32 minute read
Editorial What’s On …………….... 22 to 28 FIND ALL YOUR DAILY NEWS @ www.beagleweekly.com.au
Welcome to this week’s editorial, Like many across this vast land I was interested in the handing down of the Na onal Budget. We had already been warned that it was not going to be good news and that the road ahead would be rocky. We were advised that things were to get worse before we might witness an improvement and that, generally, the average wage was not going to cover the increased costs of living. Grim news. But it wasn’t all dark clouds. Though we, as a country, are in a fair bit of debt there is the shining light that our economy is s ll receiving a reasonable income from our exports to meet the demands of the money lenders. Alas our coal and gas is ed to those export values because we were too stupid to ensure there was a requirement that a separate domes c price was enacted. And we are paying the price with inflated energy costs buying our own coal and gas at top dollar as we compete against interna onal demands. Presently Australia is out there on the world stage playing sports. Rugby, rugby league, soccer and netball. Preceding most of those matches our teams stand tall and proud and mouth the words to our Na onal Anthem. Australians all let us rejoice For we are young and free We've golden soil and wealth for toil Our home is girt by sea Our land abounds in nature's gi s Of beauty, rich and rare In history's page let every stage Advance Australia fair We openly tell the world that we've golden soil and wealth for toil and that our land abounds in nature's gi s of beauty, rich and rare. But we fail to men on that most of that rich and rare wealth for toil is exported by predominantly interna onal companies and returns very li le, if any, taxes. To them Australia is li le more than “Dirt by sea”. I am very much of the opinion that the tax system, the plunder, the lack of scru ny and accountability, and the failure of just contribu on to the Australian people by those who suck our so called rich and rare natures gi does NOT Advance Australia fair.
So I watched the Budget unfurl and celebrated the ini a ves that would deliver cheaper childcare, build 20,000 affordable homes, provide $1.4bn for new and amended lis ngs on the pharmaceu cal benefits scheme. I celebrated the ini a ves to remove draconian constraints to seniors who wanted to do more in the community but were unable due to being limited by how much they could earn before being imposed. I enjoyed learning that the 2022 budget provides ’significant’ funding for the ATO’s tax avoidance taskforce to crack down on tax avoidance by mul na onals, individuals and the black economy will raise about $4.7bn over four years. But most of all I enjoyed that we might actually embrace the thousands and thousands of new Australians who live here, work here, and dream of one day being allowed to be real Australians rather than being visa-limbo residents living with uncertainty in a country that fails to recognise their contribu on, commitment and love of their new home. So maybe, just maybe, fingers crossed, the budget might be bringing us back to a place we can recognise as being Fair, and a country that actually stands behind the words of its anthem. For those who’ve come across the seas We’ve boundless plains to share; With courage let us all combine To Advance Australia Fair.
And maybe…. just maybe, if we all pull together and if everybody is allowed to do their fair share….. in joyful strains then let us sing, Advance Australia Fair.
Visitors to the popular Maloneys Beach are set to enjoy a new and improved day use area with works starting on new facilities and a new staircase at the precinct. Julieanne Doyle Acting Area Manager with the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) said the first stage of works is building a staircase connecting the existing Acheron Trail to the visitor area. "This upgrade will benefit visitors and locals alike, ensuring safe access from Maloneys Beach to the Acheron Trail in Murramarang National Park," said Ms Doyle. "Visitors will no longer need to navigate the rocky foreshore to reach the Trail but instead access the park via the staircase. Existing use and access to the beach area will be maintained while these works are underway, however visitors must adhere to any safety signage," Ms Doyle said. As part of these upgrades to the area, Maloney Beach is also being transformed into the southern trailhead of the $3.6 million Murramarang South Coast Walk. The second stage of the project is also due to begin with a new trailhead, carpark, footpaths and landscaping. As these are such major improvements parts of the Maloney Beach day use precinct will be closed from late October. Weather permitting, NPWS anticipates re-opening the area in Summer 2022–23. When complete, the Murramarang South Coast Walk will follow a 35-kilometre, uninterrupted coastal route from Pretty Beach to Maloneys Beach, across headlands, spotted gum forests and coastal villages.
Completed walking track section Credit: T Pinzone/DPE
NSW Rural Fire Service offers service to support at-risk community members Did you know the NSW Rural Fire Service offers a one-off service to support some of our most at-risk community members prepare their property? The AIDER program is designed to assist elderly and disabled residents living in bush fire prone land prepare their homes ahead of the fire season. AIDER services can involve clearing the gu ers, removing debris or thinning vegeta on. For more informa on or to register, visit the #NSWRFS website: www.rfs.nsw.gov.au/planand-prepare
community Library talks help carers with kids’ language skills
Eurobodalla Libraries are pleased to present three free sessions with South Coast Speech Pathology’s Claire Price.
Each session will include a reading by Ms Price from one of Speech Pathology Australia’s 2022 books of the year, with informa on on how parents and guardians can support the language and literacy development of children aged 0-3years. “We will not only showcase some great books but give ps on how to make book reading at home a meaningful and joyful experience,” Ms Price said. “It’s all about a healthy transi on to literacy.” There is a book reading and discussion at each of Eurobodalla’s three libraries Narooma, Thursday 3 November 10-11am Batemans Bay, Wednesday 9 November 10-11am Moruya, Thursday 10 November 10-11am. Bookings are essen al, visit www.esc.nsw.gov.au/community/libraries.whats-on.
Above: Speech pathologist Claire Price will visit Eurobodalla Libraries in November for book readings and ps on how carers can support language and literacy of very young children.
The Narooma VIEW Club
Everyone Welcome Next Narooma VIEW Club Mee ng Friday October 28 11am for 11:30am Narooma Golf Club Guest Speaker: Jenny Bowles Country Heath Instructor for Tai Chi & Qigong. Contact: Carline 0411408269
community No subsidy for fossil fuels - Pe on to Fiona Phillips MP – 26 October 2022
Three members of 350 Eurobodalla yesterday delivered a copy of a pe on to Fiona Phillips’ Batemans Bay office. Spokesperson Allan Rees said,
‘Although we are only three people today, we directly represent 700 subscribers and over 1,000
Facebook followers. We also represent the many other Gilmore voters who also want urgent and thorough climate ac on which means no expansion of fossil fuel industries. Above: 350 Eurobodalla Members Jack Egan, Allan Rees and Marian Ma deliver pe on to Maureen Searson at Batemans Bay office.
‘We voters are very concerned that the Albanese government is too slow to cease funding fossil fuel industries in the face of ever-worsening climate change impacts such as the dreadful floods happening today. The joint pe on with 38,514 signatures calls on the Albanese Government to clean up the budget. The pe on was organised by 350 Australia, GetUp, Seed Indigenous Youth Climate Network, Australian Youth Climate Coali on and the Australian Conserva on Founda on. The full media release is a ached, together with a photo of the delivery. The link to 350 Australia’s analysis of the October 2022 budget is here: h ps://350.org.au/press-release/good-riddance-to-someof-morrisons-gas-subsidies-but-more-needs-to-be-done/ www.iga.com.au/
community South Coast Community Colleges has Summer Skills funding available for these skill sets:
Statement of
A ainment in
Individual Support (Communica on and Empowerment of Older Power) - Statement of A ainment in First Aid
- Statement of A ainment in Individual Support CHCSS00081 - Introduc on to Disability Skill Set CHCSS00097 Individual Support - Ageing Support Skill Set To receive these courses fee free, you must meet this criteria: aged 16-24 not enrolled into school an Australian ci zen, permanent resident, Australian humanitarian visa holder or New Zealand ci zen Currently living in NSW If you are interested in more informa on about these courses, please enquire with our administra on on 02 4472 9202 or visit the website www.southcoastcolleges.edu.au The Shed welcomes males over eighteen with the aim to provide a safe place to be involved in joint projects, snooker, photography, cards, table tennis etc or just have a cuppa and a yarn. Our general open me is Monday and Thursday 8.00-12.00 am We also open Tuesday 2.00-4.00pm for cards (euchre) Wednesday 2.00-4.00pm for snooker and the camera group meet Thursday 2.00-4.00pm. For informa on contact brocky1967@outlook.com or ptuross@bigpond.com
Eurobodalla’s youth commi ee have been hard at it, ensuring the shire’s young people are engaged and supported during October’s Mental Health Month. The crew caught up with mental health advocate and R U OK ambassador Glenn Co er to workshop the different ways to check on your mates, before brainstorming some poten al radio scripts. Bega MP Michael Holland, another advocate for youth mental health, popped in during the day to offer his support. A couple of the youth commi ee’s older members – Jamie Hacke and Josie Wassell – recorded the scripts at 2EC/PowerFM Batemans Bay studios with help from radio personality Kimmi Saker. The ads have been playing on both sta ons since 1 October and run un l the end of the month. In addi on, the youth commi ee’s Ac ve Art workshops held at Soul Space Batemans Bay have been a hit with much open discussion around mental health facilitated by owner Ness Shannon. Some amazing works were created and culminated in an exhibi on complete with live music, radio broadcast by PowerFM, barbecue and guest speakers – Glenn Co er and workshop par cipant, ar st Sophie Heslop. Many works were sold on the day while others remain on display at Soul Space. This event was made possible by funding from the NSW Government’s Office of Regional Youth. Eurobodalla’s youth commi ee has been running for over 15 years, giving the shire’s youth an opportunity to bring their voice to local government and effect change meaningful to their demographic. To learn more about the youth commi ee or register your interest, visit www.esc.nsw.gov.au/community/community-andfamily-services/youth.
community Safer Surf and Denham's Beaches. - Angel Rings
A most tragic incident at Surf Beach occurred, which was reported by the "Beagle," involved a father who lost his life trying to save his daughter when she was caught in a rip at Surf Beach. ANSA Na onal Sport Fishing Associa on made a commitment to install an Angel Ring at the beach which is a short distance from the rocks.
With the assistance of Council this has now been installed. At the me advice was received that Denham's Beach also has a bad rip. An Angel Ring has also been installed at that loca on.
Please don't remove the Angel Rings unless needed in a rescue as it is an offence and you could be charged. One ring only lasted a few days!! Please be careful at our beaches and while swimming/rock fishing. Max Castle - Angle Ring Co-ordinator - South Coast. ANSA/RFA NSW
Eurobodalla Waste survey
Eurobodallans have an opportunity to shape the future of waste management for the shire and the region. A quick six-ques on survey will provide policy makers with key informa on on how residents currently manage their waste and gauge the importance they assign to different waste-management ma ers. Eurobodalla Council’s waste manager Nathan Ladmore said the survey takes less than five minutes. “The survey informs a regional approach to waste as councils respond to the NSW Government’s state-wide strategy,” Mr Ladmore said. “The survey data is par cularly mely for Eurobodalla as we commence a review of our own shire’s waste strategy.” The survey has been developed by the Canberra Region Joint Organisa on – an alliance of ten councils, including Eurobodalla Council, and associates Canberra Airport, ACT Government and Wagga Wagga City Council – to help finalise its Regional Waste and Sustainable Materials Strategy 2022-27. Mr Ladmore said NSW had entered a new era of waste management. “For example, there’s a greater focus on reduced emissions through be er waste management,” he said. “That’s also a key point from Council’s Climate Ac on Plan. We can use expert advice from our new Climate Change Advisory Group to assist with the Eurobodalla Waste Strategy review, while looking to the data from the CRJO survey to provide opportuni es for collabora on and ensure alignment with regional and state approaches.” Par cipate in the online survey at h ps://www.surveymonkey.com/r/CRJOWaSMsurvey before Sunday 6 November 2022. The dra CRJO Regional Waste and Sustainable Materials Strategy is available for download at h ps://wombat.crjo.nsw.gov.au/sharing/gTJLC63J5.
It's been a rough three years. Fire, flood and the COVID pandemic have challenged us as a community and as individuals.
Empower yourself and your loved ones. Get informed, and get some peace of mind from trauma, stress and worry. There’s no cost, and morning tea is provided
WHERE: Red Door, Page St Moruya WHEN: Wednesday 9 November, 10am - 1pm WHO: Everyone is welcome HOW: Grab your spot at: contact.shasa@gmail.com Our discussion will be facilitated by Ian Gilfeather. Ian is an educator, trainer and counsellor with over 30 years experience in both government and corporate sectors. He was NSW Health's Mental Health Educator for Southern NSW.
Singer In the Park is a sublime mee ng of two well-known musicians. Damon’s acous c blues history meets Zoey’s rich classical and jazz background in a garden of sweet harmonies and delicious instrumental sounds, featuring our original songs, plus favourites from folk to blues to pop beagle weekly : Vol 282 October 28th 2022 10
Would you like to learn about some of the things you can do on your handheld device on a rainy day? We have had plenty of those recently haven’t we. Come along to the EuroSCUG (Eurobodalla Seniors Computer Users Group) mee ng on Wednesday 2nd November commencing at 10am at the Moruya Golf Club and we will give you some ideas and you may have some that you can share with us. We promise you two hours of fun when you can forget about malware, scams, cyber-a acks etc. Bring your own device and play along. Please make sure that you have charged and updated your device before the mee ng. As usual, if you have ques ons about your devices or its’ so ware, EuroSCUG will hopefully have the answer for you or be able to help you find it. EuroSCUG has been helping seniors to master technology since 2008. We meet at the Moruya Golf Club at 10am on the first Wednesday of each month. A hands on phone and tablet group, for both Apple and Android, is also held monthly at the Moruya Golf Club. The next one will be Friday 4th November at 9.30 un l 11.30am. Visitors are most welcome to a end any mee ng to see if the group is right for them. Each mee ng starts promptly at 10:00am but everybody is asked to arrive by 9.45 at the latest so that administra ve tasks can be carried out beforehand. EuroSCUG will also be at the Health and Wellbeing Community Groups Expo being held at the Soldiers Club on Saturday 12 November from 10 – 2pm. Come along and have a chat to us and find out more of what we can provide in the way of technology support to seniors. For more informa on, visit our website at www.euroscug.org, or phone 0491 608 077
Batemans Bay Community Facilitator
6 month contract, 0.4 FTE per week Work from home and in the community This role will support FRRR’s Inves ng in Rural Community Futures (IRCF) program in the Batemans Bay area. A posi on descrip on can be downloaded from the FRRR website at www.frrr.org.au/ working with us. Applica ons addressing the key selec on criteria will be accepted un l COB 28th November 2022 via email to info@frrr.org.au with subject line Batemans Bay Community Facilitator. Previous applicants need not apply Enquiries to Carolyn Ardler email c.ardler@frrr.org.au
Motorcycle riders are being urged to stay safe this Motorcycle Awareness Month and make informed choices about their safety gear with the release of new helmet and gear safety ra ngs. Transport for NSW Deputy Secretary for Safety, Environment and Regula on Tara McCarthy said choosing the safest gear for your ride could save your life. “Any death on our roads is a tragedy and unfortunately, we see motorcycle riders are overrepresented in our road toll,” Ms McCarthy said. “So far this year 45 motorcyclists have died on NSW roads, while this is two less when compared to the same period last year it's important to note we s ll see on average around 1000 motorcyclists seriously injured each year." The Consumer Ra ng and Assessment of Safety Helmets (CRASH), a consor um of Transport for NSW, State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA), Australian Motorcycle Council and Victoria’s Transport Accident Commission, tested 30 helmets against a range of criteria including protec on and comfort. “Taking the me to choose a well performing helmet could save your life, and this year we’ve seen six helmets achieve a four-star crash protec on safety ra ng meaning there are plenty of choices on the market,” Ms McCarthy said. “Motorcyclists can use the MotoCAP website to check out these ra ngs as well as to find ra ngs for protec on gear that will help keep them safe during a crash – including gloves, pants, boots, jackets and helmets.”
“It is all of our responsibility to keep our roads as safe as possible, drivers can save a life by checking twice for motorcyclists and being aware of blind spots and if you’re riding keep your eyes out for hazards and stay out of blind spots.” If you’d like to see some examples of CRASH helmets in person, or find out more about motorcycle safety, Transport for NSW will be hos ng a stall at the 18th annual Breakfast Torque, to round out Motorcycle Awareness Month on 30 October.
You can find out more and view the new CRASH helmet ra ngs at www.MotoCAP.com.au
community The Repair Café is open from 9:30 to 12:30 every Friday morning at the Red Door Hall, Page St, Moruya.
If you are thinking about chucking out broken household items, torn or worn clothes or electrical appliances, think again! Bring them to the Repair Café and our team of volunteers will check them out to see if they are repairable. If they can be fixed, you will be asked to fill out a registration form for the item, which can then be left for repair. You will get a call once the item has been worked on.
The Repair Café relies on donations to keep running, so if you’re happy with your repaired item please consider supporting us.
Note: there is limited storage at Red Door Hall, so please don’t bring in bulky items and pick up your repaired items asap.
The last mee ng of the Batemans Bay Evening View Club was on Wednesday 12 October 2022 at the Batemans Bay Soldiers Club. Numbers were down a bit as we are coming into the season of par es and also some illness but hopefully with the warmer weather (we hope) coming we will see more of our members and new members are always welcome. Members Kelly and Nancy celebrated their birthdays in October and were presented with a gi of chocolate from President Julie. The major highlight of the night was the drawing of our raffle which was a beau ful crocheted rug donated by our member Tracey to raffle to raise funds to support our 5 Learning for Life students. The winner was Robyn and Deb accepted the rug on her behalf of her sister. On Saturday 27 September we had a Soup and Sandwich lunch to raise funds and also to enjoy a social occasion with members and guests. We had a fun handbag auc on and guess the number of lollies in a jar and enjoyed soup, sandwiches, sausages rolls and lots of delicious goodies as we sat and enjoyed each others company. The next mee ng of the Batemans Bay Evening View Club will be held on Wednesday 9 November 2022 at the Batemans Bay Soldiers Club at 6.00 pm for 6.30 pm. This mee ng is our Pamper auc on and it a fun night with lots of pamper items up for auc on. Visitors and guests are always welcome to come and join everyone and enjoy an evening with women from all walks of life and listening to a great guest speaker. For all enquiries please contact Julie on 0408 215 553 or Jenny on 0429 726 630. VIEW stands for Voice, Interests and Educa on of Women and supports the Smith Family and the Learning for Life Program and helping young Australians in need to get the most out of their educa on. The club was established in 1997 for women interested in mee ng regularly with other women from all walks of life, providing them with an outlet to help others, as well as establishing las ng friendships and contribu ng to the community. Na onal Library of Australia presents: The
stories of people who were affected by the 2019-20 Badja Forest Road Fire The stories of people who were affected by the 2019-20 Badja Forest Road Fire are being collected by the Library in partnership with the Cobargo Bushfire Resilience Centre Inc. and members of the local community. Through this oral history project, par cipants have the opportunity to share their story, in their own words, and will be safely guided through an interview with trained and experienced oral historians. Learn more about the project and how you can share your story: h ps://bit.ly/3bm4Syj For crisis support, contact Lifeline on 13 11 14, chat with them online at h ps://bit.ly/3BxCjbE or text them on 0477 13 11 14. Lifeline services are available 24/7. Photo: Robert Kerton, h ps://bit.ly/3Q5gQv2
community SAGE NSW means business in planning for its future
SAGE NSW Inc is ge ng down to business thanks to a $50,000 grant from the Founda on for Rural & Regional Renewal. The not-for-profit Moruya-based organisa on secured the grant to develop and implement a sustainable disaster-proof business plan to help achieve its mission of crea ng and suppor ng a local sustainable food economy. With around 100 volunteers and its members, SAGE manages Moruya’s Tuesday Farmers Market, the SAGE Community Garden, and the commercial market gardening training facility Stepping Stone Farm. It also runs educa on programs and a catering enterprise, grows food for worthy community causes and hosts social and community events. SAGE president Cath Reilly said the funds enabled SAGE to hire a business manager to develop the plan, which will include business models and prac cal ac ons to iden fy revenue streams and improve the organisa on’s capacity, ensuring its ongoing financial sustainability and resilience. “The pandemic, fires and floods have really highlighted the need for a local, secure food economy and now more than ever SAGE is commi ed to making this vision a reality,” Ms Reilly said. “We’re pleased to be working with the locallybased founder of Urban Rewild, Sharlene Cohen, to deliver our business plan, which will build on our Strategic Plan, developed in 2021. “Over the past 13 years SAGE has achieved many posi ve outcomes – we want to ensure our organisa on can con nue to expand on these achievements and deliver for our community for decades to come.” For more informa on about SAGE, including coming events, ini a ves and how to become a volunteer, visit sageproject.org.au
NSW Supercharges EV Rollout
Image above: SAGE NSW vice-president Peter Heyward, president Cath Reilly, Urban Rewild’s Sharlene Cohen and SAGE commi ee member Sandra Makdessi. More than 500 new fast and ultra-fast charging bays are set to be built across NSW to recharge electric vehicles (EVs) in just 15 minutes. Treasurer and Minister for Energy Matt Kean announced the NSW Government is investing $39.4 million in the first round of Fast Charging Grants to co-fund 86 new fast and ultra-fast EV charging stations, each with four to 15 bays. “This investment will see the largest, fastest and most comprehensive public EV charging network in Australia,” Mr Kean said. “Each of these stations will contain a minimum of two ultra-fast EV charging bays of 350kW capacity, and two fast charging bays of 175kW, with some stations containing up to 15 bays. “The ultra-fast chargers will be able to charge modern EVs from 20 per cent to 80 per cent in around 15 minutes and all stations will be fully powered with renewable energy. “This is the first of an expected three funding rounds, with hundreds more stations set to be built over the coming years.” The successful applicants from this round are Ampol, BP, Evie Networks, Tesla, the NRMA and Zeus Renewables. All stations will be built over the next 24 months with a mix of highway and inner-city sites. The NSW Government has a target to add approximately 250 fast and ultra-fast charging stations in total across NSW, ensuring chargers are no more than 5km apart in metropolitan areas and no more than 100km apart on major roads and highways across NSW. The second round of co-funding is expected to open towards the end of this year. Maps of the charging stations are available by visiting: https://bit.ly/3SlrazH
community A Great Day For Narooma Lions
Sunday 23rd October saw the culmination of 2 years work by the Narooma & District Lions Club in bringing to completion their replacement BBQ Trailer and the erection of a new Shed in which to garage it. The Club was successful in securing two Grants following the Black Summer Bushfires. The first being from St Vincent De Paul Conference and the second a Federal Grant, The Bushfire Community Recovery and Resilience Fund. From the adverse situation of the Black Summer Bush Fires at Narooma, the Lions realized that there was a need to have a completely independent food supply BBQ trailer that had the capability to provide it’s own refrigeration, lighting, hot & cold food and water, as well as be a source of power for other needs. The Trailer can now act as an adjunct to the needs of front line Emergency Responds as well as being used at Evacuation Centres should it be called upon. It will be seen regularly at Lions events providing amazing sausage sizzles and food service!
Celebrations included a Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony by First Nations Muladha Gamara, and a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony by the Hon. Dr. Michael Holland MP and St Vincent De Paul Conference representative Mrs. Marea Clark at Easts Caravan Park. This was followed by a Luncheon at the Narooma Sports & Leisure Centre (Narooma’s designated Evacuation Centre at the time) where a small display of photos was on view.
The Club sincerely thanked and acknowledged the contribution that the Australian BCRRF Government Grant has made, as well Vinnies Conference. The Club also wished to recognize and thank the East family for their continued support. Above: Dr. Michael Holland MP and Mrs. Marea Clark, Vinnies Conference
community Mobile Service Centres are coming to the South East
Location schedules are updated on a regular basis, but sometimes they have to change at short notice. Check to see when they'll be in your area, and also before you leave home on the actual day. https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/campaign/mobile -service-centres Services The Mobile Service Centres offer similar services to our physical sites including:
Driver licence, photo card applications and renewals Driver Knowledge Tests Working With Children Check applications Applying for birth, death and marriage certificates Savings Finder program to access more than 70 government rebates and vouchers Disaster-affected communities The Mobile Service Centres visit disaster-affected communities and can help you replace lost or damaged documents (such as birth or marriage certificates, driver licences, photo cards, and Fair Trading licences and permits) free of charge. They can also help you access a range of government support services and initiatives. If you need emergency assistance such as food, water or shelter, contact the Disaster Welfare Assistance Line on 1800 018 444. Plan ahead Prepare your documents Remember to have all your paperwork and supporting documents with you. New photocards will be posted When you apply to get, renew or replace a photocard, it will be posted to you at no extra cost, within 10 business days. This applies to: NSW Driver Licences, Mobility Parking Scheme cards, NSW Photo Cards, Firearm, security, commercial agent and private inquiry agent licences. Driver Knowledge Tests No bookings are required for the Driver Knowledge Test (DKT). Driver tests Driver tests are available by appointment at selected locations. Bookings are required and can be made by calling 13 77 88. Payment methods Our Mobile Service Centres don’t carry cash. You can pay by: Cheque (personal or bank), EFTPOS, credit or debit card, A merchant fee may apply when paying by credit or debit card.
community Moruya bypass Princes Highway upgrade program Community update | October 2022
Transport for NSW advise that they are progressing with further design work on all three shortlisted op ons for the Moruya bypass. The community of Moruya and surrounds have had their say on three shortlisted corridors for the Moruya bypass. A Consulta on Report summarising the feedback is now available. Download the Consulta on Report h ps://roadswaterways.transport.nsw.gov.au/projects/01documents/moruyabypass/moruya-bypass-consulta on-summary-report-2022-10.pdf Execu ve summary Transport for NSW consulted the community and stakeholders about the preferred strategic bypass corridor for Moruya from 14 May 2021 to 14 June 2021. In response to requests from the community for more informa on and increased access to Transport’s technical experts, further consulta on on the three shortlisted bypass corridor op ons – Purple, Orange and Yellow - was undertaken from 4 April 2022 to 13 June 2022.
During the 2021 consulta on period for the preferred strategic corridor (see sec on 3), Transport received more than 1,800 comments through emails, survey responses and the Map My Comment feature online. Most raised mul ple themes, which have been captured in the feedback summary sec on of this report and were considered by the project team in its decision to open further consulta on on the three shortlisted corridors.
For the 2022 consulta on period on the three shortlisted corridor op ons (see sec on 4), Transport allowed extra me to ensure the community would have sufficient me to review new informa on, a end technical informa on sessions and community markets to meet the project team. Transport provided more than 60 days for feedback to be received, allowing more than 1,500 community members to a end community markets and technical informa on sessions which resulted in just over 4,500 comments about the project from more than 650 community members. Next steps Transport for NSW will conduct further design work for all three shortlisted corridors to be er understand the opportuni es and challenges that all three corridors present. The further design work will allow us to undertake a robust assessment of all three corridors against what is important to the community as well as the project’s goals and objec ves including safety, resilience, liveability, connec vity and sustainability. It is an cipated this process will take six months
community Help brighten the life of an older person in your local community- Become A Volunteer Visitor with the Community Visitor Scheme
Australian Red Cross are looking for volunteers to help elderly members of the community improve their wellbeing and increase social connec on. We do this by matching volunteers with an older person who lives in aged care or at home and experiences social isola on.
As a Community Visitor, you’ll brighten the life of someone suffering vulnerability by offering them company and friendship. Red Cross will ensure you have training, ongoing support and access to other opportuni es within the World’s largest humanitarian network.
This role suits someone over the age of 18 who is a good listener and can commit to one hour a fortnight for a social visit where you might chat together, reminisce, listen to music, read the newspaper or play card games. The Community Visitors Scheme is an Australian Government Ini a ve that has facilitated growing heart centred friendships between volunteer visitors and older people for 30 years. This program makes a posi ve difference to people’s lives, brings joy, kindness, compassion and hope with the simple gi of friendship. For more informa on, or to register your interest in volunteering, contact Belinda Rowe on 0472 973 690 or browe@redcross.org.au Applica ons are invited on the Australian Red Cross website: h ps://volunteering.redcross.org.au/cw/en/job/498439/community-visitor-scheme-volunteer-eurobodalla