1 minute read
Message from the Headmaster
By Patrick Carruth
endeavors to equip students to live well by thinking well about what truly matters—the things which endure.
At The Bear Creek School, we expose students to quality by introducing them to the great minds, great works, great events, great discoveries, and great art of the centuries. We believe seeking and understanding truth is worth student attention; we believe minds of the past help us understand the present and anticipate the future; we believe wisdom is developed by reflectively considering the best ideas from previous generations in light of the Christian worldview.
Such education is neither quick nor easy. It requires hard work, dedication, fortitude, and perseverance, but it is worth the investment. As C.S. Lewis once wrote:
This very obvious fact—that each generation is taught by an earlier generation—must be kept very firmly in mind. ...None can give to another what he does not possess himself. No generation can bequeath to its successor what it has not got. …If we are skeptical we shall teach only skepticism to our pupils, if fools only folly, if vulgar only vulgarity, if saints sanctity, if heroes heroism.
Throughout this issue of Modus Vivendi, we hope you will see the many ways in which our commitment to a Christian liberal arts education manifests itself in the classroom and beyond.