5 minute read
21st Century Toastmasters meets weekly at Library 21c.
Fridays | 1 p.m. | 719-591-8045
ACC Grass Roots 307 Cribbage meets at the Colorado Springs Elks Lodge.
Wednesdays | 5:30 p.m. | 719-3311200
ACLU defends civil rights and liberties. Call for details. 303-777-5482
Austin Bluffs Sertoma, a community service organization, meets twice monthly for breakfast at Embassy Suites.
2nd & 4th Wednesdays | 7:30 a.m. |
Austrian-American Enzian Club is a German-speaking culture club that meets at VFW Post #101.
2nd Wednesday | 2-4 p.m. |
Black Forest AARP meets for a potluck at Black Forest Lutheran Church.
2nd Wednesday | 12 p.m. |
Black Forest Trails Association meetings are open to the public at Black Forest Community Club.
2nd Wednesday | 6:30 p.m. | black foresttrails.org
Blazer Ski Club meets year round with organized ski trips, golf, hiking and more.
Wednesdays | blazerskiclub.org
Broadmoor Rotary Club meets for lunch with a speaker at DoubleTree by Hilton. Please RSVP.
1st and 3rd Thursdays | 12 p.m. | 740-707-3022 | rotarybroadmoor. com
Bulldog Club meets monthly at Westside Community Center.
4th Monday | 6-8 p.m. | chloed howard@yahoo.com
Carnelian Coffee Book Club meets at Carnelian Coffee.
1st Sunday | 1 p.m. | jpaisley@ppld.org
Chess Club meets weekly at Westside Community Center. Fridays | 12-2 p.m. | 719-648-1481
Cheyenne Mountain Hooked on Crochet meets virtually to crochet or knit.
1st & 3rd Thursdays | 10 a.m. | PPLD.org | 719-389-8968
Cheyenne Mountain Newcomers Club, a social club for women, meets monthly, September through April, at Broadmoor Community Church. Annual dues are $40.
2nd Wednesday | 9 a.m. | cmnccos. org
Colorado Springs Chess Club meets at Acacia Apartments ballroom.
Tuesdays | 6 p.m.
Colorado Springs Coin Club meets at Fraternal Order of Eagles #143.
4th Tuesday | 6:30 p.m. | 719-632-4260
Colorado Springs Cribbage Club
Colorado Springs Scrabble Club meets virtually for three games on Woogles.io.
Mondays | 5:45-9 p.m. | 719-3325141
Colorado Springs Stamp Club meets at Vista Grande Baptist Church.
1st Tuesday | 7 p.m.
COS Miata Club, for Mazda Miata owners, meets for monthly drives around the Pikes Peak region. meetup.com/cosmiata | 719-6517739
Curiosity Unlimited offers continuous learning opportunities with UCCS professor lectures at Ent Center for the Arts, Chapman Foundations Recital Hall. Visitors welcome!
2nd Friday | 10 a.m. | uccs.edu/ curiosity | 719-755-5082
DAV Knob Hill holds a bingo fundraiser at 6880 Palmer Park Blvd. to help aid local veterans. Sundays | 5:30-9 p.m. | 719-591-8787
Downtown Lions Club hosts a civic speaker and meets at MacKenzie’s Chop House, 128 S. Tejon St.
3rd Tuesday | 12:15-1:30 p.m. | 719338-7375
Evening Adult Fiction Book Club for daytime workers meets at Woodland Park Library.
1st Wednesday | 5 p.m.
Falcon Adult Group meets at High Prairie Library.
1st Wednesday | 11 a.m.
3rd Friday | 11:30 a.m. | 719-7483939
Ford Mustang Club for Mustang owners/enthusiasts meets monthly at Phil Long Ford Motor City.
3rd Saturday | 4:30 p.m. | mustang ers.com
Full Gospel Businessmen’s Fellowship meets for breakfast at IHOP, 6005 Constitution Ave.
2nd Saturday | 7:30 a.m. | 719-2293317
Gleneagle Sertoma, a community service organization, meets for lunch at Beast and Brews, 7 Spectrum Loop.
1st & 3rd Wednesdays | 11:30 a.m. | 719-331-1212
Gold Camp Victorian Society meets at Cripple Creek Heritage Center.
4th Saturday | 2 p.m. | info@gold campvictoriansociety.org
Hi-Country Newcomers is a social group open to all women in Colorado Springs. Activities include hiking, book club, games, lunches and tours. Call for membership.
2nd Monday | 10 a.m. | 719-464-7633
International Dance Club hosts weekly dances. Live bands, variety of styles, family friendly. Cost is $12. Saturdays | 7-10 p.m. | international danceclub.org | 719-633-0195
Maxi’s Dance Group meets at Eagles Club #143 with music for ages 40+ and food and drinks for purchase. Cover is $5 members, $8 non-members.
Breakfast Club for Singles 50+ meets for breakfast at the Elks Lodge, 3400 North Nevada Ave. Cost is $22 (cash or check). Must RSVP.
1st Saturday | 9 a.m. | 719-260-0651 | tbc50plus.org
Bridge Players Duplicate plays daily at the Bridge Center.
Monday-Friday at 12:30 p.m. | Tuesdays at 9 a.m. | Saturdays at 6 p.m. | 719-634-7250
#307 meets weekly at the Elk’s Lodge, 3400 North Nevada Ave. Arrive early to meet other players. Wednesdays | 5:30-8:30 p.m.
Colorado Springs Mineralogical Society, active since 1936, meets monthly at Mt. Carmel Veterans Service Center. Use the employee entrance in the back.
3rd Thursday | 7-9 p.m. | csms1936. com
Colorado Springs Numismatic Society meets at Gold Hill Police Station’s community room.
2nd Sunday | 2 p.m. | 719-632-4260
Falcon Garden Club meets at High Prairie Library.
3rd Saturday | 10 a.m. | falcon gardenclub.org
Florissant Bookworms meets monthly at Florissant Library.
2nd Wednesday | 10:30 a.m. | 719-748-3939
Falcon Wanderers Volkssport Club meets for regular walks. Membership dues are $10 per person and $16 per couple.
719-597-4307 | falconwanderers.org
Friends at the Table Cooking Club meets at Florissant Library.
Thursdays | 6-9 p.m. | 719-660-1358. Open Book Club meets at Woodland Park Library.
3rd Saturday | 11 a.m. | 719-6879281
Paralyzed Vets of America plays weekly at Bingo World.
Tuesdays | 12 p.m. | 719-578-1441
Pikes Peak Camera Club meets at Living Hope Church, 640 Manitou Blvd.
2nd Wednesday | 7 p.m. | 719-6342376 | pikespeakcameraclub.com
Pikes Peak Computer Application Society meets at Springs Community Church, 7290 Lexington Dr.
1st Saturday | 9 a.m. | asdtitus@ gmail.com
Pikes Peak Genealogical Society meets virtually.
2nd Wednesday | 6 p.m. | ppgs.org
Pikes Peak Over the Hill Gang meets monthly for dinner. This club is for active adults 50+ who enjoy skiing, biking, hiking, golfing, camping, etc. Membership required.
2nd Wednesday | ppothg.com.
Pikes Peak Pastel Society meets at Library 21c. Call for times. 719-338-5548 | pikespeakpastel.org
Pikes Peak Posse of the Westerners meets for dinner and a program at the Masonic Center. Please RSVP.
2nd Monday | 6 p.m. | 719-473-0330
Pikes Peak Water Garden Society meets at Mountain View Church of Christ (April through October).
2nd Thursday | 7 p.m. | 719-6480740 | ppwgs.org
Pikes Peak Whittlers meets monthly at Redeemer Lutheran Church.
2nd Saturday | 9 a.m. | pikespeakwhittlers.com
Rampart Range Blue Star Mothers meets at Falcon Police Department.
1st Sunday | 2 p.m. | 719-651-8038
Read Amok Book Club meets at Florissant Library.
2nd Monday | 11 a.m. | 719-7483939
Reader’s Circle Book Club meets at Woodland Park Library.
2nd Thursday | 10:30 a.m. | 719-6879281
Red Hat Ladies meets at Fountain Valley Senior Center.
1st & 3rd Fridays | 1 p.m. | 719-6002644
Rotary Club meets weekly for lunch and a speaker at the DoubleTree Hotel. Visit website for Zoom link and to RSVP.
Fridays | 12:15 p.m. | 719-338-3239 | portal.clubrunner.ca/3250
Silicon Mountain Mac User Group meets virtually. Visit website for link.
2nd Monday | 6 p.m. | smmug.org
Sno-Jets Ski & Adventure Club meets at The Public House at The Alexander. See website for ski trips, biking, hiking and other activities.
1st Wednesday | 6:30 p.m. | snojets.org
Socrates Cafe meets weekly for discussion at the Monument Library. Tuesdays | 1-3 p.m. | 719-531-6333
Sons and Daughters of Italy meets for dinner and a meeting at VFW Post #101.
1st Tuesday | 5:30 p.m. | 719-210-2025
Sons of Norway meets at Viking Hall.
2nd Wednesday | 6:30 p.m. | 719-574-3717
Spanish Conversation Group meets weekly at the East Library. Intermediate-advanced Spanish learners and native speakers discuss a variety of topics.
Thursdays | 1:30-3 p.m. | 719-244-
Veterans of Korean Service meets at BPOE Elks 304, 3400 N. Nevada Ave. Lunch and speaker are $13. Call to RSVP.
3rd Saturday | 11:30 a.m. | 719-2146121
Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 1075, meets at Skills Academy, 1575 Garden of the Gods Road.
Last Saturday | 9 a.m. | 719-2358162 | vva1075.org
Women’s Army Corps Veterans Association meets at Sand Creek Police Station.
4th Saturday | 10 a.m. | peakwac vets@yahoo.com
Woodland Park Book Club meets at Woodland Park Library.
1st Tuesday | 10:30 a.m. | 719-687-9281
Yarnia! Knitting & Crochet Club meets at Florissant Library.
2nd Thursday | 10 a.m. | 719-748-3939 ■