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food Project Colombia x Alfresco Coffee Roasters
Alfresco Coffee Roasters is a Eurobodalla success story. Locally owned, hugely supported by the community and now in Batemans Bay as well as across the South East at innumerable cafes as their coffee bean of choice. The South Coast enjoys several roasteries that not only have great coffee but also stand by the principles of fair trade to ensure growers get the best price possible and are treated with respect and friendship. Owner Sam Steiner says "We’re passionate about sourcing, roas ng, brewing, and serving our award-winning coffee as ethically as possible, which takes us to some of the most iconic coffee growing regions around the world. We currently have coffee genera on projects in mul ple different countries, including Colombia, Philippines and Nicaragua. "At Alfresco Coffee Roasters, we have the heart to want to see the world become a be er place. In par cular, we focus on the Speciality Coffee Industry - an industry close to our heart. Although Speciality Coffee only plays a small role in the coffee industry, we can help bring las ng and effec ve change to the lives of many farmers and their communi es. "We currently buy our coffee beans from trusted partners in 13 origins in which we aim to build direct trade rela onships with producers whose vision aligns with ours. Alfresco now have projects running and opera ng in mul ple growing regions. Our most recent project started when we visited the growing areas in Colombia and Peru. Over our last few visits to Colombia, we have built a rela onship through our friends at Cofi.net with Diofanor Ruiz, a commi ed grower who has adapted his cul va on techniques over me to enhance sustainable farming prac ces in a bid to reduce the impact on the environment.
"Mr Ruiz is well-educated in coffee produc on and runs his farm accordingly. Recently he created his own brand of Honey as he saw the need to be a beekeeper as a vital part of climate conserva on and sees the union of beekeepers and coffee farmers as an essen al ingredient to sustainability. So it was a no-brainer to partner with this legend in a las ng rela onship and a project to help his endeavours. Alfresco Coffee Roasters, alongside their clients and customers, will be raising funds to help build coffee drying facili es at Mr Ruiz’s farm to assist in increasing his produc on capacity and replace his current facili es. He says, “When it rains, it rains more inside under the roof than the outside.”
"With your support, we aim for this to be an ongoing project affec ng the lives of Diofanor Ruiz, his family and their community. Although we o en see the social effect play out in regions, it starts with one individual commi ed to change, and we know that Mr Ruiz is the man for this occasion. Mr Ruiz has the knowledge and passion required to bring about las ng change.
"To do this, we have a minimum target of AUD 10,000 to raise in support alongside the already made commitment from Alfresco Coffee Roasters to purchase the more significant part of his crops, which we will be showcasing in-store and online very shortly. We look forward to sharing updates as this project gains trac on in the coming weeks and months!"
food 2023 eurobodalla food guide
Terrific to see the interest that is building around the upcoming holidays. The online South Coast Travel Guide website that showcases the Eurobodalla region is going gangbusters at the moment in the leadup. Pleasingly there is a high visita on to our eurobodalla food guide which indicates that our visitors are interested in more than the beach and the waves. There is so much to enjoy on the coast. We have great produce and terrific outlets that celebrate our products. While the eurobodalla is famous for its oysters and dairy there is much more to discover for those who enjoy knowing where their food comes from and for those who relish the quality of produce you can only find at the farmgate, a market or served by a takeaway, café or restaurant.
The eurobodalla food guide promotes those local businesses and providores who qualify to be included and who showcase our wonderful local produce and the wealth of value added product we believe reflects the sen ment of eurobodalla…. all kinds of natural.
Have you discovered the South Coast Travel Guide website yet? You might be surprised at what gems can enjoy of your own backyard. Given that we no longer have Council run tourist Informa on centres the South Coast Travel Guide, owned by The Beagle, is fast becoming the go-to for visitors to the region.
Dec 24th Rod Folpp at Club Tuross Dec 24th - Driving Sideways at Batemans Bay Soldiers Club Dec 24th - Fractured Minds at One Tree Inn, Tuross Dec 24th - The Pearlerz – Club Catalina (7.30pm) Dec 26th - Intensity at Batemans Bay Soldiers Club Dec 27th - Intensity at Batemans Bay Soldiers Club Dec 31st - Pearlerz – Harrington Motel, Narooma (noon) Dec 31st - Richard Cooke – Harrington Motel, Narooma (3.30pm) Dec 31st - Steve Benic – Club Tuross (5pm) Dec 31st - Drive Time – Club Tuross (8pm) NYE Party Moruya Waterfront Hotel 19-Twenty • Fractured Minds • Eklypse • Angus Murray Orphan Music & Moruya Waterfront Hotel presents - 2022 New Years Eve Party ! Over 5 hours of live music! 19-Twenty, Eklypse, Fractured Minds & Angus Murray. Original Rock & Roots + one of the best covers bands ever to grace the stage at the Moruya Waterfront. Watch the sunset & enjoy the best way to bring in 2023, LIVE MUSIC & CLOSE FRIENDS! Tickets: h ps://events.humani x.com/moruyawaterfront-hotel-nye-party-2022-w-19-twentyeklypse-fractured-minds-and-angus-murray
Dec 31st - Drive Time at Club Tuross - Drive Time is a 4 -piece band based around the vast experience of lead guitarist and singer Rick Bamford who is a regular at Club Tuross as a solo ar st. Other members of the band are Adam Twyford on drums, Paul Leeder on bass and James "Hoogie" Hoogstad on harmonica and saxophone. Dec 31st - This New Years Eve Bay Soldiers is going back to the 80's with a fun 1980's themed party. Tall Puppy Syndrome will be performing live from 8pm on the night, playing a great range of 80's hits and party rock through the night. there will be fun prizes for 80's themed fancy dress on the night too, so come back to the 80's with us this New Years Eve!
New Years at the Adelaide Hotel with the Spindri Saga - Tickets $40 Jan 1st -Kelesi Woodhouse – Harrington Motel, Narooma (noon) Jan 1st - Rick Bamford – Harrington Motel, Narooma (3.30pm)