Identify the Level of Dry Hair Home Remedies • Health and Beauty Care
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Identify the Level of Dry Hair Home Remedies September 22, 2017 (https://beautycareathome.com/identify-the-level-of-dry-hair-home-remedies/)
Patricia (https://beautycareathome.com/author/abdullah-2/)
Identify the Level of Dry Hair Home Remedies • Health and Beauty Care
In most cases, dry hair home remedies is due to lack of natural hydration, but there are also other factors such as hereditary, external aggression, food and stress. According to a study by L’Oreal Paris, 32% of Argentine’s have this problem. However, it does not a ect all equally. We tell you what the signs that you should be aware are and give you some tips to combat them. Do not miss it! The cuticle is the outer layer of hair, when it is healthy, forms a smooth surface, feels so , glows and reflects light. In contrast, when the cuticles are slightly open, the texture of the hair is rougher. Luckily, the solution is easier than it seems: incorporate moisturizing products into your hair care routine and avoid overuse of dryers and sheets (a little bit is allowed). Are you going to try it?
Di cult to comb and with frizz frizz As we said, the main cause of dry hair is that the sebaceous glands act unbalanced and do not properly lubricate the entire fiber. The bad new? The lack of moisture and frizz o en go hand in hand. Here’s a tip: use an oil treatment to discipline and moisturize your hair. Before long, you will notice a BIG di erence.
The big problem: the tips The open tips indicate a higher level of dryness, but they are not all the same either. If your hair bifurcates in 2 sections, for example, you are in time to repair it e ortlessly, you only have to choose hair products that help you close the cuticle. On the contrary, if it is divided into 3 or more parts, you should take urgent action. We recommend suspending the iron and aggressive chemical treatments, at least for a while. In addition, in this case, the oils can also be your great allies and you can use them at any time of the day. Discover it >> Oil treatments are for ALL hair types, we tell you why! (http://beautycareathome.com/oil-treatments-are-for-all-hair-types-we-tell-you-why/)
Porosity Stretch your hair and run your fingers over it, what is its texture? If it is very rough, with knots and feels sandy, you went to the next level. It is likely that the cuticles are too open and as a result, your hair looks dull and lifeless. What is the solution? You will need to moisturize and nourish it in depth. For that, capillary treatments with floral extracts may be a good choice. https://beautycareathome.com/identify-the-level-of-dry-hair-home-remedies/
Identify the Level of Dry Hair Home Remedies • Health and Beauty Care
Fragile and brittle In the most extreme cases, the hair breaks when combing, loses its flexibility and produces the so-called “chewing e ect”. Hey? The e ect what …? To understand what it is, try stretching a small lock, when you release it shrinks and puckers? If so, your hair may be asking for help. Make treatments frequently, let it rest for a while and use oils to protect it from heat and external aggression. Have you identified the level of dryness of your hair? Tell us what it is and encourage you to put these tips into practice! It may interest you: “Did you know all these uses of hair oil? Discover them! »
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