3 minute read
Speeding Speeding Speeding Speeding By: Xiomara Eve Montalvo
We all know that a yellow light does not mean speed up, right? Maybe? No? Okay good neither do I, but according to the traffic laws of the land a yellow light does in fact signify caution because the light is about to turn red. We all know that red means GOOOO. I am simply jesting. Red obviously means to come to a stop. There are moments though that the gas peddle slips, possibly due to the driver (cough cough), and our speed may reach 10 to 20 miles over the speed limit. The reality of this matter is that the higher the speed traveled, the greater the distance needed to come to a complete stop. Sometimes we as drivers underestimate the speed and ignore the cautionary yellow light and as a result we run a red light while trying to slow down. What happens next? The inevitable. The consequence to breaking a traffic law is some sort of ticket. Speeding tickets are not cheap either. If we run more than one red light the consequences also become worse and with time a license can potentially be suspended.
Similar to the analogy above, there are times in life that we know exactly what we should be doing, how to do it, and even when to carry it out. Then, more often than not, we choose to mess it all up by either doing the opposite or not doing it at all. We know we need to replenish the oils and gasoline in the car because if not the car will not work. With enough neglect the car, in its totality, can become problematic. We know that we have to make it to work in order to make money so that we can provide for ourselves and our families. If we are not responsible with work then we could be out of a job altogether. Then we fall behind on everything in life. It’s things like this that we just know we should do and maintain. Then why is it that there are times that we refuse? We deliberately fight against the expectation knowing well the consequence that follows. What do we gain from such an act?
Moses did the exact same thing while traveling in the desert with the people of Israel. After traveling in the heat, the people grew thirsty again after God had already provided water via the smacking of a rock executed by Moses and his staff. This time around, God commanded Moses to simply talk to the rock and the water will come gushing out of it. Then the thirst of the people will be quenched. Moses knew what he had to do. Moses was always one to be close with God and constantly in His presence. All Moses had to do was obey. Instead, he let the restless defiance of the people affect him and in turn Moses smacked the rock instead of speaking to it. In His mercy, God blessed the people with water regardless, but there were consequences. God told Moses because of his disobedience he could no longer travel into the promised land of milk and honey. Moses got a speeding ticket that cost him going into the Promise Land. Take a moment and let that sink in. Think about everything Moses went through up until this point:
- First some Pharoah tries to kill him, and others, while he was a baby. -Then he was raised as an Egyptian prince, to be sent out on the run. -Ends up hiding out of the palace in the nearby rural lands for years -He faces God through a burning bush -Then has to confront Egyptian royalty again to set God’s people free. -Cue the plagues, and 40 years wandering in the desert.
Yet, due to some thoughtless action it costed Moses his way into God’s promise. Just like crossing a red light due to speeding costs us hundreds of dollars and maybe even the capability of driving. What if Moses hadn’t hit the rock the second time? What if he obeyed? Where would the people be today? How would History be rewritten?