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A short play tled The Last Tram set the stage for Carroll College student Sam Bath to win the major prize in this year’s Mayor’s Wri ng Compe on. The 16-year-old said he was inspired by poetry to pen the piece, which brings three very different people together on a tram. “I am passionate about wri ng, I’m also an actor,” he said, “so I write characters I would like to play or see on stage.” Sam was awarded the Mayor’s Wri ng Compe on’s Syd Hayes Crea ve Wri ng Award, receiving a pen made from swamp mahogany, sourced near Preddys Wharf, by Richard Turley. The annual Mayor’s Wri ng Compe on invites Eurobodalla authors aged between five and 18 to submit an original work in any style of crea ve wri ng. Finalists in the six age categories received a copy of the Mayor’s Wri ng Compe on Anthology 2021, which includes their work, while winners received a $50 Moruya Books voucher and runners-up a $30 Moruya Books voucher. Encouragement award winners and special men ons in each category also received a cer ficate.

Alice Johnson, who was one of the four judges for the compe on this year, said the entries showcased an impressive range of wri ng modes, styles and subject ma er. “It was a thoroughly worthwhile and rewarding experience reading crea ve pieces from such a talented group of writers,” she said. “Judging was definitely a challenge.” The awards were presented by Eurobodalla Mayor Liz Innes at the Moruya RSL Hall on Thursday. Clr Innes said that over the past 12 years the compe on had received more than 2,500 entries. “This compe on is a fantas c pla orm for our young people to express themselves and show their crea ve talents,” she said. “To become a finalist in the Mayor’s Wri ng Compe on is a huge achievement, congratula ons to all of you.”


Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018

Age category finalists and winners: 5-6 years: Special men ons Sofia Burazer and Abigail Piper, encouragement award Aleera Murphy, runner-up Bella Cowling, winner Sunnie Thompson. 7-8 years: Special men ons Peyton Apps and Lachlan Hanns, encouragement award Zara McCarthy, runner-up Isabella Stanton, winner Poppy Mitchell. 9-10 years: Special men ons Evelyn Bailey and Joey Clark-Mori, encouragement award Max Kay, runner-up Abigail Heane, winner Daisy West 11-12 years: Special men ons Sophia Carver and Makhenzie Mathie, encouragement award Naomi Steffan, runner-up Maison Heane, winner Ollie Burke. 13-14 years: Special men ons Erin Drewsen and Scarle Walters, encouragement award Emma Penberthy, runner-up Charlie-May Hough, winner Angus Blythe. 15-18 years: Special men ons Makadde Ethell and Bethany Russell, encouragement award Ryles Walters, runner-up Alana Holley, winner Sam Bath. Syd Hayes Crea ve Wri ng Award: Sam Bath, “The Last Tram”.

Above: Finalists and winners in this year’s Mayor’s Wri ng Compe on, with judges Alice Johnson (back le ) and Lynne Babbage (back right) and Eurobodalla Mayor Liz Innes (front le ).

Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018

Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018

The Eurobodalla Country Music & Social Club will be holding it’s free monthly concert in the air condi oned comfort of the Mechanics Ins tute Hall Nelligen on – Sunday 27 th JUNE, 2021. Commencing at 11.00am. The concert will be held in line with COVID REGULATIONS Entertainers include, Alan Neal, Steve O’Meley, Wayne Gumm, Brian Coulton, & many more. Visi ng entertainers are welcome and should contact:- Brian 0497278433 or Marie on 0418977003 Raffle and chocolate wheels are held to help defray expenses. All welcome for a great a ernoon of entertainment and friendship. This club supports Batemans Bay & Moruya Hospital Auxiliaries

Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018

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