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FOR the benefit of dairymen we wish to no fy them that their registra on was due yesterday 15 inst., and that they must make their applica on forthwith at the local Police Sta on, or otherwise they will be penalized. AUCTIONEER M. E. Ryan, of Runnyford reports the sale on Saturday last of 137 acres of land – 10 acres of cul va on, the balance being grass land – with co age and out-buildings in the Estate of James Aus n (deceased) at Mosquito Creek to Mr. James Aus n, junr., for £300. Store cows and bullocks averaged 30s per head. THE officers of the Moruya Golf Club for 1923 are: Dr. Quilter, President; Messrs. C. Carter, Hon. Sec.; P. H. Mills, Hon. Treasurer. The other members of the Club at present are: Rev. Father McCormack, Dr. Cutler, Messrs. J. Quilter, Roger, Shepherd, and the associate members are Mesdames Cutler, Quilter, Misses Jermyn, Mills and Quilter. Visitors to Moruya who are golf players are cordially invited to try the links, which have been done up and are in good order for the Xmas holidays. POLLING for the Federal elec on to-day (Saturday). Every elector should not fail to record his or her vote. THE exhibi on given by the Australian Buckjumping Show on Monday night was undoubtedly the best of its kind ever seen here. The 15 bucking horses and bullocks, a trick mule and four riders giving their large audience an excellent and clean performance. Much amusement was created by the local riders, Ernie Jeffery, Willie Constable, A. Staunton and Jockey Higgins in their riding of the bullock. The balance riding of Lyn Coppin, in a style of his own on this animal caused no end of hilarity. Prizes given by the proprietor, T. Handley, for riding the bullock were won by E. Jeffery and W. Constable, and for catching the trick Pony li le Ar e Bagnall was awarded first. … NAROOMA – (From our Correspondent.) Things are looking up at Narooma, extensive addi ons to J. P. Hyland’s Hotel are in progress, and nearing comple on, ready to cope with the heavy demand for accommoda on through the forthcoming season. Another step upwards has been reached by the installa on of electric ligh ng plants in both the Narooma Hotel and Ocean House Boarding Establishment, and also at Cos n’s Store. This raises our hopes of seeing this li le township wholly illuminated by electricity in the future. Our old friends, Mr. and Mrs. J. Davison, le Narooma on Saturday last for an extensive holiday, both having been in indifferent health for some me. During their absence Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davison have taken over the boarding establishment. FOR SALE. – GRAMAPHONE, with Records. H. B. O’NEILL, Rosedale, Tomakin. Extracted from the Moruya Examiner by the Moruya and District Historical Society Inc. h ps:// www.mdhs.org.au

arts The South Coast Pastel Society 2022 Summer Exhibi on and Sale returns this January with a


diverse range of pain ngs in pastel, oils, acrylics and watercolour. The art works reflect the diversity of New South Wales' South Coast and adjoining regions and showcase the talent and crea vity of the region's ar sts. The exhibi on features spectacular landscapes and seascapes, beau ful studies of flora and fauna as well as well as wonderfully calming s ll life studies. Visitors to previous events have commented on the depth and vibrancy achieved by each ar st as well as the breadth of subject ma er exhibited across the exhibi on. Visitors to the exhibi on also have the opportunity to meet with members of the Pastel Society who are all prac cing ar sts and happy to discuss their work and the pain ngs on exhibit. A er many years exhibi ng at the Surf Club in Malua Bay, this year the society's exhibi on moves to the Sunshine Bay Public School, Beach Road, Sunshine Bay.

The school's hall is a great venue for exhibi ng art, with plenty of space to view the pain ngs and ideal ligh ng that allows visitors to see the colour and detail of each work. Entry is by gold coin dona on with the proceeds going to the School. The exhibi on will be open from 1:30pm to 4pm on Saturday 14 January and from 10am to 4pm each day therea er un l Sunday 23 January at the Sunshine Bay Public School, Beach Road, Sunshine Bay.

The 38th Annual Art and Cra Exhibi on will be on at the Batemans Bay High School Auditorium from December 23rd to January 8th, except for Christmas Day. Open from 10am to 4pm daily, over 100 pieces of art, plus sculpture and cra to admire and also for sale.

The official opening will be held at 6pm on December 23rd, free entry, drinks and nibbles too!

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