1 minute read
Scientific name: Natrix helvetica
If you build a big compost heap in your school garden, and a pond where I can swim and catch my dinner, I’ll come and live there.
I love warm compost heaps where I can hatch my eggs in the autumn, and hibernate over the winter.
But don’t worry I’m harmless to humans, even if I am the longest snake in England.
I think I am very beautiful and I love sun bathing, but I have to be very careful, because badgers, red foxes, cats and hedgehogs would like me for their dinner.
But my trick is to pretend I’m dead, and then I hiss and release a horrible smell to scare them off.
Please let me know when you have built my new home, Bye…
Red Fox
Scientific name: Vulpes vulpes
My family used to live in the countryside, but I’ve built my underground burrow not far from your house in the town.
I live with my family and our territory is the railway embankment down from the river, its a quiet place where I can sunbathe or sleep during the day.
You are more likely to see me at night when I hunt small mammals, birds and frogs, and dig for worms or pick berries and fruit.
If you don’t see me, you might smell my trails that help me get home safely in the dark.
Sometimes I scavenge your bins for scraps, you might see me, or perhaps hear me tonight.