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the e-down and fit their rods and oars ready to launch. Then move forward to a special area and reverse down the upgraded wider boat ramp right into the water. Adjacent to the ramp would be a walk-on and a floa ng pontoon to secure the vessel and permit less able crew to get on board while the driver parked the trailer in the designated spots.
Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018 On returning to the boatramp the master would secure the vessel to the boatramp and then retrieve the trailer to pull the vessel out of the water. They would then stop at the wash-down area to rinse out the engines and wash off any harmful weeds picked up while on the water so as not to transferred disease and contaminants to another waterway which may even ruin the local oyster industry. SO what does it appear will be delivered? Well for a start there will be no change to the actual boat ramp. It is s ll narrow and will sand up. There will be no addi on of a floa ng pontoon for the safety of boaters. There will be no wash -down area with available water because in Eurobodalla we s ll have water restric ons that forbids us washing our vessels in situ. There will be a torturous route to get to the boatramp with the likelihood vessel trailers will be damaged by curbs and finally there will be less parking spots than we originally had and we will now have to put on our hiking boots just to reach the new “improved” toilet block sited even further away than the original. You may ask have the boa ng and fishing community benefited by the new bridge and the Foreshore upgrade plan? In a word NO.
Inspira on and imagina on abound all around us. What tales could you paint and sculpt? What arrangements of colour would excite you? Every one of us has an idea to explore, a mistake that is the beginning of a masterpiece, a shape that needs texture and form, a moment captured forever. Many of us have dabbled during lockdown and now that life is opening out again we at CABBI would like to invite you to our 37th ANNUAL ART EXHIBITION which will run from Tues 21
Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018
st Dec 2021 – 6th Jan 2022. Hours
are from 10 - 4pm, with Christmas Day closed. Our exhibi on will be held at: Batemans Bay High School on George Bass Drive, Batehaven, 2536, with entry a gold coin dona on. There will be finger food, alcoholic beverages and fruit juice available, with wheelchair access and level ground. The exhibi on will be COVID compliant. For further informa on please email: secretary@cabbi.com.au. The Exhibi on will be opened on Monday 20th December at 6pm with Guest Speaker, Ms Di Jay, Deputy Chair, River of Art. Ms Jay has been an ac ve member and convenor of various art events, with a par cular interest in community involvement with the support of councils and business chambers. Her personal journey has been varied, with interest ranging from the visual and performing arts to urban design and architecture. Di’s most recent venture into a different medium, silversmithing and jewellery design, has opened up more opportuni es for her to explore. CABBI is very fortunate in having Di to open our exhibi on and we would like to thank her for her me and accep ng our invita on to speak. Judging any compe on requires knowledge and apprecia on of the entries -we are pleased to announce our judges this year being Ms Margaret Ainscow (Fine Art), and Ms Mirabel Fitzgerald (Sculpture and Ar san). Mirabel runs her own studio, and has many years experience teaching and research at university and college level and exhibited interna onally in China, Thailand and Paris, as well as local and interstate. Mirabel is now specialising in lithography, etching and prin ng and has a keen interest and knowledge of conserva on and the natural world, being ac ve in various groups and socie es around the local district. Margaret also has her own studio, has been curator in various exhibi ons, lectured with Tasmanian Ins tute of Technology, exhibited interna onally in Poland, in West Australia and has artwork acquired by Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane. Margaret has been Chair on various Boards and Advisory Panels as well as invita onal exhibi ons in Western Australia, Japan, Victoria and Sydney and now enjoys crea ng sculptural works using found objects of fibre and fabric to make social commentary on our environment and it’s fading influence on our lives. CABBI would like to thank Margaret and Mirabel for taking me out of their busy schedules to judge what will surely be a rather difficult job! CABBI’s history began with Ken Taber and an enthusias c band of ar sts in 1984, with a gallery in the Bay. A er many changes we now run “The Gallery”, Sydney Road, Mogo, where we offer an opportunity for members to exhibit their works for sale, and select a Featured Ar st every 2 months, as well as enjoying the out of doors with our En Plein Air group on Tuesdays and a social art group every Saturday. We are suppor ve of our new members and encourage all efforts no ma er how inexperienced you are believing everyone brings something different to our society. Our exhibi ons showcase many different styles and abili es of our art and cra smen and women including photography, ar san, fine arts, sculpture across all medium with our members being a varied group who are always interested in exploring new methods and experiences. These exhibi ons are a welcome chance to put our works into the public arena, gaining knowledge and experience along the way with our hardworking commi ee members having varied tasks with hanging, ligh ng, sponsorship and myriad other jobs that go into running such an interes ng event. We will be encouraging our visitors to vote for their favourite exhibit, the People’s Choice Award, vo ng cards will be available at the entrance from our friendly volunteers. Enquiries always welcome. For further informa on please email: secretary@cabbi.com.au.
Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018
The Basil Sellers Exhibi on Centre presents Eurobodalla Art Prize Winner Raewyn Lawrence.
The main event image features The 2020 Basil Sellers Art Prize, Eurobodalla prize winner; Raewyn Lawrence, Smoke, 2020, oil on canvas, 76 x 91cm.
Please join us for the opening night of Eurobodalla Art Prize Winner Raewyn Lawrence's exhibi on on Friday 17 December, 2021 from 5:30 - 7:30pm. Drinks and nibbles will be provided. Opening speeches will commence at approximately 6pm. Moruya-based ar st Raewyn will be in a endance at The Basil Sellers Exhibi on Centre, which features from Saturday 18 December to Sunday 30 January, 2022. In 2020, Raewyn was awarded Eurobodalla Shire Council’s acquisi ve Eurobodalla Ar st Prize for her work Smoke, which was captured as a moment of quiet a er the horror and devasta on of the bushfire season. The coveted prize also awarded Raewyn the opportunity to have her solo exhibi on featured in the Basil Sellers Exhibi on Centre program for 2021. Most of Raewyn's art is presented through the medium of paint and her subjects range from landscape to figura ve works. Raewyn has said: "Living on the New South Wales south coast, I find it impossible not to feel in awe of the beauty of the natural world. The light and colours that are constantly changing are an endless source of inspira on. Another rich resource is our local history and folklore, both indigenous and colonial. I have also been enjoying transla ng to canvas some more personal work that explores emo ons and events from my own life and family history. I enjoy pain ng from the solitude of the studio, a place where produc vity can blend with cups of tea and contempla on." For more informa on about this exhibi on, the Basil Sellers Exhibi on Centre and upcoming exhibi ons please visit: h ps://thebas.com.au/
Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018
Congo Cra s, is holding its 36th Annual Exhibi on, showcasing a diverse range of func onal and decora ve stoneware ceramics and pain ngs on canvas. Congo Cra s Gallery opened in 1980, and has been con nuously exhibi ng works ever since. All the ceramics and pain ngs have been created by Jim Simms in his Congo studio, and he has been working in the arts for over forty years. Strongly influenced by Japanese, Korean and Chinese ceramics, Jim con nues to produce a range of beau ful pieces, and is noted for the quality of his glazes. Each year he experiments with new ma and gloss finishes, resul ng in a varied and stunning pale e of rich and more subtle colourings. Each wood-fired piece is uniquely burnished by the ash and flames of the firing. Jim has many happy local, na onal and interna onal clients who have admired and collected his work over a number of years. The gallery will con nue to be open six days per week (closed Tuesday) un l January 31, 2022, 11am to 5pm.