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Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018


Host, Janice Sagar of Moruya Books was at Mogendoura Farm Moruya today to launch of Inga Simpson's 'The Last Woman in the World'. Photo Alex Rae.

Inga Simpson’s wonderful new book has finally been released! Julie of Moruya Books said “I was a bit trepidatious at first, with fire trauma still quite raw…..BUT oh my goodness! I raced through! Couldn’t put this thrilling, clever, fast paced novel down! Also…Inga’s done it! Nature writing in a thriller horror?! Yes please. And it’s our local country, our home, our fire experience for everyone who wasn’t here to feel. Our fear. Our hope and our strength. Bloody loved it.”

Amazing temples Bright lights Cold snow Dainty geishas I love JAPAN! Exci ng nightlife Friendly people Gorgeous kimonos High Mount Fuji JAPAN said! Interes ng markets Jumping Ninjas Kinky anima ons Lovely gardens Colourful JAPAN! Mundane suits Notable events Ordinary pushbikes Pre y women Unique JAPAN! Quaint messages Respectable ci zens Spectacular signage Tremendous trains Fast JAPAN Ugly apartments Vivid lights Wonderful castles EXtraordinary culture JAPAN, JAPAN, JAPAN! Yesterday's manners Zany entertainment Respectable JAPAN! By Mary Murray

The Ar ul 9 is a group of Eurobodalla Shire ladies who share a passion for making mosaic. Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Emerging from the past two years of Covid-19 Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018 ups and downs, The Ar ul 9 is delighted to announce their latest exhibi on - “S cking Together” - at the SoArt Gallery, Princes Highway Narooma. The exhibi on is open for viewing from Saturday 11 to Wednesday 15 December inclusive, 10am - 4pm. Entry is free! When lockdown restric ons permi ed, The Ar ul 9 (Jan Atkinson, Kim Dent, Judy Gordon, Carol Hellmers, Louise Lander and Vanessa Place) met in each other’s home to reconnect, share a few tears and lots of laughs, and enjoy generous helpings of delicious baked goods. Mosaic techniques, skills and crea ve ideas were discussed during these sessions, further cemen ng the friendship between the women. It goes without saying that these past two years have been incredibly difficult for everyone. By hanging in there and suppor ng each other through the tough mes, this group of crea ve individuals has emerged strong and produc ve. The “S cking Together” exhibi on focuses on mosaic, both tradi onal and modern, using a wide range of materials - stained glass, smal , le, re-cycled jewellery, and up-cycled China, to name but a few. Alongside the mosaic pieces are works on canvas by Narooma pain ng personality, Gary Caldow. “S cking Together” offers a visually s mula ng collec on of artwork and decora ve mosaic pieces for the home, garden, as well as some stunning wearable art. With Christmas just on the horizon, “S cking Together” is a great opportunity to buy local and purchase a unique gi .

Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018

The Basil Sellers Exhibi on Centre presents Eurobodalla Art Prize Winner Raewyn Lawrence. Please join us for the opening night of Eurobodalla Art Prize Winner Raewyn Lawrence's exhibi on on Friday 17 December, 2021 from 5:30 - 7:30pm. Drinks and nibbles will be provided. Opening speeches will commence at approximately 6pm. Moruya-based ar st Raewyn will be in The main event image features The 2020 Basil Sellers Art Prize, a endance at The Basil Sellers Exhibi on Eurobodalla prize winner; Raewyn Lawrence, Smoke, 2020, oil on Centre, which features from Saturday 18 canvas, 76 x 91cm. December to Sunday 30 January, 2022. In 2020, Raewyn was awarded Eurobodalla Shire Council’s acquisi ve Eurobodalla Ar st Prize for her work Smoke, which was captured as a moment of quiet a er the horror and devasta on of the bushfire season. The coveted prize also awarded Raewyn the opportunity to have her solo exhibi on featured in the Basil Sellers Exhibi on Centre program for 2021. Most of Raewyn's art is presented through the medium of paint and her subjects range from landscape to figura ve works. Raewyn has said: "Living on the New South Wales south coast, I find it impossible not to feel in awe of the beauty of the natural world. The light and colours that are constantly changing are an endless source of inspira on. Another rich resource is our local history and folklore, both indigenous and colonial. I have also been enjoying transla ng to canvas some more personal work that explores emo ons and events from my own life and family history. I enjoy pain ng from the solitude of the studio, a place where produc vity can blend with cups of tea and contempla on." For more informa on about this exhibi on, the Basil Sellers Exhibi on Centre and upcoming exhibi ons please visit: h ps://thebas.com.au/


Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018

Congo Cra s, is holding its 36th Annual Exhibi on, showcasing a diverse range of func onal and decora ve stoneware ceramics and pain ngs on canvas. Congo Cra s Gallery opened in 1980, and has been con nuously exhibi ng works ever since. All the ceramics and pain ngs have been created by Jim Simms in his Congo studio, and he has been working in the arts for over forty years. Strongly influenced by Japanese, Korean and Chinese ceramics, Jim con nues to produce a range of beau ful pieces, and is noted for the quality of his glazes. Each year he experiments with new ma and gloss finishes, resul ng in a varied and stunning pale e of rich and more subtle colourings. Each wood-fired piece is uniquely burnished by the ash and flames of the firing. Jim has many happy local, na onal and interna onal clients who have admired and collected his work over a number of years. The gallery will con nue to be open six days per week (closed Tuesday) un l January 31, 2022, 11am to 5pm.

Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018

Stuart Whitelaw "Walking with Canvas" show Gallery Bodalla

As restric ons are easing Stuart Whitelaw’s latest beau ful exhibi on will be hung ready for viewing in Gallery Bodalla this coming weekend. Opening mes are: From 25 November to 5 December Thursday to Sunday 11am to 4pm and by appointment. In line with Covid safe prac ces numbers in the Gallery at one me are limited, and signing in, wearing a mask and proof of vaccina on cer ficate are condi ons of entry. Remember you can also view the show at www.gallerybodalla.com.au For all inquiries and purchases please call 0421 238 174 or email gallerybodalla@gmail.com

arts Art Exhibi on ‘Me, We’ by Liz McCrystal runs to Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018 Saturday 21 November 2021 at the Narooma Gallery (formerly SoArt Gallery), Narooma.

Me, We is a mixed media exhibi on that uses roadwork and construc on aesthe cs to analyse the concept of roman c love. A mix of photo, text, ceramics and everyday objects are deployed resul ng in a tongue-in-cheek expression of contemporary and historic ideas and ideals around roman c love. For some, the quality of our roman c rela onships underpins the quality of our lives overall, making the weight of finding roman c love one of the most important things in an individual’s life. Yet, unlike roadwork naviga ons, we are le in rela ve isola on, traversing this arena with few tools and an out-ofdate road map. Liz says “Love, more specifically, roman c love has had me raging with significant others since I started da ng. A lot of insidious roman c ideas from mainstream, pop-culture shaped my ideas and made me believe for a long me that there was a sort of checklist to roman c love.”

Liz McCrystal is a visual ar st based on the NSW South Coast whose prac ce explores themes of iden ty, isola on, in macy and anxiety through the theore cal framework of the human condi on. Experimental in approach, Liz uses photography and installa on to deconstruct auto-biographical, topical and philosophical subjects. Liz completed a Bachelor of Visual Arts at Sydney College of the Arts in 2009 and has exhibited with; Photo Access Firstdra , Verge Gallery, 107 projects and the Coffs Harbour Regional Gallery. Me, We by Liz McCrystal Where: Narooma Gallery (formerly SoArt Gallery), 92 Campbell Street, Narooma When: 13 – 21 November 2021 Open: Wednesday to Sunday, 10am – 4pm Web: www.naroomaschoolofarts.com.au/exhibi onprogram Ar st talk/zine launch: Sun 21 Nov, 2:30 – 3:30pm www.eventbrite.com.au/e/203532750937

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