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Girls Entering Kindergarten Can Bloom with Daisy Launch

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Is your girl heading to kindergarten this fall? If so, there is a lot to be excited about—she will be making new friends, having new adventures and learning new things. She will also be able to join Girl Scouts!

The Girl Scout Daisy level is for girls in kindergarten and rst grade, but with the aisy aunch Summer Box Program your pre-K girl and your family can start early and have fun all summer!


The aisy aunch ummer ox rogram will deliver three activity boxes right to your home to make sure your summer is full of adventure.

Each box has unique themes based on Girl Scout traditions, the outdoors, self-care, STEM, pet care and more. After completing the program, your girl will earn and recei e her rst three irl Scout Patches and will garner an invitation to the aisy aunch Wrap p party in August.

The program cost is nancial assistance is available upon request) and includes the activity boxes and Girl Scout membership from April 2023 through September 2024—a great value!

As a new member of Girl Scouts—Arizona Cactus-Pine Council, your girl will have access to

Is the girl in your life entering Kindergarten in the Fall of 2023?

If so, we know she probably can’t wait to connect with new friends, try new things, and nd new adventures. Although Girl Scouts traditionally starts in kindergarten, you and your girl are invited

Is the girl in your life entering Kindergarten in the Fall of 2023?

girl in your life entering Kindergarten in the Fall of 2023?

If so, we know she probably can’t wait to connect with new friends, try new things, and nd new adventures. Although Girl Scouts traditionally starts in kindergarten, you and your girl are invited to start early this summer!

three boxes mailed to your to kick-start her Girl Scout adventure. Each box has unique themes based on Girl Scout traditions, the outdoors, self-care, STEM, pet care and more. Upon completion, she’ll earn & receive acti ities, e ents and troops in your area. Whether she is planting a garden, putting on a skit or giggling with new friends, becoming a Daisy is a fantastic way for your young girl to learn, grow and bloom! know she probably can’t wait to connect with new friends, try new things, and nd new Although Girl Scouts traditionally starts in kindergarten, you and your girl are invited this summer!

Daisy Launch Summer Box Program, she’ll receive three boxes mailed to your kick-start her Girl Scout adventure. Each box has unique themes based on Girl Scout the outdoors, self-care, STEM, pet care and more. Upon completion, she’ll earn & receive three Girl Scout Patches!

Through our Daisy Launch Summer Box Program, she’ll receive doorstep to kick-start her Girl Scout adventure. Each box has unique themes based on Girl Scout traditions, the outdoors, self-care, STEM, pet care and more. Upon completion, she’ll earn & receive her rst three Girl Scout Patches!

Is the girl in your life entering Kindergarten in the Fall of 2023?

The cost for the program is $40* per girl and includes:

So don't wait until fall to begin your Girl Scout journey; you can start this summer with the Daisy aunch. egister by scanning the code on this page. To learn more about the aisy aunch ummer Box Program and to download a free activity calendar, just visit www.girlscoutsaz.org/daisylaunch

The cost for the program is $40* per girl and includes: he probably can’t wait to connect with new friends, try new things, and nd new ad entures. irl couts traditionally starts in kindergarten, but with the aisy aunch Summer Box Program you and your girl are invited to start early this summer!

• Three activity kits delivered directly to your doorstep throughout the summer!

The cost for the program is $40* per girl and includes:

• Three activity kits delivered directly to your doorstep throughout the summer!

• Girl Scout Membership from April 2023 to September 2024 ($35 value)!

Three activity kits delivered directly to your doorstep throughout the summer!

• Girl Scout Membership from April 2023 to September 2024 ($35 value)!

• As a member, she will have access to activities, events, troops in your area and more!

Girl Scout Membership from April 2023 to September 2024

The cost for the program is $40* per girl and includes:

Three activity kits delivered to your doorstep this summer!

• As a member, she will have access to activities, events, troops in your area and more!

The aisy aunch program is meant for girls entering kindergarten in the fall of 2023, but Girl Scouts—Arizona Cactus-Pine Council has great programs for all girls in grades K 1 To nd opportunities and learn how to begin your Girl Scout adventure, call or text the numbers below, or visit girlscoutsaz.org/join today!

Please note this program is designed for girls going into designed for girls in grades K-12! For more

• Special invitation to our Daisy Launch Wrap Up party in August!

As a member, she will have access to activities, events, troops in your area and more!

Girl Scout Membership April 2023–September 2024 ($35 value)

• Special invitation to our Daisy Launch Wrap Up party in August!

Special invitation to our Daisy Launch Wrap Up party in August!

Access to activities, events, and more pecial in itation to our aisy aunch Wrap p party in August

*Financial assistance is available upon request.

*Financial assistance is available upon request.

*Financial assistance is available upon request.

*Financial assistance is available upon request.

Register Today! can the code and register today or visit girlscoutsaz.org/daisylaunch.

Scan the QR code and register today or learn more, nd additional opportunities & Download a FREE Activity Calendar at girlscoutsaz.org/daisylaunch

Register Today!

Register Today!

Scan the QR code and register today or learn more, nd additional opportunities & Download a FREE Activity Calendar at girlscoutsaz.org/daisylaunch

Scan the QR code and register today or learn more, nd additional opportunities & Download a FREE Activity Calendar at girlscoutsaz.org/daisylaunch

Please note this program is designed for girls going into Kindergarten in the Fall of 2023. We offer other great programs designed for girls in grades K-12! For more information, visit www.girlscoutsaz.org/join.

Please note this program is designed for girls going into Kindergarten in the Fall of 2023. We offer other great programs designed for girls in grades K-12! For more information, visit www.girlscoutsaz.org/join.


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