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LA84 Foundation provides $1.4M to support sports play equity

The LA84 Foundation announced Thursday it awarded more than $1.4 million in grants to promote play equity in more than 250 schools in seven Southern California counties.

The foundation said the grants are expected to serve the socio-emotional wellbeing of nearly 50,000 kids and provide for community health. The grants are part of the foundation’s effort to support a balance of schooland community-based organizations that provide youth sports development programs.


“We are committed to removing barriers for young people to have access to the benefits of sports participation, and by uplifting equity supporting kids’ lifelong wellbeing,” Renata Simril, president and CEO of the foun- dation, said in a statement. “These grants showcase a wide range of communities as well as our support of soccer, as our data clearly indicates how important soccer is to our communities.”

While there are 22 types of sports activities supported in this grant cycle including archery, lacrosse, squash and equestrian activities, LA84 is investing in the future of soccer. According to the results of the 2022 Los Angeles County Youth Sports Survey, soccer continued to rank among the most popular activities.

The Boys and Girls Club of the Los Angeles Harbor in San Pedro received a $80,000 grant to support the launch of a pilot youth soccer league which will serve more than

By City News Service

600 youths in Wilmington. The Wilmington Youth Soccer League will launch in September and run from fall through spring.

The Cal South Soccer Foundation in Fullerton was awarded a $50,000 grant to support school-based soccer programs and coaching education in partnership with Cal South State Soccer Association. CSSF was established in 1999 to serve as a collaborative resource across Southern California to grow the game of soccer.

The LA84 Foundation also awarded $30,000 to Pure Game in Lake Forest to support its afterschool soccer programming in five cities in Orange County. Pure Game is committed to providing high-level soccer programming to support the development of the whole child. The LA84 Foundation and the Play Equity Fund are slated to host Play Day on June 24, a national celebration of sport, play and movement held annually to advance the power of activity and promote physical and mental health. For more information, go to bit.ly/3odQQoB.

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