3 minute read
Even the Wise Get It Wrong
The controversial story of Bathsheba and King David reveals even the wise can get it wrong. King David, mentioned in the Bible as a man highly favored and after God’s own heart-simply got it wrong. Multiple errors were made when he was overwhelmed by unbridled lust and temptation when gazing upon his most elite and loyal soldier’s wife, Bathsheba, bathing on the roof top not too far from the palace. Instantaneously, King David strategized not only on how to sleep with her but on how to murder Uriah after their rendezvous produced a son and ultimately making her his wife and favorite wife. Ladies and fGentlemen, David’s eyes got him in trouble. Your sight and « sight » can cause you to make errors every single time in life. As a result of David taking his focus off of God, losing his rhythm and momentum with God, sin seamlessly and swiftly crept in the form of adultery, lying, deceit, manipulation, pride, murder and an innocent death occurring
Sin will cause you to lose all sense of self and reason when wanting to acquire what you have been secretly desiring. Under the tutelage of my Bishop, he taught, leave it alone if you have to utilize the devil tactics… you do not want the price that comes with the compromise(s) made. Consequently, in David’s stance, because he gave in to his desires and allowed his emotions to supersede his reason and momentarily break his covenant with God, he and Bathseba’s 7 day old son died …which the Lord permitted. Learn early and/or now that sin…your sin does not only affect you-it affects others too…sometimes the innocent. Sin is a deadly game of Russian Roulette. Case in point, as Uriah is fighting a battle, the spotting of Bathsheba on the rooftop occurs. When Bathsheba and King David’s adulterous act occurs and she becomes pregnant is when Uriah loyalty causes him to have to be killed. After battle, he does not return home at all but instead guards the King’s gate. The plot to have Uriah on the front line to be killed during battle is to give the greenlight on the pregnancy (an explanation) in order for King David to take her as his wife due to his death (an honorable act for such an elite soldier). Uriah’s discipline was known of; resulting in him not leaving his post to go home. So, her pregnancy…this controversy…if truth was released…would not sit well-at all!
I know this comes off as a good episode for SNAPPED...the church edition to say the least but King David’s story teaches God is a gentleman in that He will not force or thrust upon His will. He exudes chialer and permits us to make Our own décision(s). He will Never stop us from doing something or some things we want to do because it is our will in warning to do it. It is discord afterwards, if in fact, the wrong will was followed. Check your heart daily. Search it to see if your emotions, desires and will(s) align with God. However, being after God’s own heart, King David knew he got it wrong and repented and fasted and as a result, God blessed King David and Bathsheba with a son that will be known as the wealthiest and wisest king in the world-King Solomon. So, two wrongs can make a right only when you admit the wrong and allow God to then forgive the wrong which is then right.
Therefore, in all errs made, repentance allowed grace and mercy to be given because even the wise can get it wrong…but corrected!