The Bear Creek School is a national leader in classical Christian education. We believe that only when faith, mind, and heart are fed together can we experience the fullness of education, which produces leaders of wisdom, compassion, and courage.
TABL E OF CO N T E N TS WELCOME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
UPPER SCHOOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Our Mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Academics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Portrait of a Bear Creek Student . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
What is Christian Liberal Arts? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Campus Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
National Blue Ribbon School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Student Success . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
MIDDLE SCHOOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
QUICK FACTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Academics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Strength of Academic Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Tuition, Tuition Assistance, and Scholarships . . . . . . . 45
Campus Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Bus Transportation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Student Success . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Cover Photo: 2016-2017 Associated Student Body Executive Cabinet 5
On behalf of the Board of Trustees, faculty, staff, parents, and students, welcome to The Bear Creek School. We invite you to experience within these pages the uniqueness of a Bear Creek education for students in grades 7 through 12. As you begin the process of researching schools, please join us on campus and see firsthand how our dynamic learning environment, the dedication of great teachers, and a rich curriculum offer something dramatically different in shaping the lives of students at Bear Creek. The Bear Creek School is a national leader in providing a high-quality, Christian liberal arts education by developing the Christian worldview through an academically challenging, college preparatory curriculum. In the spirit of the ancient classical tradition, education at The Bear Creek School nurtures the heads, hearts, and hands of young men and women so they are equipped to lead by engaging the world with wisdom, compassion, and courage. As you explore Bear Creek, we hope you sense the intentionality of our mission expressed throughout every aspect of our community. Grace and peace, Patrick B. Carruth President and Headmaster
MISSION Our mission is to provide a high-quality, Christian liberal arts education in a nurturing environment that will enable each student to become the individual God intends.
PORTRAIT OF A BEAR CREEK STUDENT Listens with discernment. Reasons persuasively. Articulates precisely. Reads carefully. Thinks clearly. Practices social grace. Expresses humility. Practices spiritual graciousness. Recognizes cultural influences. Embraces virtue. Possesses wisdom. Leads courageously.
W H AT I S C H R I S T I A N LIBERAL ARTS? “OUR WORLD IS CHANGING. At a time when each of us can electronically access facts and information quickly and easily, tomorrow’s leaders will need an education which teaches them to think both critically and creatively, analytically and artistically.
CHRISTIAN LIBERAL ARTS IS A PARADOX. It prepares students for a lifetime of vocation—for their calling—with specific information and skills. But it also prepares them with a worldview from which to discern and make wise and influential decisions—to dream and then to do—because it is rooted in the beginning and end of knowledge. Like the Apostle Paul’s encouragement to the church at Colossae, ‘For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones
or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.’
IN THE END, A CHRISTIAN LIBERAL ARTS EDUCATION CREATES TENSION; IT INSPIRES AND HUMBLES. It enables us to pursue dreams, to aspire toward greatness, and to nurture the human soul, while also reminding us we are creatures and not the Creator. It is a dangerous and beautiful legacy.” Patrick B. Carruth Dare to Dream: The Bear Creek School 2020 Strategic Plan
N ATI O NA L B LU E R I B BON S C HO O L Bear Creek was selected as a 2014 National Blue Ribbon School in the Exemplary High Performing category based upon overall academic excellence schoolwide. Bear Creek was one of 50 private schools nationwide to receive this honor and was the only school in the State of Washington to earn this distinction.
Blue Ribbon schools are models of consistent excellence and a resource for other schools and districts. We celebrate them for their tireless effort
and boundless creativity in reaching and teaching every student. ARNE DUNCAN, U.S. SECRETARY OF EDUCATION 2014
Individualized and accelerated math progression Gender separation in most core classes Cultural and linguistic foundations through Latin Community-oriented student culture Dynamic servant leadership Early collegiate and academic planning Safe, secure, and inclusive community Confident and inspirational teachers
Bear Creek’s curriculum consists of a thoughtfully structured, classical Christian course of study, which advances both the intentionality of learning and integration across academic disciplines. Each subject engages Christian worldview, building a critical framework of understanding. Central to your curriculum will be six core academic subjects: Christian studies, English, history, Latin, math, and science. A variety of electives will offer you additional opportunities to explore, connect, and broaden your interests.
The early study of Latin prepares you for advanced study in foreign languages and improves English grammar and vocabulary. Latin is a core class in grades 7 and 8. Your curriculum also includes Greek and Roman mythology, literature, and ancient history.
MATH INDIVIDUALIZATION AND ACCELERATION You are encouraged to accelerate your math skills by progressing beyond traditional grade-level math. Based on competency and motivation, you may select advanced-level math courses which will prepare you to enter high school ready to enroll in a strong pre-collegiate advanced math course sequence.
INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY Building your skills and talents in the realm of digital logic and applications requires creativity, technical savvy, and problem solving. Our focus on skill building and innovation will offer you opportunities to explore basic game design, app and web design, LEGOÂŽ robotics, environmental modeling, and an introduction to the Python programming language.
JANTERM JanTerm is a two-week mini-semester during which all Middle School and Upper School students enroll in their choice of four topical seminars. You will have the opportunity to explore a diverse range of courses that are perfect for shorter, deeper investigation. Seminars are developed by faculty and administrators who bring a tremendous level of creativity and passion to their topics. 17
ARTS Our wide-ranging arts curriculum fosters your personal expression, creative thinking, imaginative communication, and intellectual curiosity. Opportunities to build depth include multiple live music and drama performances, showcasing of the visual arts, making connections between the arts and other aspects of life, and a deeper understanding of the role of the arts in our world.
VISUAL ARTS Creativity and originality will be your primary focus while exploring various art forms such as drawing, painting, collage, mixed media, and three-dimensional art. Students develop craftsmanship, skill, consistency, and correct terminology, while learning the basic elements and principles of art. You will also have the opportunity to showcase your work in Bear Creek’s annual art show.
BAND As a band student, you will continue to build skills on your instrument with emphasis on developing a good concept of ensemble sound and tone quality. In addition to a Christmas Concert and a Spring Concert, the band participates in at least one event outside of school, and participants are invited to join the Pep Band during basketball season.
STRING ENSEMBLE Violin, viola, and cello students at all levels are welcome and challenged with an exciting and eclectic repertoire ranging from classical styles, to fiddle, tango, and movie music. You will work together to fine-tune principles in basic musicianship such as rhythm, note reading, and pitch. Students will participate in two school concerts each year. Beginners are welcome, and private instruction is highly encouraged.
CHOIR Our choir program fosters a creative environment full of encouragement. You will learn and practice basic choral techniques and will be exposed to various types of music. Though there is certainly an independent element to singing, much of what is accomplished as a choir is attained as a team. Middle School choir performs at a Christmas Concert and a Spring Concert and also participates in other local performances.
DRAMA The Bear Creek School was recognized by the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) Exemplary School Programs Award for our Shakespeare Immersion Program. You will have an opportunity to experience the various skills and techniques utilized in putting together a dramatic presentation, experiencing a theater company concept with each member taking responsibility for a technical aspect of production, such as assistant director, stage manager, props manager, or sound manager, as well as an acting role. In Middle School, both fall and spring semester theater casts will prepare for and participate in an evening production for family, friends, and the school community.
CA M PU S L IF E GRIZZLIES ATHLETICS Our no-cut Middle School athletics program allows you to build skills and play new sports while developing strength and agility. Athletics provide the opportunity to put into practice the concepts of commitment, teamwork, and good sportsmanship. Grizzly Pride is alive and well at Bear Creek! Catch the spirit and enjoy the rewarding experience of participating in and supporting our teams. Approximately 75% of our Middle School students participate in one or more sports seasons. Choose from soccer, cross country, basketball, girls volleyball, boys lacrosse, baseball, golf, and track & field.
BEAR CREEK LEADS Learn here. Lead anywhere. You are a student leader-in-progress. Shaping your character and developing a desire to express your faith in thought and action are important values in our school community. You will have the opportunity to select from a number of Servant Leadership Clubs with the purpose of serving a specific need in the school or local community. Under the guidance of a faculty advisor, and together with fellow students, you will decide how to best identify and serve the needs within your club’s focus. Servant Leadership Clubs concentrate on developing collaboration and inclusion, stretching your leadership capabilities.
Students and faculty gather each week for a time of worship, praise, teaching, and reflection during Chapel. The service includes a variety of speakers and topics to help you better understand and live the Christian faith in thought and action.
During JanTerm, Bear Creek kicks off the annual ski and snowboard program. “Ski Fridays” allow beginning skiers to learn how to ski, advanced skiers to develop their skills, and all skiers to have a great time together. The program is optional and runs for three weeks and is open to all Middle School and Upper School students.
ACADEMIC TEAMS Bear Creek students have opportunities to compete on our math and forensics teams. Math team members participate annually in local and State-wide math contests including Math Is Cool as well as national competitions such as the American Mathematics Competitions (AMC-8). The forensics team was introduced in 2015 for our grade 8 students and has now expanded to include grade 7 students. In their debut season, four members qualified for the National Speech & Debate Association’s National Middle School Tournament.
ADVISORIES Our advisory program builds character, develops leadership, and fosters relationships. Students meet weekly in small groups with a teacher or staff leader who gets to know them, helps them feel connected, and nurtures their relationship with God and the student community.
COMMUNITY Building an invested and engaged student culture is a top priority at Bear Creek. Students and faculty begin the school year with an adventure called Icebreaker. This two-day event sets you on a positive course for the entire school year. A much-anticipated tradition, Icebreaker emphasizes games and activities that encourage friendships and bonding, spiritual growth, teamwork, and leadership development.
OUT AND ABOUT Field trips throughout the year create exciting opportunities to explore, grow, and build class unity.
JUST FOR FUN Middle School socials and special events are always highly anticipated by students. They provide an opportunity for you and your teachers to socialize outside of the classroom. Get ready for the fun and excitement—it will last all year long!
OUTSTANDING FACULTY Great teaching is at the heart and soul of Bear Creek. Seventeen faculty teach in Middle School with 67% holding advanced academic degrees at the master’s or doctoral level. With average class sizes of 12–18, you will be well known and highly valued within our community.
STUDY SKILLS AND OFFICE HOURS Building strong study habits and receiving individualized support are critical during the Middle School years. Office hours are scheduled three times each week to provide you with assistance from a faculty advisor, tutoring, organizational and time management strategies, and the opportunity to make up missed work or just get a jump start on your homework.
ACADEMIC AND COLLEGE PLANNING Bear Creek students develop a very strong collegiate eligibility profile and are admitted to a broad range of colleges and universities of distinction. Our advising team will partner with you in grades 7-12 as you begin to envision your future, develop a strong academic and leadership trajectory, tap college connections, and carefully and strategically investigate your “best fit” colleges.
GENDER-SEPARATED CLASSROOMS Most core classes are separated by gender, producing an exceptionally strong learning dynamic. This allows you the freedom for safe classroom discussion and participation, enhances your ability to fully explore relevant topics, and builds a supportive classroom environment.
AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS – BEAR CREEK PLUS Bear Creek Plus offers enrichment programs that are available daily or on a flexi-days schedule. Clubs and Teams are for all ages, K-12, and are led by specialists. Homework Help sessions provide teacher-guided assistance with homework for grades 3-8, and Study Hall accommodates independent study for grades 5-8.
U P P E R SCHOOL GRADES 9-12 HIGHLIGHTS • • • • • • • •
Advanced course offerings in each academic area Individualized and accelerated math Faith integration and practice Engaging The Great Conversation Comprehensive academic and college advising Leadership development Award-winning arts, forensics, and athletics Teachers who inspire wisdom, compassion, and courage
ACADEMIC INTENTIONALITY You will have an exceptional opportunity to experience breadth and depth in the classical Christian tradition. Teaching you how to think—not just what to think—is at the core of our teaching philosophy. The liberal arts course of study enables you to make critical connections between the academic disciplines and also builds the bridge between knowledge, wisdom, and application. A solid foundation in mathematics and the sciences provides you with a set of competencies for future advanced study.
ADVANCED PLACEMENT AND HONORS ACHIEVEMENT Bear Creek offers academic challenge through numerous Advanced Placement (AP) and Honors courses. Three defining elements of the AP program at Bear Creek are the broad scope of our AP course offerings, consistently high student test scores with recognized AP Scholar achievement, and the fact that enrollment is open to all students.
INDIVIDUALIZED AND ADVANCED MATH AND SCIENCE Unlike traditional math placement, you will have the opportunity to advance beyond traditional grade-level math. Upper School students are placed at the level that matches
their competency and motivation. Many take advanced math courses that are above grade level which often culminate at collegiate-level calculus or stretch beyond into multivariable calculus. The science curriculum begins with a solid labbased foundation in conceptual physics and will provide you with advanced options in AP Chemistry, AP Biology, and AP Physics 1. Each science course takes full advantage of our well-equipped, collegiate-level classroom laboratories.
ACADEMIC TEAMS You will have opportunities to join our award-winning math and forensics teams. Math team members participate annually in local and state-wide math contests including Math Is Cool as well as national competitions such as the American Mathematics Competitions and the American Invitational Mathematics Examination, plus international contests such as the Canadian Open Mathematics Competition. The forensics team competes in the WIAA’s 3A classification. In 2016, the team brought home several individual and team trophies from state tournaments, including State titles in Duo Interpretation and Expository Speaking. The team also won the National Speech & Debate Association District Sweepstakes Championship in 2016 for the second year in a row, and nine team members qualified for the NSDA’s National Tournament.
Building your skills and talents in the realm of digital logic and applied solutions will require creativity, technical savvy, and problem solving. You will have a number of formal and informal opportunities to investigate and build foundational competencies in applied engineering, computer science, game design, web design, big data, and exposure to the complexities of digital ethics in today’s society. Our Innovation Lab is designed as a “think and create” space, offering a variety of hardware and software platforms and tools to facilitate design, exploration, innovation, collaboration, and cutting-edge discovery.
A variety of opportunities to experience the curriculum through guided travel are led by Bear Creek faculty. You can explore various travel adventures that are offered on a rotating basis: discovering Western civilization in Europe and examining our British heritage in England, as well as language immersion trips to France, Italy, Spain, and Central America. During the junior year, biology students participate in a field study to explore ecology and marine biology.
JANTERM JanTerm is much like a collegiate mini-semester. Each year you will choose four topical two-week seminars that offer a greater opportunity to explore new course topics that may not fit into the traditional academic year, but are perfect for shorter, discovery-intensive study. Seminars are developed by faculty and administrators who bring a tremendous level of creativity and passion to their topics.
SENIOR CAPSTONE PROJECTS The opportunity to pursue your passion is a powerful thing. As a senior, upon completion of classes in mid-May, you will spend three weeks intensively working on a personally selected senior project to explore and reflect your ability to integrate a Christian worldview with an area of personal passion. Your project will culminate in a presentation to peers and a defense of the work before a faculty panel.
ARTS Our robust arts curriculum provides many opportunities to develop your personal expression, creative thinking, imaginative communication, and artistic insight.
VISUAL ARTS You will have a number of Visual Arts elective options ranging from Graphic Design and Photography to Studio Art and Sculpture and Mixed Media. If you are a beginning art student or ready for our advanced studio, we encourage you to take advantage of the breadth of options available. Advanced Studio Art students collaborate with the instructor to develop a portfolio of artwork in the particular medium of their choice. Art forms may include drawing, painting, sculpture, computer generated graphics, photography, mixed media, or a blend of art disciplines for which the student has a particular passion. If you have advanced to this level, you will have the tools to develop a portfolio and an artist statement, build an artist resume, and plan a gallery show.
DRAMA Each fall and spring, you will have the opportunity to explore various elements of drama, including character development, voice, motion, and physical expression. In addition to gaining knowledge and experience in live theater, a small portion of the class is committed to developing improvisational and pantomime techniques. One of the two annual productions is typically a play by William Shakespeare with the second, being chosen from a wide repertoire of historical or contemporary dramatic works. The Bear Creek School was recognized by the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) Exemplary School Programs Award for our Shakespeare Immersion Program.
MUSIC Choir is an energetic and dedicated performance ensemble. You will explore an eclectic blend of musical works with emphasis placed on vocal training, sight-singing, music theory, and choral blend. As a performance group, you will participate in two regular concerts, Commencement, and high school choral festivals. Students in the choir program are eligible to participate in the Northlake Music Region Solo and Ensemble Contest, as well as to audition for the All-State and All-Northwest honor choirs.
Vocal Ensemble is designed to develop your technical, musical, and performance skills. As a smaller select group, you will perform in two concerts annually, at local and district choral festivals, in addition to other performance opportunities. Music performed covers a wide range of historical periods and musical styles. Sinfonia is a performing ensemble including strings, woodwind, brass, and percussion musicians. You will have the opportunity to perform at two regular concerts in addition to special events such as Commencement, basketball games, the pit orchestra for our musical productions, and other high school music festivals. You will also be eligible to participate in the Northlake Music Region Solo and Ensemble Contest, as well as audition for the All-State and All-Northwest honor bands and orchestras. Jazz Band explores the works of great jazz artists, jazz harmonies, scales, and various jazz styles. As the year progresses, you will have the opportunity to try improvisation, refine your style, and broaden your performance skills. Advanced Placement Music Theory is a class for a select group of students who are highly interested in studying harmonic, melodic, and rhythmic dictation, harmonic analysis, structural analysis, ear training, and sight-singing.
CAMPU S L IF E BEAR CREEK LEADS Learn here. Lead anywhere. You are a leader-in-progress. From collaboration-based activities in class, interactions with teachers, and access to a variety of leadership development opportunities throughout the year, you will experience Bear Creek’s intentionality of leadership development. Opportunities include leadership forums and mentoring, the Leadership Practicum and LeaderShop, certification in the National Association of Student Councils Student Leaders Program, serving on Student Council, service projects, or leading clubs and activities—all of which position you to be influential and motivated to lead and shape the world. Most students participate in one or more of the many teams and clubs available, including forensics team, math team, National Honor Society, and the International Club. You are also encouraged to join our Student Council committees which include Grizzly Pride, Community Service, Social, Communications, Student Relations, and BASIC (Brothers and Sisters in Christ).
GRIZZLIES ATHLETICS Participation in sports is a key component to a classical Christian education, and we believe this experience is valuable for all students. Therefore, Bear Creek maintains a no-cut policy which provides each student the opportunity to participate. Approximately 70% of our Upper School students participate in at least one Bear Creek sports team, and many are multi-season athletes. Bear Creek Grizzlies compete in basketball, soccer, girls volleyball, cross country, tennis, golf, track & field, softball, baseball, cheer, and boys lacrosse. We are a member of the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association (WIAA) and currently participate as a member of the Emerald City League in the 1A classification. In prior years, Bear Creek Grizzlies have earned six team State Championships in addition to 15 individual State titles, 80 State appearances, and 52 league titles. During the 2015-2016 school year, five teams made State appearances: boys golf, boys tennis, softball, boys lacrosse, and baseball. Bear Creek brought home the singles title from the 1B/2B/1A boys tennis State Championships. Additionally, Grizzly athletes set a high standard in the classroom and have won the WIAA’s Scholastic Cup eight times, which ranks Bear Creek in the top five for all high schools in the state of Washington.
Students and faculty begin the school year with an overnight Icebreaker adventure. During this two-day, off-campus event, you will participate in games and activities that encourage friendships and bonding, spiritual growth, teamwork, and leadership. Icebreaker creates an amazing foundation for the entire school year and builds deep connections within our student and faculty culture.
Students and faculty gather each week for worship, praise, teaching, and reflection during Chapel. The service includes a variety of speakers and topics to help you better understand and live the Christian faith in thought and action. Our worship team is made up of students, selected by audition, who display musical ability and lead our student community with spiritual integrity and energy.
A number of fun and creative social events are planned each year by your student leadership. They include formal and informal dances, Spirit Week, Homecoming festivities, movie nights, crazy class competitions, and holiday celebrations. Come and catch the Bear Creek spirit!
Led by Bear Creek alumni, the Growls Young Life Club provides a great opportunity for you to meet with other students on Friday nights, explore and grow in faith, and have fun in a casual setting.
SKI & SNOWBOARD PROGRAM During JanTerm, Bear Creek kicks off the annual ski and snowboard program. “Ski Fridays� allow beginning skiers to learn how to ski, advanced skiers to develop their skills, and all skiers to have a great time together. This optional program runs for three weeks and is open to all Middle School and Upper School students. Physical Education credits are available. No prior ski or snowboard experience is necessary.
ADVISORIES The advisory program is organized in small, mixed-grade groups based on a common theme or interest generated by students and mentored by a faculty member. This weekly meeting is designed to build relationships through common interests, enjoy some creative space, or discuss current topics and community issues.
COMPASSION IN ACTION Bear Creek students seek tangible ways to serve through a number of local, national, and global service projects and service-learning opportunities. Students complete, and many exceed, 100 hours of service with a wide variety of organizations during their Upper School years. You will have the opportunity to partner with a number of organizations including the local Hopelink Food Bank, Strong Against Cancer, or join a team of 15-20 students and faculty who serve annually at the Doulos Discovery School in the Dominican Republic. You will be mentored and equipped to build ongoing service relationships and, over time, experience the powerful impact of service to others.
The curriculum is carefully planned at each grade level to ensure that you are gaining all of the skills and knowledge needed to have a deep understanding of each subject area. You will be challenged to think critically, solve problems, and articulate ideas ensuring you will be well-equipped as a top thinker and leader in any field of study and be prepared to make a difference in the world around you.
Great teaching is at the heart and soul of Bear Creek. Twentyseven faculty teach in the Upper School, with 66% holding advanced academic degrees at the master’s and doctoral level. Knowing you well and sparking intellectual curiosity is core to our teaching philosophy.
LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT The opportunities to develop your natural leadership skills and talents are integrated throughout your Upper School experience. We shape leaders who are motivated by a thoughtful faith to use their unique styles and gifts to serve their peers, their communities, and be a critical influence in any setting.
COMPREHENSIVE ACADEMIC PLANNING AND COLLEGE ADVISING Bear Creek graduates bring a competitive edge to the world of higher education. Our seniors are admitted to a broad range of colleges, both nationally and internationally. Many join some of the most prestigious colleges and universities in the world. Two advisors will partner with you in grades 9-12 as you envision your future, plan your course sequence, develop a strong collegiate eligibility and leadership profile, tap college connections, and strategically select your “best fit” colleges. Bear Creek uses Family Connection by Naviance, a comprehensive online service offering a plethora of college and career planning tools and resources.
NEW UPPER SCHOOL BUILDING In the fall of 2015, we opened our new 50,000 squarefoot Upper School building and Performing Arts Center, adjacent to the K-8 Main Building on Redmond Campus. The new building has a distinctive collegiate style designed to shape the way students collaborate, build community, and fully invest in the high school experience. Special features include: • Innovation Lab • 350-seat theater (anticipated opening in 2018) • Student leadership development suite • Collegiate-level biology, chemistry, and physics labs • Art studio and gallery • Music composition and digital arts labs (anticipated opening in 2017)
© Aaron Locke/BCRA
© Aaron Locke/BCRA
© Aaron Locke/BCRA
8,774 Grade Level
Preschool P3 – Two days P3 – Three days P4 – Three days P5 – Four days Enrichment Day – One day
$3,925 $5,150 $5,150 $6,800 $1,300
Kindergarten – 2/3 Day Two full days (T,Th) and three mornings (M,W,F)
Kindergarten – Full Day
Grades 1-6
Grades 7-12
Upper School speech and debate team members qualified for Nationals in 2015-2016
million dollars in tuition assistance and scholarships were awarded to 20% of Bear Creek families in 2015-2016
of faculty in Middle School and Upper School hold advanced degrees at the master’s level and doctoral level
70% 8
Use our Tuition Assistance Estimator Visit www.tbcs.org/tuitionassistance
Scholarships available for grades 7-10
hours of community service performed by our Upper School students in 2015-2016
of Upper School and Middle School students played on at least one Bear Creek sports team the number of times Bear Creek has won the WIAA Scholastic Cup, which is in the top five for schools in the state of Washington regardless of classification
BUS ROUTES: Kirkland, Mercer island, and Bellevue
Invested in students. Intentional in outcome.
(Preschool) 19315 NE 95th Street Redmond, WA 98053 (425) 885-9401
(Grades K- 8) 8905 208th Avenue NE Redmond, WA 98053 (425) 898-1720
(Grades 9-12) 8525 208th Avenue NE Redmond, WA 98053 (425) 898-1720
ADMISSIONS Christie Hazeltine, Director of Admissions admissions@tbcs.org (425) 898-1720 ext. 437
Invested in students. Intentional in outcome.