11 minute read
Gallery Bodalla reopens with “rocks and hard places”, a wonderful new
show by Stuart Whitelaw and Rodney Hayes. Stuart and Rodney have been close friends for over 50 years. They were both taught by Lloyd Rees during their me at University of Sydney School of Architecture They were inspired to do this combined exhibi on by one of Lloyd’s works called ‘Portrait of some rocks’. Commencing on Thursday 1 December, the exhibi on runs through to Saturday 31 December, open Thursday to Sunday 11am to 4pm. Opening drinks with Stuart and Rodney will take place on the side deck Sunday 4 December @ 3pm (please bring a mask to wear as it is a condi on of entry inside the gallery, with individual choice outside on the deck) You can also visit the exhibi on online at www.gallerybodalla.com.au All inquiries: gallerybodalla@gmail.com or call me on 0421 238 174 It will be lovely to reconnect with you all again. Valerie
sports Thrilling, Terrifying And Inspiring
Lisa Blair rocked a packed Batemans Bay Sailing Club Clubhouse with her tales of circumnaviga ng Antarc ca twice on her yacht Climate Ac on Now. Dismasted in the Southern Ocean on her first trip, Lisa had a huge struggle to cut the mast free and sail north to Cape Town under jury rig. Comple ng the first circumnaviga on with another mast, Lisa determined to go again a er me to heal and recover. A er beefing up the rig, Lisa succeeded in sailing the fastest solo, non-stop and unassisted circumnaviga on of Antarc ca and was the first woman to sail round that con nent.
It was another incredible voyage with huge storms, knockdowns and immense effort. Climate Ac on Now is decorated with thousands of post-it notes with people’s climate messages. Lisa has seen the damage climate change is wreaking on our oceans and is determined to spread the message.
Above: Lisa with local women sailors and, the packed clubhouse Thanks to Bev and Snitz for the catering, Ceals for the necklace gi to Lisa and everyone who helped make it a great night.
The prepara ons for the 2023 Tuross Head Fishing Club’s Flathead and Bream Tournament are now well underway. Entries are arriving on a daily basis. It is going to be a great event. Most entries so far are repeat entries, so, it is me for more general informa on. Tuross Head (on the far South Coast of NSW and four to five hours south of Sydney) is a very friendly coastal village of about 2,200 permanent residents, It has a micro climate caused by mountain ranges in the west, a lake on either side of the township peninsular and, of course, the broad Pacific Ocean out on the eastern frontage. Coila Lake is very much an “Intermi ent Closing and Opening lake and lagoon” It fishes well but is not used for the Flathead and Bream Tournament.
Tuross Lake is also classed as an “ICOLL” but is mostly a dal lake and part of the Tuross River system that has it beginnings high in the distant mountain ranges. A decade or so ago all commercial fishing was banned and is now recognized as a recrea onal fishing haven. Although many species of fish are caught, Tuross Lake consistently produces boun ful and large Flathead and Bream. The Tuross Head Fishing Club (a sub club of the licensed “Club Tuross”) has been running the FBT for a decade and a half now. It is a lure only and keeping with the conserva on fishing haven aspect the Tournament is strictly catch and release. Outside of the Tournament, recrea onal fishers are free to keep DPI legal fish that they catch. The Tuross Head Fishing Club Flathead and Bream Tournament is held over the Canberra Long Weekend holiday and in 2023 will be run over March 10, 11, 12. We cap the number of entries at the first 250 received as there is limited space in the Club Tuross which is used for meals etc. There are only two entry categories, Junior (sixteen years and younger) and Adult. The entry fee is $150 for adults and $90 for Juniors. All entrants will receive a fishing shirt and meal as part of their entry. Prizes - Shimano is our ongoing major sponsor and is happy to provide us with high end quality rods and reels for category winners. There are always spot prizes and raffles over the Tournament period. Judging – We will need to inspect any large Flathead or Bream that may be in conten on for major prizes, however, scoring is done by placing the caught fish on a DPI “brag mat” and using a phone camera to record a clear image and transfer that image to a phone number we will provide. We will give each compe tor an individual number to display on their brag mat and a code for that days’ fishing. Behind the scenes, we have so ware that is being updated as the images of caught fish are received ul mately giving a running scoring. In short, it’s a great event and compe tors always enjoy themselves. More details, rules and regula ons and the entry forms can be found by following the link or by using this QR code.
h ps://www.clubturossfishing.com.au/flathead-andbream-tournament
sports Eurobodalla Thursday Tennis Ladies Compe on.
The Grand Finals were held at Narooma courts on Thursday 24th November. What a fabulous way to end the compe on for 2022! The weather was beau ful, the tennis was excellent and there were lots of supporters who came along to cheer and watch! Even a few fellows came to watch wives and friends play, and all were catered for! A wonderful fes ve atmosphere had been created. The clubhouse looked lovely with lots of flowers everywhere and there was a fabulous spread of lovely tasty food for all to share! There was ample sea ng and shade provided. Thank you to all the helpers!
Tomakin really did pull off a hat trick by winning in all three divisions!!! Congratula ons Tomakin! That may be a first in EDTA and ETLC history! But really, congratula ons to all finalists for 3 excellent matches! Players some more photos of the day will be added to the link from last week! Division 1 Tomakin 6 sets 43 games defeated Bay Babes 2 sets 23 games. A er 6 sets, there were only 10 games in it, so the last 2 sets went on! Some fabulous tennis was on show on court 1 and there was lots of cheering on!!! Division 2 Narooma Gold 4 sets 40 games went down to Tomakin 5 sets 43 games! Yes it was full of high drama!! A 5th set was required as a er 8 sets it was 4 sets all and 37 games all! 1 & 2’s had to go out for a 5th match! Marlene Adams, of Tomakin, took me out due to feeling ill and, despite Narooma being up before the break in play, they lost their mojo and the set when Marlene recommenced. Anne Edwards came on as a replacement for the next set and the rest is history! Congratula ons Tomakin! Division 3 Tomkatz 5 sets 31 games defeated Bay Breeze 0 sets 18 games. A win was declared a er 5 sets, but it was far from easy this me. Breeze girls put up a great fight, star ng off the day with a e breaker set! 2 of the other sets went to 6-4! Congratula ons Tomkatz on never losing a match and only losing 8 sets for the en re Comp! The girls had a social game and a bo le of champus while the other teams finished their matches. Eurobodalla Tennis Clubs are already making plans and taking names for the next comp. - which will begin when school goes back next year. Go along to your local club and get prac sing, if you might like to join us for a year of great tennis in 2023. Broulee club will be hos ng and running the compe on next year.
sports Moruya Women’s Golf Results
Wednesday, 23
rd November Beau ful weather and dry fairways en ced 21 women to par cipate in this week’s Stableford round, which saw some great scores recorded. Val Moore (right) played magnificently, taking out 1
place with an outstanding 41 ne . Runner-up was Pauline Nash, who has also been playing consistently beau ful golf, finished with 39 ne . Balls went to: L Gibbs (39), C Becker (38 C/B), M Douglas (38), J Lumsden (37), S Knight (36), B Roberts (34 C/B), P Reid (34), V Goodwin (33 C/B), M Bingham (33). NTP Div. 1 5th Hole Margaret Douglas
Div. 2 5th Hole Vicki Goodwin
Tuross Head Vets Golf Results For 23 November
A 2 Person Stableford Mul plier event was held by Tuross Head Veteran golfers on Wednesday 23 November 2022. Winning combina on was Mike Birks with visi ng golfer Lachlan Grave on a score of 27 Stableford points. Other major prize winners were Gail and Len Rogers with 25, Jeane e and Ian Miller on 24, and finally Bruce Harding and Rick Brake with 23. Minor prizes were awarded to three groups, Steve Collins and Frank Pomfret, Blaise Madden and Leonie Snodgrass, and lastly Chris and Ian Wra en, all teams scoring 21 points. The infamous Bradman award went to the combina on of Peter McRae and Lars Gaupset, whilst nearest the pins were won by Leonie Snodgrass on the 4th, Kevin Reilly on the 6th, and Chris Wra en and Paul Coffey on the 7th.
Neil Mather won the Accuracy drive compe on. Right: Winners Mike Birks and Lachlan Grave
sports Tuross Head Fishing Club Goes To Quaran ne Bay in EDEN
Members finally had a Fishing Compe on weekend without rain, However I did not predict the strong winds that blew. Fishing Club members travelled to Eden for a wonderful weekend away. Saturday and Sunday morning gave members an opportunity to venture out to Twofold Bay to fish before the wind started to make condi ons too uncomfortable. Fishing was hard but most members were able to record some fish. A big thanks to Gav for organizing our rival Red and Black Hat compe on. Sadly the Red hats somehow managed to win only because of Gav's dubious rules. Thanks to Mike for bringing his cornwhole bag throwing game which was great entertainment and to Jeanie who gave the ladies an art pain ng class. The Quaran ne Bay Cabins are a great annual getaway. Fishing results. October Goblet PIGFISH was not won and will carry over again. November Goblet FLATHEAD was won by Bruce Kennedy catching a Sand Flathead 51cm worth 86.25pts. Mens Outside winner was Gavin "Red Hat" Robinson with his favourite Morwong 48cm worth 89.94pts. Womens Outside was won by Jeanie Dixon who also caught a Morwong 48cm worth 89.94pts. Mens Lake and Estuary was won by Bruce Kennedy who came home early and went for a fish catching a Bream 32cm worth 76.69pts. Junior division was won by Ryan Weatherby catching a Leather Jacket 42.7cm worth 86.1pts. These were the only category winners . Mystery Fish was no. 26 Whi ng 47.3cm was not won. The Turkey of the Month I think we are s ll deciding. Number of fish recorded was 43. With 8 different species being caught by 15 Club Members.
WEDNESDAY 23 NOVEMBER 2022 The field of runners may have been small however it was all quality as there were 8 personal best mes achieved. In the 2-Kilometres the achievers were Laura Lopres , Mel Miller, Alyssa Birks, Emily Bredin, Maggie Bredin and Chris Van Der Senden. In the 3-Kilometres Chloe Tangney improved as did John Hicks in the 4-Kilometres. Tonight, there was a no ce with all the names of record holder both male and female over the 3 distances. These will be closely watched as runners will be keen to collect one of these records.
It is worth men oning Lilly McIntosh, who holds both the women’s 2- and 3-kilometre records. Lilly now has her sights set on the 4-kilometre record. We are looking forward to some outstanding achievements in the next few weeks. John Ligh oot needs one more run for 30-run shirt; Michelle Baby only one more run for a big 100; and Adrian Connor needs two more runs for a bigger 200 runs and Andrew McPherson needs two more runs for an even bigger 300 runs.