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Vets Issue Warning to Cash Strapped Pet Owners
With the cost of living rising, many householders are feeling the pinch but many are s ll choosing to spend their money on quality pet food because they want to invest in their pet’s health and wellbeing – both financially and emo onally. Vets agree, and are warning pet owners that in spite of the cost of living, not to try and scrimp by feeding their pets lower quality food because poor nutri on can cause diseases that require spending more at the vets later.
“Research shows that 41 per cent of Australian pets suffer from obesity which can lead to addi onal problems such as diabetes and heart disease. Oral health is also a major issue for dogs with periodontal disease being the principal cause of tooth loss1. Much of this can be prevented through nutri on,” says pet health expert, Emme Williams.
Pet ownership does not come cheap. In 2022, Australians spent $33 billion to keep their pets fed, healthy and accessorised. Dogs are also becoming more expensive to buy, with 34 per cent now cos ng more than $2,000, double the pre-pandemic cost. With half of all Australian households (3.7 million) owning a dog, that’s a huge outlay for the average family, especially in the current financial climate. In fact, last year, 84 per cent of dog owners took their pets to the vets but 68 per cent said they had considered not going because of the cost. 2
“The average dog owner will spend $25,0003 on upkeep over its lifespan, so feeding your pet good quality food could save you in vet bills later by preven ng major disease occurring in the first place,” said Emme Williams.
She said that just like humans, dogs need a balanced diet that’s low in carbohydrates and high in protein and it’s important to include raw food in your dog’s daily diet.
“Dogs love raw food and as omnivores, it is naturally what they eat in the wild. They need the ingredients contained in raw such as Vitamin A, fa y acids and amino acids for energy, health and strength. Raw food is much easier to absorb than cooked, heated, or heavily processed food which means your dog retains more of the essen al nutrients,” said Emme.
The problem with raw food is that it can be messy and unsafe for humans to handle. Emme suggests looking for high quality dried raw food, such as newly launched Animals Like Us, which is made from sustainably sourced meats and organs that have been flash freeze dried to retain the nutrients.
“When you feed your pet nutri ous food, you’re not only inves ng in your dog’s health, you’re inves ng in your rela onship because as every owner knows, a dog is not just for life, it is for love,” said Emme Williams.
1 Buff, P., Carter, R., Bauer, J. & Kersey, J. Natural pet food: A review of natural diets and their impact on canine and feline physiology. Journal of animal science 92, doi:10.2527/jas.2014-7789 (2014).
2 h ps://animalmedicinesaustralia.org.au/report/
3h ps://www.rspcansw.org.au/what-we-do/care-for-animals/owning-a-pet/costs/