. 30, 1868, the first vol ume of Louisa May Alcott’s beloved coming-of-age book “Little Women” is published. Alcott dedicated most of her life and writing to supporting her family after her father’s failure at run ning a school.
Page ......... e Reminder September 20-26, 2022 For E ective Advertising Call 821-221616 With $10,000 of new money you can open a 14-Month BumpUp Special CD and take advantage of this great rate AND have the option to bump-up one time to a higher rate during the term if rates go up. Visit any one of our 17 branches to open yours today! 1-800-377-4424 | Centrevillebank.com/GreatRatecentrevillebank.com *Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is accurate as of 9/8/22 and requires Personal Premium Checking or Personal Premium Money Market Account to qualify. If the Personal Premium Checking or Personal Premium Money Market Account is closed, the interest rate and APY will default to the interest rate and APY effective at account opening. You may ‘bump’ up to the interest rate offered for the 12-month Certificate of Deposit at the time of the request once during the original term of the account. Regular Rate for non-premium customers is 2.25% APY. Requires minimum opening deposit of $10,000 New Money not currently on deposit at Centreville Bank. Penalty will be imposed for early withdrawal. Fees may reduce earnings. At account maturity, you will have 10 calendar days from the maturity date to withdraw the funds without penalty, or renew to another CD term. Minimum balance to earn interest $1,000. This is a limited time offer and may be withdrawn at any time. A great rate and the option to bump it up! What are you waiting for? 2.5014-MONTHBUMP-UP%*APYSPECIALCD LIMITED TIME OFFER AdClassifieddeadlineisMondayat10am Evening Appointments Available CALL DAWN M. COOK, ESQ. (401)454-4100 Looking for an Aggressive Attorney? 2435 Nooseneck Hill Road, Ste. A-1, Coventry, RI 618 Toll Gate Road, Warwick, RI Dr. Matthew Willett MD, FAAD Rebbecca Shea MSPAS, PA-C MarissaPA-CCunetta,Dr. Jason Michaels MD, FAAD, Mohs Surgeon AspireDermatology.comCall401.239.1800AcceptingSameDayRequests Providing Surgical, Medical & Cosmetic Dermatology ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS Shop.AspireDermatology.com WANTED ANY JUNK VEHICLE Highest Prices Paid! Paying $100-$500 cash Call 474-5723 anytime Prepare for Power Outages & Save Money PWRcell, Generac’s fully-integrated solar + battery storage system, stores solar energy that can power your whole home during utility power outages and save you money on your electric bill. REQUEST A FREE QUOTE! ACT NOW TO RECEIVE A $300 SPECIAL OFFER!* (866) 954-1921 $0 OPTIONS!**FINANCINGDOWN *O er value when purchased at retail. **Financing available through authorized Generac partners. Solar panels sold separately. FINANCING
• On Oct. 2, 1965, a team of scien tists invent Gatorade, a sports drink to quench thirst, in a University of Florida lab. The name Gatorade was derived from the nickname of the uni versity’s sports teams. A coach had asked for something to help his play ers who were negatively affected by the heat during play, and the salt and sugar drink was developed.
© 2022 Hearst Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved FROM KING FEATURES WEEKLY SERVICE, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803 CUSTOMER SERVICE: (800) 708-7311 EXT. MOMENTS257 IN TIME #12345_20220912 FOR RELEASE SEPT. 12, 2022 REMIN DER 1 6 R h o d e I s a n d s F i r s t B u y e r s G u d e The
e Reminder September 20-26, 2022..........PageSAY YOU SAW IT IN THE REMINDER 17REMINDER R.I.’S FIRST WEEKLY SHOPPING GUIDE The 2ndSINCE 1954 If You Want the Best Lawn, Ask for the Best Seed… WHY CHOOSE BLACK BEAUTY? 3 Grows Roots up to 4 feet Deep 3 Rich, Dark Green Color 3 Incredible Drought Resistance 3 Naturally Insect Resistant 3 Grown by Sod Growers Across the USA Fall is the Perfect Time to Get Your Lawn Back Into SpecialShape!$19.99 3 lb. bag Other sizes Available 1205 Tiogue Ave., (Rte. 3)Coventry, RI Open Daily - 401-828-5068 -Gi Certi cates www.confredagardens.comwww.FriendlySeptic.com think at the sink Don’t put fats, grease or solids down the drain! do you part . . . be septic smart. Call us today to keep your septic 732-3234happy! EmilyCallKheradiToday401.243.5520 Licensed in RI, CT & MA Emily Gets You Home Professional Excellence Award 2022 Quality Fuel at a LOW Price! SINCE 2007 AURORA HEATING and FUEL CO. 401-823-5996 LIC#31 BOILER/FURNACE SERVICING Heating System Repair • Service & Cleanings Furnace, Boiler and Oil Tank Installation & Replacement Automatic Delivery Available • Heating Assistance Vendor CALL FOR LOWEST PRICE!
Learn to speak, read & write English. Enroll in Literacy Volunteers of Kent County’s free learning program. In just a few hours per week, you can improve your English skills in speaking, reading and writing. You will be paired with a Tutor who will instruct you, one-on-one according to your individual needs. Lessons are scheduled at your convenience and all information exchanged remains confidential. Please call 8229103 or email lvkc@coventrylibrary.org for more information.
The Coventry Cares Community Care Clinic Nurses Hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday from 8:30AM-12:30PM with Nurse Jane or Nurse Carolyn. The Clinic is set up at the Coventry Resource & Senior Center, 50 Wood Street, Coventry.
OUTDOOR YOGA AT GREENE PUBLIC LIBRARY Greene Public Library, 179 Hopkins Hollow Road, Greene invites you to join them for outdoor yoga on Tuesdays at 10AM. A Zoom link can also be offered if you prefer to practice from home or during inclement weather. Suggested donation is $5/ class. Please call 397-3873 to register.
Drug overdoses have become the leading cause of accidental death in the Unites States with heroin & other opiates being the largest contributor. If your loved one is struggling with drug abuse of any kind, now is the time to get them the help they need. If you believe one of your loved ones is abusing drugs, learn how you can make a difference by visiting narcononnewliferetreat.org/drug-rehab
The Coventry Resource & Senior Center, 50 Wood Street, Coventry, will offer a free “One on One” Legal Clinic on September 30. RI Legal Services will be on site to resolve your Civil (not Criminal) legal issues. Call 822-9175 for an appointment.
Cornerstone of Faith UMC, 1081 Main Street, Coventry, will hold a Harvest Breakfast on October 1 from 8-11AM. Menu includes eggs, pancakes, sausage, bacon, home fries, toast, juice and lots & lots of coffee! Cost is $8/adult, $4/ child (ages 5-10), under 5 are guests of the church. Proceeds to benefit UMW & UMM for local community service.
The Gen. Nathanael Greene Homestead in Coventry is looking for individuals interested in becoming Tour Guides for the season. The Homestead, also known as “Spell Hall”, was built by Nathanael Greene in 1770 and has been authentically restored as a Museum dedicated to his memory. Tour Guides will learn about Gen. Greene, his family, and life in the 18th Century. Experience is not necessary. All information will be provided and scheduling is flexible. For more information, please email nathanaelgreenehmst@gmail.com Visit us at nathanaelgreenehomestead. org
West Warwick Public Library is offering the following Programs: FAMILY/ALL AGES - COMMUNITY CLOTHING & SCHOOL SUPPLY SWAP MEET, October 1 at 10AM. Donate good, come to just pick out goods or swap goods for new ones! EARLY LEARNERS - PRESCHOOL STORY TIME (3-6 years), September 22 at 10AM. DROP-IN PLAY GROUP (0-6 years), September 22 & 29 at 10AM. SCHOOL AGE - ART CLUB (Grades 2-4), September 22 at 3:30PM. RICBA BOOK CLUB (Grades 3-5), September 23 at 3:30PM. This month’s pick is “Willodeen” by Katherine Applegate. INTRO TO CODING (Grades 3-6), September 28 at 6PM. GRAPHIC NOVEL BOOK CLUB (Grades 4-8), September 30 at 3:30PM. This month’s pick is “Wingbearer” by Marjorie Liu. TEENS (MIDDLE-HIGH SCHOOL) - TEEN CRAFT - FROG BUCKET HAT (Teens 10+), September 26 at 6PM. RAINBOW CLUB, September 29 at 3PM. A safe space for LGBTQ youth and allies. HOMESCHOOL PROGRAMSSTRANGE SCIENCE, September 29 at 1PM. To register or for more information, please call 828-3750.
The Paine House Museum, 7 Station Street, Coventry, will hold their Annual Heritage Day on September 24 from 10AM-3PM. The day will feature free house tours, live music, living history, giant Craft Fair, Pie Contest, Yard Sale & family fun!
Page .........The Reminder September 20-26, 2022 For Effective Advertising Call 821-221618
The Coventry Senior Center, 50 Wood Street, Coventry, will once again hold Bingo on Wednesdays from 1:30-4PM. The cost is $6 for 8 games. Please note that prizes have gone up as well as adding an additional Special & Quickie. You must be 18 years or older to play.
Give the gift of literacy this year. By giving just a little of your time, you can help develop a stronger community while improving the life of a neighbor. Literacy Volunteers of Kent County has adult students who are looking for a tutor, who are excited to learn English as a Second Language or looking to improve their Basic Literacy skills. The next Tutor Training Session begins October 4. You must be over 18 years old and a resident of Kent County to volunteer. Please email lvkc@ coventrylibrary.org or call 822-9103 for more information.
The Paine House, 7 Station Street in Coventry is looking for volunteer Tour Guides to share this unique historical site with the general public. Can you spare a few hours once or twice a month? All training and materials will be provided, no special skills required. This opportunity is suitable for High School students to adults. Training classes for the 2022 season will begin soon. If interested, call Bob at 439-7513 or email info@ westernrihistory.org
Community News
Paine House needs your help. Volunteers needed to preserve local history. Looking for folks interested in research, computers, photography, gardening & yard work, fund raising, etc. If interested, call Bob at 439-7513 for more information.
The West Warwick Public Library, 1043 Main Street, West Warwick is celebrating Library Card Sign-up Month by offering FREE library cards all month long! Just bring in your Photo ID with current address or Photo ID along with documentation showing current address. Anyone under 13 years of age needs a parent or guardian to sign them up. For more information, call 828-3750.
Knotty Oak Village Community Hall Bingo is back!! Bingo to be held at 14 Manchester Circle, Coventry on Saturdays at 4PM - doors open at 3PM. Snacks & beverages will be available for purchase.
The High 5 Pantry at Flat River Tavern, 2260 Flat River Road in Coventry will have an ongoing Food Drive to benefit local Veterans. Please drop off your non-perishable donations anytime during their normal business hours. Call 407-2121 with any questions.
The Giving Closet of the church of Christ, 42 Nooseneck Hill Road (Lower Level Coventry-West Greenwich Elks Lodge), West Greenwich, will be open every Wednesday from 1-5PM. Everything is FREE! Please bring a mask. Donations now being accepted. 397-9700.
The Coventry Resource & Senior Center, 50 Wood Street, Coventry is hosting the ATEL Program on September 22 from 11AM-12PM. This program focuses on challenges & solutions of older adults embracing technology & ATEL Tech Time - an introduction of a new program to help bridge the digital divide. Registration required. For more information, call Patricia at 822-9474 or email pfleming@coventryri.org
Have trouble paying your heating bill? The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) helps income eligible families pay their heating bills. The HEAP is a Primary Grant that is sent directly to your utility company or fuel provider, and it will be credited on your bill. You don’t need to have an unpaid bill, you can either rent or own your home, and must meet current gross income guidelines. Please call 732-4660, Ext. 175 for more information.
In partnership with the unique attributes of the horse, Yellow Horse facilitates social, emotional and behavioral growth and learning to children, adults, families and the community through equine assisted activities and therapy programs. We are looking for volunteers to join our Yellow Horse family. Horse experience is not necessary; just a positive attitude and desire to participate! Free training provided. Ages 15 and Up. Located at 40 Collins Road in Ashaway. For more information visit www. yellow-horse-equine.com or email volunteer@yellowhorseri.com
Are you 55 or over? Play harmonica, guitar, banjo, mandolin, ukulele or any other instrument? We need you! Senior volunteer band plays gigs at Senior Centers, Nursing Homes, etc. Call David 368-6895 or Roger (nights) 397-5157.
The Alzheimer’s Association will present a program on Understanding Alzheimer’s & Dementia on September 28 at 10:30AM at the Coventry Resource & Senior Center, 50 Wood Street, Coventry. Join them to learn about the impact of Alzheimer’s; the difference between Alzheimer’s and dementia; Alzheimer’s disease stages and risk factors; current research and treatments available to address some symptoms; and Alzheimer’s Association resources.
The West Warwick Public Library, 1043 Main Street, West Warwick is accepting Passport Applications (DS-11 Forms only) on behalf of the US Dept. of State. Please contact Information Services at 828-3750, Ext. 1 or email ref@wwpl. org to schedule an appointment or for more information. For even more information, you can call 1-577-487-2778 or visit travel.state.gov
Mango Languages is an online language learning system that will teach you actual conversational skills. With your library card, you can access it online or on the app for FREE! Start learning a new language today! For more information, visit our website or the Reference Desk or call 822-9105.
The Coventry Resource & Senior Center, 50 Wood Street, Coventry is offering Zumba Fitness Classes on Tuesdays from 11:15AM-12:15PM. Join them for some fun, easy to follow, low impact dance moves. Cost is $3 per class. Call 822-9175 to register.
NOTICE When mailing in classified ads/novenas, please make checks payable to: BEACON COMMUNICATIONS Thank you, The RemindeR
Are you or is someone you know an elder in Coventry or West Warwick? St. Vincent de Paul Society is offering a warm meal from their Saturday Grab & Go weekly meals. To schedule a delivery or pick up of a warm meal, please call 828-3090 before 3PM on Wednesdays. If picking up your meal, please go to the OLC School Gym, 445 Washington Street in Coventry, between 11AM-12PM on Saturday
Give us a call 828-2100! Pre-license classes starting soon!
• If you’ve ever questioned the idea that smartphone addiction is real, consider the case of computer pro grammer Maneesh Sethi, who hired a woman (at $8 an hour) to slap him in the face every time he tried checking Facebook during working hours!
ESTATE SALE! Well maintained 1990 27’ Sportcraft fishing boat: Low hours, 350 MercCruiser engine. Inboard drive. Electronics. Dual controls, fly bridge, swim platform, electric anchor winch. $7000 OBO. Michael, 821-4050. by 5pm Cherylp@rhodybeat.com MelissaM@rhodybeat.com
Boats for
Contact a sales rep:
Get Sales Moving in the Right Direction THE REMINDER R.I. FIRST WEEKLY SHOPPING GUIDE Better step on it – Deadline for All Display Advertising is Thursday
• A town in Washington has a treetop bridge over a busy road that’s just big enough for squirrels, called the Nutty Narrows Bridge.
Junk/unwanted vehicles Top $ Paid You Call, We Haul! 401-451-8520 AnytimeCall
This section is published every week in The Reminder
Thought for the Day: “Knowing trees, I understand the meaning of patience. Knowing grass, I can appre ciate persistence.” Ralph Waldo
• The average MLB baseball lasts for just 5-7 pitches. In the beginning of a game, at least 90 balls are required on hand, with about 60-70 used per the average game.
New Listing!! Stand alone to wn house style condo, 2 beds, 1.5 baths, f amily room i n lower, garage, $299,933
Cranston: New List ing!! 4 bed, 1. 5 bath home, finished lower, gr eat corner fenced yard, garage, $ H235,000opkinton:
1025 Tiogue Avenue Coventry, RI (401)828-210002816
• A U.S. constitutional amendment was proposed in 1893 suggesting that the country be renamed The United States of Earth.
Looking for a New Career?
DONATE YOUR CAR TO VETERANS TODAY! Help and support our Veterans. Fast - FREE pick up. 100% Tax deductible. Call 1-800245-0398.
Have Questions?
The Reminder September 20-26, 2022..........PageSAY YOU SAW IT IN THE REMINDER 19 Automart Real Estate FORWANTEDCASHWAITING CARS & TRUCKS 952-3831 Josh’s Garage LLC I BUY JUNK VEHICLES $ $ $ $ $ 401-499-8601 WANTED ANY JUNK VEHICLE Highest Prices Paid! Paying $100-$500 cash Call 474-5723 anytime REAL ESTATE CENTER Michelle Pacheco 401-626-6243“IputtheREALinReal Estate. Either keep it REAL or keep it moving!” Pacheco Property Page Pacheco_sellsRI ® Your Future Begins Here! Rick Moulton Remax Hall of Fame Tel: 401-580-1608 rickwmoulton@hotmail.com Bret REALTORHarrington ® 401-741-2139 (cell) 401-364-3616 brettherealtor@gmail.comx179 Wallander Realty, LTD 1 Charlestown Beach Road Charlestown, RI 02812 LIFELONG COVENTRY RESIDENT SELLINGTOPAGENT in charlestown Autos for SportTrucksSale/Wanted&VansUtilityVehiclesAutos for SportTrucksSale/Wanted&VansUtilityVehicles MONDAYDEADLINECLASSIFIEDISAT10AM 2012 1070.Mustequipped.IMPALA:CHEVROLET4-Door,fullyMintcondition!see!$6995.Call9462014 FORD F-150 XL PICKUP: V6, automatic, A/C. Inspected! $12,995. 946-1070. Real Estate Wanted Real Estate Services Real Estate for Sale Real Estate Wanted Real Estate Services Real Estate for SaleREMINDER Classified Ads... We’ll find a home for everything... even you. We Buy UNWANTED HOUSES Fast! Offer in 48 Hrs. CASH... Any situation. Any condition. Call today, 595-8703.
• Now here’s a great way to “go green”: Residents of Surabaya, Indo nesia, can pay their bus fare with plas tic waste, which will earn them two hours of travel time. The dual aim is to reduce waste as well as the number of cars on the road by encouraging the use of public transportation.
• Russian author Vladimir Nabokov came up with the idea for smiley emot icons in 1969.
By Lucie Winborne
Coventry: New List in g!! Beautiful bui l d able lot, almost 2 acres, gr eat location, all a pp rovals obtained, ISDS needs renewal, $180,0 00
• The Spice Girls’ nicknames were created by Top of the Pops magazine in a 1996 article.
Considering Real Estate Sales?
• Monopoly, originally called The Landlord’s Game, was invented by Lizzie Magie to share her views on the dangers of capitalism.***
Emerson © 2022 King Features Synd., Inc.
S c i tuate: Split level ranch, 3-4 beds , 2.5 baths, family room/FP in l o wer, screened patio, 2 car garage, $439 ,000
• When Apple purchased rural land for a new data center in Maiden, North Carolina, an older couple refused to sell the one-acre plot they’d originally purchased for $6,000 more than three decades earlier. After all offers were rejected, Apple finally asked them to name a price. Success at last! For just a cool $1.7 million.
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You should be able to retire with dignity at a reasonable age? The best healthcare should always be part of your employment? You are the reason the owner makes money and you deserve to be treated as such?
You should struggle every month to pay your bills?
You can never retire whereas you will never be able to afford it?
Your license should be made invalid by law?
Licensed Electricians
You should pay for all or some of your healthcare every week? You should be treated as just “the help” to make the boss more money? NEITHER DO WE!
Page ......... e Reminder September 20-26, 2022 For E ective Advertising Call 821-221620
To help football fans stay on track this season, Marino is sharing his best tips to lose weight and get healthier.
Keep it Simple: Men, especially, need things to be simple. If your goal is to lose weight, look for programs like Nutrisystem that are easy, take the guesswork out of dieting and deliver your favorite foods made healthier right to your door. Plus, they have great game day foods like popcorn, pizza and burgers to ensure you’re making good choices.
Get Moving: Get up and off the couch! Call up your friends and organize a game of football or shoot some hoops. I love to hit the golf course and I often walk instead of grabbing a cart. This way, I’m getting in extra exercise.
kickoff to football season is here again, and with it comes pizza, beer, wings and more. In a poll of 2,000 American men conducted by OnePoll and commis sioned by Nutrisystem, 37% said they usually gain weight during football season from September to January, with 53% claiming they gain 10 pounds or more.
But football season doesn’t need to wreak havoc on your overall health, wellness and weight loss goals. Just ask pro football Hall-of-Fame quarterback, Dan Marino.
Make a Commitment: It all starts with a commitment. You make a commit ment to yourself to get healthier and then you find a game plan to do it. When you see results, you’re motivated to keep going to reach your goal.
Seek Support: Studies show that individuals lose up to 20% more weight when dieting with a partner. Find that teammate who will help motivate you to stick with your wellness goals.
e Reminder September 20-26, 2022..........PageSAY YOU SAW IT IN THE REMINDER 21 1168 Warw ick Ave. Warw 463-7100ick Monday - Thursday 10-6, Friday & Saturday 10-4 John L. Sp aziano John W. Sp aziano Registered Opt icians SINGLE VISION LENSES IF YOU WEAR GLASSES READ THIS… BRING IN THIS AD FOR A FREE GIFT! FREE F.T. -28 Bifocals $40 Progressive Lenses $100 O FFE R AVA I LAB LE WITH FRAM E PU RC HAS E Prime Time living your best in the prime of your life
“After playing pro football for 17 years, my knees took a beating and I had to have both of them replaced. Couple that with the stress of the COVID-19 pandemic, and I couldn’t exercise or do the things I wanted to stay active, so I put on some weight,” says Marino. “I knew I needed to make a change, turned to Nutrisystem and lost 26 pounds.”
Tips to Keep Health Goals on Track During Football Season
The most important thing to remember is keeping up with your health and wellness doesn’t need to be hard. It’s all about balance. If you find yourself over-indulging as you’re watching the game, that’s okay. Commit to getting back on track the next day.
Focus on Protein: Protein keeps your hunger in check and will keep you from grabbing those not-so-good for you game day foods. Aim to get your protein from foods like meat and fish, eggs, dairy products, nuts and nut but ters. For an afternoon snack, I always grab a Nutrisystem shake, which is packed with protein to keep me full until dinner.
Advice from Dan Marino
For most AFib patients, treatment begins with medication. Medications can be used for controlling your heart rate, rhythm and blood thickness, but about half of patients don’t respond to or can’t tolerate medications. Catheter ablation is a procedure to restore the heart’s incorrect electrical signals that cause an abnormal heart rhythm. It is recommended by the American College of Cardiology, the Heart Rhythm Society and the American Heart Association for patients when medication proves to be unsuccessful.
To learn more about AFib and treatment options, including catheter ablation, visit getsmartaboutafib.com.
Understanding AFib
5. Do I need to make any lifestyle modifications?
3. Can I take this medication with the other medicines I’m already taking?
About 1 in 4 adults over the age of 40 are at risk of developing AFib. The causes are wide-ranging and include non-modifiable and lifestyle factors. Some non-modifiable risk factors include age, family history and a heart disease diagnosis.
If medications aren’t working:
3. Can you refer me to an electrophysiologist?
2. What are the benefits and risks of a catheter ablation procedure?
October 20
6. What are my treatment options?
1. I have some concerning symptoms. Could they be the result of AFib?
4. When should I go to the emergency room?
Grabel paints with acrylics and her work covers a wide range of subjects, including landscapes, abstracts, florals and still lifes. Her 2022 installation will include 34 works of art, ranging in size from small, tabletop sized to expansive.Grabel says that her style has evolved from expressionist to abstract expressionist. Her work, she says, “Is fueled by my exuberance, imagina tion, intellect and love of color and motion. Noth ing is rendered realisti cally.” She credits Pierre Bonnard, Henri Matisse and Vincent Van Gogh as inspiration for her expres
Making lifestyle changes to control factors such as obesity, smoking and sleep apnea may help lower your risk. Limiting alcohol and caffeine consumption and controlling your stress can also reduce your risk and may help manage AFib episodes.
StoneRige resident Trisha Grabel, 88, has been creatively inspired by the light, ocean and beautiful scenery of West erly and Mystic. She has produced an extensive collection of acrylic paintings over the past five years and the culmination of her artistic efforts will be on view at a solo exhibit and sale at the Tapped Apple Cidery & Winery, 37 High Street, in Westerly through October 20.
If you’re concerned about your risk of AFib, consider these questions to ask your doctor at your next visit:
7. Should I see a specialist?
88-year-old StoneRidge Resident to Hold Solo Art Show 34 Paintings to be Exhibited at the Tapped Apple Cidery & Winery
2. What should I do if I have side effects or it doesn’t work?
1. Am I a good candidate for a catheter ablation procedure?
Questions to Ask Your Doctor
sionist art, and Warhol, Pollock and Frakenthaler as an influ ence on her abstracts.
Consider Treatment Options
diagnosis of atrial fibrillation (AFib) may be scary, but it doesn’t have to hold you back from enjoying life. Learning more about the condition and treatment options can significantly affect your prognosis and quality of living.
StoneRidge is a senior living, life plan community in Mys tic, CT situated on 32 acres, next to 100 acres of conservation land. StoneRidge is managed by Life Care Services (LCS®). Through
Make Lifestyle Changes
3. Am I at risk of stroke?
1. Why are you recommending this medication?
More than a quarter of adults living with AFib have fears and anxiety about the progressive nature of the disease, according to a survey conducted by Biosense Webster, Inc., part of Johnson & Johnson MedTech. However, a quarter of patients did not get treatment immediately after diagnosis and 44% of patients have ended up in the emergency room due to their condition.
The Tapped Apple Cidery & Winery exhibit will be Gra bel’s first solo show in 10 years. She has exhibited in galleries in New York, Connecticut and Rhode Island. Her work was also included in a tri-state juried show at the Katonah Museum of Art in New York.
AFib is the most common type of cardiac arrhythmia or abnormal heart rhythm. It occurs when the upper chambers of the heart, called the atria, beat rapidly or in an uncontrolled manner. AFib can cause a wide variety of symptoms, including heart palpitations, fatigue, shortness of breath, difficulty exercising, anxiety, chest pain and dizziness.
Speak to Your Doctor
If your physician recommends medications:
Despite half of adults 55 and older believing they may be at risk for AFib, only one-fifth (18%) said their doctors have ever discussed AFib with them and even less (10%) have proactively spoken to their doctors about it. Recognizing symptoms and talking to your doctor as soon as possible can help prevent the progression of AFib.
AFib impacts nearly 40 million people worldwide, according to research published in the “International Journal of Stroke,” including 6 million people in the United States alone. Despite its prevalence, many people are unfamiliar with the symptoms, available treatment options and importance of early treatment to avoid disease progression or other life-threatening complications such as a stroke.
Page .........The Reminder September 20-26, 2022 For Effective Advertising Call 821-221622 FAMILY
Questions for your primary care physician:
Photo courtesy of Getty Images
2. Do I need to take any diagnostic tests?
Grabel began painting in her 60s after a career as the di rector of publicity for Conran’s, a chain of home furnishings, headquartered in New York and founded by Sir Terence Con ran.A native of London, Grabel was evacuated as a child to Canada for six years during WWII. Years after her post-war return to England, Grabel was introduced to her future hus band on a blind date. Dan Grabel was a New York-based news writer and reporter with the TODAY Show. The two married in London in 1959 and chose to make their home in the United States. Both Dan and Trish had successful careers while rais ing a family. As their children grew and retirement neared, the couple purchased a summer home in Westerly. Recently, Trisha moved her home and studio, once more, to StoneRidge Senior Living Community in Mystic.
This service includes: gathering and collation of vital statistic information, one person transfer of remains to the funeral home, use of facilities for state mandated 24-hour waiting period, preparation of remains (not embalming), cremation container, transfer of remains to crematory, crematory fee, state of ri $30.00 permit fee and use of funeral home for memorial service with rental urn.
Also Available: Immediate Cremation – $1,830.00
e Reminder September 20-26, 2022..........PageSAY YOU SAW IT IN THE REMINDER 23
Cremation with Memorial Service $2,645.00
Route 44 • Greenville, RI (401) andersonwinfield.net949-0180
stelizabethcommunity.org/ADCsupport A non-profit, nonsectarian 501(c)(3) charitable organization and CareLink Partner. New participants welcome! Engaging activities are enjoyed by day center participants • Nursing care and CNA support • Engaging programs and activities • Nutritional meals and snacks • Transportation can often be arranged • Financial assistance may be available through programs such as Medicaid, @Home Cost Share, VA and Respite TWO WARWICK LOCATIONS OPEN 7:30 am - 4:30 pm Memory Care Center 140 Warwick Neck Avenue Apponaug401-739-2844Center 3270 Post Road 401-739-2847 It’s a big question and many options to explore. Register for a free AARP Rhode Island webinar, IS AN ADU FOR YOU?, 10 a.m. on Thursday, September 29. Get expert answers to questions on Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) – what they are, what’s involved in adding one, design concepts, the permitting process and more. Sign up today and discover more programs, events and cool AARP member discounts at Whereaarp.org/RIEventsWillYou Choose to Live? In Your Community /aarpri @aarpri
In 2010, an aircraft carrying most of the Polish govern ment crashes in the Russian city of Smolensk. Spanning 90 years, this thrilling and epic play traces the stories of eight men and women con nected by by history, myth, and conspiracy. “Describe the Night” runs from September through October. Call 7234266 for reservations.
Elaine M. Decker’s books include Retirement Downsizing—A Humorous Guide, Retirement Sparks, Retirement Sparks Again, Retirement Sparks Redux and CANCER: A Coping Guide. Her essays appear in the anthologies: 80 Things To Do When You Turn 80 and 70 Things To Do When You Turn 70. All are available on Amazon. com. Contact her at: emdecker@ix.netcom.com
THE GAMM THEATRE Warwick’s Gamm Theatre opens its season under the direction of Tony Estrella with “Describe the Night” by Rajiv Joseph. In 1920, the Russian writer Isaac Babel wanders the countryside with the Red Cavalry.
The four railroads will be replaced by four social media companies. In the inaugural edition, those will be Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp and Instagram. If you land on one, you’ll be able to open an account for $100. Then you’ll be able to collect $10 usage fees from others who land there later in the game. Chances are the list will change in future editions. Those games will obviously need to be renamed for the year they represent.
2022 Business Theatre Unlimited
If you’ve already adopted a shelter pet (in real life), you’ll be allowed to take a pass when you pull a card that requires a donation. During the game, you can take that pass once for each pet you’ve adopted. Some of the cards will contain items on wish lists for a variety of NGOs. If you pull one of those, you’re on the honor system to comply when the game is over.
2022 Monopoly Game
The Community Chest is where the phi lanthropy comes in. It will become a source of support for both local and international NGOs, especially food banks and organiza tions that provide animal welfare support. If you pull one of those cards, it may tell you to donate money or volunteer hours to sup port the group listed. Players should decide in advance which local groups will be the recipients of the night’s largesse.
Page ......... e Reminder September 20-26, 2022 For E ective Advertising Call 821-221624 • Complete range of the most advanced laborator y tests • 50 locations no appointment necessar y *RIH Ventures d b a Lifespan Laboratories Call 401 793 4242 / 1 800 980 4244 www.LifespanLabs.org Labs_ad_PT.qxp_Prime Time 6/29/17 9:28 AM PagLABORATORY SERVICESSENIOR HOUSING 70 Lincoln 401-946-4868CranstonAvenue Choose Senior Housing Apartments as your new home Conveniently located to public transportation and nearby shopping plaza www.presidentialapts.com BUSINESSPROFESSIONALS and SERVICE DIRECTORY This Month’s Featured Business... ADVERTISE HERE Products DesignedServicesandtoMakeYourLifeEasier CALL 401-732-3100 TO LEARN MORE ABOUT ADVERTISING To Advertise, call for401-732-3100details MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS
Theatre For Seniors
Certain Community Chest cards for food banks will require an actual donation of food or money to a local organization. To make the play go smoothly, you’ll want to bring some non-perishables with you to game night. Other cards will ask for reci pes, so bring a few of those, too. If you run out of all of these before the game is over, you’re allowed to sign an IOU. As with the animal welfare items, the other players will have to trust you to make good on your promise.The player with the most money at the end of the game wins. Since I put this together rather quickly, I’ll probably make some revisions. Feel free to send me your suggestions along with your Chance card ideas. You can also suggest replacement tokens for future editions, but I’ll decide whether or not to use them. It’s my party after
In 1989, a mysterious KGB agent and future Russian president spies on a woman in Dresden and falls in love.
probably wondering how I plan to handle the Chance and Community Chest stops on the board. I’ll be leaving those intact. Of course I had to rethink what you’ll read on those cards when you land on one of those spots. I’m still working on what the Chance cards will say and I’m open to suggestions.
Fans of the classic Monopoly game are
Hearing all the mentions of SCOTUS and Roe v. Wade in the news had me thinking of water-related activities: row vs. wade. This in turn made me picture a side of a new Monopoly board game: SCOTUS Row, with properties Wade, Breast Stroke and Butterfly. From there, it was full speed ahead to a 2022 revamp of that classic game. I’m limiting the number of players to six. The new tokens to choose from are: Tesla Model S, iPhone, COVID Spiked Ball, Spiced Pumpkin, Kale Leaf, and AvocadoSimilarToast.to SCOTUS Row, which launched this new initiative, there will be Congressional Row, with Senate and House properties, and Executive Row, with stops on POTUS, VPOTUS, and FLOTUS. One of the other sides will be home to Inflation Alley. In the inaugural edition, this will be represented by Energy, Groceries and Used Cars. Another side will house the Food Court Mall, with stops for shops on Organic Boulevard, Vegan Way and Gluten FreePepperedAvenue. throughout these rows and alleys, as per the classic board, will be various taxes and utility companies. There won’t be a Luxury Tax, or even an Income Tax, but you should hope to avoid expensive stops on Health Care Tax and Real Estate Tax. If you land on any of the energy com panies—Gasoline, Electric or Oil—it will cost you Unlikedearly.theoriginal game, there will not be a “Go Directly To Jail” square. Don’t get too complacent though. Instead, there will be a “Go to Debtor’s Prison.” You’ll have to roll doubles to get out of there. There will still be a “Free Parking” square, which will be free only on Sundays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and holidays. All other times it will cost $10. The list of holidays will be updated annually. The “Just Visiting” stop will be replaced by “Just Texting”. You’ll have to stay there texting until all the other players pass you by.
Good news for theatre lovers, the theatre season is back to normal with several new plays of particular interest to seniors opening this September.
“The Inheritance”, winner of the the atrical Olivier Award, is an epic play of three generations trying to forge a future for themselves that opens Trinity Reps season on the 1st of September. The epic play, like “Angels in America, is performed in two parts, with Part 1 being two and a quarter hours long and Part 2 being two hours and ten min utes. The play takes place at the height of the AIDS epidemic in America, and has been described as funny, romantic, and intriguing. The characters are sim ilar to the characters in E. M. Forster’s “Howard’s End”. Part 1 will be per formed September 1 through October 5, and Pat 2 September 22 through November 1. Call Trinity at 521-1000 for reservations.
can be etched with thin or thick outlines using just black ink or in a full image displayed with color. They can be small or large, or on a sleeve covering arms, legs, or other parts of the body. They can also be drawn in Jap anese, Polynesian, Philippine or other ethnic traditions. Many times, the tattoos offer a glimpse owner’s life story. For instance, my sister sports a tattoo on her foot with the word Nona, a popular Italian name that acknowledges her status as a grandmother of three. A tattoo is artwork displayed on a body canvas.
In remembrance of my father, there is an image of my father’s watch. My father passed away in 1983. That tat too is a reminder that timing is everything in life. An other tattoo depicts a bunch of roses in tribute to Kathy’s mother. She passed away in 2016. She loved roses and that image serves as a reminder that life isn’t always roses and we must learn to deal with our challenges. One tattoo in the sleeve is etched with the date July 11, 2017. On that date, his cousin Mark died in a tragic industrial accident. An angel sits close to Mark. The branches and leaves near Mark honors his memory in our family tree.
My wife and I are very lucky to have developed a warm and loving relationship with twins and their 12-year-old brother Nicholas over the years.
In the majority of cases, tattoos have special mean ings for those who get them.
Sophia’s is a testament to her love of animals. Kailyn’s tattoo is a tribute to a life we have shared. One thing is un doubtedly true. Their tattoos, like Matt’s, come from the heart.
Tattoos From The Heart
Tattoos are available in an endless variety of designs. You can get inked with your birthday, wedding anniversa ry, or other important life event. You can get tattooed with the name of someone special to you, a spiritual symbol or quote, your favorite animal, geometric shape, military designation, or virtually anything that suits your imagina tion.Tattoos
two symmetrical teardrop shapes. One shape signifies dark (usually black) and the other signifies light (usu ally white). Each side contains a small circle of the other color. If you into the symbol’s cultural history, you will uncover a fascinating list of interpretations.
If tattoos can be said to come from the heart, the sleeve of tattoos that my son Matt has on his left arm focuses on his devotion to family and a sense of spirituality. Inside his bicep is tattooed the word “Family.” On his shoul der, close to his heart and watching over our family, is St Christopher, the patron saint of protection.
Larry Grimaldi is a free lance writer from North Providence. Comments can be e-mailed to lvgrimaldi49@ gmail.com
Although we don’t get the chance to be with our New Jersey grandchildren as of ten, Benjamin, Jr., age four and Lorelai, age 1, are gifts we hold dear in in our grand parent treasure chest.
The Reminder September 20-26, 2022..........PageSAY YOU SAW IT IN THE REMINDER 25 Thinking about selling or buying a home? Let’s discuss your specific goals Donna DeLauro Realtor with RE/MAX Dedicated to providing quality service Also proud founder of Mature Matters Senior Real Estate Specialist RE/MAX Real Estate Center donnadelauro@hotmail.com401-486-6044 BEACON COMMUNICATIONS PRESENTS Contact: Donna Zarrella – 401.732.3100 – donnaz@rhodybeat.com Thursday, October 27th 10am – 2:30pm Reach Older Adults, Their Caregivers and Industry Professionals at this well attended event! Reserve Your Exhibitor Space Today SENIOR EXPOLiving EWANTED XHIBITORS
A little more than 22 years ago, at age 51, I had a small Yin-Yang image tattooed on my upper right arm. According to Wikipedia, Yin-Yang is a graphic symbol of Chinese origin in the form of circle divided evenly into
Perhaps the simplest description of Yin-Yang was not ed by Jonathan M. Swift in the June 1, 2022 edition of the Washington Post when he described it as “a figure that in Asian traditions signifies a balanced embrace of opposing forces.”Recently, our college sophomore twins Kailyn and So phia decided get tattoos. Sophia chose an inking outlin ing an elephant on her right ankle. Elephants have always been her favorite animal. Kailyn had the Yin-Yang sym bol etched into her upper right side. I was honored that she chose the same symbol as mine for her tattoo.
hat used to be the almost exclusive domain of soldiers, sailors, Marines, merchant sea men, motorcycle devotees, non-conformists, and members of ancient tribal nations, has now expanded into the public cultural square. It’s the age of the tattoo; and both men and women have eagerly engaged in this social trend. Drive down any main street and you’ll see quite a few tattoo parlors, either in strip malls or in standalone shops. Unless you are cloistered in a monastery, I’m guessing that a day doesn’t go by when you don’t see someone adorned with a tattoo. Tattoo emporiums with catchy names like Altered Images, Tattoo Paradise, Once Upon a Tattoo, Aqua Dots, Elegant Ink, or Inkphonic, to name just a very, very few of the more creative labels, are almost as numerous as wellness centers, convenience stores. or donut shops.
or Beforeovernight.serving, sprinkle pie with white sugar and, using kitchen torch, brelee until sugar is melted and dark
2 tablespoons chilled vegetable shortening, cut into pieces
Publication 584-B, Business Casualty, Disaster, and Theft Loss Workbook
• Change your address.
No-Bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Cheesecake Prep time: 5-10 minutes Cook time: 5 minutes Total time: 6-7 hours Servings: 8 Country Crock Plant Butter, for Crust:greasing11/2cupscrackergrahamcrumbs 1/2 cup Country Crock Plant Butter, melted Filling:2 packages (8 ounces each) dairy-free cream cheese, at temperatureroom 1 cup peanut butter 1 tablespoon vanilla extract 1/2 cup Country Crock Plant Cream 1 cup powdered sugar Chocolate Ganache: 1 stick Country Crock Plant Butter, cubed 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips Grease 9-inch pie dish with plant butter; setToaside.make crust: In medium bowl, combine graham cracker crumbs and melted plant butter; mix thoroughly. Add crust to greased pie dish and press firmly to bottom and sides; refrigerate. To make filling: In bowl of electric mixer, beat cream cheese until smooth andAddcreamy.powdered sugar; beat until fullyAddincorporated.peanutbutter, vanilla extract and plant cream; beat until smooth and creamy. Pour filling into prepared crust and refrigerate 5-6 hours or overnight. To make chocolate ganache: In pan over medium heat, add plant butter cubes and chocolate; stir continuously. Spread chocolate ganache evenly on top of chilled cheesecake. Refrigerate at least 1 hour before slicing and serving. Brulee Pumpkin Pie No-Bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Cheesecake Put
With food processor running, add ice water. Process until mixture clumps together.
Publication 547, Casualties, Disasters, and Thefts
Financial statements
Picking up the pieces after a natural disaster can be challenging. Fire or flood may have destroyed personal and financial records, including records needed to recover disaster-related losses. People may need documentation for tax purposes, federal assis tance programs or insurance claims.
• Taxpayers who made home improvements can get in touch with the contrac tors who did the work and ask for statements to verify the work and cost. They can also get written descriptions from friends and relatives who saw the house before and after any improvements.
Small Business
• Get free tax return transcripts immediately using Get Transcript on IRS.gov.
Bake 1 hour. If crust starts to burn, cover edges with aluminum foil. The middle will still be jiggly.
Publication 976, Disaster Relief
While personal or business property may have been destroyed, all hope is not lost. Here are some steps that can help people reconstruct important records.
topping: Using electric hand mixer or stand mixer, whisk plant cream, powdered sugar and vanilla on high until mixture thickens and stiff peaks form.
Put a Plant-Based Twist on Holiday Baking
• Order transcripts by calling 800-908-9946 and following the prompts.
To make pie crust: Preheat oven to 350 F.
• Opt-out of certain mailed notices.
Take Control With Social Security Online
8 tablespoons Country Crock Plant Butter, cold and cut into cubes
If you do not currently receive benefits, you can:
After Disaster Strikes
• Get a benefit verification or proof of income letter.
Tax records
• When no other records are available, people should check the county assessor’s office for old records that might address the value of the property.
Brulee Pumpkin Pie
4 tablespoons ice water
1 cup brown sugar
To get documents related to property, homeowners can contact the title com pany, escrow company or bank that handled the purchase of their home or other property.
• Car owners can research the current fair-market value for most vehicles. Resources are available online and at most libraries. These include Kelley’s Blue Book, the National Automobile Dealers Association and Edmunds.
In seasonal sweets like Brulee Pumpkin Pie and No-Bake Choc olate Peanut Butter Cheesecake, an option like Country Crock Plant Cream can be used as a dairy-free substitute for heavy whipping cream. With 29% less saturated fat than dairy heavy whipping cream, it’s an easy 1:1 swap and is also soy-free, certified plant-based and 100% vegan, making it ideal to have on hand during holiday baking season. It’s all of the deliciousness of heavy cream, with none of the heaviness of Visitdairy.CountryCrock.com for more delectable holiday dessert ideas.
1/8 teaspoon ground clove
We designed these online features to save you time. Create your personal my Social Security account today at www.ssa.gov/myaccount
On lightly floured surface, roll dough into 14-inch circle. Transfer to 9-inch pie dish. Lift edges and allow dough to drape into dish. Trim, leaving 1-inch overhang. Fold excess dough under and crimp edges.
• Check the status of your Social Security application.
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
In bowl of food processor, add flour, sugar and salt; pulse to combine. Add cold plant butter and shortening. Process about 10 seconds until it looks like coarse meal.
We offer many other online resources at www.ssa.gov/onlineservices. Please let friends and family know they can access them from the comfort of their home or office, and on the go from their mobile phones.
Pumpkin Filling: 1/2 cup maple syrup
• See an estimate of your future Social Security benefits to help you plan when to start receiving benefits.
Getting copies of important records can help people rebuild their lives
Property records
3 tablespoons white granulated sugar
• For inherited property, taxpayers can check court records for probate values. If a trust or estate existed, taxpayers can contact the attorney who handled the trust.
1 cup Country Crock Plant Cream
2 cups Country Crock Plant Cream, chilled 1/4 cup powdered sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
Cook time: 1 hour
• Get a replacement Social Security 1099 form (SSA-1099).
More information:
Cool at room temperature 30 minutes then cover and transfer to refrigerator to chill at least 5 hours
To make pumpkin filling: In medium saucepan over medium heat, add syrup and vanilla; warm about 2 minutes then remove from heat and set aside.
• Compare benefit amounts depending on what age you start receiving benefits.
People can gather past statements from their credit card company or bank. These records may be available online. People can also contact their bank to get paper copies of these statements.
1 teaspoon cinnamon
• Request a replacement Social Security or Medicare card.
Page .........The Reminder September 20-26, 2022 For Effective Advertising Call 821-221626
1 teaspoon ginger 1 teaspoon nutmeg
Servings: 8 Pie Crust: 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon sugar 1/4 teaspoon salt
Prep time: 45 minutes
We continue to add more services you can access through your secure my Social Security account. Use your personal my Social Security account to check your Social Security record and complete your business conveniently and securely from home or on the go.
• Set up or change direct deposit.
Your personal my Social Security account includes a secure Message Center where you can receive communications from us. For example, you can view your annual costof-living adjustments before you would normally receive them in the mail. You can also opt-out of receiving notices by mail that are available online.
If you already receive benefits, you can:
Publication 584, Casualty, Disaster, and Theft Loss Workbook
3 tablespoons cornstarch
desserts are a staple of the holidays and the exciting, appetizing allure of new recipes can help elevate seasonal gatherings and create sweet memories. With near-endless options for celebrating the season, putting a plant-based twist on traditional recipes offers everyone the opportunity to indulge with decadent treats.
Whipped Topping:
• Review your earnings history for accuracy.
1 tablespoon vanilla 1 can (15 ounces) pumpkin puree 1/4 cup coconut cream
In large bowl, combine syrup mixture, pumpkin, coconut cream, plant cream, brown sugar, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, clove, salt and cornstarch; blend with hand mixer until smooth. Pour mixture into pie crust.
• Request a replacement Social Security card.
Slice and serve with whipped topping. a Twist on Baking
A few years ago we flew to Iceland for a long weekend - hiking up a glacier, standing beneath a waterfall, riding Icelandic horses (I love horses, but I was
When I got married for the second time in 2000, my new husband, Dave, was a tennis player. I had dabbled in tennis, back when tennis balls were white, and even took a class in it as a senior at URI in the 1970s and in need of an elective. I think I managed a C - well, looking backmaybe those heavy wooden racquets were to blame!So when Dave suggested that we spend our first anniversary in August of 2001 at a tennis camp in New Hampshire, I had my misgivings. But the word “camp” appealed to me having spent many child hood summers at Girl Scout camp and lov ing every minute of those experiences. So I bought two tennis skirts (figuring I had to at least look the part!) and off we went. We were in different groups due to our differing skill levels, but I thoroughly enjoyed learning the game and hitting balls with my tennis level peers in the clear, refreshing air, blue skies, and surrounded by green Andmountains.although it was called tennis camp there was no sleeping in tents with mosquito nets, no cleaning latrines, and no campfires. The whole group stayed in the same comfortable hotel and we shared all our meals together talking tennis, but also getting to know each other - jobs, families, etc. The only similarity to camp as I remembered it was the friendship and camaraderie of shared experience. I found that tennis, as well as being a fun and chal lenging physical sport, was a fun social sport, too.We decided to spend our next anniversary up at tennis camp, and then the next, and the next, and on through the years, many times encountering many of the same people who were also repeat attendees.By 2006 I was a more skilled ten nis player than I had been in 2001, but I wasn’t playing much in-between our annual summer excursions. Dave had a regular group he was playing with on courts near his job in Newport and was also playing inside during the winter months. I needed to find more opportunities to play.
terrified as we trotted over steep hills cov ered with rocky lava fields!), and relaxing in the natural hot springs. We even spent nearly a whole night chasing the northern lights for a glimpse, but the clouds eventually won out. It was a glorious trip filled with adventure and fun.
It’s amazing how life’s twists and turns can take us in many different directions and can lead us down paths we never imagined.
We had brought our tennis rac quets with us to Maine, too, and found a public court where the four of us played a few sets the day before our sail. I often look back at the pictures from both Iceland and Maine and smile at the memories we cre ated together.Through the years we’ve main tained a routine of sharing lunches or din ners every month or so - trying new restau rants around the state. We’ve shared joys and personal losses, too, as good friends do as the years have passed.
Jane, Marcia, Jackie and I now range in age from our sixties to our eighties, and we’re still going strong, still looking for new adventures to share. We’ve gone kayaking a few times - in Wickford, on the Narrow River, and also on the Providence River and upper bay. There’s been talk of going whitewater rafting or maybe taking another trip overseas. And we’re never far from the tennis courts, still playing and running and hitting the balls as if the years have melted away.
e Reminder September 20-26, 2022..........PageSAY YOU SAW IT IN THE REMINDER 27 ASSISTED LIVING REHABILITATION & SKILLED NURSING Short Term Rehab Respite Care Long Term Care End of Life Care A Not for Profit Organization CareLink Member 1811 Broad Street Cranston, RI 02905 401-461-1433 50 Warwick Avenue Cranston, RI 02905 401-461-1444 Respite Suites Spacious One Bedroom Apartments Shared Apartments Accepting admissions in both the Assisted Living and Rehabilitation & Skilled Nursing The Destination of Choice for Wellness and Eldercare www.ScandinavianCommunities.org
We have another friend, Roy, who also plays tennis with us at Roger Williams Park. He and his wife, Shirley, own a condo up in New Hampshire just steps away from our tennis camp. Our tennis friends have joined us for many of our summer tennis camp visits and we’ve had the added bonus of gathering at Roy and Shirley’s condo for post-tennisJane,festivities.Marcia, Jackie, Roy, and Shirley - the years march on, but on the ten nis courts we’re young again - maybe with a few extra aches and pains here and there - but young in every other way, laughing, sharing, and having fun reminiscent of our childhood summer days.
Yes, who can imagine life’s twists and turns that take us in many different directions and lead us down paths we never imagined. Jane recently told me that taking up tennis was one of the best things she did after her retirement because it led her to meeting all of us. Tennis - a lifelong sport - with unexpected friendships formed over ground strokes, lobs, serves, and volleysdeep friendships forged on the courts that last a lifetime off the courts, too.
Again, the camaraderie was a sec ondary benefit to the fun of playing tennis. I began to form friendships. Jane, Marcia, Jackie and I began to play together regular ly. We ranged in age from our fifties to our seventies, and through the seasons we’ve shared many good times together.
We went to Maine another time. Jane, who had planned our Iceland week end, found an opportunity to sail on a boat with a female skipper, who offered a day of sailing which included allowing us to be her crew for the day. I have pictures of each one of us at the helm while the rest of us helped with the sails. Our sailing day ended with wine and cheese and crackers on the boat while watching the sunset.
In 2006, after our week at tennis camp, we discovered the clay courts at Roger Williams Park. There were clinics for all levels along with regular match play. We joined and began playing there regu larly from April to October.
Housing is the cornerstone to our ability to thrive in our community. But many of us are grappling with big decisions when it comes to where we will live as we grow older. Does our current home still work for us or has it become too big, too expensive, too hard to maneu ver in? If we want to downsize or need support to live independently, are there accessible, affordable homes or apartments available?
The workshop, which will take place virtually on September 21 and 22 from 1-4 pm (and, of course, is free for everyone) will bring together local leaders, housing practitioners, and AARP staff and volunteers to explore how communities nationwide can provide safe, afford able housing options for individuals and families of all backgrounds, incomes and abilities.
Rhode Island
While you are there, you can also register for a free AARP Rhode Island webinar, The ABC’s of ADUs, which I will be hosting at 10 a.m. on Thursday, Sep
AARP has assembled a fantastic lineup.
best practices, insights and inspiring next steps for meet ing the housing needs of a changing nation.
Know the when, where, and how. Then vote.
So many older Rhode Islanders live in homes, especially older homes, that were designed without mobility considerations. Many have multiple levels, and many built up from street level. Or they’re just too big, with too many steps and requiring exhaust ing upkeep of space no longer needed. And too often, smaller homes or apartments that might better serve your needs can’t be found in your community or are simply beyond your means. ADUs can fill that gap.
I’m excited to share news about an important national event coming up later this month that takes on these questions: The 2022 AARP Livable Communities Workshop: Housing for People of All Ages
Is it your goal to age in place in a community that you love, and that also fits as many of your needs as possible? If so, you are envisioning a livable community.
Through four core themes — Housing Choice, Design, Stability, and Equity – the workshop will share
AARP Rhode Island’s mission is to help our 130,000 members, and all the 50+ and our families, live the lives we choose as we grow older. Creating truly livable com munities is central to that work. Communities committed to becoming places where people of all ages and abilities can adopt features such as safe, walkable streets; wel coming outdoor spaces; better housing and transporta tion options; access to key services; and opportunities for residents to participate in civic and community activities and to be respected and included.
If you are reading this after the conference dates, do not despair. Speakers and sessions will be posted soon after the event at www.aarp.org/Livable2022.
ON TO THE NOVEMBER GENERAL ELECTION! Voting gives you the power to decide what our future looks like. But you have to be in the know to vote. AARP Rhode Island is here to help. We’ve collected the most up-to-date election information, including key dates and deadlines, to make sure that the voices of voters 50-plus are heard. Make sure you’re prepared to vote and know the safe and secure voting options included in the new, AARP Rhode Island-backed Let RI Vote Act. You can also find our updated Video Voter Guide posted along with all the latest election information at aarp.org/RIvotes.
One panel will highlight efforts to diversify housing choices in order to provide more options for meeting the needs of people of all ages, abilities and incomes. Emily Hamilton is a senior research fellow and director of the Urbanity Project at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. She will be joined by Tya Winn, executive director of the Community Design Collab orative, a Philadelphia-based architectural nonprofit, and an advocate for affordable housing and community development.Anotherpanel that will discuss efforts to design housing for people of all ages and ability levels, espe cially for older adults and residents with disabilities, fea tures Jennifer Molinsky, project director of the Housing and Aging Society Program at the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies, and Cynthia Shonaiya, an architect with 30 years of experience spanning three continents and the senior living market sector leader at the design firm Hord Coplan Macht.
A recent AARP Vital Voices Survey revealed that more than 54% of Rhode Islanders age 45 and older said they would consider building an ADU. In fact, 7 percent surveyed said they have already added an ADU. And a strong majority (84%) said they strongly support or somewhat support town ordinances that make it easier for property owners to create an ADU.
AARP Rhode Island is here to help. I hope you will take advantage of these opportunities to learn more about housing options as we age, and that we make Sep tember a “livable” month that will lead to great things in your life.
Building a Livable Community: Housing is Key
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facebook.com/AARPRI | @AARPRIPaid for by AARP
This is just a taste of what promises to be two great days. You can review the full agenda and register at www.aarp.org/RI events.
tember 29. Get expert answers to questions on Acces sory Dwelling Units (ADUs) – What they are, what’s involved in adding one, design concepts, the permitting process and more.
That’s why AARP Rhode Island and our advocacy volunteers worked tirelessly in the last legislative ses sion to make it easier to add ADUs. The webinar will include an update on the new law and what it means for you. AARP Rhode Island was also successful in increas ing funding for the state’s Livable Homes Modification grant program. We will share what types of projects qualify and how to apply.
THOR’S PRESSURE & SOFT WASH: Commercial & Residential. Roof & Exterior Cleaning. Fully licensed and insured.RI Registration GC-46062. Free Estimates. Call Thor, 401-441-8672. facebook.com/ ThorsHouseWash
THE REMINDER’S FAX SERVICE. Now you can send or receive letters, statements, invoices, etc. in seconds by using The Reminder Fax Service. Want more details? Call The Reminder and ask about our fax: 821-2216. Fax Number: 821-0397. To Send: $3.00 (+tax) for the first page, $1.00 for every additional page. To receive: 75¢ ea. page (+tax).
B. TRAUTMAN MASONRY: Brick/block, stone, fireplaces, and masonry landscaping. Residential and commercial. RI Reg. #7933. Visa and Mastercard accepted. 447-4645.
Let us wash, dry and fold your laundry. Pick up and delivery available. THORPE’S LAUNDROMAT AND DRY CLEANING. 401-826-7158. 560 Providence Street, West Warwick.
JOHN P. KEOGH PLUMBING & DRAIN CLEANING: Electric sewer rooter service. Master Plumber Lic. #1881. 401-862-8810.
JADE ELECTRIC: Wiring, emergencies. Prompt and courteous. 828-5908, 738-7835. Lic.# A1538. Insured.
VERRIER TREE SERVICE, INC.: Kiln Dried Firewood, Cut & Split. Pick-up or Delivered. Insect Free Guaranteed. The Driest Wood You Can Buy. Bulk or Bundled Indoor Hardwood or Outdoor Softwood for Campfires. 397-3942.
TSU CONSTRUCTION: Tile, Marble, Granite Installation. Reg. #8795. Call Charlie 556-8134.
Discussion on finances of the Central Coventry Fire District
• “Loosen tight jeans with a cutting board! First, wash in cold water, then button them around something that’s about an inch wider than the waist, say, a cookie sheet, chair top, cutting board, etc. Air dry. It’s magical.” — V.L. in New York
FORCIER FENCE AND GENERAL CONTRACTORS: Installation and repairs. All fencing types. Now offering power washing - decks, sidewalks, siding, etc. RI Reg #5690. Call 222-9757. Free estimates! “Your quality alternative.” We won’t be knowingly undersold.
Paxton’s family sued the hospital, and a week before heading into a Los Angeles courtroom to decide the mat
All this time, no one made a film about Fred Astaire, and now, there’s three in the works ... tap, tap, tap!
DEPIETRO ROOFING, INC.: Specials Available. Quality work, free estimates. RI Reg. #22850. Call John 573-9328.
• “When I was a kid, the side of my yard was soft sand, but it’s where my brother and I kept our bikes. I liked my bike to stand up, because it kept the sand out of my gears. The kick stand was sinking in the sand, and my dad gave me an old tennis ball that he had poked a hole into. I put it on the kick stand, and from then on, it stayed standing up. Thought I would share.” M.N. in Florida
At Your Service
© 2022 King Features Synd., Inc.
TLC SEPTIC SYSTEMS: Design & Installation, Foundation Digging, Land Clearing & Grading. Class 1 License. Registered Contractor. Free Estimates. Call 392-3300 or visit www.tlcrhodeisland.com.
e Reminder September 20-26, 2022..........PageSAY YOU SAW IT IN THE REMINDER 29
LEWIS & CLARKE ENTERPRISES, INC.: New homes, additions, garages, kitchens, bathrooms, family rooms, roofs, and repairs. 345-3227. RI Reg. #5646.
BILL’S REMODELING: Additions, Formica, finish work, custom built vanities, siding. No job too small. Bill Langlais 397-9256 after 5pm. RI Registration #648.
• “If you have a fish tank, you can use the fish tank water to fertilize your rose bushes. I do this, and it’s rich in minerals that the bushes
• Make your own bed buddy hot pad with a long sock and rice. Use a sock that’s knee high, and fill it about twothirds with plain, uncooked white rice. Knot it an inch or two from the top of the rice, so it’s nice and loose. Once it’s secure, you can stick the sock into the microwave for 1-2 minutes. The rice heats up and the heat is stored in the rice. It’s wonderful for aches and pains — or just for keeping toes toasty!•Shower caps can be placed over a planter and used to make a kind of greenhouse for planting cuttings. Just water and place it in a sun-filled win dow. Be sure to check it often, because even though it may be moderate or even cool out, your little greenhouse can get pretty hot with only a few hours of sun.
ALL SEASONS LAWNCARE, INC.: Full Service Landscape Maintenance and Construction Company From lawncare to installation of brick paver walkways and patios. 732-7993. RI Reg. #43492
CHEVALIER CESSPOOL CLEANERS: Cesspools and septic tanks pumped. New systems installed. Sewer connections. 736-8313.
PEST CONTROL, LLC: Residential and Commercial. Certified in Industrial, Structural and Health Related Pest Control. 100% Guaranteed. 401-569-0212.
HOLLYWOOD — Move over, Tom Cruise, your aspirations to become a musical movie star at 60 are being challenged by 26-year-old Tom Hol land (from the latest “Spider-Man” films). While Cruise hasn’t announced his project yet, Holland has committed to star in an untitled biopic on Fred Astaire. Unlike Cruise, who only toyed with singing in movies until he played a rock star in “Rock of Ages,” Holland portrayed the titular charac ter in “Billy Elliot the Musical,” from 2008-2010 on stage in London. Ironi cally, Jamie Bell, who played the role of Billy Elliot in the 2000 film, is also set to star in an Astaire biopic for Ama zon titled “Fred & Ginger.” But, first, Holland has to deal with his mental health, admitting, “I find Instagram and Twitter to be overstim ulating, to be overwhelming ... I spi ral when I read things said about me online, and ultimately, it’s very detri mental to my mental state. So, I decid ed to take a step back and delete the app.” Social media was instrumental in catapulting his film “Uncharted,” with Mark Wahlberg (a $120 million cost that lead to $406.7 million grosses.)
RICHARD J. PIZZI Electrical Contractor: 550 Providence Street, West Warwick. Residential Wiring (home repairs). No job too small. A145, insured. 580-8803.
VERRIER TREE SERVICE, INC.: Total Tree Care - Removals, Pruning, Stump Grinding, Spraying, Land Clearing, Brush Mowing, Spring Clean-Ups, Licensed. Insured. 39 Years of Satisfied Customers. 24 Hour Every Day Service. Free Estimates. 397-3942.
COAST TO COAST POWER WASHING: Residential. When quality and service matters. Who wants to pressure wash on their day off? Save yourself time. Call this week!. Complete satisfaction guaranteed. Free price quotes. Ken, 401-413-0547. 20% OFF WITH THIS AD!
CARR’S OVERHEAD DOOR, INC.: Residential and commercial garage doors & openers. Best prices, quality materials, factory authorized Lift Master and Wayne Dalton Dealers. Reg. #13612. 332 Nooseneck Hill Road, Exeter, RI (401) 397-6015.
MOFFITT & ASSOCIATES, LLC.: Financial Services and Investments, Retirement Planning and 401K rollovers. www.victormoffittandco.com 1260 Main St. (Rte. 117), Coventry (401)828-0097.
Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
FROM KING FEATURES WEEKLY SERVICE, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803 CUSTOMER SERVICE: (800) 708-7311 EXT. NOW257 HERE’S A TIP #12345_20220912 FOR RELEASE SEPT. 12, 2022 By JoAnn Derson
ter, Cedars settled for an undisclosed amount, which must have been more than the $1 million that the anesthesiol ogist’s medical group paid them before their court date. The times I was fortu nate to be in Bill Paxton’s company, he was cheerful, funny and an all-around regular guy who happened to be a mov ie star. It was a great***loss.
In 1985, Paramount Pictures made a film based on the popular board game “Clue.” Despite casting some of the best comedic talents of the day — like Eileen Brennan Tim Curry Madeline Kahn Christopher Lloyd Michael McKean, Martin Mull and Lesley Ann Warren — the film fell short $400,000 of recouping its $14.6 million cost. Now, a remake of “Clue” is in the works, starring Ryan Reyn olds. Will the creators improve on the screenplay of the original, or are they “Clue-less?”©2022King Features Synd., Inc.
Holland Depositphotos FROM KING FEATURES WEEKLY SERVICE, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803 CUSTOMER SERVICE: 800-708-7311 EXT. 257 HOLLYWOOD #12345_20220912 FOR RELEASE SEPT. 12, 2022 By Tony Rizzo PHOTO CREDIT: Depositphotos PHOTO CAPTION: Tom Holland
Bill Paxton was an amazing actor and a wonderful human being. Some of his most popular films were “Weird Sci ence” (1985), “Aliens” (1986), “Tomb stone” (1993), “True Lies” (1994), “Apollo 13” (1995), “Twister” (1996) and “Edge of Tomorrow” (2014). In early 2017, he entered Cedars-Sinai Medical Center to correct a damaged aortic heart valve caused by rheumat ic fever that began at 14 years old. His family alleges the open-heart surgery was botched and caused him to suffer a fatal stroke on Feb. 25, 2017.
The Special Meeting will be held at 6:30 PM on October 17, 2022 at the Coventry Town Hall Annex Auditorium 1675 Flat River Road, Coventry, RI 02816-8910 at 6:30 PM
VICTOR MOFFITT & CO., INC.: Bookkeeping, Tax Services for individuals and businesses, 40 years experience. 1260 Main St. (Rte. 117), Coventry. 828-2155. www.victormoffittandco.com
VENTURA FENCE CO., INC.: Serving Rhode Island since 1975 for all your fencing needs. Insured. RI Reg #7260. Call anytime 821-7200.
AURORA HEATING & FUEL CO. Boiler Services/Oil QualityInstallation/Service/CleaningTanksHomeHeatingOilataLOWPRICE!401-823-5996 Lic. #31
$8.00 PER WEEK for 10 words (25¢ each add. word) Min. 1 Month. Deadline: Last Thursday of each month for ads starting the following month. Mail or bring your ad to The Reminder. 5 Coventry Shoppers Park, Coventry, RI 02816. Phone: 821-2216. Fax: 821-0397.
A GOOD PLUMBER: Plumbing, heating, drain cleaning. 808- 2284. RI Lic. #MP002399. MA Lic. #30436.
INSTALLATION & REPAIRS: Also gutters cleaned and leaf guards installed. Call 397-8729 or 749-1315 for a free estimate.
love!” — A.U. in Alabama
The high speed lane will move onto the new bridge. This will be a through lane to I-95 and travelers will not be able to exit at state offices or Route 146.
Thanks to legislation approved this year, the DMV is moving ahead with the production of Rocky Point plates. Pre and new orders will be filled with delivery expected this fall. For new orders visit the Rocky Point Foundation website at rockypointfoundation.org where you will find an order form to be returned to the DMV with payment. At this time, plates are available for passenger registrations only
Display your love and support of a place made for memories. Not too longermuch and you'll be seeing Rocky Point license plates heat your home for www.GlowOil.com401-475-9955lessEverydayLowPricesonHeatingOilandServiceRepair Across the nation the Alzheimer s Assoc ation Wa k to End A zhe mer s is fu l of flowers each carried by someone comm tted to end ng th s d sease Because ike f owers our participants don t stop when something s in their way They keep rais ng funds and awareness for a breakthrough in the fight against A zheimer s and al other dementia Register today! alz.org/ri If you are in need of support, please call our 24/7 Helpline at 800 272 3900 Block Island Sept 18 Westerly Sept 24 Newport Sept 25 Providence Oct 2 Save Time. Save Money. RINGRHODEISLANDNEWSPAPERGROUP ADVERTISINGCLASSIFIED Statewide Coverage HIRING • SELLING • BUYING Help Wanted Real ItemsAutosEstateForSale Call 732-3100 REACH OVER 130,000 HOMES 1. Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) Tom Cruise, Jennifer Connelly 2. Bullet Train (R) Brad Pitt, Joey King 3. Spider-Man: No Way Home (PG-13) Tom Holland, Zendaya 4. DC League of Super-Pets (PG) Dwayne Johnson, Kevin Hart 5. The Invitation (PG-13) Nathalie Emmanuel, Thomas 6.Doherty Beast (R) Idris Elba, Liyabuya Gongo 7. Minions: The Rise of Gru (PG) Steve Carell, Pierre Coffin 8. Jaws (PG) Roy Scheider, Robert Shaw 9. Thor: Love and Thunder (PG-13) Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman 10. Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero (PG-13) Masako Nozawa, Toshio Furukawa © 2022 King Features Synd., Inc. KING FEATURES WEEKLY SERVICE, Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803 CUSTOMER SERVICE: (800) 708-7311 EXT. MOVIES #12345_20220912 RELEASE SEPT. 12, 2022
Department of Transportation Two Capitol Hill Providence, RI 02903 www.ridot.net401-222-2450
Visit www.cranstonmecu.org or call 401-463-3010 for more information.
Page ......... e Reminder September 20-26, 2022 For E ective Advertising Call 821-221630 RAKE IN THE SAVINGS WITH OUR CD SPECIAL! 2.01% APY* 18-MONTH CERTIFICATELIMITEDTIMEOFFER
On Friday night, September 16, 2022, RIDOT will install a lane split on I-95 north after the downtown Providence exit.
The other lanes will shift in about two weeks. All lanes willgo through to I-95 north. Go to ridot.net/ProvidenceViaduct for news and updates.
Have You Received Your The Reminder offers laminations to protect your card for only $300 each ?
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: My male guinea pig, Dale, was always healthy. He was fat and not losing weight. One day, we cleaned his cage and noticed that he was sticking his head out repeatedly and opening his mouth — like yawning. The vet said to come in right away, and within five minutes of hanging up, Dale was dead. The vet looked at him and said he looked healthy and that maybe he had a heart attack or stroke, but I didn’t see any symptoms. Any help would be great, because we have two others. — Julie G., via e-mail
VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Be careful not to let your on-thejob zealousness create resentment with co-workers, who might feel you shut them out. Prove them wrong by including them in your project.
© 2022 King Features Synd., Inc.
SALOME’S STARS #12345_20220912
48 CROMPTON AVENUE, West Warwick: September 24, 8AM-2PM. Toys, tools, household, homemade, many items.
Tabernacle Baptist Church will hold an inside Yard Sale from 8AM-2:30PM AT 182 Seven Mile Road in Hope on Friday & Saturday, October 7 & 8 and Monday, October 10. Come shop many good deals!
DEAR JULIE: Sadly, it often can be difficult to tell when a guinea pig is getting ill. They’re very good at hid ing signs of illness, and often they are acutely ill before their owners can tell what’s wrong. It’s clear that you pay close attention to your guinea pigs, as you were aware of Dale’s weight and normalHowever,behavior.guinea pigs can become ill very quickly. You were right to contact the veterinarian immediately after noticing Dale’s strange behavior, which I agree, could have been a sign of a stroke or heart attack.
74 POOR FARM ROAD, Coventry: September 24, GARAGE/YARD8AM-1PM. SALE! Woodland Avenue (behind Tom’s Market area - off Tiogue Avenue), Coventry: September 24, 8AM-2PM.
LEO (July 23 to August 22) A col league might try to goad you into saying or doing the wrong thing. It’s best to ignore the troublemaker, even if they rile your royal self. Your sup porters stand with you.
Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.
TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Some light begins to shine on profes sional and/or personal situations that have long eluded explanation. Best advice: Don’t rush things. All will be made clear in time.
7 VALE STREET, Coventry. Saturday, September 24, 8AM-2PM. Furniture, comics, odds & ends.
KING FEATURES WEEKLY SERVICE, Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803 CUSTOMER SERVICE: (800) 708-7311 EXT. CORNER #12345_20220912 RELEASE SEPT. 12, 2022 Mazotta
527 WILLIAMS CROSSING ROAD, Coventry: September 24, 8AM-2PM. Household items, craft supplies, reptile supplies, wide photo printer, vintage jewelry, glass fusing supplies, more.
MULTI FAMILY! 3888 Flat River Road, Coventry: September 24 & 25, 9AM2PM. Household items, tools, garage, yard, clothes (men’s, women’s and kids’). Text 401-626-6243 for questions.
ARIES (March 21 to April 19) This week could offer more opportunities for ambitious Lambs eager to get ahead. But, don’t rush into making decisions until you’ve checked for possible hidden problems.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Continue to hold onto the reins so that you don’t charge willy-nilly into a situation that might appear attractive on the surface, but that actually lacks substance.
27 VALLEY CREST ROAD, Coventry: Saturday, September 24, 8AM-?. Collector Lego sets (complete with boxes), clothes, shoes, household, knick knacks, books, bikes, frames, car mats and more! Rain date September 25.
22) Although it’s not quite what you hoped for, use your good business sense to make the most of what you’re being offered at this time. Things will improve down the line.
MORNINGSIDE DRIVE, Coventry: September 24, 7AM-2PM. Rain date September 25.
GARAGE SALE! Behind Phenix Hotel, 9 Pleasant Street, West Warwick (look for signs): September 24, 8AM2PM. 499-8375 for more information.
I’ll refer to the late Peter Gurney’s brilliant Guinea Pig Health Guide. One suggestion, which you may be able to apply to your surviving guinea pigs, is to have the vet listen to their heartbeat. A heart murmur can indi cate valve problems. Another possibil ity is an undetected fungal or bacterial infection that got into Dale’s system, eventually causing a heart attack. But as you pointed out, he showed no external signs of illness.
SCORPIO (October 23 to Novem ber 21) A more positive picture of what lies ahead is beginning to take shape. But there are still too many gaps that need to be filled in before you make definitive plans.
AQUARIUS (January 20 to Febru ary 18) You’ll find that people are hap py to help you deal with some difficult situations. And, of course, knowing you, you’ll be happy to return those favors anytime. Won’t you?
EDITORS: These horoscopes are for use the week of Sept. 19, 2022.
110 GERVAIS STREET, Coventry: September 24, 9AM-3PM. Rain date September 25. No early birds.
DISH TV: $64.99 for 190 channels + $14.95 High Speed Internet. Free installation, Smart HD DVR included, free voice remote. Some restrictions apply. Promo expires 1/21/23. 1-866-4791516.
Guinea Pigs Hide Signs of Illness
PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Give that special someone in your personal life a large, loving dollop of reassurance. That will go a long way toward restoring the well-being of your ailing relationship.
MAPLEROOT VILLAGE, 2155 Nooseneck Hill Road, Coventry: September 24 & 25, 7AM-2PM. Bring your own tables, $5/table. All are welcome! Rain date October 1 & 2.
CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Work prospects are back on track. But, watch what you say. A thought less comment to the wrong person — even if it’s said in jest — could delay or even derail your progress.
GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Although you might want to protest what seems to be an unfair situation, it’s best to keep your tongue and tem per in check for now. The full story hasn’t yet come out.
BORN THIS WEEK: You are a delightful paradox. You like things neat and tidy. But, you’re also a won derful host who can throw a really great party.©2022 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803
LIBRA (September 23 to October
For this mystery, I’ll turn to my read ers. Any suggestions for Julie on mon itoring her two surviving cavies?
GARAGE SALE! 35 Circlewood Drive, Coventry: September 24, 9AM-2PM. Great stuff! Come and buy it all.
CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) The Sea Goat’s merrier side dominates this week, and this means that, despite your usual busy schedule, you’ll be able to squeeze in parties and all sorts of fabulous, fun times.
CUSTOMER 800-708-7311 EXT. 257
e Reminder September 20-26, 2022..........PageSAY YOU SAW IT IN THE REMINDER 31 Entertainment
NEWACCEPTINGPATIENTS 121 Sandy Bottom Road, Coventry, RI 401-822-3352 Office | 822-3353 Fax Visit our www.ericgeorgedmd.comwebsite to see a list of services we provide... You will be Surprised! “We believe Dentistry shouldn’t be scary” ERIC GEORGE & ASSOCIATES
On September 30, 2022 at 9 p.m., Glenbridge Avenue in Providence will be closed for one week reopening at 9 p.m. on October 7 for RIDOT to demolish and replace the Glenbridge Avenue Bridge.
DONNA'S257 DAY #12345_20220912
PHOTO CAPTION: A tasty, handmade rustic pear galette is ready to serve.
5. Fold the border edge up and over toward the pears in slightly overlap ping pleats to form the edges of the galette. Brush dough rim with milk and bake 25 minutes, or until the edges are golden brown.
4. Who were the musical guests on the first “Saturday Night Live”?
© 2022 King Features Syndicate
Distributed by
CUSTOMER SERVICE: (800) 708-7311 EXT.
6. Cool slightly, slide onto a serving plate and enjoy with vanilla ice cream.
4. Janis Ian and Billy Preston, on Oct. 11, 1975.
FROM KING FEATURES WEEKLY SERVICE, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803
5. “Hello Mary Lou,” by Ricky Nel son, in 1961. There was a plagiarism problem when the record label was sued by a Catholic priest who’d for merly been in a band when he wrote “Merry, Merry Lou.” The settlement included giving the priest co-writing credits and royalties.
Find more family fun at www.donnaerickson.com. Write to Don na at Info@donnaerickson.com 2022 Donna Erickson King Features
By Mick Harper
Route 6 will be closed overnight on September 30 for bridge demolition from 9 p.m. to 9 a.m. and again on October 5 from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. while the new bridge is slid into place.
and nutmeg.
Page .........The Reminder September 20-26, 2022 For Effective Advertising Call 821-221632 Get The Medicare Bene fits You Deserve Medical Vision OTC Dental Hearing Aid Gym Membership Plans Starting at $0 Premium Call Today (401) 210-2400 Visit Our Office at 30 Quaker Lane • Warwick RI (Across the Hall from Social Security) Not directly affiliated with Federal Medicare. Representatives are Member Agents of WeCanHelpYou.Org • A 501(c)(3) non-profit organization
1. “In Sixteen Tons” by Tennessee Ernie Ford, what does the reference to owing your soul to the company store mean?2.Who released the 1981 version of “Bette Davis Eyes”?
2. Kim Carnes. The song netted Grammy awards for Song of the Year and Record of the Year.
Pears star in this easy-to-make rustic galette that school-age kids will enjoy helping you prepare. The crust can be mixed quickly with young hands and muscle (or you can roll out a storebought pie crust). The final step is fan ning out the pear slices and admiring the culinary “art” before you pop it in the Foroven.afree-form family-style “Rustic Pear Galette” of 6-8 servings, you’ll
FROM KING FEATURES WEEKLY SERVICE, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803
5. Name the song that contains these lyrics: “I saw your lips, I heard your voice. Believe me, I just had no choice. Wild horses couldn’t make me stay away.”
all-purpose flour
3. George Harrison, as a tribute to slain fellow Beatle John Lennon.
A tasty, handmade rustic pear galette is ready to
3. Name the artist who released “All Those Years Ago.”
FILLING3tablespoons fig or apricot fruit spread2large Anjou pears
PHOTO CREDIT: Donna Erickson
CUSTOMER SERVICE: (800) 708-7311 EXT.
1. For the dough, place flour, sugar and salt in a mixing bowl and let your child stir it together with clean fin gers. Scatter butter chunks into flour mixture, and toss and rub between fin gertips until mixture resembles small peas. Or, use a pastry blender.
Kids Can Help Make a Rustic Pear Galette
Department of Transportation Two Capitol Hill Providence, RI 02903
1. The song is about coalminers. They were paid in scrip, not cash, and that scrip was only good at the com pany store. This kept the miners from saving cash and leaving.
1 egg 1 teaspoon milk 2 teaspoons milk for brushing on crust
By Donna Erickson
1 tablespoon sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt 5 tablespoons unsalted, cold butter cut into 1/2 inch chunks
2. Meanwhile, whisk together the egg and 1 teaspoon of milk. Add half of the egg-and-milk mixture to the dough. Mix well. Add remaining por tion and mix until the dough comes together. Shape into a disk and wrap in plastic wrap. Refrigerate for 30 min utes.3. Roll out dough into a 10-inch circle. Transfer to a parchment-lined baking sheet. Brush the center portion with the fruit spread and return it to the refrigerator while you prepare the pears.4.Preheat oven to 425 degrees Fahr enheit. Halve and core the pears, then slice lengthwise. Arrange them in a fan shape on the chilled dough, leaving a 1-inch border. Drizzle the melted but ter over the pears. Sprinkle with sugar
Please plan ahead and consider alternate routes.
1 tablespoon melted butter 1 tablespoon sugar 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg