portfolio 2016 beata lisiewska

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DE KEYSERLEI work experience 2013 location Antwerp, Belgium collaboration bFarchitecture phase conception, permit, execution task measurements, design, drawings HOTEL’S ROOM AND FACADE RENOVATION One of the renovation projects in the office bFarchitecture in Antwerp I was involved in, has a strategic location for both a client and an architect. The Hotel Hermitage is placed just next to the central railway station in Antwerp, on the wide boulevard De Keyserlei which welcomes tourists and is the very beginning of their arrival in the city.

The hotel is a corner building shaped by the history, a very visible point. It is a great commercial setting for the owner of the hotel (with the restaurant on the ground floor). In the first phase we found comfortable hotel rooms with very big windows giving a bright ambient inside, which made it difficult to equipe the rooms with bathrooms, keeping them all equal. Finally, approaching the future diverse needs of clients and society, the hotel became a comfortable place for handicapped guests. It was the most difficult task to be performed in such a narrow building, at the same time dealing with the fire department’s regulations. Except renovations of the plans we proposed to do the step forward and make interesting changes on the facade of the building by implementing big glass cubes in place of some of the rooms. By the proportions of the glass cubes we break the repetition of the view of the whole boulevard, making it modern and very characteristic.


ir. architect Beata Lisiewska

HYDROCREATION study period winter 2010 location Gliwice, Poland MASTER PROJECT AT SILESIAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY IN GLIWICE, POLAND MASTERPLAN FOR THE CITY CENTRE BY THE RIVER, DESIGN OF THE CITY HALL My master project is based on the knowledge about the sustainable and ecological aspect of architecture, which I have gained during my study period in Brussels at VUB (Flemish university in Brussels), and also by the priceless professional experience during this study period, in the office TPD&A and BURO 2 & Archi+I.

ideogram - flood polders


Project Hydrocreation includes two parts: a masterplan for a new city centre by the river in Gliwice, Poland, and the design of the city hall. The very divers scale of the project gave me the capacity of thinking globally about architecture. The urban part, after deep research and many analyzes, concludes to divide the terrain (1km long, 300m wide) into three functional zones: an office area, a park/ sport/recreation zone and a housing area. The main idea was to show the dialogue between architecture and nature by developing three different ways of shaping the riverside, looking at the different functions of the project. Crucial are also the


between the zones and their mutual


shaping new office area

ideogram - searching a dialog: city-new office area


shaping the building of a city hall

visualisation - front facade

visualisation - public space, open ground floor

HYDROCRATION study period winter 2010 location Gliwice, Poland MASTER PROJECT MASTERPLAN FOR THE CITY CENTRE BY THE RIVER DESIGN OF THE CITY HALL In the design of the town hall I followed the rule of


the volume into the next recreation zone by decreasing, exploding and separating the units and their functions. Separated units are shaped smoothly like the river shapes the stones. Air and light can flow naturally and fluidly around them. Together with the technology (placed in the technical floors and with a number of sensors in the surface of the capsules), they aimed to create the most optimal environment for the offices.

ring structure in nature

flexibility of a ring structure

scheme - junction core + capsule

section longitudinal

typical floor plan


The ground floor is freed from all functions. Only 4 cores are placed, where you can find the information about the right sector of the town hall you are looking for. For the citizen the building is divided into 4 different departments, but workers are able to move between the capsules. Communication in the building happens in the very middle part of a whole volume of the town hall (and through the middle of the capsules), which is also a construction for all suspended volumes. Construction, after long studies, was discussed with engineers. What is important and gives a flexible and adaptive aspect of this design, is the possibility to extend the capsules till approximately 11m from the construction core. Depending on the need of future expansion and renovation, we can diversify the length of the capsules. Except for the office spaces in the capsules we will find 4 botanical gardens with their specific microclimate. On the roofs of the capsules are terraces for having lunch or smoking. Facade is rich in sensons to control and stumulate the absorbtion of a natural light.

typical capsule

changable ‘skin’ rich in sensors

section - capsule

SHELTER IN THE FOREST study period fall 2010 location Magurski National Park, Poland status competition collaboration Joanna Janota MULTIFUNCTIONAL SHELTER IN NATIONAL PARK This shelter is a contemporary answer for the traditional shelters you find in polish mountains, villages, forests and national parks.

The traditional ornament from the region, where is Magurski National Park in Poland, apears not in the traditional form of the shelter, but as a way of shaping internal part of it. New shelter is actually 3 almost identical volumes, we can implement in the nature freely. They gradually diffuse with the nature. Firs is closed - for public toilets and for feeding animals, second covered shelter with the fire place, where we can protect ourself from the rain for example, and the third one is like an open pavilion. The competion’s tasks was also to design small elements like: fence, gates, banches and tables. ideogram



spatial concept - flexybility

FRIVOL PERFUMERY status acomplished 2016 location Centre Commercial Korona, Kielce, Pologne collaboration Theza Architects (Theza.pl) phase conception, details, 3d rendering surface 78 m² INTERIOR DESIGN - PERFUMERY plan

The project is one of the salon of the Frivol perfumery network in Poland. The decor stores Frivol network consists of white – black color scheme, complemented by the leading color and structure of the inspired by polygons.Therefore it become that the guideline for the interior is to use mono color and to develop polygonal structures. This project introduced new type of the furniture on to the typology of the perfumeries and a light box and the entrance as a new element atrracting clients.

detail - inner wall with LED lighting

detail - construction for lighting

presentation - furniture

detail - furniture

WARM HOUSE location Bedzin, Poland design 2008 complishion 2009 total house area 150 sqm project area 85 sqm collaboration Theza Architects award distinction in Photography Competition of Interior design publication Better Interiors 2009, Mumbai, India INTERIOR DESIGN The Warm house - modern space with a warm attitude. The Warm house contains two ways of living - the fast, everyday hurry and the calm and relaxed mood. It allows typical duplex space to be duplex also in use. This change is strictly

plan ground floor

connected with the needs of the inhabitant’s schedule. The interior seems simple, bright and modern because of sunlight creeping on the walls and other reflecting materials in the morning. In the evening spotlights illuminate the wooden floor giving a warm beige glow on the walls. The surface light illuminates art nouveau style graphic on the wall making it softer and the stairs lightened by amber LED’s seem to be warm in touch. Additionally, the pattern is a protection for the walls, making it easier to clean - which is practical when having small kids. The shiny-matte game can also be seen on the art nouveau style pattern. The accent is repeated in the furniture, the walls and bathroom and it is visible when the surface is lighted. The art nouveau style became leitmotiv of the Warm house project after studies and works done in Brussels - the world capital of Art Nouveau style. Realization of this design took fourteen months and resulted in suiting the inhabitants perfectly.

living room - fire placeand staircase

bathroom first floor

lighting on the staircase

kitchen - view from the entrance







szafka /komoda

mission complète 2014 location Cracovie, Pologne surface 35m² client privé










regał od strony pokoju


The project needed to improve the space in a small studio. Having 3 functions to distribute, project organize the small space in placing all fixed furniture on one side (diagonal wall) and all mobile furniture on the other side. There is a relation between the functions in the furniture and the free standing objects: dressing and storage - bed, kitchen - dining table, TV shelf - living room with the sofa.

plan - existing situation wnęka

część rozkładana


ącznik LED



ęty kuchenne przesuniete 15cm w lewo w wyniku zmiana projektu




plan - new situation

RADARTOWER work experience 2010 location Oostende, Belgium collaboration Wilfried Eggermont phase execution task drawings RADAR TOWER

The tower is designed to supervise the shipping traffic in the North Sea. Stability design in this difficult construction site on the dam, not accesible in strong winds due to overtopping, was a real challenge for many ingeneers involved in this project. The tower is composed of 23 different prefabricated elements of approximately 2 m height and each having a weight of 25 tons. The walls are relatively thin (30 centimeters) and in the first twelve prefabricated elements tensioning were applied.

MERO BEACH work experience internship summer 2009 location Cachacrou, Dominika status competition collaboration BURO 2 & Archi+I award winner WAF 2009 category Future COMPLEX OF SUSTAINABLE BUNGALOWS The opportunity to work for BURO 2 & Archi+I on sustainable architecture, being part of an international team, learning new

approaches and dimensions of architecture was an incredible experience. My task was to support and finalize the drawings and make the final presentations and visualizations attractive.

floor plan - day zone

Source project

BURO 2 & Archi+I: ÂŤThe goal of the is to create a dialogue and sustainable relationship with the presence of the existing: the nature and the village.(...) The design is a concept whereby a sustainable (...)The new volume has been divided into several blocks creating a rhythm where the sound is the building and the silence the mountain.(...) Âť One house contains three units: night and day zone and the terrace. Night part of the project is located in the ground which isolate the volume naturally. The day part, seperated volume is lifted like a house on the tree with a view, accesible by an entrance bridge. A swimming pool / terrase as a third element of a one house is located near in the bushes.

section - day zone

floor plan - night zone

section - night zone


HOTEL & RESTAURANT HERMITRAGE work experience 2013 location Antwerp, Belgium collaboration bFarchitecture phase conception, permit, execution task measurements, design, drawings surface 1’119 m² RECONVERSION OF A RESIDENTIAL BUILDING INTO A HOTEL AND REFURBISHMENT OF A RESTAURANT The Hotel & Restaurant HERMITAGE is placed just next to the central railway station in

ground floor plan - restaurant

Antwerp, on the wide boulevard De Keyserlei which welcome tourists and is the very beginning of their arrival in the city. commercial setting for the owner It is a great of the hotel (with the restaurant on the ground floor). Approaching the future diverse needs of clients and society, the hotel became a comfortable place for handicapped guests. It was the most difficult task to be performed in such a narrow building, at the same time dealing with the fire department’s regulations. Except renovations of the plans I proposed to do the step forward and make changes on the facade of the building by implementing big glass cubes in place of some of the rooms.

existing situation


typical floor plan - hotel

15 SOCIAL HOUSUNITS work experience 2011 location Pittem, Belgium collaboration W.Eggermont Architecture & Town Planning phase conception, permit task design, drawings

Project was commisioned by the region of a West Flanders and started with a masterplan for a new housing area. Project provides 15 social houses , 2 more are planned in the future. Every unit has aproximetly 200 m2 including a garden.



A level +1


B level +1 and +2


C level +1

‘FISH MARKET’ - 14 APPARTMENTS work experience 2015 location Brussels, Belgium collaboration Styfhals & Partners phase conception, permit, execution task design, drawings, construction permit 3d rendering surface 1.330m² budget 3.000.000€

The appartment building is located in the heart of Brussels. It is a corner building and every next floor has smaller surface to shape the building like steps. Thanks to that form, appartments received many luxury terraces and the volume of the building became more subtail in such a narrow street. niv. 15.84

niv. 15.30

niv. 9.43









niv. 15.30

niv. 15.84

niv. 15.30

niv. 15.15 niv. 14.80

niv. 15.84

niv. 15.30

niv. 15.15 niv. 14.80

niv. 14.69

niv. 11.84

niv. 11.84

niv. 9.43

niv. 8.88

niv. 9.43

niv. 8.88

niv. 5.92

niv. 5.92

niv. 2.96

niv. -0.02









niv. -0.02

niv. 2.96



niv. 15.84

level +2

level 0

level -2

niv. 15.30

level +3 niv. 15.15 niv. 14.80

niv. 14.69

niv. 11.84

niv. 9.43

niv. 8.88

niv. 5.92

niv. 2.96 niv. 15.30

niv. 15.30



niv. 15.15

niv. 15.15


niv. 11.84

niv. 11.84

niv. 11.84

niv. 8.88

niv. 9.88

niv. 8.88

niv. 5.92

niv. 5.92

niv. 2.96

niv. 2.96

niv. -0.02

niv. -0.02


niv. -0.02

niv. 0.00

niv. 0.00

niv. -0.02

cv niv. -3.06


cv niv. -3.06

niv. -6.12

niv. -6.12

appartement, level +3

niv. 15.30

niv. 15.15

niv. 11.84

niv. 11.84

niv. 9.88

niv. 8.88

niv. 5.92

niv. 2.96

niv. -0.02

niv. -0.02

niv. 0.00

niv. -3.06

niv. -6.12

new situation

section longitudinal

LIVING FORTRESS work experience 2012/2013 location Mortsel (Antwerp), Belgium collaboration bFarchitecture phase conception, permit, execution task concept, drawings, 3D modeling and visualisations budget 590.000€ surface 230m² APARTMENTS BUILDING The apartment building is now constructed in the close neighbourhood of the historical forts. The main idea was to link a new construction with the historical aspect and to continue Belgian traditional red brick buildings.



As obviously forts were defending old cities in the past nowadays our houses are becoming our forts, not only our shelters. Our modern forts need to protect us, our family and our privacy. Converted this ideology into the architectural diagrams and language has resulted in a brick-protection belt. The belt starts in the front of the building in the yard. Following the brick’s orientation we climb on the facade, then onto the roof, the back facade and so on to end smoothly in the garden behind the house. Functions of the apartments and the placement of the windows divides elevations into the stripes, which emphasize the linear movement of the brick-skin. Details of the finishing of the windows are also the result of moving brick from the street into the back of the house.

level +2

level +1

ground floor plan


construction site - street view

construction site - back facade

LONDERZEEL work experience 2014 location Londerzeel, Belgium collaboration Styfhals & Partners phase conception, permit, execution task design, drawings, 3D, presentation APARTMENT BUILDING WITH AN OFFICE Crucial to this project was to make a link to the existing corner building of this same client, but not to repeat historical elements.

The existingcorner building is built in the years 60’. On the elevation are visible horizontal divisions together with the strong volume of the internal balcony. The idea of this project was to follow the horizontal lines of the existing building and to interpret sticking out element of the elevation as a «recto» and to create a verso-form on the new elevation. The composition of the elevation of the new building doesn’t have unnecessary details, is minimalistic and relates to the context in a modern way. composition of the elevation of the new building doesn’t have unnecessary details, is minimalistic and relates to the context in a modern way.


visualisation - front facade

section AA’

foundations sewerage plan

groundfloor: office

level +1 & +2: appartment

ELEMENTARY SCHOOL work experience 2014-2015 location Grimbergen (Beigem), Belgium collaboration Styfhals & Partners phase permit, detail design, construction site, assistance with handover task drawings, permit documentation, site’s rapports and documentation, contact with contructors and client surface 500m² budget 1.140.000 € EXTENTION OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL IN WOODEN PREFABRICATED CONSTRUCTION

Works started with the demolition of the old school (only part of it) which was too small for the numbers of kids. The new project doubled the number of class rooms. The construction site of this project last only for 6 months thanks to the wooden prefabricated construction. This type of construction was made on measure in the factory, brought in big pieces (there maximum measurements are limited) and required special conditions on the site. This technology is not as common as the traditional once, therefore it costed lot of problems to the contructors and architects needed to solve many problems while constructon was in progress.

waterdichting vaste isolatie PUR 60 mm dakprofiel WBP 18 mm

structurele beplating 22 mm


hellingslatten + isolatie

koppelregel prefabopstand 90 mm

stalen L-profiel houtvezelplaat: waterdicht & damp open regelwerk 60 mm gevelbekledingsplaten 12 mm



62.5 150


verluchting winddichtingsfolie

dampscherm prefab wandelement

regelwerk 60 mm gevelbekledingsplaat 12 mm

dampscherm gipsvezelplaten 2x12.5 mm regelwerk 2x22 mm gipskartonplaat 12.5 mm

gevelsteen 100 mm luchtspouw 40 mm

akoestische plafondpanelen- verkleefd 40mm

houtvezelplaat: waterdicht 15 mm & damp open prefabwandelement 184 mm

PE-folie gipsvezelplaat 15 mm


gevelsteen - open stootvoeg

winddichtingsfolie ingewerkte prefab balkconstructie

kopsteen waterbestendige isolatie

4 luchtdichtingsfolie afwerking met gipskartonplaat

kitvoeg 14.2



gekleurde raam

Gemeentebestuur Grimbergen Gemeentehuisstraat 3 Grimbergen

20-02-'14 SCHAAL: 1/10 DOSNR:1694 R:\S&P-dossiers\12\1694\acad\5-aanbesteding\architectuur\ada-detailsnedes.dwg

Bouwen van nieuwe klaslokalen 't mierken Oostgevel thv luifel (as 1) Gemeentehuisstraat 3 Grimbergen


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