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Load Cada Dia Program
College Admissions and Aid Office launches Load Cada Dia Program by Kristine Mae Isabelle D. Segayo
One of the prime universities in Western Mindanao and center of excellence, Ateneo de Zamboanga University, is not only a notable institution for its quality education but also for its holistic formation. From its remarkable faculty and staff to its eager and dynamic students, the Ateneo Community is jammed with pure fineness.
For all that, Ateneo de Zamboanga University also likes extending its hands to those who wish to experience the Atenean education but has no capability to do so. Hence, the College Admissions and Aid Office (CAAO) offers various scholarships to give assistance to those who are in need. Student Assistant Scholarship, Academic Scholarship, Ateneo Centennial Scholarship, BSE Centennial Scholarship, and Private Scholarship are among the different types of scholarship that the CAAO offers. In line with this, in 2005, Ms. Ruth Yu-Owen initiated Pan Cada Dia, a food subsidy program to help hungry students daily. Ms. Owen, was then the initial donor and convener of the said program that has been aiding scholars for 15 years now.
However, Pan Cada Dia Program was put on hold for the meantime due to COVID-19 pandemic. Nevertheless, an alternative program was born. Spearheaded by the Director of College Admissions and Aid Office, Mr. Conrado Z. Balatbat, along with the concurrence of the University President Fr. Karel S. San Juan, SJ and the Vice President for Higher Education, Fr. Rene C. Tacastacas, SJ, Load Cada Dia was launched to help financially challenged scholars with their load expenses. Qualified scholars will receive a daily allowance of ₱20.00, a total of ₱100.00 per week.
“Brought by the COVID pandemic, [since students will not physically be in campus], funds for Pan Cada Dia are diverted to help students in need of internet access through their phones and tablets, by the way of Load Cada Dia,” said Mr. Balatbat.
However, its recipients may vary from the original recipients of Pan Cada Dia Program. Those who want to avail the program must send a letter addressed to the Mr. Conrado Z. Balatbat explaining the reason for the need of Load Cada Dia.
To give and not to count the cost, is one of the lines in the Prayer for Generosity of St. Ignatius of Loyola, was indeed reflected in this program. Amidst any situation, Ateneo de Zamboanga University lives up to its name, not just for providing quality education but also for embracing one of its core values, cura personalis, care for others.