13 minute read
Winter Meeting for Batemans
Bay Evening View Club
The Batemans Bay Evening View Club had an enjoyable meeting on Wednesday 12 July 2023. Our meeting was held at the Batemans Bay Soldiers Club and our numbers are still down a bit due to colds and infections and the cold weather. We all enjoyed a delicious meal before enjoying some fun with a trivia quiz.
President Julie presented a chocolate to member Coral for her birthday.
One of our major fundraisers this year is the raffle of a beautiful rug crocheted by our member Tracy. The rug is on display in at Whilby Loved at the Village Centre and tickets are available. The Batemans Bay Evening View Club sponsors 6 students fully and 1 student partially (with our Region) and to do this we need to raise about $5000 each year. We also support the Smith Family Toy and Book Appeal each year with about $500.
The monthly meetings are held at the Batemans Bay Soldiers Club. The next meeting of the Batemans Bay Evening View Club will be held on Wednesday 10 August 2022 at the Batemans Bay Soldiers Club 6.00 pm for 6.30 pm at a cost of $25.00. Visitors and guests are always welcome to come and join everyone and enjoy an evening with women from all walks of life and listening to a great guest speaker. For all enquiries please contact Julie on 0408 215 553 or Anita on 0447 114 198.
Our guest speaker for August will be Jesse Tonge and Grace Reisima from Batemans Bay Rural Fire Service to talk about fire safety and making sure we are ready for the coming fire season. August is always a good time of the year to think about Fire Plans and the coming fire season. VIEW stands for Voice, Interests and Education of Women and supports the Smith Family and the Learning for Life Program and helping young Australians in need to get the most out of their education. The Batemans Bay Evening View Club was established in 1997 for women interested in meeting regularly with other women from all walks of life, providing them with an outlet to help others, as well as establishing lasting friendships and contributing to the community.
Image: Coral receiving birthday chocolate from President Julie
A er a sell out night in 2022, the South Durras Curry Night is back! A three course Curry dinner will be served to you at your table where you can relax with old friends or meet new people. Dinner will include a tas ng menu of 8 main meal curries and cater for vegan, dairy and gluten free diets. Enjoy a sample of Bollywood dancing and join in with an easy, step by step lesson. Come dressed in Indian style if you'd like to. BYO drinks. Please advise of dietary requirements when booking. All proceeds from the evening will be donated to Project Didi Australia - Empowering women and girls in Nepal to live with hope, dignity and independence a er trafficking and violence. Tickets $45 per person at Eventbrite. Sorry, no refunds a er 14th October.
Changed traffic condi ons on the Princes Highway at Narooma
Motorists are advised of changed traffic condi ons next week on the Princes Highway at the Field Street intersec on in Narooma. Workers will carry out inves ga ons as part of poten al upgrades in the area.
Work will take place from Sunday 30 July un l Thursday 3 August 2023, weather permi ng. To minimise impact to motorists and the community, work will be carried out at night between 7pm and 4am.
A reduced speed limit of 40 km/h will be in place for the safety of workers and motorists. Motorists are advised to drive to the condi ons and follow the direc ons of signs and traffic control.
Transport for NSW thanks motorists for their pa ence during this me.
For the latest traffic updates download the Live Traffic NSW App, visit livetraffic.com or call 132 701.
Celebrate National Tree Day at the Eurobodalla Regional Botanic Garden this weekend
National Tree Day Looking for something to do this Sunday? How about something tree-mendous at the Eurobodalla Regional Botanic Garden! Let's celebrate #NationalTreeDay
Plant swap 10am – 2pm
Bring weeds from your garden and exchange them for free native plants. Our enviro team can help answer questions about pesky plants in your garden. While you're chatting, feel free to ask them for garden tips and advice!
Guided walk 11am – 12.30pm
Garden guide Anna Jarrett will lead a tour and help you identify trees and habitats hidden in between. All ages welcome. You’ll need to book for this one > https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/ national-tree-day-walk-tickets666299197837
Not to be missed for lunch, coffee or a snack - Situated in the picturesque
Eurobodalla Regional Botanic Garden, Mossy On Gardens
Start of the much awaited rebuild of the Mogo Local Aboriginal Land Council building
This weeks saw the celebration of the start of the much awaited re-build of the Mogo Local Aboriginal Land Council building. The original building was tragically lost in the 2019-2020 bushfires, but today starts a new beginning.
Attending the ground turning was the Federal member for Gilmore, Fiona Phillips, saying "It was a privilege today to join with Elders and community members to witness the start of work. Congratulations to Linda and the team at the Mogo LALC and everyone that has worked tirelessly to get to this building start stage. "The federal and state government have provided $2.078 million in joint funding via the Bushfire Local Economic Recovery program, to help rebuild the Mogo LALC. "I can’t wait to see the Mogo LALC rebuild progress and begin my pop-ins again to see all the wonderful work of the Mogo LALC. Dr Michael Holland MP - Member for Bega who also attended the auspicious event added "A little moment in history for a community with tens of thousands of years of continuous living Aboriginal culture"
Jul 29th - Min Ha at Broulee Brewhouse 1-4
Jul 29 - Affinity String Quartet 2:30 pm St Paul’s Anglican Church, Narooma
Jul 29th - Bryan Howson – Club Tuross (6.30pm)
Jul 29th - Stru Duo – Club Malua (7pm)
Jul 29th - Back 2 Back – Batemans Bay Soldiers Club (8pm)
Jul 30th - Mark Smith at Broulee Brewhouse 1-4
Aug 4th - Rock and Roll Dance Party – Batemans Bay Soldiers Club
Aug 5th - Roddy Reason – Moruya Golf Club (6pm)
Aug 5th - Pearlerz – Club Tuross (6.30pm)
Aug 5th - Rick Bamford – Club Malua (7pm)
Aug 5th - Hot August Night Dance party at Batemans Bay Soldiers Club
Aug 5th - Australian Rugby Choir h ps://www.beagleweekly.com.au/post/australianrugby-choir-5th-august h ps://events.humani x.com/19-twenty-and-sunday -lemonade-waterfront-hotel-moruya-all-ages
Aug 5th: Josh Veneris at the Broulee Brewhouse, 14pm
Aug 6th: Abby May at the Broulee Brewhouse, 1-3pm
Aug 6th - The South Coast Music Society presents Soprano Bronwyn Douglass and Accompanist Alan Hicks 2pm St Bernard's Church, David Avenue, Batehaven Adults $45, SCMS Members and Concessions $40 Students and an accompanying adults Free Tickets at www.southcoastmusicsociety.com or at the door
Aug 12th: Sam Rees at the Broulee Brewhouse, 14pm
Aug 12th - 19-Twenty & Sunday Lemonade at Moruya Waterfront Hotel Motel 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Aug 13th: Woodface at the Broulee Brewhouse, 14pm
Aug 18th - Geoff Achison at Narooma Kinema
Aug 19th: Val Moogz at the Broulee Brewhouse, 14pm
Aug 20th: Rhys Dursma at the Broulee Brewhouse, 14pm
Aug 25th - The Sydney Hotshots Live at Moruya Waterfront Hotel Aug 25th
Aug 26th: Kara Cohen at the Broulee Brewhouse, 14pm
Aug 26th - Affinity Quartet play Narooma
Live at Moruya Waterfront Hotel
Tickets from $37.63 at h ps://bit.ly/45VbtY2
Batemans Bay’s Premier
Entertainment venue
Gadfly 297 by Robert Macklin
The headline was emblazoned across two columns last week in the Sydney Morning Herald: ‘WOMEN’S GAME MORE EXCITING TO WATCH THAN MEN’S’
I couldn’t believe it.
The ‘game’ in question is of course soccer, or as the purists prefer, ‘football’. Had it not been so boldly headlined in the oldest living newspaper in the nation, I would have laughed it to scorn. But they have the statistics to prove it. ‘It’s almost like the men are playing a game of chess and the women are playing something a bit more interesting than chess,’ said Matthew Penn, a statistics expert from the university of Oxford.
I readily admit that my soccer viewing is limited. I’ve been an Aussie Rules fanatic ever since schooldays, but I have seen a men’s soccer match. And talk about excitement! Forget chess, it was absolutely off the chart!
I was tuning in a colour TV during COVID when it stopped on SBS and there it stayed. I’m pretty sure the teams were from Milan and the Real Madrid (as opposed to the virtual one, I guess). Anyway, the game was just starting.
The ref blew his whistle and the Spaniards began kicking the ball to their teammates. So far pretty standard stuff. But here’s the thing – every time a Milanese teamster attempted to wrest the ball from a Spaniard, Newton’s laws of motion were suddenly suspended!
I kid you not. Right there in front of millions, a Milan chap in his pretty red, white and black uniform flung himself in the general direction of a Spaniard with the ball and a gust of invisible kinetic energy arrived from nowhere. Down went Real Mr Madrid in a screaming heap. ‘He’s a goner,’ I thought. ‘His back’s broken. They’ll probably call the whole thing off. What a shocker.’
By now I had the remote under control and I replayed it. I was right. Mr Milan was physically at least half a metre from Spain’s finest when his kinetic power struck the poor chap a fierce blow in the glutinous maximus. The victim staggered, fell and writhed pathetically on the turf. The ref obviously felt the kinetic bolt from the blue himself because he blew his whistle and started fumbling in his back pocket for a message to show everyone what he thought of it. ‘Yellow for cowardly conduct’, I said, ‘I’m with you, ref.’
But then, to my astonishment, another magical moment followed. The ref ordered a free kick to Spain and instantaneously the broken warrior leapt to his feet. Somehow, the little nerves and muscles around his coccyx knitted themselves back together and he was up and running like a whippet off the leash. And that was just the first two minutes.
Thereafter I simply sat there entranced as the magic moments mounted like clips from the entire DC movie franchise with everyone on the field crashing out and zipping back up like cats counting to nine.
So, you imagine my anticipation when I heard that we had a team of women players including Sam Kerr who had so much kinetic energy she could somersault backwards. And they were playing Ireland’s colleens whose only helpers would be tiny leprechauns whose invisible kinetic energy wouldn’t blow out a birthday candle.
Alas, I missed the match – I was still waiting to be treated in the Emergency Department of Canberra Hospital. But a friend told me, ‘Sam did her calf in and didn’t play’ So it wasn’t really a fair comparison with the men’s game. And he couldn’t have been paying close attention either because he missed the invisible kinetic energy altogether. robert@robertmacklin.com
Reading—a beer with Bazza
“……..so I blame the bureaucrats, overpaid fat cats, pen pushers and seat warmers for this Robodebt disaster……. Sack the bloody lot of them!”
Mick paused, picked up his schooner for a healthy slug and took in the various nods of agreement.
Bazza sucked in a deep breath and shook his head.
“I reckon sacking public servants is a key reason behind the Robodebt, as well as the consultancy firm PwC Australia scandals.”
Schooners froze mid air, jaws dropped and Bazza took a measured sip.
“You see….. both sides of poli cs have done their best to completely undermine the public service over the past number of decades. Working in the public service was once seen as a honourable, if not noble occupa on, offering job security and a career path. The role of the public servant was in fact ‘to serve the public’, by offering frank and fearless advice to the government of the day.”
Bazza paused for another sip.
“In 1984, Bob Hawke abolished the word ‘permanent’ from public servant secretary posi ons. Kea ng followed up by removing tenure from departmental secretaries in 1994.”
Mick rubbed his chin.
“Well…… that would keep them on their toes, Bazza.”
“Well maybe, Mick but these changes made it very easy for John Howard to sack six department secretaries when he came to power in 1996 before moving on 30,000 public servants. Successive governments have pre y much followed his example.”
Mick grinned.
“That’s what we need now, Bazza….. some cker and leadership.”
Bazza sighed.
‘The trouble is Mick, you end up with a public service that is more about ‘serving the minister of the day’. Why would you offer frank and fearless advice if it is going to get you sacked? Job security has become linked to reinforcing rather than challenging ministerial decisions with considered advice. It has taken the Royal Commission into Robodebt to highlight the extent the public is no longer being served by at least some parts of the public service.”
Know All Ron cleared his throat.
“You can always look outside the public service for impar al advice, Bazza.”
Bazza clicked his tongue.
Con nues over……..
Con nues...
“Well……. Ron, the gu ng of the public service explains the rise and reliance on consultants for exper se. I reckon the key mo va on of a consultancy firm is to get more consultancy work. Improving the returns to shareholders is more important than serving the public, hence the scandal surrounding the consultancy firm PwC Australia and the misuse of confiden al government informa on.”
A long pause before Timeless Tom weighed in.
“Ahhhhh….. it all reminds me of the me I was backpacking around India as a young bloke, Bazza.”
Bazza screwed his face as others raised eyebrows.
“I spent a lot of rupees on fortune tellers before I found one that told me what I wanted to hear about my future.”
Acknowledge:h ps://www.smh.com.au/na onal/how-poli cal-egos-led-us-to-the-shame-of-robo-debt-20230712-p5dnmu.html Have a beer with Bazza at john.longhurst59@gmail.com
Award-winning author and culinary game-changer Josh Niland returns with the ultimate guide to the art of Fish Butchery, with expert techniques and groundbreaking recipes that are an urgent call for action on culinary sustainability.
Josh believes that when a fish arrives to market, like an animal to a butcher, there are disciplined practices that we need to follow. No butcher in the world would only strip the loins off a pig and then throw the rest away as waste. And yet essentially this is what we do every day all around the world with fish.
It is estimated that 50 per cent of the world’s fish caught is wasted. Of the 50 per cent we use, another 50 per cent of this is overlooked by the Western world, which overwhelmingly prefers to consume only the fillet. Fish Butchery intends to disrupt this thinking, inspire, challenge and hopefully encourage the next generation. This book is as much about intentionality as it is sustainability.
Fish Butchery is designed to show the reader – and the industry at large – the vast range of possibilities that exist when fish is treated correctly, from those initial moments of capture and transport through to being butchered and processed and, finally, making an appearance on the plate. Split into three sections that reflect this journey – Catch, Cut and Craft – the opportunities for adding value to fish at each stage are examined in detail, with step-by-step breakdowns of various cuts and the recipes involved in transforming the building blocks into desirable finished products.
Fish Butchery is about creating a workable system for the industry that allows families and individuals to conveniently access approachable fish dishes that extend the use of one fish further, whether that be in the form of fish sausages, burger patties, fish fingers, fishcakes pâté, mortadella, bacon and more.
With stunning photography from award-winning photographer Rob Palmer and thought-provoking illustrations for acclaimed artist Reg Mombassa, Fish Butchery is as bold and brilliant as it is informative and entertaining. It reimagines our relationship with this precious resource and is an urgent call to minimise waste and build a more sustainable food system.
100 Years Ago 28-07-1923
Through the enthusiasm and energy of its Secretary, Mr. C. Carter, the Moruya Tennis Club is the most flourishing spor ng ins tu on in the district. Its membership numbers over 40, which included 33 players, necessita ng the laying down of a third court.
By last week’s steamer a Keystone boring machine was landed on the Moruya wharf. Being the first of its kind in this district, it was therefore an object of curiosity. The instrument, which can be locoed (?), was taken to Deua River on Thursday by Mr. J. Gibbons’ team of horses, and will be used in exploring for minerals in that locality.
The annual mee ng of subscribers of the Mechanics’ Ins tute took place in the Billiard Room on Thursday. … The following office bearers were elected for the ensuring year: President, Mr. R. L. Dawson; Vice-Presidents, Messrs. W. Jermyn, and O. J. Armstrong; Treasurer, Mr. W. Jermyn; Secretary, Mr. C. Carter; Assistant Secretary, Mr. L. Bartholomew; Auditors, Messrs. L. W. Jones and P. Mills. Several ma ers were referred to the incoming commi ee to deal with.
Mr. S. Turnbull took over the management of the Palace Hotel, Central Tilba, on Friday last. Mrs Turnbull, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. J. R. Milne, who will remain at the hotel for a while, went out on Saturday.
Mr. J. Turnbull, late licensee of the Central Tilba Hotel, intends going into a like business in the city. Mr. Turnbull, who is a returned soldier, is no rela on of the host of the same name of the criterion Hotel, Mullenderee.
Just before going to Press we heard that Miss Annie, sister of Mr. Randolf George, formerly of Bendithera, had died on the previous evening. Deceased underwent an opera on in Dr. Birmingham’s hospital at Narooma on Wednesday. The funeral will leave the Sacred Heart Church, Moruya, this (Saturday) a ernoon.
Inquest at Mogo. By the appended evidence it will be seen that an old-age pensioner, named Mr. Patrick Clavin, met with a sad ending at Mogo on Monday night, or early Tuesday morning. Deceased, who was 60 years of age, had been a well-known figure about Mogo for a long me, having worked on the Bimbimbie gold fields during its balmy days. Nine years ago he underwent a serious opera on, since when he received a pension and occupied his me in gardening. …
A er hearing the evidence at Mogo on Tuesday, the District Coroner [Mr. R. J. Anderson, J.P.] found that the said Patrick Clavin on the 21st July, 1923, was found dead in his hut from the effects of burns accidently received owing to his clothing catching fire whilst smoking a pipe.
Extracted from the Moruya Examiner by the Moruya and District Historical Society Inc.