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Annual hard waste collec on starts next week
Eurobodalla Council kicks off its annual hard waste collec on next week, star ng in the south of the shire on Monday 17 July. The kerbside collec on will begin around Tilba and Akolele, before making its way north and finishing in South Durras mid-September.
The collec on means residents can dispose of unwanted items too bulky for their household bins; including fridges, microwaves, carpet, garden tools and furniture.
The maximum collec on limit per household was two cubic metres.
Residents can help by separa ng furniture and junk from any metal items on the kerb. There are three separate collec on vehicles to visit each street - one truck collects metal for recycling, another collects items like fridges, freezers and air condi oning units which are degassed before recycling. All other items are collected by the third truck.
To keep neighbourhoods safe and dy it is recommended pu ng waste on the kerb just before the area’s collec on date. Waste that won’t be collected includes:
vegeta on
motor vehicle parts, tyres
building materials or renova on waste (soil, bricks, rubble, stones, steel)
ma resses
liquids (paints, petrol, oil)
hazardous materials
e-waste (TVs, computers, monitors, printers, scanners, stereos, DVD & video players, laptops, gaming machines, set-top boxes, other plas c electronics with screens, circuit boards, toner cartridges or inbuilt rechargeable ba eries)
These items can be taken to Council’s waste management facili es, with e-waste being free of charge all year round. Chemicals and hazardous material such as paint, petrol and oil can also be dropped off for free or taken to one of Council’s Household Chemical Cleanout collec ons later this year.