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South Coast Property Specialists (Carlene Franzen) Tips #1068: Do You Know?

Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018 Just how big the real estate industry is in Australia? How many people does it employ, how many properties are sold, what is the value of those properties and how much is collected on landlords behalf in rent?


On the 18th October, the Real Estate Institute of Australia (REIA) released its strategic policy agenda, called “Ge ng Real” which was virtually presented to the Federal Minister for Housing, the Hon Michael Sukkar MP. In releasing the document, the REIA President

Adrian Kelly said “In the lead up to the next Federal Elec on, It’s me to get real about real estate policy and to help agents do what they do best – help Australians into homes.”

“Getting Real articulates six key areas for government: supply, customers, taxation, sustainability, cities and regions, and successful real estate agencies. We also have specific action plans for people, training and skills, proptech and regulation and reg-tech.”

The document also outlined the significant size of the real estate industry across Australia and provided the details as shown in the adjacent chart:

As the Federal Election looms Mr

Kelly highlighted several priorities from “Getting Real” including, urgently addressing a national shortage in property managers, securing b-partisan commitment on a national plan for housing supply and affordability and phasing out stamp duty nationally.

The full can be found at the REIA website: reia.asn.au

Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018

Oct 29th - Sirenics at Batemans Bay Soldiers Club Oct 30th - Chris McGrath at Club Catalina Oct 30th - Sirenics at Batemans Bay Soldiers Club Love & Able @ lbavalley 12 noon. James Bennet (Album Launch Tour) w/ Special Guest Tash Gabrielle @ lbavalley 5pm. Oct 31st - Dave Newman @ lbavalley 12pm

What’s on Bernade e Harvey Trio. St Bernard's Church Nov 14th

South Coast Music Society presents: Bernade e Harvey Trio. Bernade e Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Harvey (piano), Harry Benne s (violin), Miles Mullin-Chivers (cello) Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018 Bernade e Harvey is one of Australia’s finest pianists and teachers, and for this performance she has brought together cherished colleagues Harry Benne s and Miles Mullin-Chivers to play a program that includes: DVOŘÁK Silent Woods, B. 173 GRIEG Lento doloroso from Violin Sonata No. 2 in G major, Op. 13 HOLLIER …A Li le Sea Music BEETHOVEN Piano Trio in D major, Op. 70 No. 1 ‘Ghost' This beau ful program will demonstrate the quality and range of each instrument and the ar stry of each of the musicians. A highlight will be the world premier of the new piece A Li le Sea Music by Australian composer David Hollier. Donald is a senior composer who writes music every day – wonderful, theatrical, expansive music, that speaks of a life me’s emo ons and knowledge. This piece was commissioned by Musica Viva and wri en specifically for Bernade e Harvey and her trio. Presented by the South Coast Music Society and Musica Viva Australia This will be a COVID safe event, and ckets are available to anyone who is double vaccinated, in line with NSW Government public health instruc ons. Audience members will be asked to provide proof of vaccina on on entry. 2pm Sunday 14 November 2021 St Bernard's Church, David St, Batehaven. Tickets available at www.southcoastmusicsociety.com Adults $40 SCMS Members and concessions $35 Students and an accompanying adult, Free (please obtain a cket through our website)

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