Bear Essential News October 2022, Tucson Edition

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NEWSFEATURE Hurricane I an’'s D amage Spotlight on the Royal Family News Highlights page 5 L ove S pooky E ffects? They make Halloween fun Pages 10 & 11 NEWS FAMILIESFUN Comic- Con R eview & more news kids can use Scoops pages 7, 12 & 13 Fun Fall E vents for the entire family Pages 16 & 17 M ake a C andy Jug a fun Halloween activity Page 20 In This Picture: Find a broom, a ghost, a candle, a spider, a cupcake, a magic wand, a fall leaf, a bone, a lollipop and the word SPOOKY. ® Bear essential news Bear essential news 40 YEARS! October 2022 • Tucson Editio n •
2 • Bear Essential News • October 2022
numbers and find the hidden reptile!
October 2022 • Bear Essential News • 3 Tucson Mall • 4500 N. Oracle Rd. • TUCSON MALL Where Fashion , Food & Fun Come Together! Kernel Pops Gourmet Popcorn Locally owned and operated popcorn shop with a wide variety o uni ue and southwestern avors. Open: Mon–Sat, 10:00 am to 9:00 pm • Sun, Noon to 6:00 pm • Flaming Hot • Kettle Korn • Classic Caramel Located on Level 1 near Dillards Harley’s Toys & Comics Mon–Thr: 11am–7pm Fri-Sat: 11am–8pm Sun: Noon–6pm A PLACE FOR ALL SUPERHEROES Toys and Comics for all Ages 520-460-6891 Tucson’s Top-Tier GAMING ENVIRONMENT Come Play With Us! 520-887-5430 Located on the lower level of the Tucson Mall across from Cinnabon Book Your Next Birthday, Spa Service or Field Trip! Choose from many Party Packages—there’s something for everyone! The ultimate pampering experience for kids ages 2 thru 15. Mention Bear Essential News for 10% OFF!
4 • Bear Essential News • October 2022

BNews Highlights

Florida Faces Long Recovery After Ian

Rescue crews are hard at work in Florida, where areas are still ooded or have e perienced indescri a le damage rom urricane an. he ategory hurricane hit the west coast o Florida on ept. . ts mph winds and massive storm surge endangered millions and caused illions o dollars in damages.

Days a ter an hit outh arolina as a tropical storm, the oast uard and other search and rescue teams were usy transporting hundreds o Floridians trapped y oodwaters. an’s high winds and heavy rains damaged uildings, downed trees and pow er lines knocking out electricity or more than . million and disrupted water and sewage treatment across multiple counties. ome residents may not have power restored or weeks or even months. he death toll e ceeded in Florida as o press time.

ome o the damage was almost indescri a le, according to ov. on De antis. aples e perienced record high storm surge and Ft. yers each had EXTENSIVE damage including the destruction o its marina. ani el and ine islands were cut o rom the mainland when storm surge wiped out the roads.

Flooding reached inland, too, a ecting central cities like issimmee and rlando.

resident oe iden will visit the region on ct. . t’s not ust a crisis or Florida, it’s an merican crisis, iden says. he president declared Florida a ma or disaster area, which releases ederal unds to help with storm recovery.

ose ndres’ orld entral itchen and other charities are providing aid. you want to help, consid er a donation to, and orld entral itchen at

The Queen Left a Long, Respected Legacy

ueen li a eth died on ept. at almoral astle in cotland at the age o . arlier this year, she ecame the first ritish monarch to cele rate her latinum u ilee, marking years o service as a sovereign.

he ueen remained popular throughout most o her reign. he was known or taking an interest in government and politics, routinely carrying out many ceremonial duties, and or her love o horses and corgis

li a eth, orn rincess li a eth l e andra ary, ecame the heir apparent to the throne when she was years old a ter her uncle ABDICATED the throne. he gave her first pu lic speech at and served or ritain during orld ar . li a eth married her hus and, rince hilip, in . hey welcomed their first child, rince harles, the ollowing year. li a eth ecame ueen li a eth on Fe . , . During her seven decade reign, she worked with prime ministers and met o the last nited tates presidents.

Following her death last month, a period o na-

tional mourning was declared. er uneral service was held at estminster ey and was attended y , people. resident iden and many other world leaders attended her service.

Following li a eth’s death, harles inherited the throne immediately and was proclaimed king two days later. s the head o state, ing harles’ role is largely sym olic, and he is e pected to remain politically neutral meaning he does not comment on or take a pu lic position on politics. harles is also now head o the ommonwealth, which is an association o independent countries that is home to . illion people across the glo e. he ne t step or ing harles will e

his coronation ceremony, which is when a monarch is ormally crowned. he coronation will take place a ter a period o mourning or the previous sovereign, and ing harles’ coronation date has not yet een announced. is mother’s coronation was the first to e roadcast on live television and drew an audience o more than million people she will certainly e a tough act to ollow

Royal Family Has Ancient History

Did you know that ritain’s royal amily traces its ancestry ack nearly , years t dates all the way to illiam the on uer or in , and the monarchy has certainly evolved since then

o with such a long amily history, how is it decided who gets to serve as the ne t king or ueen he decision o who inher its the ritish throne is determined y the line o succession. tarting with illiam the on ueror, the monarchy passed rom the king to his first orn son. his continued or hundreds o years until the ritish arliament passed an act in allowing a woman to inherit the throne ut only as long as there wasn’t a male heir availa le to take her place.

hat rule lasted or three hundred years

Royal Line Facts:

• First British female monarch: Queen Mary I, ruled England from 1553-1558

• Youngest to become king: Edward VI, became king at the age of 9

• Longest serving monarch: Queen Elizabeth II

• Current monarch: King Charles III

• Heir to the throne: Prince William

until arliament updated the law again in . he throne is now allowed to pass to the first orn heir, regardless o whether the monarch had a son or daughter first. n the history o the monarchy, there have only een si women to ascend to the ritish throne. ueen ictoria, a amous monarch who shaped her country, served or years rom to . ueen li a eth , who was ictoria’s great great granddaughter, served or years ngland has a long and complicated his tory in the world. hroughout that history, the monarchy grew to include not ust ngland, ut reat ritain as well. dditionally, ing harles , the newest monarch a ter his mother’s death last month, is head o the ommonwealth, an association o inde pendent countries. For o those countries, he is also head o state.

ing harles has two sons, rince illiam and rince arry. ith his grand mother’s passing, rince illiam is now heir to the throne. rince illiam’s first orn child is rince eorge, and he is now second in line to the throne. nder the updated rules o succession, i rince eorge one day has a daughter as his first child, she would e heir to the throne

October 2022 • Bear Essential News • 5
The Sanibel Causeway destroyed by Hurricane Ian.
hoto ee ounty heri s fice
6 • Bear Essential News • October 2022

Get the Scoop!

So Much To Do at Tucson Comic-Con!

During the three-day weekend on Sept. 2–4, I attended the 13th annual Tucson Comic-Con. This event was held at the Tucson Convention Center in downtown Tucson. It started at 3 p.m. on Friday and ran through Sunday at 5 p.m. This was the first Comic-Con in several years due to COVID cancellations the past few years. This was my first time attending Comic-Con and it was almost overwhelming because it was so large and there was so much to do.

Comic-Con presented a wide variety of activities and things to see over the course of three days. The scavenger hunt provided an opportunity to go around to meet others in the Exhibit Hall, Artist Alley, Gaming Room and those that represented fan groups and non-profit organizations. Prizes were awarded to those achieving different levels of success on the hunt. I enjoyed shopping and looking at all of the booths of artists selling all things related to Comic-Con. There was everything from LEGOs to comic-related artwork. There were two costume contests, one for kids and one for adults. In the gaming rooms you could compete against others or play video games. Each day there were panel sessions that you could attend to learn about a variety of topics. We went to panels about how to build a droid and a Kahoot-based game session. Some of the visiting celebrities and industry guests held panels, too.

The spirit and energy inside of the TCC during Comic-Con was amazing because there were so many participants in costumes. There were homemade and store bought costumes from many different television shows, movies and comic books.

Everyone was also very nice and loved asking for pictures or accepting requests for pictures with those in costume. My family were Mandalorians one day and characters from Demon Slayer on another. We were asked to be in many pictures each day! Overall Comic-Con was an amazing experience and I highly recommend going next year if you are someone who loves comic books or anime.

Music & Amazing Atmosphere at the Fox

On Aug. 28, I went to The Fox Theatre to attend the Andy Grammer concert with opening artist Art Bloom. The Fox Theatre was built in 1930, and years later it was abandoned. Upon reopening they tried to restore its original look. Upon entering the venue you have a sense of awe—amazed by an original fountain and walls full of paintings. Entering the auditorium, the ceiling was covered in vintage carpeting and had beautiful chandeliers that looked like suns. The stage was set for the singers—they had fog machines and instruments for a live show.

I had the pleasure of meeting and getting a photo with Bloom. I asked Bloom, “What made you want to be a singer?” He says he started singing when he was young and his reason to keep singing was because of the feeling it gave him and others. When I asked Bloom the decision on his music genre, he summed up that it can be tricky, but he chose to pick what made him excited to keep listening over and over because when an artist works on music they listen to their work for hours on end and it should be enjoyable to them first.

My favorite song Bloom played at the show was “Jeans and a T Shirt.” I asked Bloom what he tries to portray for songs. He says that he tries to portray good vibe feelings. He says he wants to be the artist that gets put on for the good times and the start to the good times.

Pumpkins Are All Aglow in the Night

Do you like Halloween and need a way to celebrate? Then go to the Glowing Pumpkins event where you will see hundreds of handcrafted pumpkins ablaze in the moonlight.

I went there with my family, and I was amazed. There were pumpkins everywhere along the path. All kinds of characters were painted and carved on pumpkins like superheroes, witches, and princesses. There were separate sections, each filled with similar things and haunting music. My favorite part was the graveyard because it had creepy headstone puns. For example, one said, “Barry M. Deep.” It was fun trying to figure out what they meant. In the gift shop, they sold real life worms and crickets. I ate gummy eyeballs.

Bobby Sutton Jr., owner of Glowing Pumpkins, shared some facts and opinions with me. He said that the pumpkins are made out of foam and the artwork was made by the ew ork company, ack o’ antern ourney. When asked about his favorite holiday, he said, “Halloween. I love scary things… and pumpkins.” Sutton said this event was designed for families and is for kids of all ages. I agree and recommend that all parents and kids visit.

October 2022 • Bear Essential News • 7
News Stories Written by Kids— for Kids
sponsors REPORT FOR BEAR! Callus at: 866-639-7543
MORE CONCERT, page 12 ➧
MORE PUMPKINS, page 12 ➧
8 • Bear Essential News • October 2022 Bear Essential News for Kids® is pu lished monthly y ids’ iew ommunications orp. to educate, enrich and entertain children and their amilies. ontent o this newspaper is designed to promote reading and writing skills as well as creativity. lassroom educators are welcome to reproduce any portion o this newspaper or their students. all or a ids’ iew ommunications or any additional in ormation on stories. lease all (520) 792-9930 or any editorial or advertising in uiries. ids’ iew ommunications orp. all rights reserved . roadway, ucson, Fa Bear Essential News is distri uted ree each month. Volume 44 • Issue 1 Disney On Ice Presents Road Trip Adventures cto er ENTER ONLINE TO WIN a Family 4-Pack of Tickets! Go to and click on ontests Entry Deadline: 10/10/22 Sales Director & Publisher Nancy Holmes YR Coordinator Julie Madden Art Director Gary Shepard Editor & Publisher Stephen B Gin City Editor Renee Griffith Copy Editor Mike Loghry

LETTERS to Boomer

Dear Boomer Bear,

For Halloween, I want to be the Mandalorian or a construction worker and go to every house in the neighborhood!

Be seeing you, B.G.B.

Great costume choices, B.G.B.!

So many kids wrote me to say how much they love Halloween and what they want to go as. Stay safe, and I hope you get tons of your favorite treats.

Best of luck, Boomer Bear

Dear Boomer, appy alloween ou’re a won derful friend to me, and I really like you very much. Having a friend like you and working for your newspaper is such a treat. I really enjoy writing stories for (Bear Essential News)— it makes me very happy. I hope you have a wonderful and fun Halloween.

Your friend, B.E.

Happy Halloween to you, too, B.E.!

Thank you for the fabulously fun Halloween card with the pepperoni pizza pumpkin. Have you figured out your costume yet? I bet you’ve never gone trick or treating as a polar bear yet. I bet you could be a ferociously scary one.

Your buddy, Boomer Bear

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Mail your letter to Bear Essential News 2525 E. Broadway Blvd. #102 Tucson, AZ 85716 for a chance to be answered by Boomer Bear!

Boomer Bear, Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. ou get to dress up, and it’s fun to scare others.

Yours truly, M.B.

People are strange, M.B.,

Some like being scared, and some like scaring others. Some like both while

Hey, Boomer!

When it comes to science and technology, I really like biology the most.

Your friend, Z.P.

Dear Z.P.,

When it comes to the sciences, I seem to understand biology the best. There are so many fascinating critters and plants and life cycles to learn about. And there’s a ton to learn right here in the desert!

Pursue what interests you, Boomer Bear

Boomer Bear,

I want to be a scorpion this Halloween!

Yours truly, S.M.

That sounds super, S.M.!

Scorpions, including the several kinds that live around here, are incredibly tough. The way they capture their prey and sting is scary.

Have fun, Boomer Bear

Hi, Boomer!

Halloween is my favorite holiday because we get to carve pumpkins.

others will do just about anything to avoid scary things.

I’m like you and love scaring my friends and family.

Boo!-mer Bear

2 Lg. 1 Topping Pizzas

(extra charge

Yours truly, G. Hey, G.!

Come to think of it, carving pumpkins is a great part about Halloween.

Have a happy one! Boomer Bear

Pumpkin patch math

Patty saw 5 pumpkins on the fence. Pablo saw 4 on the ground. How many pumpkins did Patty and Pablo see all together!

October 2022 • Bear Essential News • 9 Kids can also email their letters to
for pan and stuffed crust).
Answer: ________


After the COVID pandemic forced Old Tucson to close its doors two years ago, a new company, American Heritage Railways, has taken over the famous Western movie facilities and is reopening them with a 30th anniversary celebration of Nightfall. Not only can you and your family get spooked at Nightfall from Oct. 5 thru Oct. 30, but the creative managers of Nightfall share some of their secrets for making your house or other haunted happening SPOOKTACULAR!

For many amilies, the right filled town o ight all at ld ucson ecame a tradition ushering in all around here. aunching such an important event takes a ton o creativity and teamwork.

’ve lived here since was . es, we’re e cited a out it says ld ucson eneral anager iki ee ner. t’s huge to me, ut hum ling to e part o something so ama ing. e eed o o each other’s creativity and un. nd this group o people that merican eritage has put together has een so dynam ic we sync together so well. e have each other’s weaknesses and strengths covered.

For this th cele ration o ight all, a chilling story runs through ust a out every aspect o the evening. t’s election night with a not too popular s ayor ohn lsen acing a DUBIOUS challenger y the name o ack ice, who is ull o promises or the townspeo ple and ight all visitors. ut some key people, including the schoolhouse teacher, argaret Dwyer, have myste riously vanished. nd ight all is a u with what might happen ne t. round the town center, do ens o characters are dressed in authentic estern wear and will share what they think and know with any visitor who is rave enough to ask. nd i you want to e scared, there are our adult

ma es and an eerie kids ma e, which also give clues i you pay attention here’s also a hair raising stunt show.

t’s one story all the way across. he ma es are connected to the main story the stunt shows are connected the stage shows are connected the charac ters are connected everything is connected to the story, e plains reative Director rik lair, who created this very creepy ight all story. nd all the danger to the town is happening on the outskirts in the ma es . r you can spend all night ust talking to the characters in town, and there’ll e things happening all night long.

he costumes and creepy e ects are mind lowing. ickets are ordered according to the date and arrival time p.m. thru p.m. . hursdays and undays regular nights cost or adults and or kids. Fridays and aturdays premium nights cost and . ids under are ree. ou can go through ma es, take in the stunt shows and talk to the towns people all you want. ou can also purchase ood, everages and souvenirs. nopened water ottles are allowed.

Just In Time for Halloween...
The science and art of spooky effects that make your favoriteSCARE even more fun!
Rosa Flora may need your help in Nightfall.
10 • Bear Essential News • October 2022

Creating Spooky Effects!

anna decorate your porch ay e your school or other group wants to uild a haunted ma e. ere are some pointers to add some right to allow een night SEVERED ody parts and headless odies may e classic, ut there are etter ways to spook people.

hen it comes to scaring people, think that gory stu is the least inter esting thing to do, ight all reative Director rik lair shares.

lair loves getting scared, whether it e y pro essional setups or something more home made. ome o the est scares ’ve ever seen have een home haunts, he says.

you really want to scare people, light and lack o light is crucial, lair points out. Figur ing out when you want people to see something and when you don’t makes a huge di erence. ou can take something that’s a pretty asic prop or thing and do a tremendous amount to make it terri ying and scary ust y how you light it.

nd the new Ds are a huge game changer in a little package. ven these small D lights can have do ens o di erent colors and are programma le, lair points out.

oh, what’s that smell oing through a ma e, you come across a su tle scent.

ll o a sudden, you smell hay or something strange it immediately sets the rain into a slightly di erent place, lair e plains. e says there are all kinds o per umes you can put in an ine pensive slow aroma di user. rave dirt, hay, rotting esh are ust a ew e amples o what’s out there nd sound is huge, too ten in horror movies, it’s the scary sounds or dramatic music that scares you. ot sur prisingly, ight all has a lot o sound where it’s needed. Find the time to do it the music or a sound e ect can put a tre mendous amount o scare into people, he suggests.

ost o all, don’t orget to e creative and une pected in your setup. lair says rights should come as a surprise and where and when they’re least e pected.

Boomer’s Fun Ideas for the Family

• Play pumpkin bowling make the pins y filling liter ottles with one cup o sand. aint the ottles white and draw eyes and a mouth to make them scary ghosts. ll you need is a couple o small pumpkins and you’re ready to owl

• Throw a scary scavenger hunt create a list o spooky or spooky sounding items or players to locate on a spooktacular scavenger hunt.

• Visit a pick-your-own farm cto er is harvest time or many ruits and veggies. ake a o or a wagon and go with the amily to pick some uicy apples, color ul s uash, pumpkins and seasonal vegeta les.

Make Your Own Fake Blood!

If you want to get downright ghoulish this Halloween, mix up some fake blood.

When it comes to alloween, it is un to go all out with your costume and makeup. you are using paint, make sure it is made to go on aces. ou should test the paint or makeup several days e ore hand to see i your skin has a ad reaction. ut a dime si e or nickel si e circle o the makeup or paint you will e using on your cheek or the inside o your arm. eave it or a ew hours then MONITOR that spot or the ne t hours. your skin ecomes red or irritated, you may want to change your plan.

sing a ase or oundation will make your makeup or paint last longer,

one part water with three parts corn syrup.

Add drops of red food coloring.

darker blood, add a little chocolate syrup!

and the layer will help protect your skin rom irritation. the makeup or ace paint includes instructions on the packaging, e sure to ollow the directions or testing, application and removal. ractice your look a ew days e ore your party or trick or treating event to avoid or achieve a right ul ace alloween themed stores pop up all around town this time o year. ou can find un costumes there, ut you can also find costumes and cos tume elements at thri t stores, ookman’s or in a relative’s attic or closet ust get that relative’s permission first, unless you want to end up with your own tom stone

October 2022 • Bear Essential News • 11
• Mix
• For


from page 7Get the Scoop!

More Concert Continued from page 7

Bloom says his favorite song he has recorded is his next release called “Tyco.” He says it was fun to write, rework and mix. He says every song is a little time capsule of his life.

Closing out my questions, I asked Bloom to share about playing in Tucson and the Fox Theatre. Bloom responded that the shows are always his favorite, but meeting people before and after the show is always a highlight. He likes to connect with people from all over and learn about them as much as he enjoys putting on the show.

Andy Grammer came on stage and the first song he played is my favorite, “Damn It Feels Good To Be Me.” This is an inspiring song for people who think they should be different. You should always be your true self and that is what this song rings out when you listen to it you can’t stop singing along

Grammer played other popular songs which also inspire you to love yoursel and to tell yoursel to e who you were meant to e and don’t listen to the hate parade. His music shows that even celebrities can have bad days and need some cheering up. Grammer has many songs to love, but another one en oyed seeing live was Don’t ive p on e which was eatured in the movie “Five Feet Apart.”

Both artists made fans rise to their feet and sway along to their songs. his concert was my irst ever and it was an ama ing e perience le t with confetti in my hair and a smile on my face.

More Pumpkins

Continued from page 7

Glowing Pumpkins is located at the Tucson Mall at 4500 N. Oracle Rd. It is open from dusk until 10 p.m. Check the calendar online at for the days it is open. Also, buy your tickets online because it costs less.

et’s paint this town orange at the irst annual lowing umpkins event Hopefully there will be many more events to come.

12 • Bear Essential News • October 2022

The Hills Are Alive at the Historic Fox Theatre

On Saturday, Sept. 27, the Fox Theater showed “The Sound of Music” on the big screen. This was the last of their summer movie sing-a-long series. ’ve seen this movie on , ut nothing compares to the ama ing picture quality of a big screen. It made me feel like I was part of the cast. What made it special was, because it was a sing-a-long, the lyrics to all the songs were on the screen. Seeing the words encouraged the audience to get really into the movie and they belted out every song as if they were Maria.

The Fox Theatre, being a historic building, has a lot of cool features that average movie theaters don’t. ike love seats in the alcony was told that the best seats in the house are the love seats in the front row.

Before the movie started, there was a historic theater organ in the middle of the stage playing old-time theater music. This organ, called the Mighty urlit er, was originally designed to make all the sound e ects or silent movies. The organ sits on a hydraulic lift and before the movie started, it lowered down below the stage. This Halloween, the organ is going to be played live to the silent movie, The Phantom of the Opera.

I was lucky enough to get a backstage tour of the theater by Jordan Wileyill, the Fo heatre’s utreach and ducation anager. ordan took me on an awesome ackstage tour. saw the lounge, the reen oom, where the artists go and hang out before their show and the dressing rooms. All the walls backstaged are graffted and signed by all the artists that perform. There are even rumors o ghosts eing in the dressing rooms

The Fox Theatre was built in 1929 by Nicholas Diamos. It was originally going to be called The Tower. One day after construction finished, the Fox Movie Corporation bought it. The theater was originally built to be a silent movie theater, but once it was bought it was turned into a “talkie” theater. In the ’s, this was considered the movie palace o ucson. t was the irst public building in Tucson to have indoor carpeting and A/C. The Fox Theatre had the longest running Mickey Mouse Club in the country.

he Fo heatre shut down in the mid ’s ecause there was too much competition from other movie theaters. The Tucson community worked constantly to get it re-opened. Finally in 1999, the Theater began to be renovated. Finally after six years of renovation, the Fox Theater reopened to the public.

This historic building is worth the trip downtown. They have movies, shows and musical performances, something for everyone.

October 2022 • Bear Essential News • 13
Preschool–8th Grade 9415 E. Wrightstown Rd. Tucson, AZ 85715 PS • 520-795-7161 K8 • 520-885-4800 High School & Central Services 7525 E. Speedway Blvd. Tucson, AZ 85710 HS • 520-298-5817 CS • 520-901-5499 WWW.DESERTCHRISTIAN.ORG
14 • Bear Essential News • October 2022 Safety Word “Fill In the Blank” Game Fill in the blanks in the Halloween Safety Tips Halloween Safety Tips 1. Walk only on the _________________ . 2. Bring all of your _____________ home for your parents to check. 3. _________________ with an adult or a group of ______________. 4. Wear face paint instead of a __________ . 5. Never play near ________________ that are lit. 6. Wear bright ______________ so others can see you when you ____________ . Stay Safe! ANSWERS:1.sidewalk,2.treats,3.walk–friends4.mask, .acko’lanterns,.costumestrickortreat Fire Safety Search Find the words in the alphabet soup. One is already circled to get you started. FIREFIGHTER STOP ENGINE BATTERY MATCH FIRE DROP HOSE BEEP LIGHTER SMOKE ROLL CHANGE FLAME DETECTOR SAFETY BURN TEST ESCAPE ROUTE EXTINGUISHER ord ank costumes, trick or treat, ack o’ lanterns, mask, sidewalk, walk, treats, friends Saturday, Oct. 29 • 10 am–1pm TMC Rincon • 10350 E. Drexel Rd. FINISH
October 2022 • Bear Essential News • 15

Trick or treat time is here, so get dressed up in your ghastly rags or ghostly best and head out to oin the estivities here’s lots o fall fun to be found all around town.

Now–Oct. 31 Apple Annie’s Corn Maze

. illiams oad, illco a.m. to p.m. pple nnie’s orn a e has three levels o di fi culty, so whether you’re a eginner or a seasoned navigator, there is a level ust or you isit the pumpkin patch and pick up some resh produce while you’re there. or ages and up, or ages , no charge or children and under.

Now–Oct. 31 Glowing Pumpkins Tucson ucson all orth parking lot, . racle oad. Dusk p.m. Families will e delighted and ama ed as they walk through the display o over , pumpkins. ake your way through a ari dventure, andyland, he rain Depot, Dia de los uertos, he rincess astle and more. eneral dmission , Family Four ack , no charge or children and under.

Oct. 7 Monster Mash at Steam Pump Ranch

. racle oad, ro alley p.m. ring your amily out or some alloween un. umping castles, ace painting, pumpkins and al


loween cra ts. n oy music and ood trucks. per person, no charge or children and under.

Oct. 14 Quincie Douglas Spooktacular uincie Douglas enter, th treet p.m.

Dress up in costume and en oy a un night o Trunk–or–Treat.

Oct. 15 Aqua Pumpkin Patch

dith all daptive ec enter, . oo ourt a.m. to p.m.

Free event or children and under. hey can plunge into the a ua pumpkin patch and pick a pumpkin to paint and decorate imited to kids per swim time call ahead to register or one swim session a.m. p.m. or p.m. p.m. all to register.

Oct. 15 Fall Festival at Tree Please Community Garden

. peedway lvd. a.m. to p.m. ive music, games, ood, garden activities, nature cra ts and more his event is ree.

Oct. 21–23 & Oct. 29 & 30 Boo at the Zoo eid ark oo, oo ourt p.m. rick or treat at candy stations, see a magic act, meet story ook characters and play games. oo

em ers , eneral dmission , no charge or kids under . ickets are timed entry.

Oct. 21 Trick or Treating at Bookmans East . peedway lvd. p.m.

Dress up in your costume and trick or treat at ookmans and some o their riendly neigh ors like the outhern ri ona nimal Food ank, oses ore, ostly ooks, eyond read and more. his event is free for all ages.

Oct. 22 Halloween Boo Bash at Lincoln Park incoln ark, . antano oad p.m. runk or treat, games, haunted house, music and food trucks. This is a free event.

continued on next page

B Halloween Happenings Don’t miss out on all the spooky fun and candy this year! 16 • Bear Essential News • October 2022 6503 E. Tanque Verde Rd. Call (520) 296-2366 ext. 13 for reservations! FREE Golf Pass! Expires 11/30/22 (with the purchase of another at the regular price) oles o the orld s Finest Miniature Golf Arcade • Skee-ball et n ild umper oats ool o arts atting ages Group Rates 6503 E. TANQUE VERDE RD. 885-3569
Break Specials! at $5 OFF our 2 Hour Unlimited WRISTBANDS! (Regularly $30 per person) Oct. 7–16

Oct. 22 Halloween in the Wild International Wildlife Museum, 4800 E. Gates Pass Road. 5–7:30 p.m.

Wear your costume and bring a treat bag to collect goodies. Enjoy games, crafts and even a haunted house. Tickets $5–$10. No charge for museum members and children under 3.

Oct. 22 Fall Playdate & Open House

t. ichael’s chool, . ilmot 9–10:30 a.m.

Families with children in Kindergarten and First Grade are invited to the Playdate and Open House. Register at this link:

Oct. 28 Trunk or Treat at Girl Scouts

irl couts o outhern ri ona, E. Broadway Blvd. 7–9 p.m. Dress up in your costume and bring the family to trick or treat in the parking lot. $10 per person. www.

Oct. 29 Southern Arizona Transportation Museum

Halloween Party

SATM, 414 N. Toole Ave. 10 a.m. to p.m.

ee ngine decorated or al loween. Put on your costume, collect candy and play games. This family event is free.

Oct. 29 TMC Spooktacular

Safety Fair

TMC Rincon Health Campus, 10350 E. Drexel Rd. 10 am-1 pm

Free hot dogs, drinks, music, in at ables, free booster seats and bike helmets. Families learn to stay safe!

Oct. 29 Oro Valley Halloween Spooktacular

Oro Valley Community & Rec Center, 10555 N. La Canada Dr. 5–8 p.m. Trick or treating, crafts, games and live music. This is a free family event.

Oct. 29 Pima County Sheriff Departments Trunk or Treat ino ports omple , . o

Way 4:30–7:30 p.m.

Kids, wear your costume and collect candy at this free trunk or treat event.

Oct. 30 Wicked Wurlitzer Halloween Organ Concert

Fox Theatre, 17 W. Congress 3:30 p.m. 75-minute Halloween themed music concert. Tickets $15

Oct. 30 The Phantom Of The Opera

Fox Theatre, 17 W. Congress 7 p.m.

See the fully restored digital screening of Phantom of the Opera starring Lon haney. his film will e accompanied by live organ music. Tickets start at . .

Oct. 31 Meet the Mighty Wurlitzer Theatre Organ

Fox Theatre School Matinee, 17 W. Congress 10 a.m.

Teachers, treat your classroom to a morning of music. Suggested for grades .

Tickets are being distributed to Title I schools via Act One.

you’re a non itle school group interested in the show, email the Fo ’s education manager:

For more family friendly events visit click on “Features” and “Calendar”

Happy Halloween!

October 2022 • Bear Essential News • 17
18 • Bear Essential News • October 2022
October 2022 • Bear Essential News • 19


20 • Bear Essential News • October 2022 Create your own customizable Milk Jug
Container to match your Halloween costume! Have a Happy & Safe HALLOWEEN! Have a Happy & Safe HALLOWEEN! Directions: Ask an adult for help when cutting the milk jug • Cut a hole around the top of the milk jug, big enough so a hand/arm can fit through the top, leaving the handle intact. • File rough edges or use tape to line the opening. • Decorate your candy container however you’d like it to match your costume. • Get ready to Trick or Treat for Candy & Fun! Find more fun dairy recipes and ideas online at:

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