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arts The Bay Theatre Players next Play Explora on will be The Tempest by William

Shakespeare, a shortened version, to be held on Tuesday 10 May at 7pm. The play is being considered for a produc on in 2023, and the players are hoping for a large a endance at the play explora on evening to review and assess the play. This shortened version of the play contains the original language, with links by modern narrators. Many people would like an introduc on to Shakespeare that will engage them in the story, interest them in the characters and introduce them to the language. This adapta on aims to awaken an enthusiasm for the works of William Shakespeare and is suitable for all ages. The Tempest by William Shakespeare is a story of Prospero, a powerful magician who creates a storm, or a tempest, that sets the scene for the play. In the events that follow we see a plot to murder the King of Naples, a drunken scheme to kill Prospero and a romance between Miranda and the King’s son, Ferdinand. Come join the players on Tuesday 10 May for a fun and social night, supper included! For enquiries, please contact Tay on 0419 127 679. Tickets are on sale for The Bay Theatre Players next major produc on, Compass by Jessica Bellamy, on stage from 24 June to 3 July 2022. Ma nee and evening performances available. Get your ckets now at www.trybooking.com.


Eurobodalla’s spor ng scene has changed drama cally over the past 10 years. Even without natural disasters and a pandemic, our clubs face significant challenges. To help future-proof local sports clubs, Eurobodalla Council is launching a new Sports Resource Kit to help them plan for their future, as well as financial incen ves to help them gain a compe ve edge. Council’s recrea on development coordinator Tina Smith said Covid in par cular had changed the way people spent their down me. “Ac ve recrea on is now compe ng with club sport for people’s leisure me and our commi ees need support,” she said. “Clubs have had three very disrup ve years recovering, and reinven ng, and Council wants to acknowledge them and help where we can. “We know clubs bring significant benefits to our shire, connec ng communi es and improving our health and wellbeing, so it’s vital our clubs are supported to remain sustainable into the future.” Thanks to a grant under the Commonwealth and NSW Governments under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements, clubs will have access to a new Sports Resource Kit, providing them a one-stop shop in club management. The result of feedback from clubs provided in workshops last year, the kit includes things like informa on on local grant opportuni es and how to apply, templates for future planning, and sports management ps, tricks and checklists. Council is also launching new financial incen ve program which rewards clubs that embed planning and sustainability into their opera ons. Sports clubs can pick up their free kit and learn more about the program at a project launch at Moruya Golf Club on Tuesday 24 May, 5-7pm. Bookings are required for catering purposes via Eventbrite. For more informa on about the Future-proofing sport in Eurobodalla project, contact Council’s recrea on development coordinator Tina Smith via 4474 1000 or visit

h ps://www.esc.nsw.gov.au/community/sport-and-recrea on/ support-for-clubs

In support of the Na onal Breast Cancer Founda on’s GO PINK campaign, Narooma’s very own Dragon Boat Club is having a PINK PADDLE DAY on SATURDAY, 14th May, 2022. As well as raising funds and promo ng Breast Cancer Awareness, we are also invi ng people to COME’N’TRY Dragon boa ng from 9am to 11am. Have you always wanted to give Dragon boa ng at try? Do you have breast cancer and need to regain some upper body strength? One of our paddlers, Alex, has this to say. “Let’s face it, we all know someone who has been affected by breast cancer, either in the past or are s ll on their journey. My story began just over 10 years ago and I can’t believe it took me over 6 years to discover dragon boa ng and it’s benefits in regaining my upper body strength.” Come and join us at 9am at our shed next to the Quarterdeck Café in Riverside Drive, Narooma. Make a dona on, buy a raffle cket, get your photo taken with our dragon head and enjoy one of our pink cup cakes. All money raised is going to the Na onal Breast Cancer Founda on. Narooma Ladies Golf news

Monday 9th May a field of 22 entrants competed in Medley 4BBB (Women Round 3 of 3). Winners on the day were Kay Lawrence and Robyn Gible with a score of 44. Runners up were Mary Young and Pam Shepherd with 41. Balls to 38 C/B. Wednesday 11th May 31 ladies competed in a stableford event. Div 1 0-28; Div 2 29-45 Division 1 winner with a great score considering the muddy condi ons was Jayne Hotchkis with a score of 38 off handicap of 12. Close behind was Sylvia Donohoe who posted a score of 36 off handicap of 3. Division 2 winner was Helen Ellis who posted a score of 31 C/B off handicap of 34. Runner up was Janice Eardley off handicap of 34. Balls to 29 C/B. Nearest to pin. Mary Young Hole 9, Div 2 Laura Taylor Hole 14, Div 3 Kay Lawrence Hole 17, Div 1

There were 39 ladies on the green on Tuesday celebra ng President's Day for current President Sue Beavan as well as some of our Past Presidents. It is always a very special day and thanks to Kim Giannasca for the beau ful cake.

Winners on Rink 8 , Gai Gibson and Yvonne Huddleston

Runners-up, Rink 11, June Williams, Joan Fitzroy and Nancy White.

Rink 8 selected to try for Jackpot of $2,072, Yvonne needed 9 but no luck . Other winning teams, Judy Armstrong, Sonia Frey and Alison Innes. Gloria Harper, Anna Stewart and Rae Fayle. Joan Rimmer, Pat Weekes and Karen Signor. Jeane e Roberts, Jan Shalders and Sue Morgan.

Lots of Good Wishes to Joan Lubbe who was celebra ng her 80th Birthday. Money club winners, 24, Gloria Harper,47, Alison Innes.

Thank you to Judy Armstrong , taking notes for my report, Gayl Vidgen , taking photos of this special day and Kim Giannasca dropping them off so I could do a Report a er my few days away in The Southern Highlands, just perfect .

President Sue Beavan and Bowls Organiser David Thomas

MORUYA WOMEN’S GOLF Wednesday 11th May Rain held off just long enough for the 13 player’s who braved the elements to play the May Monthly Medal round. Congratula ons to all who par cipated, par cularly Div.1’s Margaret Douglas who con nued on her winning streak coming in with the lowest score of 76 ne and taking the prized Monthly Medal. Balls went to J Lumsden (78), B Swain (79), L Doolan (82), L Gibbs (83), B Roberts (84), J Ellis (85C/B) Saturday, 7th May Monthly Medal Div.1’s Barbara Kennedy added to her collec on of Monthly Medals taking the lead in Saturday’s Monthly Medal round, from a field of 8 player’s, with a ne score of 77.

Barbara Kennedy & Margaret Douglas

Wednesday 11 May 2022 Tonight, we were able to miss the rain. However, once again the wet condi ons of the last few days made every starter appreciate the new course. We celebrated the 30th run of Keira Atkin and Julie Amphle . Each have a special story about their par cipa on in the event. Keira’s family of mum and dad together with sister Mia are regulars at our run. Keira represented her school in regional Cross Country event over 3 kilometres in Canberra where she finished 2nd overall. She will now represent the

district in Sydney. Julie had a debila ng problem with her feet, and she could barely walk. It was through determina on and hard work that she is now able to walk freely. Not content with doing that she pushed herself further has run 60 Batemans Bay Park runs over 5 kilometres to her credit. She decided to come and try the Broulee run and now has clocked up 30 runs.

The 30 run girls Julie Amphle and Keira Atkin.

We welcomed the Bieder family to our run. They are formally from Sydney and are travelling the country looking to find the perfect spot to live. They like the look of our district.

The 2022/23 Championship program has been severely interrupted by the ongoing rain and COVID 19. Several playing days have been washed out requiring a revision of the calendar of events. The uncertainty created by the changes and the impact of COVID has resulted in disappoin ng entries. Nevertheless, play has finally started in the Major Pairs Championship. Three games have been completed with some excellent bowls played. Defending Champion Joel Hilliard has a new partner this year with Col Fletcher taking the place of John Fahey who has taken the opportunity to do some travel. They played Bruce Lidbury who teamed with new bowler Bob Hay. Hilliard had the be er of the early ends and lead 9 – 2 a er seven ends. The next end changed the momentum of the game. Lidbury and Hay picked up 4 shots and by the 11

Joel Hilliard and Col Fletcher - 2022 Major pairs

th end they had drawn level at 9 all. They con nued to have the be er of some very ght heads moving to a 15 – 10 lead a er 16 ends. The trend of the game then changed. It was Hilliard’s turn to control the game and he regained the lead at 16 – 15 with one end to play. The last end was a beauty! Hay played several excellent bowls to give his team the upper hand with the skips moving to the mat to play their last two bowls. With his first bowl Hilliard missed with a drive. He held his nerve and played another drive with his last bowl and was able to take the jack into the ditch. Lidbury had a very hard opportunity to force the game into an extra end but his bowl trickled into the ditch giving Fletcher and Hilliard a hard fought 19 – 15 win. The old team of Noel Downie and John Monks played Mick Challice and Marcel Kors in what turned out to be a very entertaining match. Using their experience, and an ample share of good fortune, Monks had a great start and led 6 – 0 a er 5 ends. The ends were very ght – 14 of the ends resulted in just one shot - with Monks slowly taking control. The final result of 20 – 11 did not reflect the closeness of the ba le with all four players pu ng down some excellent bowls. Allan Etheredge and John Wagstaff played Mick Atkinson and Ivan Balentovic in another game were the final score did not reflect the ghtness of the ba le. A er 15 ends Wagstaff led by just 14 – 10. The next two ends proved crucial. Wagstaff was able to pick up 3 shots and then 7 shots to take the game out of reach of Balentovic. The final score of 27 – 11 did not reflect how well Atkinson and Balentovic played. To their credit, Etheredge and Wagstaff played par cularly well!!

John Monks and Noel Downie - 2022 Major Pairs

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