2 minute read
We have all become pretty adaptable these past few months amidst the coronavirus pandemic. As Charles Darwin said, it’s not the strongest or smartest who survive, it’s the ones most adaptable to change. Adventure Park Insider has also had to adapt in an effort to better serve you, our readers, at a time when our role to inform and support our community is more important than ever. sumed our entire lives since March and will continue to have an impact for a long time. Then as we worked on this issue, America’s longstanding complacency with racism came to a boiling point and people worldwide took to the streets in protest. These are truly extraordinary times of change.
Going with a digital “e-magazine” format for this summer issue was one of the adaptations we made. This has a couple of advantages in our current world. First, you can access the content in its beautiful magazine form from any device. With many of our readers still working flexible schedules from different places, a digital issue provides easy access and needed flexibility. Second, it’s highly interactive. The articles and the ads include links to find more information about the content, products, and services described here. And third, it allows us to deliver this information and connectivity weeks earlier than would be possible with a print edition.
Of course, we know our readers love the print magazine, and we plan to return to it in the fall.
Regardless of the format, our goal is to help operators adjust to doing business in a new and fast-changing landscape. We are facing important events in our history that will have profound and permanent impacts. The pandemic has con
Thus, this issue covers everything from opening protocols, marketing, staff training, and finance to steps on creating a road map to diversity in our industry and community.
Beyond the magazine, you can listen to our Adventure Park Insider Huddle podcasts. We’ve hosted several of these online video conferences to facilitate the sharing of important information and discuss challenges, opportunities, and positive steps forward. This is another adaptation we have pursued, and it has allowed us to bring a truly global perspective to the challenges posed by the pandemic.
The Huddle has been a lifeline for many of us as we complied with stay-at-home orders. The simple act of connecting on Zoom nearly every week helps with business continuity and the quick dissemination of information vital to understanding the impact of the pandemic, how to respond, and the path to reopening.
Learn more about the Huddles and other resources aimed at helping the aerial adventure industry get back on its feet in Park Briefs, page 6. And remember, we’ll update information—including the articles in this issue—online at adventureparkinsider.com.

Corolla Adventure Park, N,C,

The team at High Gravity Adventures, N.C.

North Shore Adventure Park, Minn., clears trees to make room for socially-distranced picnic tables.