Simple Remedies to Get Rid of Nail Fungus • Health and Beauty Care
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Simple Remedies to Get Rid of Nail Fungus August 14, 2017 (https://beautycareathome.com/simple-remedies-to-get-rid-of-nail-fungus/)
James Patricia
To get rid of nail fungus, it is very important to use ingredients that alter their proliferation. They should be applied every day until the condition disappears. Onychomycosis, which is the name of the condition that causes fungus on nails, is a condition that a ects nails that involve lesions or that are frequently exposed to moist environments. https://beautycareathome.com/simple-remedies-to-get-rid-of-nail-fungus/
Simple Remedies to Get Rid of Nail Fungus • Health and Beauty Care
Among the fungus species that produce them most is Candida, which proliferates on the nail layers by increasing their size and causing color changes. When they occur in a mild way, they o en go unnoticed for many because of the lack of symptoms. However, this can develop and cause pain or even loss of nails. Fortunately, there are a series of natural solutions that speed up their recovery and improve their appearance. In this article we will share with you 6 simple remedies so that you can apply them on your nails as soon as you su er from fungal infections. Try!
1.Apple vinegar and hydrogen peroxide Apple vinegar The combination of apple vinegar and hydrogen peroxide creates a powerful antifungal remedy that eliminates fungus on the nails of the hands and feet. Its properties are supplemented by 90% alcohol, an antibiotic and antiseptic agent that fights thousands of varieties of microorganisms. Ingredients ¼ cup apple vinegar (62 mL) ¼ cup hydrogen peroxide (hydrogen peroxide) (62 mL) 2 spoonfuls of 90% alcohol (20 ml) How to do? Put all the ingredients in a glass container, shake it and let it sit for several hours. Once the time has elapsed, soak a piece of cotton in the product and rub it on the nails several times a day. Carry out this each day also you will obtain outcome very soon.
2.Garlic to get rid of nail fungus Garlic is one of the most e ective natural antimicrobial for the treatment of fungal infections on the nails to To get rid of nail fungus. It can be applied directly, but it can also be put into a foot bath. https://beautycareathome.com/simple-remedies-to-get-rid-of-nail-fungus/
Simple Remedies to Get Rid of Nail Fungus • Health and Beauty Care
Ingredients 10 cloves of garlic 2 cups water (500 mL) How to do? Crush the 10 cloves of garlic and pour them into a saucepan with two cups of water. Bring to a boil and let the decoction for 3 or 5 minutes, and remove. When it is a supportable temperature, put the feet in it for 20 minutes. Repeat the process 3 times a week.
3.Natural yogurt Yoghurt-kind-500×334 Natural yoghurt contains active cultures of bacteria that alter the environment that fungal infections need to proliferate. Ingredients ½ cup plain yogurt (120 g) 1 brush How to do? Using a clean brush, apply a generous amount of natural yoghurt on the a ected nail. Allow to dry and remove excess with a damp cloth. Repeat the remedy every day, up to three times a day. Remember that you can also add yogurt to your diet, so that its probiotics strengthen your defenses and prevent other types of fungal infections.
4.Tea tree essential oil
Simple Remedies to Get Rid of Nail Fungus • Health and Beauty Care
Tea tree essential oil is a product widely used in the treatment of external microbial infections. Its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties stop the growth of mycoses and improve the condition of the nails. Ingredients 3 drops of tea tree essential oil 1 piece of cotton How to do? Apply drops of tea tree oil to the a ected nail, and then spread out well using cotton. It is good to use a 100% concentration so that the results can be seen in a few days. Use until the nail is completely healthy.
5.The Vicks VapoRub Vicks Vapo Rub-500×333The Vicks vaporub is an ointment used in the treatment of many symptoms of respiratory diseases. What few people know is that it also has antimicrobial qualities that promote the recovery of nails infected with fungal infections. Ingredients Vicks VapoRub 1 bandage How to do? Apply the Vicks VapoRub on the a ected nail with a bandage.A er 6 hours, apply fresh VapoRub and cover. Follow the same process until you notice the changes. We recommend you read: 5 Essential Nail Care Tips (http://beautycareathome.com/5-essential-nailcare-tips/)
6.Salt https://beautycareathome.com/simple-remedies-to-get-rid-of-nail-fungus/
Simple Remedies to Get Rid of Nail Fungus • Health and Beauty Care
In addition to its culinary uses, salt is an ingredient with anti fungal properties that can be used as a remedy to eliminate fungal infections. Ingredients 1 spoonful of salt (5 g) 5 drops of lemon How to do? Moisten the salt with a few drops of lemon and apply directly to the a ected nail. Let stand for 30 minutes and rinse. Repeat every day. These simple home remedies inhibit the growth of fungal infections to prevent nails from deteriorating. Be aware that in all cases, the results will be observed if these remedies are used continuously.
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