Massage therapy in san diego improves your health

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Massage Therapy in San Diego Improves Your Health

Massage helps physical changes in your body: ď ą The relaxation response, which is an instinctive, yet expectable response of the nervous system to massage methods and touch. ď ą Mechanical responses, which are effects that happen in our body when pressure is applied to the lenient tissues.

Using tissue manipulation techniques, massage decreases strain and exhaustion, while improving blood circulation. Depending on the elegance of massage, methods may include fondling, kneading, rocking, patter etc.

San Diego Massage therapy might help the body in numerous different ways. Massage can relax muscle tissue, which decreases the nerve density, increase joint space and motion. This can reduce the pain and improve the function.

Massage therapy is also supposed to persuade a relaxation response, which lowers the pulse rate, breathing rate, and blood pressure; increases the immune system; and usually decreases the stress.

Contact Us 3282 Governor Drive, San Diego, CA, 92122 Phone: (858) 457-0191 Fax: (858) 457-0378 Visit

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