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Arts Local Moruya print maker accepted Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018 into the pres gious Peebles Print Prize

Queenscliff Gallery exhibi ng ar st and Queenscliff local, Graeme Peebles, is Australia’s leading mezzo nt printmaker. Together, Queenscliff Gallery and Graeme Peebles established the Peebles Print Prize (PPP) in 2017, a prize aimed to be representa ve of the highest level of printmaking in Australia and solely focused on the intaglio technique. Congratula ons to Moruya's Julie Mia Holmes for being accepted as an entrant into the Peebles Print Prize this year! And because of Covid problem solving you can view it from the comfort of your own home. h ps://qgallery.com.au/peebles-print-prize-2021-peoples-choice-award/ Above Shelter in Place | Julie Mia Holmes


Wednesday, 1st September Vol 16 September 15th 2017 The first day of spring was ideal golfing weather for the thirty Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018 ladies who par cipated in the 6th Monthly Medal round. Adhering to the State Covid exercise restric ons, player’s seemed to enjoy playing in pair’s which was reflected in some great scores. Angie McMillan excelled herself scoring the trifecta of best player on the day, Grade winner and having the lowest pu ng score, securing the prized Monthly Medal. Grade Winners: A Grade: Robyn Hawkins - 74 ne B Grade: Angie McMillan - 68 ne C Grade: Phyllis Reid - 72 ne Pu ng: A Grade: Cole e Blacklock – 31 pu s B Grade: Angie McMillan – 30 pu s C Grade: Judith Love – 33 pu s Place Ge ers: L Gibbs, D Davies, B Roberts, M Muriwai, M Douglas, C Neil, C Blacklock, K Hawking, D Smith, J Hebbard, M Bingham, S Knight, J Ellis, J Lumsden, K Ba .

Angie McMillan

Monday 30th August we played R3 Women's Club Championships and R3 Professional's Trophy Round. A medley stableford was also played. Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018 Division 1 0-24 Grade A winner was Jayne Hotchkis with a ne score of 72. Runner up was Di Wilkes with a ne score of 73. Division 2 25-45 Grade B winner was Kath Roberts with a ne score of 77. Runner up was Heather McMillan with a ne score of 78 Balls to 80 The overall stableford winner was Mary Young with a score of 34 off handicap of 31 Balls to 28 OCB Wednesday 1st September was the final round of the Club Championships. Division 1 0-24 Grade A winner was Jan Shevlin with a great score of 70. Runner up was Jan Boxsell with a score of 71 Division 2 25-45 Grade B winner was Jennifer Walker with a ne score of 71. Runner up was Lynne McDonald with a ne score of 73. Balls to 78 The stableford event was won by Vicky Connaughton with a score of 35 off handicap of 34. Runner up was Trish James with a score of 32 off handicap of 29 Balls to 28 Congratula ons to our 2021 Narooma Women's Club Champion, Sylvia Donohoe. The Silver Salver winner is Chris Fader. Division 2 Champion is Heather McMillan. The Professionals Trophy winner was Jan Shevlin. Congratula ons to all the winners and to all of the compe tors.

CATALINA LADIES GOLF- Results 1 September 2021

The first day of Spring and wonderful Spring weather for 78 Ladies very grateful to be playing in these condi ons. The compe on, a Women’s Two person Ambrose, results as follows: Division 1 1st: Coleen Day and Bev Flynn 63 points 2nd Jenny Black and Cathie Flynn 63.5 points 3rd Michelle Matche and Myrna Radin 64 points 4th Olivia Wilson and Jackie Wilson 64.5 points Division 2 1st Beryl Robinson and Louise Fogarty 72.5 points (on countback) 2nd Wendy Hardy ad Carol Benne 72.5 points (on countback) 3rd Cindy Zvekic and Sue Charls-Hartley 72.5 points 4th Wendy Ryan and Libb6y Gardiner 74.25 points The ball compe on went to 75.25 points (on a countback) with an addi onal 10 teams being rewarded

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