The Usual: Commodore’s Report and Sailing Report All That Sparkles: Presentation and AGM at BYC From A to B: Speed things up with Faster Sailing Tips Generation Next: Training news and Instructor profiles Cosmetic Surgery: Upgrade for club Minnow 100 Anatomy Of The Beast: Ten years of capital works
What a fantastic start to the sailing season! any thanks to the Committee Members and many helpers who have worked hard to achieve significant improvements to the Club including painting, new trolleys for the inflatable rescue boats and much more. Thanks to Phil Connard, our Club Secretary, and Chris Neyland, our Club Treasurer, for all their behind the scenes contributions.
afternoon races. I encourage all Members, and friends with boats, to join our fleet on Sunday afternoons for the racing session. The clubhouse has been hired by Braeside Rotary Club for their Melbourne Cup Day Event and by Sandringham Secondary College on Tuesdays all through Term 4. BYC is also supporting the Hampton Rotary Club and Bayside City Council to house MobiChair at the Club which will allow local disabled people to access the water. The grand opening will be in early February 2011, after the Mobi-Chair is delivered from overseas.
Special thanks go to Paul Hardie for organising the Working Bee and many of the little seen but greatly appreciated improvements around the Club. Other members have assisted with Rescue Boat maintenance, cleaning the wet room, Ron Richardson room and canteen and refinishing the wet room floor - what an improvement! Afternoon racing is great fun - I highly
The club has been extremely fortunate to receive two gifts and donations. Firstly a significant financial donation from Kim Fagan on behalf of Roger, and the donation of a Pacer and funding for a replacement jib from Tom Schilfgaarde and family. Committee members have submitted applications More importantly, kind recommend everyone to get involved. for funding to support Any questions, just ask! winds and weather specific activities until Go Sailing Day have encouraged many around the Club, which we hope are sucBYC members to join our Sunday afternoon cessful. Thank you on behalf of all members racing. There has been increased interest in and friends. BYC membership and both the Adult Training The next eighteen weeks of sailing at Beauprogram and the Junior Training program are maris will be very busy for the Adult and Junfilled almost to capacity. Junior training will ior Training Programs and the Instructors. be conducted in two groups this season with a Paul Hardie, Thomas Ruether, Ian McHugh, beginners group inside the reef and an interPeter Harp, Phil Connard, Chris Neyland, mediate group who will sail outside the reef. Lachlan Sharp and I would appreciate help Several displays to promote Beaumaris Yacht from all BYC members with rigging boats, Club to the local community have been held crewing, assisting and encouraging the trainat the Beaumaris Concourse and I thank all ees. those who participated, especially all the In summary, the first part of season Sharp family stalwarts, who have rigged 2010/2011 has been fantastic. I look forward boats, towed Narina there and back, and preto the next part of the sailing season, enpared the BYC information packs. We excouraging our new sailors and members pect additional local people to come down to preparing for National Championships. Sailthe Club to see the sailing activities and we ing breaks for the festive season on Sunday should ensure they are welcomed to BYC. 12 December so please save the date and Please introduce yourselves to our new memcome along to the Christmas Party after sailbers and encourage their active participation. ing (it is on irrespective of the weather, deWelcome to Paul Virgo and family, Damien tails out soon). O'Kearney and Ingrid Mountford and Silke Weber. Bruce Fraser It is a pleasure to see several of our previous Commodore. trainees on the beach rigging Pacers for the
Stick these in the diary!
December 5 Championship Race 2 (BYC Cup)
December 12 BYC Xmas break up function
January 16 Sailing resumes at BYC
February 6 Championship Race 3 (Kevin Peterson Trophy) with BBQ after sailing
March 6 Championship Race 4 (Sharp Trophy)
March 12-14 Labour Day Weekend No Club sailing
elcome to season 2010/11! As we go to press we are six sailing weekends into the season and in a polar opposite to last year we have only been blown out once so far! At this point last season we had managed to sail three times so it appears the weather gods are smiling on BYC (for the moment anyway!).
Like many clubs around the country, BYC is in need of volunteers for the Rescue Boat team. Rod McCubbin has had to take a step back from Race Control this season for family reasons so the Club is in need of people to assist in this vital role. Without people to run the off-water side of sailing aspects of the sport such as training and racing would not occur. So if you know of anyone who might be interested in helping out please contact me at or on 9878 1997. There is no obligation to come down every week and there are plenty of roles available that are shore-based for those who aren‟t particularly fond of boats!
On to the racing. Nine races into the season and competition is tight among the Pacer fleet however the Javelin numbers are still well down on the usual fleet size. Many have noticed the beach is a bit quiet on Sundays at the moment – I encourage everyone to make the most of the relatively stable weather we are Edu ca tion ha s currently experibeen a focus this encing and spend year for the BYC Sunday afternoons Committee with thrashing it out four members of against Mother the training proNature on the bay. grams successfully The water is warmcompleting the ing up nicely, the Yachting Australia sun shows itself on Assistant Instructor occasion and even course held at The the rain is staying Boatshed at Albert away! Even if the Park in September. forecast looks ordiCongratulations to nary it is still worth Good Pacer numbers have been the Ian McHugh, Thothe trip down to mas Ruether, Peter mainstay of BYC fleets so far this see if we can Sharp and Lachlan season. sneak a sail in. Sharp. Ian and The number of times there has been a Lachlan also attended the Yachting Ausdodgy forecast that didn‟t eventuate and tralia Powerboat Handling course held at we managed to hold normal Club racing Chelsea YC in October. The course conare too numerous to mention. Even if we sisted of three weeknight theory sessions do get blown out I find that sitting in the and a Sunday practical held on Patterson clubhouse looking out over the bay talk- River. Ian successfully completed the ing about sailing and drinking coffee is far course and is now a licensed powerboat from the worst way to spend Sunday operator however Lachlan suffered a very lunchtime! poorly timed bout of appendicitis just prior to the final theory session and practical so Mid-November sees the start of both the was unable to complete the course. He Junior and Adult Training programs at will join the next course run by Yachting BYC. Every season these programs are Victoria for the final sessions to receive a great success and this season looks to his licence and certificate. be no different. With the Junior program filled to capacity and the Adult program Finally there are many of us who can‟t very close to full, the trainers at BYC will help noticing that the beach at Beaumaris be busy over the next few months helping is a lot quieter without the lively Sunday introduce some keen minds to this great antics of Roger Fagan. Roger was a long sport. For the first time in several sea- time member of BYC and a great friend to sons the Junior program has been di- all who knew him and he continues to be vided into Beginner and Intermediate sorely missed. His enthusiasm, passion groups due to several of last season‟s for sailing and skill in retelling events from trainees returning to the Club for further the water will always be remembered by coaching. Sunday mornings are going to those who knew him. be very busy from now on with fourteen training boats and two inflatable coach Will Sharp boats on the water! Rear Commodore.
PARKING Please note that Bayside City Council has recently started a trial parking ban on Sunday mornings on Beach Road until 10am in order to accommodate the 9000 cyclists that use the road each Sunday. For those who do not wish to pay parking fees there is ample free parking available in Haydens Rd opposite the Club.
MERCHANDISE As many of you are now aware, there is a new BYC merchandise range now on offer. Currently the range is comprised of BYC stubby holders and BYC branded polo shirts in both a standard and a CoolDry style. Samples of sizes and styles are available. Please contact Will Sharp for more information (contact details p. 12)
60 YEARS STRONG For those who may not be aware, BYC was founded in 1950 and season 2010/2011 is the 60th season of the club. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of our wonderful history and I hope we‟re all here for the 70th season!
If the wind is fair If the wind is fair, if the wind is light, Our hulls and sails make a splendid sight. We laugh and grin (Though we sail to win) If the wind is light. If the wind is high, if the wind is strong, We bounce and we buck and we bubble along. Our smiles wear thin (Though we sail to win) If the wind is strong. But when itʼs a screaminʼ creamin‟ gale, Our grins are gone, and our hearts are frail. We stare at the sea And we sip our tea In a screaminʼ gale. Stephen Whiteside
he grand old hall of Beaumaris YC cuts a lonely figure in the depressing depths of winter. With no courageous souls braving chilly waters and out of control Minnows, no (as of now) ex Commodore giving the canteen ladies more lip than is sometimes appreciated, no rather assertive announcements that the imminent arrival of Narina will require a trailer to return it to the storage, and people to assist in this most manly and grunt laden of traditions. Luckily there is at least one Sunday in which the real soul of our great club, the members, return and fill its halls with cheer and slight undercurrents of Club Championship related tension. And the forecast for this Sunday didn‟t disappoint, plates of delicious finger food moving south from the kitchen around midday, tending to luscious casseroles and a more easterly tagine. A chance of silverware in the late afternoon. After another explosive AGM in which the excitement ran so high it caused many to wish they had come up with a better excuse for the afternoon, or an ear infection, certain personnel changes were announced. So with a near tearful final address as Commodore, Ian McHugh handed over the reins of this fine establishment to Bruce Fraser.
On to the sailing, and one thing soon became clear, Paul and Judy would have to lay off the grog or there was no way they would make it down the stairs under the enormous weight of recently acquired glasses and shields. Amongst the Hardies‟ sea of silver, stood the inaugural Roger Fagan Trophy for Club Championship Race 5, in honour of a man whose colourful personality and questionable boat maintenance will be sorely missed at BYC, but whose trophy, suitably, went to long time friends of Roger‟s. And of course Will Sharp didn‟t want to be left out of the fun, treating himself to a Club Championship Race trophy. However it wasn‟t enough to clinch the real chocolates; the Club Javelin Championship, going to Peter Sharp and his rather devilishly handsome crew, yours truly. The Hardies picked up the Club Pacer championship much to everybody‟s surprise.
Then the moment everybody came for, the Club Championship. Knuckles were white; respiration was put on hold, dummies stuffed unceremoniously into the more vocal of children, and Will Sharps voice hardened as he spat out the names of the glorious victors, as if the words truly were the bitter pills he had to Ian departs into Commodore retire- swallow, because those winment with his shiny new flag while ners were the Hardies. Will Bruce takes the helm and his rarely spotted skipper Michael came in second.
After lunch, the jamboree kicked into top gear and things started getting serious. Luckily, we found ourselves in safe hands. Will Sharp, as capable an MC as you are likely to find in a predominately Caucasian suburb with a low crime rate, guided us through the occasionally triumphant, sometimes embarrassing, always enthralling trophy presentation. With a voice that could make a wolverine purr and a penchant for giving himself awards, Will steered us through the best of times, and the worst of times. It certainly takes a skilled operator to paper over the lack of “Best Dancer” award, for which Rod Smith clearly thought he was a dead cert. Service awards were first up, those „top chicks‟ of the kitchen cleaning up yet again, and the eyes in the sky landed themselves some beverage receptacles also. Rescue boat crews and trainers alike landed some booty well.
This year‟s senior trainees didn‟t miss out on the chance to make that awkward trip to the front where you self consciously feel like you are swinging your arms too much, with the final awards going to Xafina Dendrinos and Warrick Sheppard. Xafina picked up the Shattock Women‟s trophy for a blistering start to her racing career, Warrick Sheppard likewise capped off a great first year of sailing by going home with a shiny new friend, the Hardie Perpetual Trophy. With the trophy table clear, the Hardie‟s table groaning and many regretting their second plate; the floors were swept, lights extinguished and car park emptied. We resigned our wonderful club to further months of watching over the strange practices of the elastically limbed, the Saturday evening revelries resulting in midnight telephone calls from Doctor Killjoy and hordes of dog walkers cackling with glee as they leave their dog‟s poop un-scooped.
CLUB CHAMPIONS Paul and Judy Haride - Limelight CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP - 2nd PLACE Michael and Will Sharp - Warren COMMODORE’S CUP Michael and Will Sharp - Warren BEAUMARIS YACHT CLUB CUP Di Angus and Olivia Jacobs - Viper KEVIN PETERSON TROPHY Paul and Judy Haride - Limelight SHARP PERPETUAL TROPHY Paul and Judy Haride - Limelight ROGER FAGAN PERPETUAL TROPHY Paul and Judy Haride - Limelight CLUB PACER CHAMPIONS Paul and Judy Haride - Limelight CLUB JAVELIN CHAMPIONS Peter and Lachlan Sharp - Razor DIVISION 5 HANDICAP WINNERS Dick and Jeanne Adair - Crossfire DIVISION 3 HANDICAP WINNERS Stephen and Tom Whiteside - Chianti HARDIE PERPETUAL TROPHY Warrick Sheppard BRUCE MCKITTERICK TROPHY Olivia Jacobs ROD MCCUBBIN PERPETUAL TROPHY Cam Bromley MIKE KENYON PERPETUAL TROPHY Will Sharp TOWER STAFF Mike Kenyon, Pam Sharp, Alec Halls CANTEEN STAFF Lorraine Fraser, Susan Sharp, Avril McHugh RESCUE BOAT TEAM Rod McCubbin (Race Officer), Lesley McCubbin, Ian Gallagher, Will Sharp TRAINING TEAM Paul Hardie, Thomas Ruether, Ian McHugh
A complaint was received from the Smith family regarding the dancing skills of Mr Rod Smith. The complaint stated that the reported skill level of Rod was incorrect and that it was due to his wife Charmaine‟s lead that Rod‟s skills were able to shine. Be that as it may, we here at The Reef believe Rod is a force to be reckoned with on the dance floor and regardless of who was actually leading, that man is poetry in motion.
n the last issue we looked at two-sail gybing. Now let‟s look at adding a spinnaker into the mix. For the purpose of this article I will run through the sequence of gybing a conventional parachute spinnaker (eg a Pacer spinnaker). Firstly, all the boat positioning, boat steering and handling and main and jib settings and controls are executed in exactly the same way as explained in my previous article. So now to the spinnaker. I‟ll also follow the same step sequence as the previous article to show where the spinnaker actions add onto the two-sail tasks.
Step 1: Preparing the bear-away to a run Crew tasks:
Step 3: Adopting the new course At this point the boat has successfully gybed and is still on a run. In heavy airs it is imperative to stay on the run and complete the spinnaker gybe before setting the course for the leeward mark. This will enable boat control to be maintained. In lighter airs a slightly higher course can be set to maintain boat speed but this will most likely be lower than the lay line to the next mark. If conditions permit, once the boom has gybed the skipper should stand in the boat with the tiller between knees and “play” the brace and sheet to keep the spinnaker set. This will:
Maintain boat speed
Square the pole and ease the spinna-
Reduce pressure in the rig and reduce
ker sheet to compensate (in a strong breeze it can be easier for the skipper to adjust the brace)
Take pressure off the pole and make
Fully retrieve and cleat the leeward barber hauler. Note this will increase the tension of the spinnaker leach so the sheet will need to be eased slightly at the same time to compensate.
Preferably cleat the spinnaker sheet (this frees hands and keeps the spinnaker set through the gybe).
Set the jib for the new tack. Skipper tasks:
Ensure the boat maintains full speed (surfing on a wave if there is enough breeze is a must).
Step 2: Through the gybe Adopt the same boat handling technique as for a gybe, without the spinnaker. The crew should also release the barber hauler cleat for the new gybe. There will be occasions where the boat loses speed through the gybe (drops off the plane). In a strong breeze and especially in large waves the best solution is to abort the gybe, settle down, reset everything and try again. Forcing an uncontrolled gybe usually ends up with an impromptu swimming lesson.
the risk of capsize; and
The inaugural race had just 9 starters. NSW-built Rani won taking 6 days 14 hours 22 minutes.
On the 30th anniversary of the race Kialoa III won in 2 days 14:36:56 a record which would stand for the next 21 years.
German-built Morning Glory took line honours and broke Kialoa III‟s long standing race record race record by just 29 minutes.
setting the pole to the new side easier. The crew then:
Stands in the boat, feet astride the centre board case (and if conditions are rough leaning against the back of the mast for support) draws through the spinnaker pole, attaches the beak to the new brace and reattaches the heel to the mast fitting.
Cleats the brace if the skipper has not already done so (if possible set up the brace cleat so the skipper can easily do this).
Mother Nature strikes when an extreme low pressure system in Bass Strait results in 85kt winds and 80 foot seas. Five boats sink and six sailors a tragically die. Of the 115 starters, only 44 make it to Hobart.
Nokia, a water ballasted Volvo 60 was the first boat in Sydney to Hobart history to claim line honours in under 2 days with a time of 1day 19:48:02.
Takes the sheet from the skipper. At this point the skipper can smoothly adopt a course to the next mark. Getting the spinnaker right is a great feeling. And the only way to do it is practise. And the best way to practise is not in a race. If you cannot practice on a non race day then leave the beach early (say 1 hour) and run through as many gybes as possible in the time available. Importantly when things don‟t seem to be working don‟t give up. Stop the boat and discuss the process together. You may find that there are slight technique modifications that need to be made to tailor the way you sail to the boat and its systems.
Wild Oats XI broke the six year record set by Nokia in 1999 to win in 1day 18:40:10, a record which stands to this day.
Wild Oats XI becomes the first boat in Sydney to Hobart history to claim line honours four years in a row.
Paul has been the BYC Training Principal for twelve years now and is only this season taking a step back from being the main man on the water. An accredited Yachting Australia (YA) Club Coach, Paul‟s organisation and dedication have been absolutely crucial to the success of the BYC training programs. In 2009 Paul was made a Life Member for his services to the training programs.
Thomas is a graduate of our very own Adult Training program and is now the coordinator and principal trainer for the Junior program. Thomas is an accredited YA Assistant Instructor and can usually be found on Sunday mornings up to his chest in water teaching children as young as nine how to sail.
Bruce has been a fixture of both the Adult and Junior programs for seventeen years. He has been actively involved wherever he is required and his tireless dedication to the programs is vital for their success. Even after a shoulder operation earlier this year and taking on the role of Commodore, Bruce will be out on the water every Sunday morning training the next generation of sailors.
Ian has been involved in the Adult Training program for four years now and last season went the extra mile when he began taking new sailors out in the afternoon to introduce them to club racing. A YA Assistant Instructor, Ian dedicates much of his Sunday to the training programs, only slowing down after racing has finished for the day.
Peter was a key member of the Junior program for fourteen years. After a seven year absence he returns in 2010/11 as an Instructor for the intermediate group (sailors who completed the adult program last season and are seeking further skill development). Peter is a YA Assistant Instructor and has been sailing for forty-three years with considerable success at both State and National level.
A regular feature in afternoon racing churning out the miles in his Sabre, few realise that Chris has usually spent the whole morning standing in chest-deep water catching errant boats and providing one-on-one tuition to young minds aboard the fleet of Club training Minnows. Another graduate of the BYC Adult program, Chris appears to be completely impervious to cold water and early mornings!
Our hardworking Secretary came through the Adult program just a few years ago but is already out assisting Thomas Ruether on Sunday mornings with the Junior program. Phil is an asset to the training programs as his passion for sailing certainly shows when teaching others. Like the other trainers, Phil spends most of his Sunday in a wetsuit – no sooner is training finished and Phil is plotting his conquest of the Pacer fleet in the afternoon racing...
A new face in the Adult program this season, Lachlan has been sailing competitively for 12 years and after recently achieving certification as a YA Assistant Instructor, he is very keen to get out there and pass on his knowledge. Sailing is his life and hopefully that enthusiasm will rub off onto the new sailors of season 2010/11!
Ones first sailing experience is can be a truly life changing event. It could to be likened to going on a first date; you‟re nervous, you don‟t know what to wear and you're not sure if it will appear presumptuous if you bring a wetsuit. Either way, it helps to have a steady hand to guide one through this heady time, which is why a quartet of current and future trainers headed down to Albert Park Puddle for the Yachting Australia Assistant Instructor Course. Ian McHugh, Thomas Ruether and Peter Sharp have been moulding trainees for quite some years, and this course was sure to provide some good ideas and techniques to assist in future tutelage. For that debonair young gentleman, Lachlan Sharp, it was sure to shed some light on the methods used to pass on his considerable knowledge. With enough PowerPoint slides to make one weak at the knees, many a topic was closely investigated, from safety procedures to course structures to teaching methods. The tutor for the day, Sean Hogan, had extensive experience in teaching people of all ages and abilities how to sail and how to teach others to sail. Using this considerable experience he bombarded the four from Beaumaris (among others) with knowledge bombs that came thick and fast until they were gasping for breath, weak at the knees and sweating in inappropriate places. From the debris of this knowledge carpet bombing rose not just four amateur sailors, no longer were they just ordinary men, no, from now on they would define themselves as Assistant Instructors. Gentlemen, the world awaits. Editor’s Note: A photo of Chris Neyland was unable to be supplied in time for printing so we used a photo of a man we think best represents him - that right, Sean Connery as James Bond circa 1967. The dashing good looks, cool head under pressure and general classiness best exemplifies our honourable Treasurer. The photo is also black and white, which just looks cool.
or the last twelve years I have had the privilege to run the Adult Training course at Beaumaris Yacht Club. This has been an extremely rewarding experience and it‟s satisfying to see the number of current Club members who have joined and maintained their membership of the Club as a result of undertaking the training courses. As background, the Club is a registered Yachting Australia Training Centre (YATC) and is accordingly certified to undertake formal Yachting Australia accredited courses. The requirements to maintain the YATC accreditation is significant as it requires specific qualifications for the Training Principal, National Coaching Council qualifications, Rescue Boat endorsements, Level 2 First Aid Certificate, Instructor and Club Coach qualifications, all of which need to be renewed annually. In addition to this the Club requires a minimum of two qualified Instructors and is audited annually by Yachting Victoria in regards to the Club systems, Risk Management program, training boats, rescue boats and general safety facilities. Over the years the Club has altered the way the Adult Training program is conducted. The formal syllabus for the “Get Into Small Boat Sailing” (GISBS) Yachting Australia course is for nine practical three hour sessions. The Adult Training program at BYC runs for almost the entire sailing season with nine formal practical sessions plus the balance of the season dedicated to further advanced training and introduction to racing. We have found through experience that the nine formal sessions are not sufficient to encourage beginners to buy boats and join in afternoon races. By undertaking this additional training as part of our course we have maintained far higher participation and retention rates than other training establishments. I have willingly taken care of most of the general requirements of maintaining the YATC accreditation and have been actively involved in most, if not all of the theory and practical training sessions throughout the years. I have had valuable assistance of a number of regular and
enthusiastic sailors such as Bruce Fraser, Ian McHugh and Mike Kenyon. In recent years, Ian has in particular, been a breath of fresh air as he has been down every Sunday and has been the main driving force in encouraging trainees to begin racing in the afternoon Club races. He has organised, nurtured and assisted many new sailors by sailing with them in the afternoon wherever possible at the expense of his own racing program and participation. The results speak for themselves. I will be less involved this season due to both work commitments over the summer period and a desire to lessen my load. I believe it is essential that the Adult and Junior (under the direction of Thomas) courses continue. I will continue to be the YATC principal and to be involved in the theory and practical sessions wherever I can, however to maintain the courses the Club will need additional help from members to assist those who will be undertaking the coaching. I understand our time is valuable and we all have family commitments, however one of the biggest chores for the Instructors is to ring around every week to entice other members to give up their Sunday morning to assist with training. Accordingly I encourage anyone who can spare the time to volunteer to assist with the training program on a regular or semi regular basis. Even if you are not prepared to go out sailing, there is a requirement each Sunday to assist the Instructors and ease their load by preparing the Inflatable Coach Boats including, getting them out of storage, fuelling them up, putting marks on board, getting and checking the radios etc or indeed simply assisting the trainees with rigging and general queries on the beach. So don‟t underestimate your ability to assist. If you race, you have more than enough experience and expertise to be of great value to the training program and to take some of the pressure off the Instructors. Please contact Ian McHugh, Bruce Fraser or myself. Paul Hardie.
ach year at the beginning of the season BYC holds several promotional displays at the Beaumaris Concourse shopping centre. The primary focus of these displays is to attract new people to the Club via the Adult and Junior training programs and general membership. This year the weather certainly was not on our side. Out of the four Saturday mornings we were going to hold displays, two ended up being two of Melbourne‟s wettest days in a decade so after a couple of cancellations, some diary-shuffling and much cursing of the weather we had two very successful Saturday morning displays on the 23rd of October and the 6th of November. While early starts are an accepted part of running these displays, the mornings are usually very pleasant affairs usually including a coffee or two, possibly a bit of hedgehog or other sweet temptation and a whole lot of chatter about sailing. The Concourse displays generally provide more than half of the members in the training programs making this the single most effective method of attracting new members conducted by the Club. However there is considerable effort required to set up and pack up the displays so any assistance is most welcome. Thanks to everyone who helped out at the displays including: Thomas Ruether, Bruce Fraser, Ian McHugh, Peter Sharp, Phil Connard, Warrick Sheppard, Paul Hardie, Susan Sharp, Mike Kenyon and Will Sharp. An honourable mention must also be made of Lachlan Sharp who came down to the first display having come straight from hospital just thirty hours after undergoing surgery to have his appendix removed. Mad that fella is, mad.
Years The length of time the Americaâ€&#x;s Cup was held by the New York Yacht Club the longest recorded winning streak in the history of sport.
The year the dominance of the American teams was broken at last by the men from Down Under. John Bertrand skippered Australia II to victory 4 - 3 over the Americans. The stranglehold was broken at last.
FACT: A rigid wing is far more efficient than a soft-sail rig. USA 17 reported that they hit 28 knots boat speed in a 10 knot reported wind speed.
o you know someone who is at a loose end on Sundays? Do they like powerboats? Are they interested in sailing? If so they might be the right person to join the BYC rescue boat team. BYC is always looking for adults to join our rescue boat team on a voluntary basis during club sailing on Sunday afternoons from October to April. Rescue boat work is an enjoyable, exciting and vital part of organised sailing on the bay and involves diverse and challenging situations in all types of weather conditions. No experience is necessary, our experienced team members will teach you all you need to know
about rescue boat operations, from simple activities such as the launching and retrieval of the boats to more challenging tasks such as laying courses, assisting boats in distress, towing other vessels and recovering sailors from the water. BYC will happily cover the costs for volunteers to attend Yachting Victoriaâ€&#x;s Powerboat Handling Course, Safety Boat Handling Course and Race Officer Course where appropriate. For additional information or if you have any questions please contact Will Sharp at or on 9878 1997.
Feet Height of the rigid wing that serves as a mainsail on USA 17, the winning boat in the 33rd America‟s Cup. The wing is 55% larger than that of an Airbus A380, making it the largest rigid wing ever constructed.
Difference in apparent wind direction for USA 17 between sailing upwind and downwind. That is, the boat is always sailing upwind with respect to the apparent wind.
Approximate number of hours taken to build USA 17 (not including construction time for mainsail wing)
FACT: During the first race of the 2010 America's Cup, USA 17 was able to sail faster than the Swiss defender Alinghi 5 without even using a jib.
remember when I learnt how to sail. It was through the BYC Junior Training program of 1995/96 and though I soon owned my own Minnow for use in the sessions (Minnow 622 which was then called Flying Fox and now belongs to Harry Jacobs via several owners in between) I have a very clear memory of sailing in a Minnow with the sail number 100 named Small Fry. I remember it mainly because it was the only boat I had ever seen that still had a wooden mast and boom... a mast and boom it retains to this day! After the male showers and toilets renovations of the previous two winters Dad and I were looking for something to keep us occupied (but on a somewhat smaller scale) over the winter months so we began to think about the training fleets. Initially we were thinking about refurbishing a Pacer but after a cursory inspection of the BYC Minnow fleet we realised that there were some more pressing matters to be addressed in the Minnow shed. Small Fry got lucky – it was the last boat into the shed and consequently the first one to come out and be loaded onto the trainer for a trip to the Sharp Shipyard.
DOING TIME As I‟ve been taught from early on, there‟s no point in a pretty paint colour if the proper preparation hasn't been done.
What began as a sand-fill-the-holes-andpaint exercise quickly became considerably harder as more and more issues arose that needed addressing. Firstly there was the perished ply on the bottom of the boat where a combination of paint deterioration, water damage and constant use had caused the ply to lose most of its structural rigidity. To counteract this we sheathed the bottom from the centrecase backwards with fibreglass (which required MUCH more sanding, prepping and filling...). then there were the gunwales that decided to part ways with the sides of the hull just before we were ready to paint, which required more glue and sanding... there were sections of the hull that had water damage and delayed work until they could be dried out... Mix all this in with severely deteriorated paint which had to be almost entirely removed prior to repainting and what began as a nice easy job became something much, much bigger!
Small Fry emerged into the September sunlight with a brand new yellow paintjob, new graphics, and a bright future.
So after months of sitting in the garage (I will admit, there were periods that lasted several weeks where nothing was done, anybody who has refurbished a boat will know the feeling when you honestly can‟t be bothered doing ANY more sanding!)
Will Sharp.
YELLOW PERIL Two pack automotive paint should ensure a relatively maintenance-free 10 years before requiring refinishing.
Despite the many hours of preparation spent on the boat, seeing the finished product on the beach and in use with the Junior Training program has made it all worthwhile. To know that a boat that has been around longer than I have has a secure future for the next decade at least is reward enough for the effort, but to know that the boat is being used to teach the next generation of sailors how to sail is even better. The end result is that the Club now has a virtually brand new boat for very little financial outlay. Thank you to those who donated through last season‟s Adopt-A-Boat scheme, your kind donations were used to fund this project. Hopefully this refurbishment will last another twenty years before needing to be re done!
FINISHED PRODUCT New paint job and graphics look the business!
Brand new ColourBond steel roof replacing the ailing original asbestos roof. This was the largest capital work commissioned by the club for many years and required the club to obtain a loan from the Bendigo Bank to do so. This loan is being serviced by the club and is expected to be paid off by 2018.
Over the winter break last year a small team of members virtually rebuilt the Minnow shed. This included restumping the whole building, new floor supports, many new wall studs, brand new cladding, new doors and a colourful paint job.
BEST: No longer do small parts of the roof make a break for the trees behind the club in a storm, and there are no leaks! WORST: A few teething issues including some drainage problems and a very protracted process to reinstall the flagpoles...
BEST: Our Minnows now have a home that doesn‟t look like a neglected garden shed and the door doesn‟t feel like it‟s going to fall off its hinges anymore. WORST: ... not much really, a very thorough job!
2008 AND 2010: SEWER CONNECTION After many years the troublesome sewer connection that ran up the hill behind the club, under Beach Road and off into the distance was abandoned and a new connection was run under the garden at the edge of the carpark to meet up with the public toilets at the far end. The sewer pump was also rebuilt at this time. In April 2010 the project was finished when the line from the pump to the pit was replaced which fixed continual pressure loss issues in the pump. BEST: No longer having to ask ourselves where the sewer line would fail next – it‟s now virtually maintenance free. WORST: Opening the sewer pit to investigate various line leaks and pressure losses – the smell was certainly not what you could call pleasant.
While not really a BYC capital work, there can be no doubt from those who remember the old expanse of dust, mud and rocks that the current carpark is a vast improvement. The major downfall with the revised design was that approximately one third of the space in the carpark was lost – a shame for late arrivals on sunny days! For those don‟t recall the pre-bitumen era, simply take a stroll down the beach and check out the carpark on the southern side of the teahouse... “Rustic” is the best way to describe it!
The racks in the main boat storage area were starting to look quite tired so over the course of two days a team of volunteers removed all the boats from the storage area, removed all the old racking and built new racks in their place. Now all second and third level racks have fulllength padded runners to protect the boats and aid in taking them in and out. These racks are a great improvement over the old ones which were mainly comprised of padded steel bars.
BEST: No more puddles on wet days, no more mud, no more “pebbles” the size of a fist... WORST: The huge loss of space forcing many people to park elsewhere.
BEST: The scraps from the old racks – 50 year old hardwood makes for fantastic firewood! WORST: The increased interest in storage with the new racks meant that storage of trolleys became (and still is) a bit of an issue...
2008 AND 2009: MENS
2006 saw BYC receive a complete refit of all the systems in the tower and the entire PA system throughout the club. Generous donations from Monash University enabled the club to install a network of new computers in the tower and the new PA system made life much easier for those in the tower. Upgrades to the club‟s internet connection meant that tower staff could keep real-time wind data from around the state available at a moment‟s notice, greatly enhancing the level of safety for sailors.
Over the course of the 2008 and 2009 winters the male toilets and showers got a thorough renovation including all new wall tiling, new shower fittings, new wall cladding, a false ceiling in the toilets area, new lighting, new basin and a whole lot of new paint. Overall there were more than 500 man hours put in over two winters including several full weekends (including Fridays nights...), lots of weeknights and a whole lot of swearing. BEST: The new look, a whole lot cleaner and brighter and less like Saddam‟s torture chambers. WORST: Chipping the old urinal step tiles off when the time came... The smell was completely unbelievable. Literally made the eyes water.
BEST: No longer having to wonder if anyone heard when making an announcement, the new electronic siren used for sound signals – awesome! WORST: Absolutely nothing, the new system is among the best operating in any club around the bay.
2006: JAVELIN STORAGE Storage of the growing fleet of Javelins began to pose a problem in 2005. In 2006 the committee decided to renovate the existing storage area at the southern end of the club to accommodate five Javelins. This involved moving the entire male changeroom wall north 400mm and building a platform area to store two boats with a further three on the floor. Thanks to many helping hands, the majority of the job was completed in one day with the final few tasks completed the day after. BEST: A previously wasted area that was only able to store two boats became a very well utilised and versatile space that currently holds three Javelins, two sea kyaks and an Impulse. WORST: The mammoth effort involved in relocating the changeroom wall... nowhere near as easy as we had all hoped! The end result is well worth it though.
Completed as a part of the roof replacement project the club decided to repair some problematic areas on the exterior of the clubhouse. The external cladding above the wet deck windows was replaced, the Ron Richardson Room balcony was inspected for structural integrity and the railing painted and the underside of the eaves above the Ron Richardson Room balcony was repaired and painted. These projects, while overshadowed by the roof replacement, were crucial to the upkeep of the building.
While not a capital work as such, the purchase of two new trailers for the rescue boats was certainly a large investment by the club. Priced at almost $5,000 each, these two trailers replaced their two 15 year old rust-ridden predecessors over the course of three seasons, the second trailer arriving less than a week prior to the 2008/09 Javelin Nationals at BYC.
BEST: being able to go onto the Ron Richardson Room balcony and know you won‟t fall off!
WORST: The new trailers are considerably harder to drive the Rescue Boats onto at the end of the day – the old trailers had a reasonable margin of error where they would correct where the boat sat, whereas the new ones have to be hit almost perfectly.
WORST: the importance of these projects is completely overshadowed by the roof replacement – without this work the exterior of the building would look pretty ordinary.
BEST: No longer having to worry about how much longer the trailers will hold up with a 1.5 tonne boat sitting on them.
our sailing days and not a blowout! One can speak too soon, of course, but our early bird sailors have enjoyed good weather and great surveillance (at the time of press we have had one blowout but still much better than last season - Ed.). Almost one on one in fact,
counting tower staff and rescue boat crews. We can look after a lot more of you, so please dust off that lonely boat waiting patiently in storage and take it for a trip around the buoys in the Sunday sun. A warm welcome to new members. If you have sailed before joining us we look forward to getting to know you and seeing you on the water on Sunday afternoons. If you have questions, anyone you can see will help: the duty officer - easily identifiable by his/her quite fetching orange top - sailors rigging boats, members making our delicious lunchtime rolls in the canteen and right at the top of the stairs, whoever is in the tower. So don't wonder, ask! Welcome also to all our trainees, both firsttimers and those returning from previous seasons. The tower keeps its eye on you too, and for those sailing outside the reef is in radio contact with your rubber duck escort. From that stage we hope you all progress to afternoon racing. Not only will you enjoy the experience and improve your
skills, you'll be able to take part in the aftersailing review of what you did and didn't do over dim-sims! Don't watch the top sailors and feel you are not good enough to join in - that's how they started off. And they'll all be happy to offer tips and advice.
Commodore Bruce Fraser
If you're a Sharp you sail. Simple as that. Young Ruben was recently noticed trying out the skipper's position in Warren, just so he grows-up with the right ideas!-And he already has-a-Minnow, probably for about season 2017-2018. He only has to decide whether he'd like a red stripe or a yellow one.
Secretary Phillip Connard
Christmas will be here before we know it, and with our ever-increasing number of very junior juniors the white whiskered gentleman will have a busy afternoon on the last sailing day before the holidays. Last year he arrived by rescue boat - something not to be missed if you have young children. So now the tower goes back to work, and although it is a little early, wishes you a happy Christmas and a great New Year. And to those members awaiting exam results, we hope they are all good and that next year you'll be doing whatever you have chosen. Pam and Mike.
Rear Commodore Will Sharp
Treasurer Chris Neyland Membership Susan Sharp Committee Paul Hardie, Peter Sharp, Thomas Ruether
Training Paul Hardie, Thomas Ruether, Ian McHugh, Bruce Fraser, Peter Sharp, Phil Connard, Chris Neyland, Lachlan Sharp
Webmaster Phil Connard
Contact: Email: P.O. Box 16, Black Rock Vic 3193 Phone 03 9589 6222
Vice Commodore Ian McHugh Editor Will Sharp
Email: Ph: 03 9878 1997
Contributors $2900 ONO CONTACT: LES SHARP 9589 5914
Bruce Fraser, Pam Sharp, Paul Hardie, Lachlan Sharp, Stephen Whiteside, Peter Sharp.