Bear 40 YEARS!
January 2022 • Phoenix Edition •
essential news
12 PAGE Pull-Out Section!
See pages ?? thru ??
Starting on page 7 In This Picture: Find a New Year’s hat, 2022, a balloon, the name NOVA, a hot chocolate mug, a snow cap, a lightbulb, an hourglass, STEM, and the initals MLK.
AZ S ciTech Festival!
Telescope Launches Learnin gTae Kwon Do B reakfast Tips Make Butter!
Amazing STEM events cover AZ Pages 7 thru 18
Spotlight on ancient footprints News Highlights page 3
NEWS & more news kids can use Scoops pages 5, 21 & 22
a fun granola recipe Page 19
t s science ou can eat Back Cover
Let’s Go... VALLEY METRO! Transit Riders Make Positive Moves! Go green with a ride on Valley Metro! Biking, walking, and public transit are great substitutes for getting around without driving a car. Traveling by bus and light rail is one of the best energy-saving activities families can do. It also conserves energy since fewer trips to fi u the car are nee e e uce car use e ua s re uce air pollution. They are positive ways to move around town while helping Planet Earth. Valley Metro is a safe, efficient reasona rice ride and it takes cars off the roa easin traffic congestion. Valley Metro covers 513 s uare i es an operates 365 days a year. hat s a ot of ener and dollars saved! Using the bus or light rail helps to reduce air polution and traffic congestion.
ai ser ice is coor inate ith us service to provide a seamless network. Together we go on Valley Metro to fun aces ith enefits for FINISH the environment, too!
Make your way through the GREEN maze!
Fast facts: Light rail—50 vehicles travel the current 28-mile route—each vehicle has a comfort capacity of 175 passengers seated and standing. Bus – 939 buses travel on 61 local routes, 20 commuter routes and 18 neighborhood circulators—capacity varies from 20 to 60 seated passengers and more with standing passengers.
For more info, go to 2 • Bear Essential News • January 2022
News Highlights
SciTech Festival Revs Its Engines! or the first ti e the ri ona ci ech esti a i ic thin s off at the or fa ous arrett ac son o ector ar uction in cotts a e on an s arrett ac son ce e rates its o en anni er sar one of its concourses i e e icate to the Penn oi est o ere the ci ech nstitute here i e re ate ooths to isit a ri on cuttin cere on to start the t o onth on state i e festi a an i s an un er et in free as art of the auction s a i a his is the th ear of the ri ona ci ech esti a a rassroots effort to et oun an o e cite a out cience echno o n ineerin an ath urrent the festi a is hi h i htin ho ies hich inc u e fans of c assic hee s an those ho i ht e ore intereste in hat the future ho s for trans ortation ost of the festi a s e ents ha en in e ruar an arch throu hout ri ona ast ear it ha to e NIMBLE as it a ent irtua ut this ear is ifferent e e eci e to o a h ri o e that inc u es on ine interactions an in erson so eo e can atten ase on their co fort e e s e ains e reene hief eratin fficer for the ci ech nstitute ur tea su ortin those in erson an on ine e ents ost are outsi e ut safet
recautions sti nee to e in ace e re e cite to e ac out in the co unit she sa s he concourse i feature ajor auto a ers an e ectric ehic e anufacturers is a in their atest cars an techno o ies i e science acti ities a us a o i e a ro otics an other han s on acti ities hether ou re a NOVICE or an e ert in an area ou can co e out an e ore at the arrett ac son o ector ar uction at est n o s in ite fro to reene encoura es he ri on cuttin to ic off this ear s ri ona ci ech esti a ha ens at a on atur a an ours are a that a an a on un a his ic off e ent is at est or of cotts a e Pi a oa or a ist of ci ech e ents in our area or to or er tic ets to arrett ac son o to
Huge Space Telescope Sent 1 MM Miles Away!
e s ission of see in out heat si na s fro he a es e ace e esco e the ar est the ear uni erse re uires the o ser ator s instru an ost o erfu astrono ica o ser ator e er ents to re ain e tre e co ne of the o ser aunche into s ace on hrist as a fro uro e s ator s too s is the sunshie or the aunch the ace ort in rench uiana sunshie as fo e u ori a i st e to fit insi e e is no tra e in near i ion i es to its a roc et he sunshie as unfo e short after estination the secon a ran e oint or ccor aunch an it i he e aintain its te erature in to e s ission is to see the i ht fro oa re ectin an RADIATING a a so ar ener the first a a ies in the ear uni erse an to e ore he sunshie easures feet on our o n so ar s ste as e as anets or itin other feet i e rou h the si e of a tennis stars ca e e o anets court he a es e ace he unfo in of the sunshie is e esco e re resents the art of a si onth rocess ca e a ition that an our co issionin hat e o ent artners aintain to ro e se uence is hu an contro e hich us for ar into the future a o s the tea the e i i it to ause sai inistrator an a just as nee e t the en of i e son he ro ise of that si onths e is e ecte to e is not hat e no start returnin i a es ac to arth e i isco er it s hat e riana anri ue utierre on t et un erstan or can t he i ion te esco e is an et fatho a out our uni erse can t ait to see hat internationa joint effort et een the uro ean it unco ers ace enc an the ana ian ace enc f e is the scientific SUCCESSOR to the u e ou i e to chec out hat s oin on ith e is ro i in re u ar u ates on its e te e an it er s ace te esco es ccor in to itter e carries four state of the art science instru ents sco e o an ostin u ates on ace oo an nsta ra ith hi h sensiti e infrare etectors
Ancient Footprints ossi i e foot rints isco ere in e e ico in icate that ear hu ans ere a in in orth erica ore than ears a o he foot rints ere first s otte oca scientists in a r a e e aroun ears a o in the hite an s ationa Par he sa host trac s foot rints that ou a ear hen the roun as et on to isa ear a ain as it rie entua scientists ere a e to trac the foot rints an con uct car on atin testin on see s foun a o e an e o the foot rints to eter ine their a e his he e eter ine hen the foot rints ere a e a ro i ate to ears a o here ere re ious in ications of ear hu an ha itation in the nationa ar area inc u in stone too s an si i ar artifacts FOOTPRINT FACTS: e of the foot rints to ears here ere the foun hite an s ationa Par o the foot rints ere teste car on atin
a e
ut e erts DISPUTED their a e foot rint is a rea oo une ui oca ata oint sai atthe ennett a rofessor of en iron enta an eo ra hic sciences at ourne outh ni ersit in the to hat s the i ortance of this site e no the ere there he foot rints ar in si e an so e of the s a er foot rints e scientists to e ie e that at east so e of the ere eft chi ren an teena ers cientists sa that their acti ities i e inc u e e er thin fro a in a es to oin chores i e atherin foo an carr in ater he hite an s ationa Par contains the or s ar est no n co ection of P eis tocene a e ice a e fossi i e foot rints in the or his isn t the first i ressi e fin in the ar either rac s fro the o u ian a oth sa er toothe cat an ire o f a so ha e een isco ere there hite an s is no ost a esert ut ac then it as a ush et an ith ice a e a a s an hu ans he tea or in on these ancient hu an foot rints inc u e scientists fro hite an s ationa Par the ationa Par er ice an se era uni er sities inc u in the ni ersit of ri ona he scientists a so or e ith the ar s ati e erican artners as e January 2022 • Bear Essential News • 3
per month
Check out this STEM pull-out—pages 7 thru 18!
(for patients without insurance)
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2046 N. 24th St. Central Phoenix
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My 2022 New Year’s Resolution I, ________________________ , resolve to: (Sign your name here)
Brush Regularly to remove plaque and to control tartar Floss Daily to keep gums & roots healthy Schedule Regular Dental Visits to keep my smile healthy
Pop Quiz!
Can you answer the following questions? The answers can be found in your 2022 Resolution!
1. Flossing daily helps keep _________ &
Great Job!
______ healthy.
2. Brushing helps to control _______ & ________ . 3. What can you do to keep on smiling? __________ . 4 • Bear Essential News • January 2022
Boomer Bear is thrilled to partner with Nova to bring you a 12-page STEM pull-out section in the middle of this edition so you, your teachers and family can make the most out of the 2022 Arizona Sci-TechFestival. It kicks off Jan. 22 with thePennzoil STEMFest at the Barrett-Jackson Collector Car Auction!
Get the Scoop!
NASA Launches Telescope on Christmas
News Stories Written by Kids— for Kids
Getting to Know More About MLK Jr.
by Reporter Sofia Wolf, Sedona Charter School The James Webb Space Telescope has a very long history and is one of the biggest focuses this year for NASA. The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) originated in 1996. It is the largest s ace te esco e to e er o to s ace ut et s o to the er beginning. It was originally named the Next Generation Space Telescope. In 2002 it had been renamed after James e ho as s secon administrator. Webb was known for playing a big role in the Apollo program and researching over the years for NASA. For decades NASA has worked harder and harder to make the JWST possible. The JWST is especially designed to go to space to see how planets, galaxies, and different objects from space were created and how they evolved over time. After 25 years, NASA had finally completed the JWST. On Dec. 25, 2021, it was launched into space. After many ups and downs of getting things to work right, and the complications that came with it, the JWST is now in space slowly unfolding itself to figure out the answers to all of our questions. Visit to see photos and current updates.
Learning Tae Kwon Do with Master Choi by Reporter Georgiana Readhead, Homeschool This summer I started taking Tae Kwon Do lessons as a way to stay active and get exercise. Tae Kwon Do is a Korean form of martial arts. I love going to classes so much and wanted to learn more, so I interviewed Master Choi, a 7th Degree Black Belt certified from Kukkiwon, 3rd Degree Tae Kwon Do instructor from Kukkiwon, and a 3rd Degree Olympic sparring referee. The dojang where I train is called White Tiger Tae Kwon Do Academy. “White Tiger represents a brave martial artist wearing a white uniform with a black belt,” says Master Choi. He wishes more people knew that Tae Kwon Do is not only a fighting skill ut a out se f contro hoi s ersona oa is to a e an excellent black belt students and make the world brighter. Master Choi trains with bo staff, nunchucks, and sword, and teaches his students nunchucks. My favorite kick is side kick an that is aster s fa orite ic as e e i es this ic because he never feels like he has made the perfect side kick so that motivates him to keep practicing. Master Choi remembers many forms, kicks and drills in order to teach lots of classes. He says that teaching becomes natural and that it is easier to memorize things when he teaches others. His favorite part of owning his own dojang is that he can design the class structure and curriculum himself. When asked what advice he has for students, Master Choi says that learning Tae Kwon Do is part of self-control and that white belts should develop their self-confidence and black belts should learn to be humble in front of others. “There are lots of challenges for Junior Black belt students. Once they get there they spend lots of time earning their black belt and many of them give up instead. I want them to go through to earn their black belt. It could change their life once they get it,” says Master Choi. The first time Master Choi went to a dojang was when his uncle, also a Tae Kwon Do Master, brought him MORE TAE KWON DO, page 21 ➧
by Reporter Faith Moore Arizona Desert Elementary We may know Martin Luther King Jr. from books, television and celebrations. You may even personally know him or his family. Did you know his “birth name” was Michael? I read the book, “Who was Martin Luther King Jr.” King was born Jan. 15, 1929, as Michael, the same name his father had. When King was 5 years old, his father had his name changed to Martin. He skipped two grades in school. The book stated back then blacks had different rooms, schools, restrooms and more. King grew up in a time of segregation. They did not have the same rights as white people. King was sadly killed in 1968. We celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day to honor him and what he did for America. According to, King once said, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed. The time is always right to do what is right. True place is not merely the absence of tension; it is the presence of justice. Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” Adviser: Karen Golden
MORE SCOOPS, page 22 ➧
REPORT FOR BEAR! Call us at:
866-639-7543 sponsors
January 2022 • Bear Essential News • 5
Best Donuts In Arizona
Celebrates Education! ! Tell us why your S D I is GREAT K and beteacher entered to win a
BoSa Donuts salutes a different Valley teacher each month for their hard work, dedication and passion for teaching Arizona kids!
Coffee & Smoothies
for your teacher
His Future Is in Teaching, and the Future Is Now
ames Benitez sees his future, and it is in teaching. This student teacher is in his last semester at s ar ou u ton eachers o e e an he is current oin his stu ent teachin in a th th co o c assroo at hittier e entar in esa enite is an ri ona nati e ho ent to e e entar i e an hi h schoo in e e e sa s he ans to sta oca ant to e in ri ona fore er his is state ant to teach here he sa s hi e he co es fro a fa i of usicians enite as or in in an office an stu in nurs ing when his interest in teaching as s ar e e e an tutorin throu h the ro ra an he foun his ca in here s nothin etter than seeing students get it, seeing that oo he sa s After teaching science and math ast se ester enite is oo in for ar to teachin n ish this se ester rea o e n ish n th ra e ha a rea oo n ish teacher an fe in o e ith the su ject he sa s hen he as tutorin enite or e ith th e
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6 • Bear Essential News • January 2022
SCOTTSDALE th t c o e c o e
ri ona e a eston ri ona
GLENDALE en a e e itchfie en a e e
and a $25 GIFT CARD for yourself! Teacher name: _______________________ choo istrict our na e ra e
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compared to STEM events attended before.
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Making Healthy Breakfast Choices
ritten ene e artin n ocrino o Pe iatric ietitian at Phoeni
Try the following easy baked granola recipe.
or other hea th reci e i eas isit the eci es an utrition section of the erican ia etes ssociation s e site at recipes-nutrition
Homemade Granola
ne a to e ce at or an in the c assroo is to eat a hea th rea fast hether hot or co rea fast cerea s can e art of a nutritious rea fast if ou an our fa i fo o so e si e ui e ines an earn to ether a out the choices ou are a in
Ingredients: • • • •
1 oo at the a e su ars iste on the nutrition facts a e cerea ith ess than ra s a e su ar ith
a b 3
for a rea fast
for hi h fi er a ain usin nutrition facts a e an choose rea fast cerea s ra s of fi er or ore
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in fresh s ice fruit
4 Pair cerea s
ai in for no
or s i
a nuts
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• • • • •
cu s ro e o fashione oats cu s of cho e nuts or see s cu of rie nuts or see s e a on s u in see s or sun o er see s cu of rie fruit e cran erries rasins cherries an os or a ricots ts sa t ts cinna on cu a e s ru or hone cu of coconut oi cu shre e coconut
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5 onsi er a in a rotein foo ith cerea such as an e s ice of ha or o fat strin cheese Protein he s i s fee fu er on er an can sustain the unti unchti e
Black Mountain BMX
We Are OPEN and
For Dates and Times, check our website
Volume 43 • Issue 4
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hi ren s
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Stephen B Gin
Nancy Holmes
City Editor
YR Coordinator
Copy Editor
Art Director
Mike Loghry
Gary Shepard
Renee Griffith
Julie Madden
Bear Essential News for Kids®
is u ishe onth i s ie o unications or to e ucate enrich an entertain chi ren an their fa i ies ontent of this ne s a er is esi ne to ro ote rea in an ritin s i s as e as creati it assroo e ucators are e co e to re ro uce an ortion of this ne s a er for their stu ents a or fa i s ie o unications for an a itiona infor ation on stories P ease a i s
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Arizona Education Association
January 2022 • Bear Essential News • 19
20 • Bear Essential News • January 2022
Get the Scoop!
More Tae Kwon Do
Continued from page 5
Continued from page 5
there when he was 4. Master Choi got his black belt a couple of years later when he was only 6! “When I practice Tae Kwon Do myself, or with other Masters, we focus on basic kicks such as front kick, round house kick, side kick, etc., instead of doing kicks that look cool,” explains Master Choi. “The more you practice Tae Kwon Do, the more you notice how basic kicks are important to practice.” aster hoi s fa orite career hi h i ht is hen he achie e thir ace in a Tae Kwon Do demonstration at a national athletic competition. For the future, he is e cite a out the ossi i it of i ro e ents in ae on o s arrin competition rules. f ou ant to et in o e ith ae on o ta e a oo at hite i er ae on o s e site at, or look for a local dojang near you! MORE SCOOPS, page 22 ➧
January 2022 • Bear Essential News • 21
Get the Scoop!
Continued from page 7
Looking at the Future of Cargo by Reporter Hunter Tournas, Waybright Academy rea an artic e tit e or s first e ectric autono ous car o shi ta es to the ater ic a ars his artic e as u ishe in o e er e t as t ta s a out e ectric an autono ous trans ortation i e this artic e ecause o e or in on an thin so ar an e ectric so this is a to ic a er intereste in ecause at schoo e are researchin so utions connecte to car o trans ortation a focusin on autono ous an so ar o ere ehic es for so ution to ro e s ith car o ara ir e an is the first ero cre e ectric shi in the or t oes to i es an hour an is feet on n the shi i start co ercia o erations heir i ea is to use a onia a co on che ica as the rene a e fue source onia has the otentia to eco e the ea in fue for on istance shi in o a sai a nus ro h n arstran of ara ean onia e are rou to e a e to sho case the or s first fu e ectric an se f ro e e container shi t i cut tons of an re ace tri s iese o ere truc s a ear sa s ein ore o sether of ara nternationa
Students Learn Mandarin
by Reporter Brooklynn Moore, Tarwater Elementary
n the an arin ro ra starte at ar ater e entar ith t o c asses o there are o er stu ents earnin an arin an hinese hese ar ater stu ents are Pre to th ra e tu ents see to i e it o o es the an arin ro ra ecause she thin s a of the teachers in the ro ra are rea nice an she can eet ne eo e ise i es it ecause she fee s oo a out it an her frien s are in it as er i es an arin ecause it s neat an har an he i es a cha en e nni a i es it ecause her fa i is hinese so she is earnin so she can ee u ith the ersona i e an arin ecause can earn ne stuff an a e ne frien s he an arin ro ra is so fun that if ere in the n ish c asses ou e so jea ous of the stu ents in the an arin ro ra ecause of ho oo it is en thou ht e et ore ho e or than other stu ents ou sti transfer to the an arin ro ra ain ecause of a the e citin acti ities an rojects e o o e of ar ater s an arin ro ra achie e ents inc u e one of the teachers ein na e ri ona s an ua e eacher of the ear tu ents can ta e their no e e fro this ro ra an a it hen the stu an arin at other schoo s in the future t is a so a reat achie e ent to continue the journe ith this an ua e so the can a it to the rea or he an arin ro ra is one i ha fa i er one no s e er one an the te each other ne infor ation a the ti e t he s stu ents in so an a s an o era it is a reat ti e
Van Gogh Exhibit Goes Thru March by Reporter Brett Eymann, Transitions Delta Center
We ARE Open for Assessments and Taking New Clients for All Services!
22 • Bear Essential News • January 2022
he hi h antici ate ersi e an o h hi it in cotts a e as e ten e o u ar e an t as su ose to en at the en of o e er ut no it i run unti arch rtist in resi ence o an o e sa s t s a i in reathin s ace o e he e to esi n the enue he i hthouse rts ace here the e hi it is ein he as once an office s ace ut the sho s ro ucers ho e for it to eco e a er anent enue for other art sho s isit for hours an ocation
Girl Scout Cookie Season Will Be an Adventure! The GSACPC 2022 Girl Scout Cookie Program is here, and this year is all about adventure! Girl Scouts in central and northern Arizona will be taking part in the largest girl-led entrepreneurial program in the world starting Jan. 17 and running through Feb. 27. Cookie connoisseurs will be delighted by the newest offering, Adventurefuls. These indulgent brownie-inspired cookies include cara e a ore cr e an a hint of sea salt. Adventurefuls take cookie lovers on a delicious taste adventure—just like Girl Scouts! Whether you try a new cookie or stick with your favorite, when you purchase Girl
Scout Cookies you are also supporting local girls and helping them gain valuable real world skills. Cookie entrepreneurs gain lifeon e erience in financia iterac u ic speaking, communication, how to apply creative and innovative ideas to their business, e-commerce and digital marketing, just to start. Girl Scouts continue to grow when they use their cookie proceeds to pay for summer camp, troop experiences, troop supplies, troop travel, or fund their High Award experiences, making a sustainable impact in their communities. The Girl Scout Cookie Program is
Local Girl Scouts ar e setting goals and making moves in 2022 with the new Girl Scout Cookie— Adventurefuls!
esi ne to he ir s eco e se f re iant financially informed, and capable of leveraging their talent and business values to make the world a etter ace t e o ers ir s to a e financia decisions and gives them hands-on money ana e ent e erience an confi ence Girls and families can participate in the way that s ost co forta e for the hether it s in-person, online or via a hybrid option. The program provides a sense or normalcy, but most of a it s While they are having fun, girls are also learning great skills. The Cookie Program helps girls e e o s i s in fi e areas 1. Goal Setting 2. Decision Making 3. Money Management 4. People Skills 5. Business Ethics These essential skills will help girls to successfu na i ate ife hether the re co etin a school science project, running a household, working as a project manager or a company CEO. ot an or ani ations offer these e usiness skills to girls. Girl Scouting does! o is a reat ti e to join ir couts an take part in the 2022 Girl Scout Cookie Program. o fin eetin ti es an ocations fin out ho to join a troop or start your own troop, and learn more, visit
Join Girl Scouts today! Visit Call 602-452-7030 Text 844-317-9041
@GSACPC January 2022 • Bear Essential News • 23
Let’s Pause for a Moment of SCIENCE! in a jar!
How to Make
Did you know that turning milk into butter is a physical change because milk is changed from a colloid (milk/cream) to a solid (butter) without altering its chemical composition?
Ingredients and Materials • 2/3 cup cold heavy whipping cream • 2/3 measuring cup • 1 canning jar (1 cup) with lid and ring
Prep: 15 mins. Ready in: 15 mins.
Now, design and cut out a label for your jar of butter.
Pour cream into the jar, and screw on the lid.
STEP 2 Shake jar until butter forms a soft lump. 15 to 20 minutes. Continue to shake until butter separates out of the lump and the jar contains a solid lump of butter and liquid buttermilk.
Butter m
ade by:
KEEP SHAKING... TIME IS ALMOST DONE While shaking the jar, what do you see?
Pour contents of the jar into a fine mesh strainer, and strain out the buttermilk, leaving the solid butter. Remove the lump of butter and wrap it in plastic wrap. Refrigerate until needed. 24 • Bear Essential News • January 2022