New Dog Owner Guide
A dog’s life starts with Beaphar
Contents Page Thinking of adding a canine family member to the pack?
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A checklist for your new dog or puppy
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Things to do when bringng your dog home
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Thinking of adding a canine family member to the pack? Choosing your new dog Whether you are bringing a puppy or an adult dog home, your first steps towards a happy and healthy life together start now. This exciting period will bring joy, happiness (and possibly some mishaps) as you grow together as a new family. Beaphar has a range of products, designed with your pup
at the very centre, that will help you have complete peace of mind that they’re on the right path for the best possible start. Where do I get a pup from? Before making a final decision, it is important to make sure you choose a pup that is right for you and your family situation.
Battersea Dogs and Cats Home will give you information about finding the best breed for your family fit. Consider other pets in your home: If you are adding a new dog to your pack, you will need to consider the impact on your lifestyle and on that of any other pets in the home. Consider your other pet’s breeds, personalities and preferences before exploring further. It may be fine to bring another pet into your home, as many cats and dogs get on well together, but you will know your pets better than anyone else and can make that judgement call. Alternatively, you might be looking to get your new dog from a breeder. A reputable breeder, or shelter will guide you through the process. Be mindful that some breeders can be expensive. Therefore it is important that you take this, plus additional costs such as day care, insurance, toys, food etc. into account during your planning phase. Here are a few other tips to look out for before you bring your dog home:
Research the Breed Sources: Places such as The Kennel Club will give you an indication as to what size, temperament and life span each breed will give you. If you are adopting a mixed breed dog, shelters such as Wood Green Animal Charity or
1. Always meet the parents Before bringing your new pup home, insist on visiting them with their mum, litter and with dad too, if possible. Normally happening at 5 weeks, this will give you an opportunity to select the right pet personality fit for your family.
You will see them interact with their mum and siblings (if they have any) and this will enable you to see whether they are playful, placid, submissive, or dominant in the pack. This will give you an idea of their future personalities; go armed with as many questions as possible. 2. Fur and Body Condition When you meet your new canine companion, take a look at their general appearance. Is their coat glossy and nose shiny? Check for their body condition; a healthy body can be assessed on the ribs, shoulders and belly. There should be a curve of the tummy up to the groin area, with no protruding ribs or shoulders. You can get a vet to do a health check — a reputable breeder will already have had a vet check the whole litter. 3. Check for Worms It is never too early to check for worms as these can be passed from the mum to the litter and multiply up quite quickly. A good breeder or shelter will have a vet check the pups, however in some instances, worms can go unnoticed. Sickness, diarrhoea and weight loss can be signs. Other key signs can be: a dull coat, lack or energy or general lethargy.
To check for flea dander. Reddish-black flecks would be an indication of fleas themselves.
4. Ears and eyes can often be additional indicators of pet health. Check ears for mites and eyes for any mucus, which could indicate a more serious condition. It is important to keep on top of their eye and ear healthcare routine. The Beaphar Ear Cleaner and Beaphar Eye Lotion are a great help to continue ongoing ear and eye healthcare.
A checklist for your new dog or puppy Are you ready for them? You probably have a date for your new family member to come home. So what additional items do you need? Food Bowl: Plastic, metal, or a multiple feeder. Find the right feeder to fit your lifestyle.
Food: Some puppies might need a little extra help with their nutrition; maybe they are from a large litter or your vet has noticed a slow growth rate, Beaphar Lactol is an ideal supplement. You’ll also need to decide on wet vs dry food, or a mix of both.
Your breeder or shelter will probably provide you with a sample of food to take home, but explore the market for how you would like to feed your pet, going forward. Make any changes gradually, over a longer time frame, to avoid upset tummies. Beaphar IntestoPro for Upset Tummies: If your pup does experience an upset tummy, it could be due to the effect of the move, or even just switching to a new food. Beaphar IntestoPro will support your dog through this period and help restore normal bowel movements.
Water bowl: Choose the right one for you – there are hundreds to choose from – but as dogs are messy drinkers, put a tray or mat underneath their bowl and place away from their food. Puppy Pads: Older dogs may well have been toilet trained, however, it is likely that they will have accidents in the early days, as they adjust to their new environment. Puppies have very little control, so be prepared for accidents to happen regularly. Beaphar Puppy Pads can be used to support toilet training (and capture any accidental messes). You can also take a look at online guides for toilet training, or ask your local pet store or vet for help if problems persist.
Beaphar Lactol Milk has been used by top breeders for over 100 years and is made from whey protein. It’s easily digestible and mimic’s their mum’s milk.
Beaphar Gentle Leader® has been designed with veterinary behaviourists to help train your dog using natural cues and prompts.
Durable Lead, Collar and Harness: It is a legal requirement for you to have identification on your dog’s collar, so if you choose to use a harness for walks, you will more than likely need a collar for identification, too. For some dogs, getting out is so much fun and over-excitement can result in undesirable behaviours such as pulling on the lead. To stop this, a training headcollar, such as the Beaphar Gentle Leader®, which has been designed with veterinary behaviourists to help train your dog using natural cues and behaviours, will make walks more pleasurable for you both.
Calm Environment and Cosy Bed: You might want to consider using a Beaphar CaniComfort® Diffuser, in the room they use the most. The diffuser releases Dog Appeasing Pheromones, mimicking natural pheromones produced by mum when she is nursing her pups. This will make settling in a whole lot easier.
A bed is essential, as is an identified place for your dog to call their own. No matter what age they are, they will always need a safe space to escape to, particularly in the early days, it is important that you provide a place for them to do so; whether that’s to hide from people visiting, or if the kids are getting boisterous.
30 Days Effective
Beaphar CaniComfort® Diffuser Contains Dog Appeasing Pheromones
Early brushing or dental care ensures that your dog is used to a dental regime that will continue throughout their lifetime.
Toothbrush and Toothpaste: Dental care is extremely important. With 80% of our pets suffering from dental issues by the age of three, it is so important to keep on top of your pet’s dental care routine. Preventative care is easier, cheaper and far less stressful for your pooch. The “Gold Standard” of dental care is daily brushing with the Beaphar Toothbrush and Toothpaste Kit, but for some pets, it might not be the right option.
Toys, toys and more toys: Regardless of breed, your new puppy will want to play. Remember to get rugged toys, but be mindful of their teeth!
Choose from other alternatives in the range, such as the Beaphar Tooth Gel, Beaphar Dental Powder and Beaphar Dental Easy Treats, which will help support oral health and prevent painful dental disease.
For older dogs, the amount of play they expect and need will depend upon the level of play that they have had before. However some toys, such as treat balls or fluffy toys, might be helpful. But be warned, they might not last for long!
Grooming: A good brush not only keeps your dog’s fur in great condition, grooming is well spent bonding time. For most dogs, puddles, mud and fox poo seem to be the greatest ever attraction! Find a reliable (and nice smelling!) shampoo and conditioner – the Beaphar BIO Shampoo Range includes a gorgeous puppy shampoo, and there are lots of options to choose from.
practice to ensure that regular checks are made as pet insurance companies will only include dental cover if your vet has confirmed an annual dental check (remember to check your policy cover). In addition, your vet will be able to offer advice on neutering, if that has not already been addressed. Pet Insurance: ALWAYS get pet insurance to cover you for unexpected
Read Beaphar’s Read Beaphar’s tips tipsprovided providedononthe thewebsite website on how to on how to maintain an maintain an easy easy dental routine for dental routine. your feline friend
Select a Vet: A good vet is key. Make sure that you select a vet close by who has a great reputation. You might wish to have your new pup or dog checked over, as well as ensuring their vaccinations are up to date. During their check-ups, your vet will examine their dental health as well as offer advice on neutering, if that has not already been completed. It is good
events. This will give you peace of mind and ensure you never need to say “no” to necessary care that your pet may require. Your vet or local pet store will be able to help you choose a suitable policy, or there are a number of regulated providers available, too. Search online to assess all the options.
The Beaphar Gentle Leader® helps to enforce positive behaviours by using natural canine cues for training.
Things to do when bringing your canine friend home Dog proofing your home No matter how carefully you prepare, there are hazards that your dog will definitely find. From plug sockets, to cabling and other chewable items, your dog can be in danger if they are not moved out of the way. Get down on their level. Put simply, crawl on the floor at what could be
your pup’s level (or as close as) to check for small objects, hanging wires and anything that looks like a fun game. Keep cleaning products and any hazardous materials locked away, paying particular attention to the toilet and kitchen. Any flowers – such as lilies – must be kept away from your dog, as they may be toxic.
A Stair Gate: Not everyone wants to have a dog on the bed, so you might consider a baby stairgate to stop them from exploring. This will soon establish boundaries and your pet will take note!
The Beaphar Pet Behave Spray can be applied to soft furnishings or any furniture prone to chewing. It is a harmless substance that dogs find unpleasant, discouraging scratching or chewing anything that is sprayed.
Chewing: Whether your dog is teething, is exhibiting behavioural difficulties or is just a mischievous puppy, they may start to chew your furniture and possessions. You’ll want to try and discourage these behaviours from the outset, otherwise furniture may be ruined and your bond with your dog may be irreparably damaged.
Get Training: This is a great time to look into puppy or dog training classes, to help socialise your pet with other dogs and also learn new ways to help avoid undesirable behaviours, too. Dogs are always learning; teaching a dog that certain behaviour results in good things happening means they’ll be more likely to behave that way again. This is also a great bonding experience for you both.
The spray contains a harmless substance dogs find unpleasant. Your dog will be discouraged from scratching or chewing anything that is sprayed with it.
Beaphar FIPROtec® Spot-On and COMBO are vet strength medicines suitable for dogs from 8 weeks of age and weighing more than 2kg. Always read the label of any medicine carefully before applying it to your pet.
Dog-proofing the garden: There are hidden dangers in your garden so it is advisable to investigate for potential hazards. Plants can be dangerous, with lilies, ivy, tulips and horse chestnut trees being extremely toxic for dogs and sometimes, sadly, even being fatal. Your garden needs to be dog-proofed, too. Get on your dog’s level to check for protruding objects, or gaps in the fences; your dog may look to roam as their confidence grows.
The freedom of the great outdoors: Getting outdoors with your dog is one of the best ways to bond and explore together. But make sure that you take the introduction to the big wide world slowly. Remember, the sights, smells and dangers around you are new to your pooch and can be overwhelming. Be aware that puppies will need no more than a ½ hour walk each day to protect their young bones. You will see that they naturally have short, sharp bursts of activity, so it is important to not overdo it.
Flea and Tick Treatment: If you have a new puppy, you will have to wait for their final vaccinations before venturing outdoors. For older dogs, you might want to get outside straight away to spend some quality time together. At any stage, make sure that you are prepared for when they are ready. The Beaphar Flea and Tick range includes a variety of options, from the easy to use Beaphar FIPROtec® Spot-On products, to long-acting collars to prevent and treat fleas. For dual-action protection for your pet and home, Beaphar FIPROtec®
COMBO is a vet strength, dual-action spot-on to kill fleas, ticks and biting lice as well as preventing flea eggs and larvae developing in the home. Suitable for dogs from 8 weeks of age and weighing more than 2kg. Home Flea Treatment: It might seem obvious, but treating your home is key to controlling a flea infestation. Did you know that only 5% of fleas are on-pet, whilst 95% are living in the environment, which is mainly your home? Pet treatment will stop the scratching for a while, but if you don’t treat your home, your pet will continue to experience re-infestation
and discomfort for months to come. Try the Beaphar FLEAtec Household Spray, or Beaphar Household Flea Fogger for added peace of mind and to break the flea cycle. It is important to continue treatment against fleas and ticks throughout the year. This prevents infestations from happening by breaking the flea life-cycle. When we are reactive, rather than proactive, we are essentially only killing the adult fleas, missing their eggs and other life stages. These eggs fall off the pet and onto carpets which, with central heating and warmer weather, create a cosy environment for the fleas to develop in. This new generation of fleas can then re-infect your pet and, even if you have treated your pooch, the cycle starts again. Make sure that you use a suitable spray – such as Beaphar FLEAtec Household Spray – to clear the home of these developing fleas. If there is an infestation, a fumigator or fogger supported by regular vacuuming, will help you get rid of the infestation. Banish Nasty Worms: When your pup comes home, it is likely that they will have already received their first vaccination, flea and worming treatment. However, make sure that you have checked with your breeder or shelter before they leave.
Pups should have had their first treatment at three weeks old, after that, they will need to be wormed every two weeks until they are 16 weeks old. After 16 weeks, they will need a treatment every three months. Beaphar WORMclear® Tablets for Dogs can be given to dogs weighing more than 3kg. Its vet-strength composition gives you added peace of mind that you are removing all the nasty worms.
To make sure you are being proactive and treating for fleas all-year-round (you should always check the product packaging to ensure you re-treat your pet at the correct interval; different brands do vary)
Beaphar UK Ltd, Rook Tree Farm, Withersfield Road, Great Wratting, CB9 7HD tel: 0333 0066 236 | email: