Bear Essential News October 2022, Phoenix Edition

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NEWSFEATURE Hurricane I an’'s D amage Spotlight on the Royal Family News Highlights page 5 L ove S pooky E ffects? They make Halloween fun! Pages 10 & 11 NEWS FAMILIESFUN News from D own U nder & more news kids can use Scoops pages 7, 15 & 18 Fun Fall E vents for the entire family Page 12 M ake a C andy Jug a fab Halloween activity Page 20 In This Picture: Find a broom, a ghost, a candle, a spider, a cupcake, a magic wand, a fall leaf, a bone, a lollipop and the word SPOOKY. ® Bear essential news Bear essential news 40 YEARS! October 2022 • Phoenix Editio n •
2 • Bear Essential News • October 2022

Celebrates Education!



iana Perez teaches sixth grade at Rice Elementary. She has worked in various roles in Chandler schools, ut this is her first year as a teacher.

“My love for teaching grew with working here with the kids,” Perez explains. She earned her degree in sociology intending to become a social worker, but returned to school to get her master s degree in education.

Perez says she loves teaching sixth grade. “I feel like at this age I can make an impact and a difference,” she says. It is a big jump after doing her student teaching in kindergarten.

Perez was nominated by student Matthias, who writes, “She talks kindly. She plays silent ball at the end of the day.” Silent ball is a game Perez employs to keep students quiet while they are waiting for their group to be called for dismissal, plus “the kids really like it,” she says.

When she was a student, Perez says her favorite subjects were science and reading. She recalls struggling in math when she was in school, but she says now she loves to teach math.

Perez is originally from Chicago, but she left the



windy city for the Grand Canyon state, and has lived in Arizona for 20 years now. She has four children who all attend handler nified District schools. he likes to spend her free time with her family enjoying nature, whether they are hiking, fishing or just appreciating the cooler weather in northern Arizona.

While she is a nature enthusiast, she is not a fan of nature coming into the classroom—at least not the creepy-crawly kind! he says on the first day o classes, the students reported that there was a scorpion in one of the backpacks. “I thought they were joking, but there really was a scorpion and we had to call the o fice, ere recalls.

Perez wants her students to know that it s alright to make mis takes in the classroom. “I always tell them, mistakes are always okay they mean you re learning and growing,” says Perez.

On her school website, Perez writes, “I encourage my students to give their best efforts, take risks, and celebrate the outcomes...embracing mistakes encourages a learning environment that allows students to feel comfortable enough to try new things.”




is your teacher great?


October 2022 • Bear Essential News • 3
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Octo er is rthodontic ealth onth and a time when orthodontists make a special e ort to talk a out how orthodontic treatment can enefit people.

me ene ts rth d ntics include:

· traight teeth and an attractive smile

· ncreased confidence and etter sel image

· roper aw alignment or correct eating and speaking

· eeth that are easy to clean and maintain

· ower chances o severe, e pensive dental issues later like gum disease, tooth decay, and pain in the aw, head neck

Don’t Forget to Floss!

t’s an important part o maintaining dental health.

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4 • Bear Essential News • October 2022 CHECK -UP! EXAM, X-RAYS & CLEANING $35 (for patients without insurance) 524 E. Baseline Rd. South Phoenix 2046 N. 24th St. Central Phoenix 2533 N. 75th Ave. West Phoenix • 480-725-8413 • Text or Call Open Saturday and Sunday! per month$ 99BRACES FREE CONSULTATION


News Highlights

Florida Faces Long Recovery After Ian

Rescue crews are hard at work in Florida, where areas are still ooded or have e perienced indescri a le damage rom urricane an. he ategory hurricane hit the west coast o Florida on ept. . ts mph winds and massive storm surge endangered millions and caused illions o dollars in damages.

Days a ter an hit outh arolina as a tropical storm, the oast uard and other search and rescue teams were usy transporting hundreds o Floridians trapped y oodwaters. an s high winds and heavy rains damaged uildings, downed trees and pow er lines knocking out electricity or more than . million and disrupted water and sewage treatment across multiple counties. ome residents may not have power restored or weeks or even months. he death toll e ceeded in Florida as o press time.

ome o the damage was almost indescri a le, according to ov. on De antis. aples e perienced record high storm surge and Ft. yers each had EXTENSIVE damage including the destruction o its marina. ani el and ine islands were cut o rom the mainland when storm surge wiped out the roads.

Flooding reached inland, too, a ecting central cities like issimmee and rlando.

resident oe iden will visit the region on ct. . t s not ust a crisis or Florida, it s an merican crisis, iden says. he president declared Florida a ma or disaster area, which releases ederal unds to help with storm recovery.

ose ndres orld entral itchen and other charities are providing aid. you want to help, consid er a donation to, and orld entral itchen at

The Queen Left a Long, Respected Legacy

ueen li a eth died on ept. at almoral astle in cotland at the age o . arlier this year, she ecame the first ritish monarch to cele rate her latinum u ilee, marking years o service as a sovereign.

he ueen remained popular throughout most o her reign. he was known or taking an interest in government and politics, routinely carrying out many ceremonial duties, and or her love o horses and corgis

li a eth, orn rincess li a eth l e andra ary, ecame the heir apparent to the throne when she was years old a ter her uncle ABDICATED the throne.

he gave her first pu lic speech at and served or ritain during orld ar . li a eth married her hus and, rince hilip, in . hey welcomed their first child, rince harles, the ollowing year. li a eth ecame ueen li a eth on Fe . , . During her seven decade reign, she worked with prime ministers and met o the last nited tates presidents.

Following her death last month, a period o na-

tional mourning was declared. er uneral service was held at estminster ey and was attended y , people. resident iden and many other world leaders attended her service.

Following li a eth s death, harles inherited the throne immediately and was proclaimed king two days later. s the head o state, ing harles role is largely sym olic, and he is e pected to remain politically neutral meaning he does not comment on or take a pu lic position on politics. harles is also now head o the ommonwealth, which is an association o independent countries that is home to . illion people across the glo e. he ne t step or ing harles will e his coronation ceremony, which is when a monarch is ormally crowned. he coronation will take place a ter a period o mourning or the previous sovereign, and ing harles coronation date has not yet een announced. is mother s coronation was the first to e roadcast on live television and drew an audience o more than million people she will certainly e a tough act to ollow

Royal Family Has Ancient History

Did you know that ritain s royal amily traces its ancestry ack nearly , years t dates all the way to illiam the on uer or in , and the monarchy has certainly evolved since then

o with such a long amily history, how is it decided who gets to serve as the ne t king or ueen he decision o who inher its the ritish throne is determined y the line o succession. tarting with illiam the on ueror, the monarchy passed rom the king to his first orn son. his continued or hundreds o years until the ritish arliament passed an act in allowing a woman to inherit the throne ut only as long as there wasn t a male heir availa le to take her place.

hat rule lasted or three hundred years

Royal Line Facts:

• First British female monarch: Queen Mary I, ruled England from 1553-1558

• Youngest to become king: Edward VI, became king at the age of 9

• Longest serving monarch: Queen Elizabeth II

• Current monarch: King Charles III

• Heir to the throne: Prince William

until arliament updated the law again in . he throne is now allowed to pass to the first orn heir, regardless o whether the monarch had a son or daughter first. n the history o the monarchy, there have only een si women to ascend to the ritish throne. ueen ictoria, a amous monarch who shaped her country, served or years rom to . ueen li a eth , who was ictoria s great great granddaughter, served or years ngland has a long and complicated his tory in the world. hroughout that history, the monarchy grew to include not ust ngland, ut reat ritain as well. dditionally, ing harles , the newest monarch a ter his mother s death last month, is head o the ommonwealth, an association o inde pendent countries. For o those countries, he is also head o state. ing harles has two sons, rince illiam and rince arry. ith his grand mother s passing, rince illiam is now heir to the throne. rince illiam s first orn child is rince eorge, and he is now second in line to the throne. nder the updated rules o succession, i rince eorge one day has a daughter as his first child, she would e heir to the throne

October 2022 • Bear Essential News • 5
The Sanibel Causeway destroyed by Hurricane Ian.
hoto ee ounty heri 's fice


Safety First with Valley Metro!

As a transit rider, you use multiple ways of getting around. Maybe you walk to a transit stop to catch the bus or train and then walk from the transit stop to your destination. Perhaps you ride your bike to and from the bus

stop. You can take your bike along using the bike rack in front of the bus. Or you hop a ride to a Park-n-Ride lot and ride on transit from there. Whenever and however you travel, stay alert and stay safe.

Unscramble the words by using the safety sentences.

1. Cross streets at crosswalks, traffic galisns ___________________ or corners.

2. Always remember to ospt a safe distance away from the curb.

3. Make eye contact with drivers before crossing—be eusr ________________ the drivers see you.

4. Always walk on the wdsaikel __________ . When there are no sidewalks, walk on the left-hand side of the street. The traffic will be coming toward you and drivers can see you.

5. Nsdta _____________ in the “Safe Zone.” The Safe Zone is three giant steps back from the curb or street.

6. Walk carefully. No running or playing while crossing the eetrts


Answers:signals,stop,sure, sidewalk,stand,street.

6 • Bear Essential News • October 2022

Get the Scoop!

Dragon Boating: Don’t Row, Paddle!

oosh hat s the sound that the water makes as the oat soars over it. look out at the lake as it shimmers in the sun. take a deep reath and continue paddling. ould you elieve that there is a dragon oating team that practices in the middle o the desert Dragon oating is a remarka le sport. t s un, and you get to make riends. t is a team uilding activity. ou get to paddle with the rest o the team in rhythm. Dragon oating is also ene icial e ercise it helps uild upper ody strength, core muscles and stamina. t is a super way to stay it ou can sign up to try dragon oating or ree at the o icial ri ona Dragon oating ssociation s we site a d he youth team is called the CrAZy Cuttlefish. hey accept people ages to . very unday morning, they paddle at empe

own ake. hey supply all necessary e uipment. ust remem er to ring drinking water and wear sunscreen.

ope ully you will oin us one unday morning as the dragon oat ooms across the water

Caves Rock! You Should Try Spelunking

his summer, went on holiday to estern ustralia and did many un activities including spelunking pelunking is the e plo ration o caves, especially as a ho y. speleologist is a person who studies caves or goes into caves. toured a couple o caves and was ama ed and learned lots o interesting acts ne o the caves my amily and went into was called ewel ave. ewel ave is located in ugusta in estern ustralia. he iggest show cave in estern ustralia, ewel ave is da ling and has many crystal sculptures such as a large stalagmite called he arri Forest and uite a ew e amples o owstone including he Fro en ater all and he r gan pipes. here was a . meter long , year old straw stalactite which is the longest o its kind in an ustralian cave as well as a tonne stalagmite , year old hylacine or asmanian iger ossil was also discovered inside the cave. aves, like ewel ave, are ormed y rainwater reaking down limestone under the sur ace o the arth. n analysis o limestone within ewel ave places the cave at an age o appro imately one million years old. lthough that sounds like a long time, the cave is actually still considered a a y cave he tour lasted an hour. e started at ground level and made our way meters elow the sur ace. ur guide told us that it s likely that many caves are hiding all along the

What Is Earth’s Largest Plant? Sea Grass

n une, an underwater ield o seagrass was discovered near hark ay ustralia. eagrass spreads out its roots and creates new ones. asically, it clones its D to create a replica. cientists study it y taking di erent samples rom di erent places and they are almost the same.

he iggest plant is miles wide. t seemed to e incredi le, it was e uisite and like the sea. am sharing my knowledge ecause ound it very interesting.

n places like ermuda you can ind underwater ields o seagrass. iant seagrass plants are like grass ields or ish, whales and turtles. he ha itat o the largest plant on earth is hark ay, ustralia. eagrass is like normal grass. t sways in the current. any marine li e eed o o it such as sea urchins, cra s, ish, swans, geese, manatees, dugongs and green turtles. eagrass is a ig part o the ood chain.

October 2022 • Bear Essential News • 7
News Stories Written by Kids— for Kids
sponsors REPORT FOR BEAR! Callus at: 866-639-7543
MORE CAVE, page 18 ➧
cave visitor favorite!
mage hoto rary Team rhythm is the key element in Dragon Boating!
MORE SCOOPS, page 15 ➧

Boomer's Activity Treasure Trove!

Boomer Bear has found a small treasure

parent’s couch

needs some help

down the total

wants to buy his mom


It’s a Polar Pirate’s Tale!

Fill in the blanks and complete the story.

oomer s ship, the was the ship on the . ll the other were very to see oomer s ship on the hori on, ecause oomer always had a or his pirate riends a ter they and the high seas together

Color the treasure chest!

8 • Bear Essential News • October 2022 FINISH
in his
counting all the coins. Can you help? Write
amounts Pennies: ______ X 1= _________ Nickels: _______ X 5= _________ Dimes: ________ X 10= ________ Quarters: ______ X 25= ________ TOTAL: $ _________ Boomer
an ice cream that costs $2.75. How much will he need to add to his coin total to be able to buy the ice cream? ______________
Pirate Math
Write the hidden number in the box
Answers:Coinstotal:$1.99,Amountneededforicecream:76¢ Answers:1)1,2)1,3)6,4)7 Image:

The Gift of Girl Scouting To Adulthood

Gina Ferroni credits Girl Scouts for helping her navigate a successful journey to adulthood. Gina has been with Girl Scouts since she was a Daisy (K–1). She is now an Ambassador (11/12 grade) working to earn her Gold Award.

Gina has assisted with membership events and summer camps, and she is a Media Ambassador who does public speaking events on behalf of Girl Scouts-Arizona Cactus-Pine Council (GSACPC). She has spoken at the State Capitol three times! “Girl Scouting made me into the woman am today, she re ects. When she was younger, Gina was engaged by “the awesome troop trips, summer camp,

and other super fun events I attended.” Now, she looks back and realizes that “opportunities, values, and friendships kept me with this organization.” She notes that she learned how to lead and how to problem solve by watching her older Girl Scout Sisters.

Gina also credits Girl Scouts with honing her initiative and drive—skills she applies at school. But she says that one of the biggest lessons she has taken away is that kindness and attitude always matter.

“These two components have proved to be crucial in how I navigate my leadership style and my personal relationships. No matter what

m doing, whether it e planning my ne t troop event or doing a tedious chore at home, those two things come first. positive attitude solves half of the battle because negativity makes things even more di ficult to go through, according to Gina, whereas kindness and a good attitude help her “conquer challenging obstacles.”

Gina shares that “being a Girl Scout, like everything in li e, can present moments o di ficulty. She has this advice for future Girl Scouts and their parents: You have support all around you from your troop, council, other girl members, your friends, and your family.”

“Your struggles are not permanent and working through them will strengthen your character and resilience. That is part of what makes Girl Scouts so amazing!” according to Gina. “It teaches you these strong mindsets that will enefit you forever and gifts you a massive support system along your ourney. know couldn t have made it this far without that support.”

Join a troop, start your troop or join as an ndependent irl em er. o find out how, visit

October 2022 • Bear Essential News • 9 Connect with Us & Learn More! Visit Call 602-452-7030 Text 844-317-9041 @GSACPC
“I owe everything good about myselfto Girl Scouts,” says Gina Ferroni.

In Time for Halloween...


The science and art of spooky effects that make your favoriteSCARE even more fun!

After the COVID pandemic forced Old Tucson to close its doors two years ago, a new company, American Heritage Railways, has taken over the famous Western movie facilities and is reopening them with a 30th anniversary celebration of Nightfall. Not only can you and your family get spooked at Nightfall from now thru Oct. 30, but the creative managers of Nightfall share some of their secrets for making your house or other haunted happening SPOOKTACULAR!

For many amilies, the right filled town o ight all at ld ucson ecame a tradition ushering in all around here. aunching such an important event takes a ton o creativity and teamwork.

ve lived here since was . es, we re e cited a out it says ld ucson eneral anager iki ee ner. t s huge to me, ut hum ling to e part o something so ama ing. e eed o o each other s creativity and un. nd this group o people that merican eritage has put together has een so dynam ic we sync together so well. e have each other s weaknesses and strengths covered.

ma es and an eerie kids ma e, which also give clues you pay attention here s also a hair raising stunt show.

Creating Spooky Effects!

anna decorate your porch ay e your school or other group wants to uild a haunted ma e. ere are some pointers to add some right to allow een night

SEVERED ody parts and headless odies

may e classic, ut there are etter ways to spook people.

hen it comes to scaring people, think that gory stu is the least inter esting thing to do, ight all reative Director rik lair shares.

lair loves getting scared, whether it e y pro essional setups or something more home made. ome o the est scares ve ever seen have een home haunts, he says.

you really want to scare people, light and lack o light is crucial, lair points out. Figur ing out when you want people to see something and when you don t makes a huge di erence. ou can take something that s a pretty asic prop or thing and do a tremendous amount to make it terri ying and scary ust y how you light it.

nd the new Ds are a huge game changer in a little package. ven these small D lights can have do ens o di erent colors and are programma le, lair points out.

oh, what s that smell oing through a ma e, you come across a su tle scent. ll o a sudden, you smell hay or something strange it immediately sets the rain into a slightly di erent place, lair e plains. e says there are all kinds o per umes you can put in an ine pensive slow aroma di user. rave dirt, hay, rotting esh are ust a ew e amples o what s out there nd sound is huge, too ten in horror movies, it s the scary sounds or dramatic music that scares you. ot sur prisingly, ight all has a lot o sound where it s needed. Find the time to do it the music or a sound e ect can put a tre mendous amount o scare into people, he suggests.

ost o all, don t orget to e creative and une pected in your setup. lair says rights should come as a surprise and where and when they re least e pected.

Boomer’s Fun Ideas for the Family

• Play pumpkin bowling make the pins y filling liter ottles with one cup o sand. aint the ottles white and draw eyes and a mouth to make them scary ghosts. ll you need is a couple o small pumpkins and you re ready to owl

• Throw a scary scavenger hunt create a list o spooky or spooky sounding items or players to locate on a spooktacular scavenger hunt.

• Visit a pick-your-own farm cto er is harvest time or many ruits and veggies. ake a o or a wagon and go with the amily to pick some uicy apples, color ul s uash, pumpkins and seasonal vegeta les.

Rosa Flora may need your help in Nightfall.

For this th cele ration o ight all, a chilling story runs through ust a out every aspect o the evening. t s election night with a not too popular s ayor ohn lsen acing a DUBIOUS challenger y the name o ack ice, who is ull o promises or the townspeo ple and ight all visitors. ut some key people, including the schoolhouse teacher, argaret Dwyer, have myste riously vanished. nd ight all is a u with what might happen ne t. round the town center, do ens o characters are dressed in authentic estern wear and will share what they think and know with any visitor who is rave enough to ask. nd i you want to e scared, there are our adult

t s one story all the way across. he ma es are connected to the main story the stunt shows are connected the stage shows are connected the charac ters are connected everything is connected to the story, e plains reative Director rik lair, who created this very creepy ight all story. nd all the danger to the town is happening on the outskirts in the ma es . r you can spend all night ust talking to the characters in town, and there ll e things happening all night long.

he costumes and creepy e ects are mind lowing. ickets are ordered according to the date and arrival time p.m. thru p.m. hursdays and undays regular nights cost or adults and or kids. Fridays and aturdays premium nights cost and . ids under are ree. ou can go through ma es, take in the stunt shows and talk to the towns people all you want. ou can also purchase ood, everages and souvenirs. nopened water ottles are allowed.

If you want to get downright ghoulish this Halloween, mix up some fake blood.

When it comes to alloween, it is un to go all out with your costume and makeup. you are using paint, make sure it is made to go on aces. ou should test the paint or makeup several days e ore hand to see i your skin has a ad reaction. ut a dime si e or nickel si e circle o the makeup or paint you will e using on your cheek or the inside o your arm. eave it or a ew hours then MONITOR that spot or the ne t hours. your skin ecomes red or irritated, you may want to change your plan. sing a ase or oundation will make your makeup or paint last longer,

Make Your Own Fake Blood!

• Mix one part water with three parts corn syrup.

• Add drops of red food coloring.

• For darker blood, add a little chocolate syrup!

and the layer will help protect your skin rom irritation. he makeup or ace paint includes instructions on the packaging, e sure to ollow the directions or testing, application and removal. ractice your look a ew days e ore your party or trick or treating event to avoid or achieve a right ul ace alloween themed stores pop up all around town this time o year.

ou can find un costumes there, ut you can also find costumes and cos tume elements at thri t stores, ookman s or in a relative s attic or closet ust get that relative s permission first, unless you want to end up with your own tom stone

October 2022 • Bear Essential News • 11
10 • Bear Essential News • October 2022

B Halloween Happenings

Don’t miss out on all the spooky fun and candy this year!

Trick-or-treat time is here, so get dressed up in your ghastly rags or ghostly best and head out to oin the estivities here s lots of fall fun to be found all around town.

Now–Oct. 31 Mother Nature’s Farm Pumpkin Patch

1663 E. Baseline Rd., Gilbert. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Explore the pumpkin patch, straw maze, hayride, spider web crawl and more.

$12 per person. No charge for children 1 and under.

Now–Oct. 31 Screamin’ Green


Crayola Experience, 3111 W. Chandler Blvd., Chandler. M-F 10-4, Weekends 10-6.

Halloween family fun. Make spooky crafts like a stained glass bat, explore the attractions and go on a scavenger hunt. $23.99 per person. No charge for children 2 and under.

Now–Oct. 30 Fall Festival at Vertuccio Farms

4011 S. Power Rd., Mesa. Hours vary. Families will have fun with activities like mini golf, the corn maze, petting zoo, carnival games, giant slide, train ride, air pillow, jumping pad and more. $15 per person. No charge for children 2 and under. See website for available discounts.

Now–Oct. 31 Pumpkin Days & Corn Maze

Tolmachoff Farms, 5726 N. 75th Ave., Glendale. Hours vary.

Find your perfect pumpkin in the pumpkin patch. Navigate your way through the corn maze, experience the petting zoo, jumping pillow, corn box and more. $17 per person. No charge for children 1 and under.

Now–Oct. 30 Schnepf Farms Pumpkin & Chili Party

24810 S. Rittenhouse Rd., Queen Creek. Days vary.

Enjoy the corn maze, pumpkin patch, petting zoo, carousel rides, climb the rock wall, play mini golf and more. $23.95 per person. No charge for children and under. ee we site or military and first responder discounts.

Oct. 14 Spooky Swim at Valley of the Sun YMCA

Desert Foothills YMCA, 34250 N. 60th St., Scottsdale. 4–6 p.m. pen swim and a oating pumpkin patch where you pick your own pumpkin to decorate, play water games and a ra e. admission.

Oct. 16 Pirate’s Day at Enchanted Island Amusement Park

1202 W. Encanto Blvd., Phoenix. Noon–7 p.m. Dress like a pirate and see live circus acts with uggling, alancing and acro atics, fire eaters and tight rope performers. Enjoy pirate activities, games and a treasure hunt. General admission $7.50–$25.

more. ickets are date specific and must e pur chased online. $15 per ticket. No charge for children 2 and under.

Oct. 29 Apache Junction Halloween Festival

Superstition Shadows Park, 1091 W. Southern Ave. 4–8 p.m.

Trunk or treat, costume contest for humans and canines, in ata les and cra ts. Free admission. ome activities require the purchase of tickets.

Oct. 30 Dia de los Muertos Phoenix

Steele Indian School Park, 300 E. Indian School Rd., Phoenix 2–7 p.m.

Mask making, sugar skull decorating, yucca weaving, entertainment, artists and vendors. Free admission.

Oct. 30 Tempe Halloween Stroll

6th Street Park, downtown Tempe. 2–5 p.m. Free family event with games, crafts, a costume contest, trick or treating and more.

Oct. 31 Trick-or-Treat at Bookmans

1056 S. Country Club Dr., Mesa. 6–8 p.m. Kids, dress up in costume and receive a free treat. 480-835-0505

Oct. 22 & 23 Dia de los Muertos Mesa Mesa Arts Center, 1 East Main St., Mesa. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Celebrate at this free annual event. Performances, music, food and activities.

Oct. 26–28 Dino Trick-Or-Treat at the Phoenix Zoo 455 W. Galvin Parkway, Phoenix. 5:30–8:30 p.m. Put on your costume and bring a bag to collect goodies. Enjoy activities, candy treat stations and


12 • Bear Essential News • October 2022
For more family friendly events visit click on “Features” and “Calendar”
October 2022 • Bear Essential News • 13 October 1–31st, 2022 ACTIVITIES: Pumpkin Patch • Corn Maze • Petting Zoo • Play Areas Farm Market • Jumping Pillow • Train Ride • Hay Pyramid (Closed Monday and Tuesday)

Stay Safe this Halloween!

Stay Safe this Halloween!

Fire Safety Search

Fire Safety Search

Find the words in the alphabet soup. One is already circled to get you started.

Find the words in the alphabet soup. One is already circled to get you started.





Safety Word “Fill In the Blank” Game

Safety Word “Fill In the Blank” Game

Fill in the blanks in the Halloween Safety Tips

Fill in the blanks in the Halloween Safety Tips

Halloween Safety Tips

Halloween Safety Tips

. alk only on the .

1. Walk only on the _________________ .

. ring all o your home or your parents to check.

2. Bring all of your _____________ home for your parents to check.

3. _________________ with an adult or a group of

. with an adult or a group o .

. ear ace paint instead o a . . ever play near that are lit.

4. Wear face paint instead of a __________ .

5. Never play near ________________ that are lit.

. ear right so others can see you when you .

Wear bright ______________ so others can see you when you ____________ .

Word Bank: costumes, trick or treat, ack o lanterns, mask, sidewalk, walk, treats, friends

Word Bank: costumes, trick-or-treat, jack-o’-lanterns, mask, sidewalk, walk, treats, friends

Have a

Have a


3.walk–friends4.mask, .ackolanterns,.costumes trick-or-treat




Become a Young Reporter!

Get Writing for Bear Essential News!

Kids all over Arizona write for Bear Essential News, and you can, too!

The Young Reporters Program is FREE and teaches you the basics of journalism, sharpens your writing and gives you real-world experience. Your stories could appear in Bear Essential News, ri ona s leading newspaper or young people and their amilies, and are permanently posted on Bear’s fab website.

Sign up for the FREE Young Reporters Program (for kids grades 3–8). Print out the YR signup form at (click on Young Reporters). Fill it out, have a parent sign the bottom, and mail it in. Bear will send you its awesome Young Reporters Kit!

Happy Halloween! Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! Happy Halloween!

Students and teachers can participate with us all school year long with exciting activities and contests!

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eachers can sign up or our ewsletter or ear s ree

ased ork heets or grades K–2, 3–4, 5–6 and 7–8. hese monthly ork heets augment the current issue o ear ssential ews, which is a trusted source or a wide range o in ormational te t. ork sheets can also be printed from our website at under the “Teacher” tab. Under this tab you can find in ormation on ecoming an adviser and signing up oung eporters. here is also a great field trip and grant unding resource guide to help plan and und your class field trips.

Each month, teachers can use Bear Essential News to develop their students’ reading, writing, math and science skills.

14 • Bear Essential News October 2022
12 • October 2019 www.bearessentialnews.comBEAR YEARS40

the Scoop!

School Plays by House

At Apache Elementary, we have something amazing called the House Program. Think Harry Potter and belonging to a particular house. This program includes four houses: Fortitudo (Courage in Latin), Onesta (Honesty in Italian), Tosturi (Compassion in Welsh) and Mawazo (Imagination in Swahili).

This program is for sixth through eighth grade. We have a House sorting at the beginning of the year, every year. At the House sorting, House Leaders are chosen by the teachers, and teachers are also sorted into a House when they join the Apache Staff. There are six House Leaders chosen for each House, two eighth-, two seventh-, and two sixth-graders. House Leaders help the House Competitions and keep points for the House Program.

Every Wednesday we have a House Competition. All the Houses compete for the win, and if you win you get 400 house points. An example of a house competition is Head, Shoulders, Knees, Toes and Cup. In this game you go in front of someone, with a cup in the middle and the announcer starts calling out head, shoulders, knees and toes, until they choose to say cup.

House points are a way to keep track of who is winning and at midyear and end of the year the house in the lead goes on a fun field trip. Another way to earn house points is being good around campus and in class—the teachers will give you house points. It is fun being a part of a house and competing.

Pack of Fun at Great Wolf Lodge

Recently, I visited the Great Wolf Lodge in Scottsdale. I had so much fun! There are some main parts to the whole building—I like to call them “the top three. he irst is the rooms, like your average hotel rooms, e cept they re connected to the attractions in the building. If you have 10 or more people in your group, then you should get a two-part room, as we did. That room was huge! It had two couch beds, two queen beds, and two bunk beds.

he second ma or area is the adventure park. n this area, there s a oot rock wall, a ropes course and a miniature gol course. hile didn t get to it this time, everything looks very fun. The next time I go, I will probably do all of them.

Now, we have come to the best of the trio...the water park! This section is the best one of the three. First, when you walk into the facility, you see a pool. This is the wave pool.



October 2022 • Bear Essential News • 15
B Continued from page 7Get
Sept. 24 to Oct. 31 9 to 9, 7 days a week BEAR Baseline Rd. between Stapley & Gilbert www.mothernaturesfarm.com480-892-5874
Nature’s Farm $12 per person includes an Oz pumpkin, a hayride, spiderweb crawl, feeding the animals and Alexander’s Adventure Maze! Picnic tables, grassy fields and large shade trees! Bring in this ad to receive $200 OFF an Adult Hay Ride Expires 11/??/22 Pumpkin Patch Fall Farm Tours
16 • Bear Essential News • October 2022 • Arizona Mills Mall, Tempe
October 2022 • Bear Essential News • 17

More Great Wolf Lodge Continued from page 15 out every minutes, the waves go o , and every other time, there are giant waves p ne t on the un list, is the drop down waterslide t is e actly what it sounds like. hey put you in a tu e, the announcer ro ot counts down, and you ust drop t is very scary the irst time, ut it is still very un. wo ig tu ed water slides make it the inest water park ve ever een to. ou need tu es, ut you don t have to carry them up. you don t want to get splashed, you pro a ly shouldn t go on this ride. For the two small tu ed water slides you have to carry up your tu e, ut it isn t a very ar walk.

Finally, you have what all waterparks need, a la y river you ask me, the river isn t so la y. t moves you pretty ast. his place is per ect or all ages and was one o the main highlights o my summer.

un to think o all those hidden caves. s eauti ul as crystal is, there s not much money to e made rom e ploring caves since crystal is rittle and can not easily e made into ewelry.

aves are ama ing Did you know there are caves, like artchner averns which has the world s longest stalac tite, in ri ona er haps you could take up spelunking and check out a cave near y. hey rock

18 • Bear Essential News • October 2022 B Get the Scoop! t s
More Caves Continued from page 7 Black Mountain BMX 602-999-5979 For Dates and Times, check our website We Are OPEN and RACING! Printed with recycled newsprint. ENDORSED BY THE Arizona Education Association Bear Essential News for Kids® is pu lished monthly y ids iew ommunications orp. to educate, enrich and entertain children and their amilies. ontent o this newspaper is designed to promote reading and writing skills as well as creativity. lassroom educators are welcome to reproduce any portion o this newspaper or their students. all or a ids iew ommunications or any additional in ormation on stories. lease all (480) 752-2327 or any editorial or advertising in uiries. ids iew ommunications orp. all rights reserved . roadway ucson, Fa Bear Essential News is distri uted ree each month. Volume 4 4 • Issue 1 Sales Director & Publisher Nancy Holmes YR Coordinator Julie Madden Art Director Gary Shepard Editor & Publisher Stephen B Gin City Editor Renee Griffith Copy Editor Mike Loghry
October 2022 • Bear Essential News • 19


20 • Bear Essential News • October 2022 Create your own customizable Milk Jug
Container to match your Halloween costume! Have a Happy & Safe HALLOWEEN! Have a Happy & Safe HALLOWEEN! Directions: Ask an adult for help when cutting the milk jug • Cut a hole around the top of the milk jug, big enough so a hand/arm can fit through the top, leaving the handle intact. • File rough edges or use tape to line the opening. • Decorate your candy container however you'd like to match your costume. • Get ready to Trick or Treat for Candy & Fun! Find more fun dairy recipes and ideas online at:

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