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arts Art Exhibi on ‘Time Stretches My Limits’ by Natasha Dusenjko runs to Saturday 13 November 2021 at the Mechanics Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Ins tute, Moruya, NSW Australia. Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018 Time Stretches My Limits is an exhibi on of new work by Dalmeny based ar st Natasha Dusenjko. Incorpora ng large-scale video projec on and photography, it is a sonic and visual self-portrait exploring me in the context of self-isola on. Created amidst intermi ent COVID lockdowns, the work was made inside the ar st’s studio; a heritage listed former church in Dalmeny and is a psychological and visceral experience. Dusenjko’s past work featured landscape rather than portraiture, exploring themes of iden ty, geography and displacement. In 2018 Dusenjko relocated to Dalmeny, since then her work has focused more on experimental sound and photography, culmina ng in this exhibi on. For Time Stretches My Limits Natasha turns the camera on herself, allowing playful improvisa on to lead the way, while conceptually engaging a mirror and features of the former church. Natasha says: “I’ve been lucky to be granted access to the church in Dalmeny to use as a studio, friends of mine were generous enough to let me use it before they begin renova ons. It became clear to me early on, that the work I made here would somehow document the passage of me in this liminal space; no longer a place of formal worship, the building itself is in the slow and crea ve process of becoming something else.” Born in Melbourne Natasha Dusenjko has exhibited in solo and group exhibi ons around Australia, she has received an Australia Council New Work grant and the 2015 Centre for Contemporary Photography Salon prize for best use of photomedia. Her work is included in the Na onal Gallery of Australia collec on and in private collec ons of art curators, museum directors and established contemporary Australian ar sts. Time Stretches My Limits is part of the Basil Sellers Exhibi on program ‘Bas about Town’. With support from Create NSW and South East Arts, Natasha was one of three local ar sts selected to exhibit at The Mechanics Ins tute. The Exhibi on has also received addi onal support from Create NSW as part of the COVID development grant. ‘Time Stretches My Limits’ by Natasha Dusenjko Where: Mechanics Ins tute, 15 Page Street, Moruya, NSW Australia Dates: Saturday 30 October to Saturday 13 November 2021 Open: 10am-2pm, Wednesday to Sunday Opening event: 5:30pm, Friday 29 October 2021 A COVID safety plan is in place for this event, numbers are strictly limited so bookings are essen al h ps:// www.eventbrite.com.au/e/185638749497


Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018

sports Broulee Runners November 3rd Vol 16 September 15th 2017 2021 Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018 There was a strong North East wind to greet the group this evening which was good on the way out but slowed things down on the way back. We welcomed Marc Person and Mel Selby who are visi ng the area on holidays, Dylan Hunt, Glenn Tester and Brent Vidler who has set himself the challenge of running 60km during the month of November and fundraising for Movember. A er many Covid postponements the Huskisson half running fes val and Husky Triathlon are on this coming weekend. Some of our Broulee Runners that are compe ng include Chris an Proksch, Ma and Michael Lambert who are all running in the Half marathon, Bernie Lambert is contes ng the 10km event all held on Saturday and Brenton Cole is par cipa ng in the Sprint Triathlon on Sunday. We wish them all the best and look forward to hearing how they go.

Brilliant late Spring weather aided 77 Ladies in today’s Stableford Event. Above handicap scores were recorded in each Division Vol 16 September 15th 2017 which indicated great playing condi ons. Results as follows: Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018 Division 1 1st Kathy Roe (20) 39 points 2nd Eileen A Davis (21) on countback 38 points

3rd 4th Margaret Dickinson (8) Julie Manson (20) 38 points 36 points

1st Beryl Robinson (29) 42 points 2nd Dawn A Smith (31) on countback 39 points

Division 2

3rd 4th Penelope Elizabeth Dye (30) Carol Gardner (30) 39 points 38 points

1st Margaret Maxwell (36) 40 points 2nd Jill Murray (42) 36 points

Division 3 2021 Medal of Medals Winner – Nane e Childs with Trophy.

3rd 4th Bonnie Hardy (45) Liz Faith (34) 35 points 34 points

Place Ge ers: Thirty-four Ladies who scored 31 points (on countback) more won a ball. MEDAL OF MEDALS – PLAYOFF “YES, YES NANETTE” (Apologies to the 1940s Musical but they got it wrong.) Last Wednesday, 27 October 2021 the monthly medal winners in all Divisions of the Ladies golf competed for the MEDAL of MEDALS. The outcome resulted with both Jo Taylor (handicap 14) and Nane e Childs (handicap 37) obtaining equal scores of 73 ne . Consequently, a playoff was required and today a ba le royal ensued resul ng with Nane e Childs with 70 ne , winning over Jo Taylor with 73 ne . Yes, yes Nane e – well done! A remarkable effort from both Ladies and congratula ons to Nane e.

sports Tuross Head Veterans Tuross Head Veterans Tuross Head Veterans Tuross Head Veterans Golf Results For Golf Results For Golf Results For Golf Results For Wednesday 3 November Wednesday 3 November Wednesday 3 November Wednesday 3 November Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018 2021 2021 2021 2021 Yet again another good field of 62 veteran golfers exercised their “new found freedoms” and registered for the Tuross Head Veterans Golf 2 Person Ambrose event played on Wednesday 3 November 2021. Winning combina on on the day was the pairing of Greg Smith and Neal Watson with a net score of 30 for the nine holes played. They were followed home by Herb Muriwai and Mike Birks on 31.25, Steve Collins and Frank Pomfret on 31.5 and then Jeane e and Ian Miller with 32.25.

Minor prizes were awarded to Ross Davidson and Neil Mather on 32.5, Ross Richardson and Peter McRae on 32.5, Margaret and Ray Downey on 32.5, Blaise Madden and Derek Hoare on 33.25, and finally Greg Bush and Don Russell also with 33.25. Ann and Bruce Ware took out the infamous Bradman award.

Nearest the pins went to Richard Kelly on the 4th, Frank Pomfret on the 6th, and to Ian and Jeane e Miller on the 7th. Ian con nued his goof fortune on the day by also taking out the accuracy drive on the 5th.

MORUYA LADIES GOLF RESULTS Wednesday, 3rd November

Highly compe ve scores were presented by many of the 30 Women Golfer's who par cipated in the 2nd Hamper Stableford round, but none more so than those of the two winners. A-1 Marie Muriwai scored a magnificent 43 ne . B-1 Dianne Smith was also impressive scoring 41 ne . Balls were won by: P Nash (40C/B), C Edwards (40C/B), R Hawkins (40), L Gibbs (38), V Moore (37 C/B), M Douglas (37), K Ba (36), S Noy (36), J Hosking (35), J Young (34C/B), V Goodwin (34C/B), J Ellis (34C/B), S Wallensky (34), B Swain (33C/B), D Davies (33C/ B)

Le : Marie Muriwai and Dianne Smith

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