November 2022 • Tucson Edition •
essential news
r See pages 17 thru 20 fo mation. Show Listings and Contest Infor
In This Picture: Find a turkey drumstick, a pumpkin, a recycle logo, an eagle feather, corn, the word VOTE, a sugar skull, an acorn, a slice of pie and THANKS!
I Love a Parade!
Large or small, we love them all. Pages 12 & 13
New Prime Minister S andlot Cast! Spotlight on Inflation News Highlights page 5
& more news kids can use Scoops pages 7, 14, 20, 21 & 22
Holiday Events! A Holiday Contest Find your family fun Page 18–20
Win tickets to fab events! Page 17
2 • Bear Essential News • November 2022
W here Fashion , Food & Fun Come Together!
Book Your Next Birthday, Spa Service or Field Trip!
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The ultimate pampering experience for kids ages 2 thru 15. Choose from many Party Packages—there’s something for everyone!
Mention Bear Essential News
10% OFF!
Located on the lower level of the Tucson Mall across from Cinnabon 520-887-5430
Kernel Pops Gourmet Popcorn Locally owned and operated popcorn shop with a ide ariet o uni ue and south estern a ors
• Flaming Hot • Kettle Korn • Classic Caramel
Open: Mon–Sat, 10:00 am to 9:00 pm • Sun, Noon to 6:00 pm
Harley’s Toys & Comics Tucson’s Top-Tier GAMING ENVIRONMENT Come Play With Us! 520-460-6891
A PLACE FOR ALL SUPERHEROES Toys and Comics for all Ages Mon–Thr: 11am–7pm Fri-Sat: 11am–8pm Sun: Noon–6pm
Tucson Mall • 4500 N. Oracle Rd. • November 2022 • Bear Essential News • 3
Send A Letter By Pony Express! Hills or Scottsdale Post Office, you can purchase a “Pony 20 22 Express Mailer” for $1, insert your letter into this special envelope, address the s Boomer Bear es vd. r Bl y wa envelope and write oad p 2525 E. Br Ex 716 85 y “Via Pony Express” in Tucson, AZ n Po the bottom left hand a Vi corner. Then add a postage stamp and drop it into the Pony Express canister You can go back in time and be a located at the Post Office. part of history when you mail a letter You can also mail your letter that will be delivered by the Holbrook from home. Place your letter in an Hashknife Pony Express. Dozens envelope, address the envelope of riders on horseback will deliver and write “Via Pony Express” in the the mail from Holbrook to Scottsdale bottom left hand corner, then add and then your letter will be delivered postage. Put that letter into another to the address you write on your envelope, add postage and send envelope. it to: This is a fun literacy project for LE, AZ
students, classrooms and families. Kids will learn to properly address an envelope and gain a little history about the Pony Express. If you live near the Fountain
4 • Bear Essential News • November 2022
Postmaster Holbrook, AZ 86025
Letters must be received by Jan. 27, 2023
News Highlights
Inflation. What Is It?
he nited ingdo has its third leader in se en ee s ishi una too o ce on ct a ter i russ RESIGNED ro o ce russ resigned a ter ust da s in o ce, a ing her ritain’s shortest ser ing pri e inister in histor he as also the last pri e inister s orn in b ueen li abeth , onl t o da s be ore the ueen died at the age o russ said she resigned a ter she lost the con dence o her political part due to a ailed budgeting issue that hurt her countr ’s econoer brie ti e as pri e inister ollo ed a di cult end to oris ohnson’s ti e in the role ollo ing her departure, there as a brie leadership election process that led to una being selected to ser e as the rst ritish pri e inister o sian descent una ’s leadership as con r ed hen he et ing harles at uc ingha alace i e russ, una as appointed b onser ati e la a ers and not elected b citi ens his is because the part ith the ost la a ers in the ouse o o ons, the elected house o the arlia ent, is able to appoint a ne leader ithout holding a nation ide election una is a ban er and ritain’s or er nance inister e is ears old, hich a es hi the
New Leader for UK
oungest pri e inster in ore than ears e ac no ledged the challenges the countr aces in a brie speech a ter being elected he nited ingdo is a great countr , but there is no doubt e ace a pro ound econo ic challenge, una said e no need stabilit and unit , and ill a e it ut ost priorit to bring our part and our countr together because that is the onl a e ill o erco e the challenges e ace and build a better ore prosperous uture or our children and our grandchildren pledge that ill ser e ou ith integrit and hu ilit , and ill or da in, da out to deli er or the ritish people
Turtles Can Talk? Only If You Listen Closely! h sure, there are the eenage utant in a urtles or ing ertle the urtle, but biologists reall didn’t ha e proo that turtles could tal until no
o ens o ertebrates creatures ith a bac bone and spinal cord long belie ed to ha e no oice, including turtles, recentl ha e been disco ered to spea , according to a tea o researchers abriel orge ich ohen, or ing on his h
at the ni ersit o urich in it erland, ondered i ani als thought to be MUTE unable to produce sounds through ocali ations ust ight be the uiet t pes sing a icrophone and a recorder, he started listening to his pet turtles e ound that his turtles regularl ade se eral di erent sounds research tea , including ohn iens, an e olutionar biologist ith the ni ersit o ri ona, started collecting sounds ro all sorts o turtle species and also studied lung sh a pri iti e t pe o sh , li ards ro e ealand called tuataras, and strange, legless a phibians called caecilians n all, the scientists listened to species he tea ’s results ere published in the ct edition o Nature Communications orge ich ohen and his tea disco ered that an o these creatures ith lungs, once belie ed to be ute, actuall could ocali e nd their stud hints that this abilit a ha e e ol ed ro a co on ancient ancestor o all lunged ertebrates r iens doesn’t agree ith all o the tea ’s conclusions, though, pointing out that ore research needs to be done to a e sure that these ocali ations are indeed used to co unicate ith each other
n ation is a big ord that sounds prett inti idating, but the basic de nition is this an increase in the prices o goods and ser ices i e ost things in li e that re uire oderation, in ation is actuall a good thing in a certain a ount he ederal eser e, the central ban o the nited tates, usuall ai s or a target in ation rate o around t o percent his t pe o oderate increase is nor al and actuall eans the econo is health o e er, bet een epte ber and epte ber , the annual in ation rate hit percent hat this eans or e er one is that it costs ore to bu an o the sa e products than it did a ear ago here is not one si ple reason that in ation happens, but there are three ain categories o e planations he rst is hen the suppl Inflation Facts: urrent annual in ation ost e pensi e areas ood, shelter, edical care o on in ation easure ent onsu er rice nde ho calculates the ureau o abor tatistics
o products or ser ices can’t eep up ith de and and co panies raise prices because so e people are illing to pa ore he second happens hen the cost o a ing products or pro iding ser ices goes up and businesses raise their prices to eep a ing one he nal categor is built in in ation, eaning that or ers need to a e ore one to eep up ith rising li ing costs o no that ou no hat it eans, the uestion beco es hat can people do t’s certainl not our ob to orr about these things, but ou a hear the adults in our li e tal ing about a s to cut costs and sa e a little one his can be disappointing and scar , but it a be help ul to understand so e good options ne STRATEGY or an a ilies is to reduce spending on non essential ite s isiting the local librar , organi ing clothing and to s aps ith riends and neighbors, and ta ing shorter or ore local acations are all places to start ood is an area here an a ilies spend a lot and s all changes can help ou sa e a ing pi a at ho e instead o ordering out, stic ing to a eal plan to a oid asting le to ers, and s apping resh ruits and egetables or canned or ro en can all add up an o these ha e the added bene t o being good or the en iron ent as ell November 2022 • Bear Essential News • 5
Seat Belt Safety! Take the challenge! Can you match the scrambled letters to the word?
“Click” Rules for the Ride! • Everybody must be in a chid safety seat, booster seat, or safety belt. People who are not buckled in can be thrown from the car or inside the car can get really hurt. • There must be one safety belt for each person. • No one— children or adults—can ride in the back of a van, pickup truck or station wagon. It's the law. • No one under the age of 13 should ride in the front seat. Child Safety Tips from the National Highway Safety Administration
Tomas says...Boost your Booty until you are at least 8 years old and four feet and nine inches tall.
Color the picture!
6 • Bear Essential News • November 2022
1. euklcb
back seat
2. sftyea
3. shecars
4. leivehc
5. irbna
6. lteb
7. rnjyui
8. akbc aest
9. ari gab
10. icclk
11. opaishtl
12. gspnaresse
13. ginirvd
air bag
14. atrpens
15. salw
Get the Scoop!
‘Sandlot’ Cast Visits Tucson by Reporter Xavier Cooper-Sowers, Rivera Elementary
Left to right, DiMattia, York, Guiry and Xavier
ou’re illing e, alls is a a ous line ro the baseball o ie he andlot n epte ber, et so e o the no gro n up cast ro the o ie o uir alls , art or eah eah and ictor i attia i ere at an autograph signing e ent at arle ’s o s o ics at ucson all ll o the actors let e call the b their o ie character na es hen inter ie ed the as curious to ind out hat happened to the hat
alls ore in the o ie hat hat is in a useu in entuc , the ouis ille lugger useu , sa s uir also as ed hi i he reall had a blac e e in the o ie and he said it as a eup and he had to go in earlier than the others so the could appl the a eup around his e e anted to no hat the tobacco tasted li e in the carni al scene as told it as ade o bee er and blac licorice t as gross t as so gross, i attia said as ed i it as li e or ing or pla ing hen a ing the o ie and ho it as to be a character in a o ie set in a di erent ti e era t elt li e su er ca p i e a baseball acting su er ca p t as probabl the best su er o childhood, sa s uir i attia thought the clothes ere cool and the others agreed that clothing ro the s as hea ier and it as hot hen the il ed he gu s said the sta in touch ith each other and tal or te t each other and other cast e bers ro the o ie ou’ e ne er atched this o ie, ou should t’s unn , ull o ad enture and ou can see ho these ids get into trouble and eet he east nd, eah eah still ans ers uestions ith eah eah
My Teacher Went to East Africa by Reporter Maya Pieterse, Immaculate Heart School ar ro ho e and surrounded b the ed ea, desert, and ild ani als o ast rica teacher, ailin olina, began her da ad enture in the cit o ibouti uh oo tee , located in the orn o rica pon arri al she as greeted ith a strong hot and hu id bree e and a ar elco e ro other ser ice e bers ro to the ir orce eser es sent e to a p e onnier, a ase in ibouti it , ibouti, sa s ech gt echnical ergeant olina, a third grade teacher at aculate eart uring her deplo ent, olina recogni ed the i portance o the ission
to support anti terroris he anaged ehicles and e uip ent or se eral countries alued at illion dollars he also isited orphanages and re ugee ca ps as sad to see so an sic , hurt and hungr children, she sa s olina also olunteered to or ith o icers to design and build a shade enclosure or the ennels n her ree ti e olina had se eral uni ue e periences ne o those included s i ing in the ed ea ith a snor el and encountering a huge hale shar couldn’t belie e it as right in ront o ace nother ti e olina states that she as co ing out o her housing unit hen a ongoose scurried b uic l ran inside and got ca era and as able to ta e its picture, she sa s as also able to tra el and learn about other countries and cultures Molina in her ho e er, a orite e perience as flight gear. l ing in the arine helicopter o er the ocean and desert, sa s olina MORE TEACHER, page 14 ➧
News Stories Written by Kids— for Kids Nightfall Returns! by Reporter Jesus Lara Montessori Day School ight all is a un e perience and o erall, a un a use ent par o e da s there are curses going around illages o e da s there could be clo ns roa ing around and tr ing to get things ro ou or tr ing to eep ou ro running a a ro the ther da s there are elections or ho’s going to be a or ou can either ote or r ice or ote or a or lsen here are an a es that are un and so eti es a heart racing Nightfall’s Rosa Flores e perience here is a train that ta es ou around ight all t brings ou to a church and there are ore un and scar things ro that point on here are also rides that ould a e ou scared but ill also a e ou er e cited erall, hen lea ing ight all, the ad enturous part o ou ill not ant to lea e, but the rightened part o ou ill ant to get out o there
Join Bookmans’ 1317 by Reporter Camilla Valdez La Paloma Academy Lakeside o ou li e reading, usic, o ies or ideo ga es re ou bet een the ages o and so, ou should consider oining , a club run b oo ans his group has lots o special ad antages, such as o all purchases and a gi t certi icate on our birthda his can be super con enient MORE BOOKMANS, page 21 ➧
REPORT FOR BEAR! Call us at:
866-639-7543 sponsors
November 2022 • Bear Essential News • 7
8 • Bear Essential News • November 2022
November 2022 • Bear Essential News • 9
10 • Bear Essential News • November 2022
Sponsored by
r e m o o B
Mail your letter to Bear Essential News 2525 E. Broadway Blvd. #102 Tucson, AZ 85716 or email your question to
Kids can also email their letters to
Hi, Boomer! This holiday season, I would like to do undraising and help a children’s hospital for sick kids. Sincerely, A.H. That’s very thoughtful of you, A.H.! While we’re celebrating good times with family and classmates, there are other kids who are staying in hospitals or going to them for treatment. It’s nice to do something for these kids. An inspiring person I know here in Tucson faced a very rare blood condition as a kid that kept her in the hospital for very long stretches of time. But a special bone marrow transplant worked, and now she has a foundation that helps provide games and stuffed animals for kids in the hospital and promotes blood drives and joining the national bone marrow registry. Thanks for caring, Boomer Bear Dear Boomer, I like wintry weather because sometimes it snows and we get to play in it. Bye Boomer, A.B. Boomer Bear, I like winter weather best because you can build a snowman! Your friend, N.P.
Winter is “beary” nice, A.B. & N.P.! Although winter doesn’t officially start until Dec. 21, with my thick fur coat, I’m also looking forward to our colder temps! Next time it snows, think about building a great-lookin’ polar bear like me. Your buddy, Boomer Bear Hey, Boomer, My favorite food item from Thanksgiving is ham or turkey. from E.K. Good picks, E.K.! My family sometimes is lucky enough to have both, but I don’t know if we will this year. If it’s one or the other, we go with the turkey. Both make for some tasty leftovers, though! You friend, Boomer Bear Dear Boomer, Is it fun to share your stories on the news? Sincerely, L.R. Dear L.R., Writing news stories to inform young readers about important or fun happenings
takes some effort but is so rewarding. And any kid in grade 3 through 8 can join my Young Reporters Program and cover the news for Bear Essential, too. Plus, you can even air your story on KVOA-4, our TV media partner here in Southern Arizona! Print out the YR Sign-up Form at under Young Reporters. Have your parent sign the bottom and mail it in. I’ll send you your official reporters kit to help get you off to a good start. It includes your official press pass, reporter pad (for writing down the facts of your story), and a guide all about reporting. Report for me! Boomer Bear Happy holidays, Boomer! This holiday season, I would like to help others by cheering them up when they are down. Your friend, L.B.
Dear L.B., For a variety of reasons, the holidays aren’t always a happy time for people. So I am super glad that you care about how people are doing around you. Showing a little kindness or understanding can sometimes go a long way—a kind note, a nice compliment, a little gift or just asking how a person’s doing. Ben’s Bells is an organization all about kindness. It started here and has been expanding. Now it’s celebrating its 20th anniversary! You can visit to get some ideas and to learn about the importance of being kind to yourself. Thank you, Boomer Bear Hi, Boomer! I like winter because you can do lots of fun stuff! Yours truly, S.B. Hey, S.B.! The weather is changing and decorations are going up—winter is almost here. I love this time of year. The sports, the holiday events, the chance to see family who don’t live around here. In this November edition of Bear Essential News, I’m giving away a few family sets of tickets to some hot holiday events! See page 12 for the entry form and to tell us what performances you’re interested in. Best of luck! Boomer Bear Boomer Bear, My favorite food during the holidays is pumpkin bread! — K.E. Yummy, K.E.! Pumpkin bread, especially when it’s still warm and smells so delicious, is one of my all-time fave holiday treats. Happy Thanksgiving! Boomer Bear
2 Large 1 topping Pizzas, Breadsticks, and 8-Boneless Wings Starting at
• 8245 N Silverbell Rd • 7665 N La Cholla Blvd (Dine In Location) • 3964 N Oracle Rd • 4811 E Sunrise Dr Ste 151 • 6305 E 22nd St (Dine In Location) • 1927 E Speedway Blvd • 1502 W Saint Marys Rd Ste 110 • 4710 E Speedway Blvd (Dine In Location) • 9564 E Golf Links Rd • 3801 S 6th Ave • 1865 W Valencia Rd • 2680 E Valencia Rd • 8160 S Houghton Rd (Dine In Location)
Offer Available at ALL Locations! November 2022 • Bear Essential News • 11
eople of all ages have enjoyed the excitement and celebrations of parades over the centuries. Parades date back to as early as 3000 BC when religious processions were considered a form of a parade. In years to come the military would have soldiers line up and march through the streets of their town so that civilians could see these brave soldiers as they marched off to war. Parades have EVOLVED with the times and now there are parades formed to celebrate sports teams after winning a championship.
Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade Many of us grew up watching this parade on television on Thanksgiving orning hat an don’t no is that the parade was really a marketing PLOY to get The first Macy’s shoppers to start their hrist as shopping at ac ’s he rst ac ’s parade took place parade took place on Nov. 27, 1924, in New York City. The parade consistin 1924! ed o ac ’s e plo ees a ing to the cro d, oats that had nurser rh e the es ith other oose characters, li e ani als ro the oo and the na le as a oat ith anta laus, signi ing that the holida season as approaching ince the ac ’s han sgi ing a arade has been tele ised on he parade as canceled three ears during orld ar , but surprisingl the parade continued during in , but it as tele ised ith no spectators on the streets his ear the parade ill be tele ised on o ith color ul balloons li e stronaut noop , lue and a atrol loats li e ab har , esa e treet and lue’s lues ill delight spectators atching li e, on television or streaming on phones or computers.
Fiesta Bowl Parade his ear celebrates ears o the parade ith the the e egends ade ere he parade eatures horses, oats, giant balloons, arching bands, celeb rities and ore he t o ile parade begins south on entral enue, turns east on a elbac oad, turns south on e enth treet and ends at inne ona enue in hoeni he parade ill ta e place on ec , at a , and ill be aired li e on ri ona s a il , online and through the a il app arade hair en ith sa s this ear’s parade ill ha e o er entries and around , participants he rand arshal ill be broadcaster l c o c o has been the oice o the hoeni uns or seasons he iesta o l arade is an interacti e parade and has something for everyone,” sa s ith e entioned that there are be t een , to , spectators a ing the parade the highest attended single-day e ent in ri ona e are the largest parade in the est ith giant balloons, sa s ith his is ith’s rst ear as arade hair,
12 • Bear Essential News • November 2022
his parade has ta en place in asadena, ali ornia or o er ears he parade al a s ta es place on e ear’s a unless that da alls on a unda , then the parade ta es place on an he ose arade ill ta e place on onda , an , he the e o the parade is urning The Corner.” he parade has ri ona participants he rand arshal ill be or er ri ona ongress o an abrielle i ords and the atalina oothills alcon and ro ucson ill per or his is the largest high school arching band in the state o ri ona
esta bo l
Rose Parade
but he has olunteered and or ed ith the parade or ears here are e bers o the parade co ittee ho start planning the parade in a ith said ar el eroes and ustice eague are part o the parade as well as other entertainment that people will de nitel re e ber ri ona il roducers sponsor a al int udge ontest ri ona students in grades can enter the contest b sub itting a one inute ideo telling about their a orite dair product he inners ill be ri ona il roducers al int udges at the iesta o l a rade eadline to enter is o o appl isit and clic on ontests under the resh e s tab
This annual parade in do nto n cottsdale started in as he unshine esti al e bers o the cottsdale co unit ould gather to atch a parade and celebrate ith a coo out here the parade ended n the parade as Image: scottsdalepar rena ed arada del ol hich translates to al in the sun n the rst rodeo was added. cottsdale has bragging rights to being the est’s ost estern o n and spectators ill see color ul oats, dancing horses, agons, arching bands and gain insight to arious cultures t the end o the parade the olbroo ash ni e on press ill deli er ail to the cottsdale useu o the est his is the onl acti e on press in the orld and the ha e been part o the parade since o ens o riders on horsebac earing authentic co bo clothes trans er ail ro olbroo to cottsdale ach rider is s orn in as a postal carrier be ore the e bar on the ile ourne ee page to see ho ou can send a letter to be deli ered b the olbroo ash ni e on press he rail’s nd esti al is a huge part or ids and a ilies i e usic, ga es, pon rides, a petting oo and other entertain ent ill a e it un or all he parade ill ta e place on eb , at a he rails nd esti al ill ollo he parade route ill begin on rin ater oule ard, tra el along cottsdale oad, and ill end at ro n enue and ndian chool oad
La Fiesta de Los Vaqueros–Tucson Rodeo Parade illed as the ation’s ongest on otori ed arade the uc son odeo arade is t o iles long with horses, wagons, stagecoaches, buc boards, surre s, oats, usic and ore erb agner, ublic n or a tion cer has been a e ber o the ucson odeo arade o ittee since eople come from all over the nation and the world to see the parade,” says Wagner. or an a ilies, it is a tradition and a a il reunion to gather at the parade e er ear agner stated the parade had entries ith o er , participants here ere horses, ucson odeo useu agons and other agons e entioned there ere usical entries and o the ere bands he ucson ri ona o s horus has been participating or ears and the ucson igh and ands ha e participated al ost since the beginning o the parade, Wagner says. Large he parade began in and as held do nto n until hen it as o ed near balloons the ucson odeo rounds he ne t parade ill ta e place on eb , at a he have been parade route begins east on o, turns south on ar , est on r ington and ends on th a feature in enue at the ucson odeo rounds here is grandstand seating on r ington near the this parade rodeo grounds. for 50 ince the ’s, ucson students recei e t o school da s o so the can attend the years! parade and rodeo e are the onl place in the nation that closes schools or rodeo, agner e plains
een esign hotograph
The Pony Express still delivers in historic annual rides!
Scottsdale Parada del Sol Parade & Trails End Festival
oparade co
! E D A R PA
Although there are many parades that take place in the world, Arizona has its share of famous annual parades!
age tucson rode
The cast of Sesame Street greets the crowds in New York from their colorful parade float.
November 2022 • Bear Essential News • 13
eople of all ages have enjoyed the excitement and celebrations of parades over the centuries. Parades date back to as early as 3000 BC when religious processions were considered a form of a parade. In years to come the military would have soldiers line up and march through the streets of their town so that civilians could see these brave soldiers as they marched off to war. Parades have EVOLVED with the times and now there are parades formed to celebrate sports teams after winning a championship.
Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade Many of us grew up watching this parade on television on Thanksgiving orning hat an don’t no is that the parade was really a marketing PLOY to get The first Macy’s shoppers to start their hrist as shopping at ac ’s he rst ac ’s parade took place parade took place on Nov. 27, 1924, in New York City. The parade consistin 1924! ed o ac ’s e plo ees a ing to the cro d, oats that had nurser rh e the es ith other oose characters, li e ani als ro the oo and the na le as a oat ith anta laus, signi ing that the holida season as approaching ince the ac ’s han sgi ing a arade has been tele ised on he parade as canceled three ears during orld ar , but surprisingl the parade continued during in , but it as tele ised ith no spectators on the streets his ear the parade ill be tele ised on o ith color ul balloons li e stronaut noop , lue and a atrol loats li e ab har , esa e treet and lue’s lues ill delight spectators atching li e, on television or streaming on phones or computers.
Fiesta Bowl Parade his ear celebrates ears o the parade ith the the e egends ade ere he parade eatures horses, oats, giant balloons, arching bands, celeb rities and ore he t o ile parade begins south on entral enue, turns east on a elbac oad, turns south on e enth treet and ends at inne ona enue in hoeni he parade ill ta e place on ec , at a , and ill be aired li e on ri ona s a il , online and through the a il app arade hair en ith sa s this ear’s parade ill ha e o er entries and around , participants he rand arshal ill be broadcaster l c o c o has been the oice o the hoeni uns or seasons he iesta o l arade is an interacti e parade and has something for everyone,” sa s ith e entioned that there are be t een , to , spectators a ing the parade the highest attended single-day e ent in ri ona e are the largest parade in the est ith giant balloons, sa s ith his is ith’s rst ear as arade hair,
12 • Bear Essential News • November 2022
his parade has ta en place in asadena, ali ornia or o er ears he parade al a s ta es place on e ear’s a unless that da alls on a unda , then the parade ta es place on an he ose arade ill ta e place on onda , an , he the e o the parade is urning The Corner.” he parade has ri ona participants he rand arshal ill be or er ri ona ongress o an abrielle i ords and the atalina oothills alcon and ro ucson ill per or his is the largest high school arching band in the state o ri ona
esta bo l
Rose Parade
but he has olunteered and or ed ith the parade or ears here are e bers o the parade co ittee ho start planning the parade in a ith said ar el eroes and ustice eague are part o the parade as well as other entertainment that people will de nitel re e ber ri ona il roducers sponsor a al int udge ontest ri ona students in grades can enter the contest b sub itting a one inute ideo telling about their a orite dair product he inners ill be ri ona il roducers al int udges at the iesta o l a rade eadline to enter is o o appl isit and clic on ontests under the resh e s tab
This annual parade in do nto n cottsdale started in as he unshine esti al e bers o the cottsdale co unit ould gather to atch a parade and celebrate ith a coo out here the parade ended n the parade as Image: scottsdalepar rena ed arada del ol hich translates to al in the sun n the rst rodeo was added. cottsdale has bragging rights to being the est’s ost estern o n and spectators ill see color ul oats, dancing horses, agons, arching bands and gain insight to arious cultures t the end o the parade the olbroo ash ni e on press ill deli er ail to the cottsdale useu o the est his is the onl acti e on press in the orld and the ha e been part o the parade since o ens o riders on horsebac earing authentic co bo clothes trans er ail ro olbroo to cottsdale ach rider is s orn in as a postal carrier be ore the e bar on the ile ourne ee page to see ho ou can send a letter to be deli ered b the olbroo ash ni e on press he rail’s nd esti al is a huge part or ids and a ilies i e usic, ga es, pon rides, a petting oo and other entertain ent ill a e it un or all he parade ill ta e place on eb , at a he rails nd esti al ill ollo he parade route ill begin on rin ater oule ard, tra el along cottsdale oad, and ill end at ro n enue and ndian chool oad
La Fiesta de Los Vaqueros–Tucson Rodeo Parade illed as the ation’s ongest on otori ed arade the uc son odeo arade is t o iles long with horses, wagons, stagecoaches, buc boards, surre s, oats, usic and ore erb agner, ublic n or a tion cer has been a e ber o the ucson odeo arade o ittee since eople come from all over the nation and the world to see the parade,” says Wagner. or an a ilies, it is a tradition and a a il reunion to gather at the parade e er ear agner stated the parade had entries ith o er , participants here ere horses, ucson odeo useu agons and other agons e entioned there ere usical entries and o the ere bands he ucson ri ona o s horus has been participating or ears and the ucson igh and ands ha e participated al ost since the beginning o the parade, Wagner says. Large he parade began in and as held do nto n until hen it as o ed near balloons the ucson odeo rounds he ne t parade ill ta e place on eb , at a he have been parade route begins east on o, turns south on ar , est on r ington and ends on th a feature in enue at the ucson odeo rounds here is grandstand seating on r ington near the this parade rodeo grounds. for 50 ince the ’s, ucson students recei e t o school da s o so the can attend the years! parade and rodeo e are the onl place in the nation that closes schools or rodeo, agner e plains
een esign hotograph
The Pony Express still delivers in historic annual rides!
Scottsdale Parada del Sol Parade & Trails End Festival
oparade co
! E D A R PA
Although there are many parades that take place in the world, Arizona has its share of famous annual parades!
age tucson rode
The cast of Sesame Street greets the crowds in New York from their colorful parade float.
November 2022 • Bear Essential News • 13
Get the Scoop!
Continued from page 7
Kiwanis Host Youth Runners by Reporter Madison Divijak Dove Mountain CSTEM K–8 Every year the Kiwanis de Amigos hosts a cross country meet called the Rattlesnake Run at Christopher Columbus Park. Middle school cross country teams across southern Arizona are invited to participate free of charge! There are two heats for both boys and girls— the A and B heats. The top seven runners on a team run in the A heat for both boys and girls and the rest who want to run are placed in the B heat. This year 158 girls and 199 boys participated. his represented girls’ tea s and bo s’ tea s The top five finishers receive a medal and the sixth through 20th runners receive a special Kiwanis pin. The top three teams also received a plaque to recognize their win. I ran with my middle school team from Dove Mountain CSTEM this year and e placed ourth recei ed a pin or inishing th in the girls’ race It was a fun experience and I would recommend it for any middle school runner. If you would like to learn more about the Kiwanis de Amigos and the work they do to support kids in our community, visit Preschool–8th Grade 9415 E. Wrightstown Rd. Tucson, AZ 85715 PS • 520-795-7161 K8 • 520-885-4800
High School & Central Services 7525 E. Speedway Blvd. Tucson, AZ 85710 HS • 520-298-5817 CS • 520-901-5499
14 • Bear Essential News • November 2022
More Teacher
Continued from page 7
Molina says she cherished her time in Djibouti but missed her family and school community very much and was eager to pack her bags and go home. “I am very grateful for the opportunity to serve my country and bring my experiences and knowledge back to the classroom and my students,” says Molina. MORE SCOOPS, page 20 ➧
November 2022 • Bear Essential News • 15
6145 E. Broadway Blvd, 85711 520-372-7733
16 • Bear Essential News • November 2022
Set the Stage for the Holidays! ! y r r u H Nov. 30
ne Deadli
Win Tickets to one of these Holiday Events!
Color the picture and mark 1st, 2nd & 3rd next to the Holiday performances you & three family members would most like to see. Coloring page is also available online. Dozens of lucky winners! (click on Holiday Contests!)
Holiday Nights at Tohono Chul Family 4–Pack of tickets. Dec. 9–10 & 16–17 In The Christmas Mood: A Holiday Music Spectacular Family 4–Pack of tickets to the show at the Fox Theatre. Dec. 9 •
World Ballet Series: Nutcracker Family 4–Pack of tickets to the show at the Fox Theatre. Dec. 14 • Merry–Achi Christmas Family 4–Pack of tickets to the show at the Fox Theatre. Dec. 16 •
Color the Picture
Joy To The Herd: Shamrock Farms a il ac o tic ets to ha roc ar s in tan eld, Dec. 3 & 4 • Tucson Arizona Boys Chorus–Annual Holiday Concert a il ac o tic ets to the sho at ro der all Dec. 10 • Zoo Lights at the Reid Park Zoo Family 4–Pack of tickets. Dec. 2022 •
See pages 18 thru 20 for event descriptions
Old Tucson–Yuletide Family 4–Pack of tickets. Nov. 25–Dec. 24 Thursday–Sunday • Loft Cinema i t erti cate
Arts Express Presents ELF Family 4–Pack of tickets. • Dec. 2–18 • It’s a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play Family 4–Pack of tickets to the show at the Berger Performing rts enter ec Annie Family 4–Pack of tickets to the performance at Centennial Hall. Jan. 3–8, 2023 •
Send in your completed picture for a chance to win tickets!
Bluey’s Big Play Family 4–Pack of tickets to the performance at Centennial Hall. Jan. 24–25, 2023 •
2525 E. Broadway Blvd. #102 Tucson, AZ 85716
Winter Wonderland at International Wildlife Museum Family 4–Pack of tickets. • Dec. 17 • Children’s Museum Tucson Family 4–Pack of tickets. •
Wee Winter Wonderland Presented by The Mini Time Machine • Nov. 22–Jan. 8 4455 E. Camp Lowell Dr. •
Send to Bear Essential News/Holidays
Entry Deadline: November 30, 2022
Name: Address: City: School: Parent Signature: E-mail:
Grade: ZIP: Phone #:
Must be 14 or younger. One winner per household. Entries for multiple contests may be mailed in same envelope.
November 2022 • Bear Essential News • 17
Holiday Performances
2022–23 CALENDAR
There’s nothing like the thrill of a live performance, or a special outing shared with family or close friends. The excitement before a show or event is electric! You might dress up in your holiday finery to go to the theater, pull on boots or sneakers to walk through a winter wonderland, or gather together to check out a fancy light show. However you choose to celebrate the season, attending a special event will make it even more memorable! Holiday Nights 2022 at Tohono Chul Sip hot chocolate as you stroll through the illuminated garden pathways. Families will enjoy the twinkling, colorful lights, holiday music and kids will get to visit Santa. Dec. 9 & 10 and Dec. 16 & 17. See website for specific ticket information. Holidays at the Fox Theatre Make the season musical with a show at the Fox Theatre. “In The Christmas Mood: A Holiday Music Spectacular.” Enjoy singing, comedy, dancing and memories. Dec. 9. “World Ballet Series: Nutcracker.” Live performance by a multinational cast of 50 professional ballet dancers. Dec. 14. “Merry–Achi Christmas.” Presented by Mariachi Sol De Mexico with Jose Hernandez audiences will enjoy this Tucson annual holiday tradition, part of the romance of Mariachi songs is that all things are possible. Dec. 16. “All is Calm: The Christmas Truce of 1914.” A German soldier steps into o an’s and singing tille acht hus begins an e traordinar night o camaraderie, music and peace. A remarkable true story, told in the words and songs of the men who lived it. Dec. 18. For more information about these and other shows visit Shamrock Farms Shamrock Farms wishes you and your family a dairy merry Christmas! Celebrate the holidays with the moo-vers and shakers—10,000 cows that produce the milk for your shakes—at the “Joy to the Herd” event. Meet the herd on a guided tram tour through the farm. Then visit with Santa and Roxie the spokescow, make some holiday crafts, get your face painted and more. The tram tour starts at the big red Welcome Barn, then visits the milking barn, the feed zone, the cow lounge and an interactive play area. “Joy to the Herd” happens Dec. 3 and 4 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Reservations and prepayment are required. To join the herd for the holidays, visit Oro Valley Festival of the Arts & Holiday Tree Lighting Live music, crafts, activities for kids, cookie decorating holiday caroling and photos with Santa and the Golden Ranch Fire Truck. Ceremonial lighting of the holiday tree with the Mayor and Santa. Dec. 3–4. Tucson Arizona Boys Chorus For over 80 years, the Tucson Boys Chorus has been entertaining families in Arizona and around the world. Celebrate at the annual Holiday Concert with traditional songs. Dec. 10 at UA Crowder Hall. Event Listings continued on next page 18 • Bear Essential News • November 2022
Zoo Lights at the Reid Park Zoo t’s the ost onder ul ti e o the ear at oo ights olida agic, presented b ucson lectric o er ill be bac at eid ar oo this ear throughout ece ber ip hot chocolate as ou stroll through the t in ling lights o ucson’s a orite holida tradition housands o glittering lights illu inate the beauti ul oo grounds ith sounds o the season lo ing throughout the oo Old Tucson perience holida s the ld est a at ld ucson during uletide ring the hole a il to en o un holida the ed sho s li e uletide hrist as arol, old ashioned cra t a ing in o n all, and the nightl ree ighting ere on n , electricit is the ne a e o the uture n the ast oast, gas lights are being replaced or sa er electric la ps n ucson, ho e er, electricit is still an e peri ent ut a ne co pan is bringing electricit to ucson, and this o entous occasion ill be celebrated in o n uare here the ain hrist as ree ill be lit ith electrical po er or the irst ti e nightl , hursda s through unda s at p a e a ride on the hrist as antas rain and en o traditional snac s and be erages hile listening to uletide arolers n the o n all, children can rite a letter or anta and place it directl into the ailbo in to n ou’ e been naught ou a ant to steer clear o the ra pus oal ine the ra pus is ne er illing to let anta ha e all the un ou’ e been nice, anta and his el es are aiting to greet ou in hrist as o e atch the beauti ul onoran sunset in the desert, ta e a al lit b lu inaries at the ission, and end the night ith a ha ride or tic ets and ore in or ation, isit Winter Wonderland at International Wildlife Museum ids can pla reindeer ga es, a e cra ts, e plore the useu and get their picture ta en ith anta ec
Arts Express Presents ELF udd the el is on a ission to ind out his true identit his co ed sho ill ha e e er one s iling and en o ing the holida season ec 17th Annual Holiday Express elebrate the holida s at the outhern ri ona ransportation useu isit anta and get our picture ta en ith anta in ront o oco oti e , the train ro the o ie laho a isten to a reading o he olar press, sing holida songs and see the ne odel train e hibits ec ro a to p It’s A Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play resented b the aguaro it usic heatre, audiences ill be transported through ti e as the see eorge, ar , larence, and the entire to n o ed ord alls co e to li e in this staged radio broadcast o ran apra’s holida classic ec Winterhaven Festival of Lights ee the rd annual esti al o lights ou can al through, ride the trolle or ha ride to see the lights here are no dri e through nights or ec ro op ring donations or the o unit ood an o outhern ri ona Event Listings continued on page 20
November 2022 • Bear Essential News • 19
2022–23 CALENDAR Continued form age 19
Broadway in Tucson Presents Annie Little Orphan Annie will sing her way into your heart, just like she sang her a into add arbuc ’s heart ased on arold ra ’s co ic strip, nnie tells the stor o an orphan ho goes ro rags to riches udiences ill cheer on nnie and her dog and and boo the o ten tips iss annigan an , at entennial all Broadway in Tucson Presents Bluey’s Big Play ee the theatrical adaption o the ard inning children’s tele ision sho n o lue and ingo as the pull out all the ga es at their disposal to get ad o that bean bag on a unda so the can ha e so e a il un an , Wee Winter Wonderland at the ini i e achine o iniatures eatures ore than a do en iniatures representing holida celebrations ro all o er the orld ou can see a hrist as illage displa and peer through a sno globe li e indo on the oor in the nchanted eal o an
Children’s Museum Gets New Home at Tohono Chul he hildren’s useu ro alle located at racle oad ill close on ec , and ill reopen on an , at ohono hul, aseo del orte hildren’s useu ro alle at ohono hul ill erge the best o t o educational enues in ucson here ill be both indoor and outdoor acti i ties, e hibits and learning progra s or a ilies and children ohono hul has a huge role in closing the nature de cit gap b letting ids be ild e plorers o our gardens, said ohono hul ecuti e irector a ie asl n arson a thrilled that ’s incredible nature based progra ing ic s o our goal to proacti el elco e a ilies here e can hardl ait to see the ne t generation o nature lo ers gro up at ohono hul ntr to at ohono hul is included ith regular gar den ad ission ohono hul ill honor acti e hildren’s useu ro alle e berships through une , hildren’s useu ro alle u ped at the chance to ser e ore isitors and a ilies ro throughout the region in partnership ith this e ceptional public gar den, said ilar an lsburg, ecuti e irector o hildren’s useu ro alle or ing together, both institutions ill highlight all that is uni ue and agical or children gro ing up in the onoran esert hildren’s useu ro alle a ilies ill treasure a iliar a orites ro the original location, hile delighting in disco eries or ids o all ages throughout the par , ele at ing the e perience or the hole a il isit to learn ore about the children’s useu and isit to learn ore about ohono hul 20 • Bear Essential News • November 2022
Get the Scoop!
Continued from page 14
Plastic Waste Problems Need Solutions—You Can Help! by Elite Reporter Keertana Konkimalla n , the cit o ucson recorded a grand a ount o tons o plastic reaching the local land ill dail and , tons o plastic reaching the land ill earl lastic has beco e one o the ost pro inent and popular aterials used in al ost e er industr ro pac aging to electronics to the point here it is al ost i possible to al out o a local grocer store ithout bu ing at least one product containing plastic in or on it lthough plastic can be use ul, it is er har ul lastic ills illions o sea creatures earl , e cretes dangerous che icals into the arth, and causes air pollution s the orld progresses, e isting proble s are beco ing orse and ne proble s are being created, but e ecti e solutions are also being disco ered or these proble s n ucson, the lastic aste i ersion ro ect as recentl initiated b te e o achi to reuse plastic and li it the a ount o it that ends up in land ills his pro ect collects plastic bags, cups, straws, plates, rappers, cans, lids, and tra s to co press into loc s hich can be used or arious construction pro ects loc is ade entirel ro rec cled and non rec clable plastic aste, and it uses about pounds o plastic aste per bloc hese bloc s are constructed by shredding, superheating, and, inall , using the plastic his process e its about less greenhouse gasses than concrete bloc s his pro ect is er ecologicall e ecti e, and its required resources, like plastic, are sadly abundant, but one o the ost i portant parts o this pro ect is co unit participation lthough this pro ect has alread been initiated, and there ha e been se eral benches built in local par s using loc s, the pro ect has not et been appro ed b the cit he lastic aste i ersion lan has been success ul in other co unities in ali ornia and ri ona ocal business o ners, co panies, and schools ha e sho n great interest in participating as a co unit , and it is er eas to help reduce the plastic aste in our li es b si pl collecting plastic ro our household or school athering plastic ro our da to da li es and dropping it o at a local drop o site ould greatl i pact the cit ’s ie s on this pro ect, a ing ucson a ore eco riendl cit ith the co unit ’s support and participation age shutterstoc co
Holiday Performances
More Bookmans
Continued from page 7
or sa ing e tra one igning up is eas , too ll ou ha e to do is isit the website and enter si ple in or ation, such as our na e, age, parent or legal guardian, etc o i ou li e ideo ga es, reading, o ies or usic, ou should de initel consider oining oo ans also has a ids lub or ages MORE SCOOPS, page 22 ➧
T hanksgiving! Open Noon–10:00 p.m.
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Expires 12/15/22
lastic is a dangerous aterial that hu ans ha e used carelessl since the s, and e ha e anaged to hurt oursel es, ani als and habitats in the process his plan pro ides a a or us to sa el use asted plastic and li it trash in our land ills nli e an o our e haustible natural resources that are used to a e ce ent, plastic is an abundant resource that hu ans ha e created ear b ear, plastic beco es ore o a loo ing threat, and this is a a that e can participate to do our part in a ing the orld a ore eco riendl place o, the ne t ti e ou get a plastic bottle or bag in our lunch, collect it, drop it o , and no that ou ha e ade an i pact in our co unit or ore in or ation, isit
November 2022 • Bear Essential News • 21
Get the Scoop!
Continued from page 7
Writer Makes Science Stories Clear & Fun by Reporter Ellie Divijak Dove Mountain CSTEM K–8 At one of our Bear Essential News Young Reporter Meetings, Mikyla Mace Kelley spoke with us. Kelley works with scientists from the University of Arizona and shares their fascinating research with the public and the media. She shared that she always used to hate writing because she felt she was not very good at it, but she liked art and science growing up. In college she decided to study neuroscience and cognitive science because it sounded interesting to her but she did not have a plan for what she was going Kelley to do with the degree. Kelley learned that being in a lab was not for her. She decided that she wanted to try out science illustration after she got her degree. Kelley shared that she had to learn how to ask and answer questions about science related topics, so she decided to obtain her bachelor’s degree in journalism. She said that writing was just like learning how to ride a bike, it took time but once she got the hang of it, it was easy. After she completed her degree she worked as a news reporter and then was excited to work for the UofA. She has stories on, and I recommend checking it out to learn more about what is going on at the university.
22 • Bear Essential News • November 2022
November 2022 • Bear Essential News • 23
Take the “Very Dairy”
Many of the Thanksgiving foods we enjoy are made with one or more dairy products. Draw a line from the dairy product to the food item below that contains it.
Lots of Dairy Products Are Used in Your Thanksgiving Foods!
Thanksgiving Meal Challenge!
Dairy Makes It Yummy! • Mashed potatoes– You can use butter and cream to make creamy mashed potatoes! You can also top with sour cream for even more dairy.
• Macaroni and cheese–use your favorite cheeses to make a delicious mac and cheese! Some common cheeses used in a homemade mac are cheddar, Monterey jack, gruyere, and parmesan.
• Butter– Nothing better than melty butter on your dinner roll!
Food descriptions: 1. potato casserole (butter/sour cream), 2. vegetable & cheese casserole (butter/sour cream), 3. roasted turkey,(butter) 4. ice cream, 5. cherry pie (butter/milk), 6. glass of milk, 7. creamed soup (milk/sour cream), 8. mashed potatoes (milk/butter), candied carrots (butter), 10. macaroni and cheese (milk/butter/cheese).
• Glass of milk– enjoy a nice cold glass of milk to wash down your Thanksgiving meal! • Ice cream– add some ice cream to your pie or enjoy it on its own, yum!
Find more fun dairy recipes and ideas online at: 24 • Bear Essential News • November 2022