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Community COMMUNITY EVENT Sunday July 25th , Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Long Beach Community Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018 Association are holding a Christmas in July Market from 10AM to 2PM at the Sandy Place Reserve

Come and Join Us at this Community Event


Stalls offering everything from hand-made goodies to wooden furniture and everything in between, food and coffee vans

Bring your chair or a picnic rug Amazing Raffle

Bring cash as not all stalls have EFTPOS

LOVE LONG BEACH is providing a Kids Corner, plus a Free Jumping Castle and lots of fun activities COVID SAFE RULES, QR CHECK IN OR MANUAL CHECK IN

The Beagle Editor, I'm currently in strict lockdown in Sydney, my husband & I are very disappointed, we couldn't come to Narooma ,where we bought a house last July, which we'll be moving into in January. I've been staying on the south coast since I was born, & introduced my husband to Bermagui & Narooma 22 years ago. We can't wait to become full me residents. I decided to read your ar cles again, concerning the decima on of the Broulee forest, & the soon to be Dalmeny destruc on too. The community spirit is so strong & the stories you write are so powerful, thankyou for keeping everyone so informed. But I'm also heartbroken, since reading your ar cles about the betrayal of the Eurobodalla Council to its people, animals & bush. I've watched the video which was recorded on June 27th, twice, of the decimated Broulee forest, with the passionate residents, speaking up for their peaceful part of the world, with counsellor Anthony Mayne, the only counsellor who cared enough to join the residents. I have so much admira on for them all, including you The Beagle, joining together to try & stop this virus ( not covid 19) spreading to other regions, called " The Eurobodalla Council." The word "corrupt" was a very strong descrip ve word for the Eurobodalla council, again credit to you for saying it out loud. It obviously resonates within the community, & the people have had enough. It's as though this council has no thought whatsoever for the land & it's creatures which have been there since the beginning of me. Dalmeny is set to be the next paradise to be destroyed, so I pray the promise to listen to the community is kept this me, & the people have their say with how best the flora & fauna can be preserved so it has the best chance for survival this me.

I would like to quote from this month's NRMA's 100th edi on of "Open Road" magazine, page 40: "Forest degrada on was a major concern, back in the 1960's, with animal, plant & bird life in decline". It too was referring to development without caring about the environment. And this: " Nothing marks the ill bred person more, then the senseless pulling up of beau ful plants". This reminded me somewhat of how the Eurobodalla council is trea ng our south coast gems. Wouldn't it be a triumph, if the bush & all its wildlife could speak for themselves, so they had a chance to save their habitat, & vote in the up & coming August elec on? Sadly, they have no voice so they have no choice, but I can see that the dedicated & passionate community voices will, & I applaud you loudly. Shame on the Eurobodalla Counsellors who couldn't care less why their spectacular south coast has one of the best reputa ons as one of the best places to live in Australia, over the years & recently. You are so heartless not to put your natural paradise first. Why don't you step out of your offices & go to where you first fell in love with your special part of Australia. Then, see if you can jus fy what you are doing. Yours sincerely Gail Browning.

Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018

The Beagle Editor The start of elec ons for nine Councillors and a mayor for the Eurobodalla Shire is only a few weeks away now. There’s been much public comment about how poorly our council, the elected Councillors, have performed in their posi ons as the people's elected representa ves since they were elected in September 2016, almost five years ago . But now the opportunity has arrived for the shires voters to make changes at the Ballot Box to correct some of poor performances of the elected and their excep onally arrogant a tudes towards those who employ them. That’s right, the Councillors and Mayor are employed by the shires residents and ratepayers to represent them on all issues or ma ers brought to their a en on by residents of the shire. That’s what they are elected to do, with out running a secret opera on. But now with the elec ons only weeks away there’s names and faces appearing publicly backed up with promises and statements a emp ng to catch the a en on of the shires vo ng public. Most of what they are promo ng is fanciful stuff, low on the list of most peoples expecta ons. But those who are promo ng the low priority a en on stuff are desperate individuals just want to be elected or re elected for the publicly funded lifestyle. NSW Local Council’s are controlled by the state governments delegated authority to the local administra ons. The state government determines the criteria about how Local Councils can operate, not the locally elected public representa ves as some seem to think. Just a few weeks or days ago the present council resolved to proceed with a budget, management and delivery plan for the 2021–22 financial years. A new council will deliver the ma ers iden fied in that budget process. A new council a er September this year will operate under the financial umbrella of the present council. Any candidates who make statements or promises about what they’ll do if they are elected in September need to be ques oned about how they’ll deliver on any promises not already provided for in the present management and delivery plan. Allan Brown Catalina NSW 2536

Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018

Reading - le er to the editor Councillors vote 6-3 to sell Dalmeny land without knowing the valua on

Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018 To the Beagle Editor From the outset I need to state that no illegality is stated or implied in the following narra ve. Also I have been careful in ensuring that no commercial-in-confidence material is revealed. I have also been careful to not assume any mo va on for decisions or ac ons, by anyone other than myself in my role as a Councillor for Eurobodalla Shire Council. On Tuesday, 13 July 2021, by a majority of 6 to 3, Eurobodalla Shire Councillors agreed to endorse the selling of over 400,000 m2 of na ve forest land at DALMENY on the open market to developers for urban development. I have a number of material concerns about this issue and voted against the sale. One of my other concerns is around the process: In par cular, that a number of Councillors who voted to sell the land may have done so, without knowledge of the valua on for the said land. This concern arises because, when the Staff-recommended sale of this land was explained at a briefing to Councillors on Tuesday 15 June, I requested that we Councillors be advised of the es mated value of the land as outlined in the professionally commissioned valua on report for the land. That request was denied by the General Manager. At the Council mee ng on the following Tuesday 22 June, I was successful in pu ng forward a mo on that meant that the decision to sell the land was deferred for three weeks. On Tuesday, 6 July, I put in wri ng a further request to the General Manager, (and cc'd all Councillors) to again seek access to the valua on of the land that Councillors were being asked to endorse selling off, the following week. On Wednesday a ernoon on 7 July, permission was granted by the GM for any Councillor who wished to access the (to my mind cri cal) informa on to a end in person at council offices to view the valua on report. I did so the following day, where I sat in the GMs office, with her in a endance to peruse the documenta on. I do not know if any other Councillors also did so. It perturbs me that some Councillors may have acquiesced to a staff recommenda on to sell off a large chunk of na ve forest land without knowledge of its professionally appraised value. Indeed without my requests, I believe that informa on would s ll not be available to them. I do not intend to nominate for the upcoming council elec ons, and my points raised above reflect only my own concerns about good governance in local government. Councillor Pat McGinlay Eurobodalla Shire Council

Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018

So You Think You Know What's Good for You?

The Ul mate Health Guide from Australia's Most Trusted Doctor

We all want to be healthier, but do you know what's good for you?

For over thirty years, Dr Norman Swan has been delivering straight, honest, common-sense health informa on to ordinary Australians as both a physician and much-loved broadcaster.

And when Australia needed clear, scien fically backed COVID-19 facts and advice, it was Norman Swan who stepped up every day to provide the answers we required. A er many years of listening, Norman Swan knows what medical issues people are curious and concerned about.

Drawing on the ques ons he hears me and again, from millennials to baby boomers and all the genera ons between, So You Think You Know What's Good For You? is a one-stop handbook that will se le fruitless anxie es and allow people to focus on what ma ers to them. Replace medical myths, half-truths and misconcep ons with the informa on you need to make be er decisions about how to eat and how to live to put your mind at ease and ensure your and your family's health is the best it can be. So You Think You Know What's Good For You? is the new authorita ve must-have for every health-conscious Aussie household.

100 Years ago—16th July 1921 NEW POLICE STATION. – The new Police Sta on and residence at Nelligen is now finished, and on Monday Constable and Mrs. Bentley moved into their up-to-date home. POLICE COURT. – At the Police Court on Wednesday before Mr. Shropshire, P.M. for obscene language S. Honan was fined £5 and 8/- costs, and for driving on the footpath M. Deane was fined £2 and 8/- costs. A “NASTY” ONE. – The poor birds get li le of their own back at last in the recent pronouncement of the Wildlife Preserva on Society: “Don’t get the idea that birds were designed for our adornment. That is a meworn tale arising out of female selfishness and vanity. Anyway, from the beauty standpoint, the feathers suit the birds be er than they do human beings.” PTOMAINE POISON. - His many friends will regret to hear that Mr. Jack Wilson, commercial traveller, was suddenly ill on Sunday, just a er arrival in Moruya. Medical aid was sought, and the pa ent was found to be suffering with ptomaine poisoning. On his journey to Moruya Mr. Wilson several mes partook of some roast fowl which he had in a hamper, and to this tasty bit of food, which, when exposed to the air, may have been a acked by a germ, the doctor a ributed the cause of illness. The pa ent is now progressing favorably. MR. Thos. Templeman, an old resident of the Clyde River, died on Tuesday. THE incident at Moruya v Bodalla football match where the referee was struck at and abused was ven lated at the Moruya Police Court on Wednesday when George Watson, one of the footballers, was fined £2 and 50s costs. RING up No. 34 if you want Mr. H. P. Jeffery, Secretary A. & P. Society, Moruya Co-op Cheese Co., P. P. Union, etc. as the telephone has just been installed at his premises “Greenwood.” DEATH. – Mr. James Millar died at the residence of Mr. D. Mison, Ninderra, on Thursday night. Deceased had been in a low state of health for many months and his end was hourly expected. RIFLE MATCH. – The fourth contest between Bergalia and Central Tilba riflemen for the Millen Challenge Shield was held o the Bergalia range on Saturday last, resul ng in a win for Bergalia by five points. Central Tilba won the shield at Bergalia in the introductory shoot in 1915. Bergalia journeyed to Central Tilba twice to compete for it, losing the first me by a few points and making a e in the second a empt. Rules governing es in the compe on says: All es must be shot off on a neutral range, and as there are no neutral ranges in the compe on now, it was decided to have the shoot-off on the Bergalia range. A. W. Greig was top scorer for the day with a total of 67 out of a possible 70. R. Greig and H. Trapp ed for second place with 65 each. Captain Eare was responsible for a complete set of bulls at 500 yards, and at the same me establishing a lead of six points. On the comple on of the 500 yards Bergalia led by four points. Great excitement prevailed when the last two shooters were down on the 600 yard mound. Bergalia was leading by four; on the fi h shot Central Tilba had reduced the deficit to a point. Two poor shots by the opponents saved the situa on, giving Bergalia a narrow win. Lunch and a ernoon tea was served by the ladies, which met with the approval of the visi ng team, who enjoyed themselves immensely. Mr. Bate spoke of the beau ful ground, and said it was an ideal spot for a range, second to none on the coast, to say nothing of the place as a picnic ground. The shield now has a res ng place in Mr. W. S. Nelson’s store window.

Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018

Vulcan Street Moruya

Extracted from the Moruya Examiner by the Moruya and District Historical Society Inc. h ps:// www.mdhs.org.au

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