1 minute read
Online Rambulan isn t Cool
By Clairizza Arcillas
Clairizza Arcillas April 04, 2020
Who would have thought that amid the threat of COVID-19, Filipino youths were able to find time to do what they call Online Rambulan? What do they see in Online Rambulan? Do they find themselves cool participating in this thing? It is quite terrifying how apathetic the youth has become especially in this time of crisis.
What is Online Rambulan? When and how did it start? It is a public group in Facebook (previously named as Catholic VS. INC “Debate”) created way back in November 7, 2014. It has 345,515 members that continues to increase day by day. Members can post anything under the sun, from insults to death threats. Although there are rules provided by the Admins, it is not properly observed. Rule breakers are tolerated instead. It is sad to think that the youth prefers to be engaged in this kind of atrocity instead of doing something worthy of time. People might reason out that boredom made them participate in Online Rambulan. However, does it justify these inconsiderate acts in social media?
During this time of pandemic, social media should be harnessed for something useful such as spreading reliable and valuable information to help people, not a place for harassing others and making online trouble like what Online Rambulan does. It reflects how apathetic the youth has become especially in combating pressing issues the world is facing.
There far more things worthwhile doing in quarantine other than joining Online Rambulan. You can watch movies, TV series, read books, solve puzzles, clean and declutter your room, bond with your family - the list goes on. Instead of focusing on what you cannot do during the pandemic, think of the things you will love doing while in quarantine.